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Posts posted by gizzmotor

  1. That second poll is difficult considering all the scuttlebutt I've been reading on the internet on all those topics. An all new cast will be fabulous. The possibility of having an all new house design(thanks to replacing all the cameras) is long overdue. Seeing if they can actually come up with a new twist never used in the U.S. until now. Finding out the price for the feeds since they are switching to CBS Interactive. We already know about BBAD and how it's going to be different from the Showtime version.

    Soooooo it makes it very hard to choose just one this year. :laugh4:

    i so agree with you, about the second question

  2. Like Ian, and he is playing smart, but I think the quack pack are tired of him not wanting any blood on his hands....I agree with them its time for Ian to man up, and make a move or he is going to get voted out. They are only going to protect him for so long, and realize once they get rid of Boogie, Ian might not be as useful to them anymore.

  3. Boogie is pond scum, plain and simple, I wasn't a big Donato fan either, but this isn't his thread nor is he on the game so I don't really see how it applies.

    All I know is that when Boogie walks out the door on Thursdy I will be cheering, and if Grodbeast EVER puts that d** che on my tv again, I will hunt her down.

    I agree with you!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand to listen to him and Frank any longer!

  4. Me too! Send frank home and then boogie. Quick question: did frank let the have not girls sleep in his bed?? seemed like on bbad that was being whispered about. Thanks in advance for an answer.

    I think they have to send Boogie or Frank home or they will walk to the final 2.

  5. No surprised AG has always had a hand in manipulating the game.....I am a big Dan fan too, but this has got to be a huge blunder for Dan...What I don't understand is that I have heard, or read anything that the other HG will change their vote and kick out Frank....Which now I hope they do.

  6. I gained a lot of respect for dan last night, when he stayed outside to watch the final three supporting them all the way...Way to go DAN

    While some of the others, thought to take care of their own needs first....They really showed their true colors to me, as to what kind of people they are.



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