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Posts posted by Peripa

  1. I agree about Topaz. She just isn't very likeable. I don't, however, have any problem with the prize promos, as Slice is a small network and frankly, I'm surprised they managed to get as big of a prize as there is. If $100,000, new car and a furniture spree is nothing to you, lucky you.

    I'm pretty happy that Slice brought BB to Canada, so I'm not holding the fact that they aren't CBS against them. And I think Arissa is doing a good job. She's friendly and has a good sense of humour.

  2. I like how he is always going on about Tom being a liar, evil etc. Let's review this:

    Tom put up Suz and Gary for eviction. He told them both at the time he's gunning for Suz ( honest) he told Gary he's a pawn ( honest), and he'll play for veto to take him off, and he did. Then BB screwed the game with Canada's choice, yada yada yada...

    Gary told Tom he wouldn't put him up (lie), told him he wasn't the target (lie) told him he'd play veto for Tom (lie) and never took him off but continued to lie to his face saying he was safe while telling all the HGs he wanted a 9-0 vote to get Tom out. He didn't even want to let Emmett give him a sympathy vote.

    So who's evil again?

    need more?

    How about the whole fake task Gary made up to get the HGs to his HOH room to party? Telling them he failed the task after getting everyone's hopes up, leaving all the have nots thinking they just missed out on a chance to eat. How evil is that? Then he laughs about it while telling Suz and Topaz and insted of coming clean and apologizing to the HNs he tells Suz and Topaz to never mention it again. What a stand up guy that Gary is ;)

    I agree that what you say is true, except maybe the insinuation that anyone there is evil. The thing is, for me, I'm more of a fan of a game-player. I like a good, sneaky bitch.



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