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Everything posted by BuderfIyFairy16

  1. ill be the big 2-0 in mid september!!! been watching BB since the first season!!!! LOVE THEM ALL can't get enough of them!!!
  2. I STILL CAN'T SEE ANYTHING..........what else is going on???
  3. YAY i made it on morty's page with my 2 videos!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO hooray for me!!!! haha this should go here but yaya im excited
  4. 7:19am BBT lights are on....no movement since ive been watching
  5. eric walked by!!! i saw the bald head hahah
  6. tall guy in a grey shirt walked by....not sure who...couldn't see their face long brown haired girl walked by a little while after--ivette, jennifer or sarah
  7. im not seeing much going on although my feed is choppy and stops and goes ALOT....not sure whats wrong with it... the HG's might still be sitting on the couches
  8. im seeing alot of people infront of the silver wall!!!! ya they are probably in there now........ive been debating if they were the past few days.....last year i bought the live feed about 2 weeks after bb5 started i think so im new to this before bb6 starts!!!! im having fun with this...whenever something happens i run and tell somebody!!! haha my family is getting sick of it!!! but hey i have no life when BB is on!!! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYBODY!!!!!!
  9. not much has been going on in the BB house...well around the fish tank!!! not much activity....kinda boring....lovely fish though!!!
  10. there are a few people walking around and sitting in the "sitting" area
  11. my real player is so messed up....the video is paused but it still keeps counting....and i can't stop it from happening so i dont know whats going on
  12. they put a yellow and blue light in the tank i think.....
  13. what are they doing........they are going to kill them all!!!!!!!!!! putting them under stress and moving the stuff around!!!!!!!!!! hellooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP IT WITH THE FISH ALREADY........PUT THEM BACK IN!!!!! they took at least 6 or 7 that ive seen so far but probably more!!!!
  14. im sorry for the swearing but..................WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY TOOK 3 FISH OUT OF THE TANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE THEY DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im trying to get all this on video for you guys....
  15. 1AM....im off to bed!!!i need to train myself to go to bed late and wake up early!!!! soon to be.... 4am bed time and 9am wake up!!!! GOOD NIGHT ALL!!! report some good things tonight....
  16. ya thats def. NOT a person i think its a leak in the camera....and what you think a hand waving is is another plant under the light just moving with the water!!!
  17. alot of people have been walking by the fish tank for the past maybe 10 mins...
  18. still nothing going on that i can see in the house....i went to the fish store to look for some for my tank!!! they had 2 yellow tang and they were $40 each!!!! YIKES..... 1 reason i dont have salt water fish!!! too expensive
  19. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOORAY!!!!!!!!!! ITS BACK!!!! they probably turned the fish tank light off....most likely there are people in front of the tank!!!
  20. ya i think the black spots on the left were plants infront of the light...thats kinda what it looked like.... and maybe... they just turned the light off on the tank b/c you can't keep it on 24/7 really...you can but i wouldn't so that could be another reason why its black!! did you notice the Big Brother 6 Be Right Back sign was blinking?
  21. i said that the water was prolly leaking!!! and thats most likely what happened...i just woke up and came down to check on the cam but its black now some im rewinding to see what happened
  22. hahhahahah good idea!!! i love that idea....i dont read the books but i watch the movies instead....it would take me too long to read them but i might actually get one soon possible....i need to finish the series im reading now!!! ((a series of unfortunate events...im on book 10 of 11or12))
  23. i had a fish i named bubble and it died from other fish attacking it



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