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Everything posted by potterzklay

  1. one end of the yard, howie is giving housegust names of former house guest that they act or look like. on the other end, eric and james are strategizing.
  2. Eric keeps saying the money isn't important....he could walk out....we don't see him leaving, so it must be of some importance....
  3. Discussion still on people not being safe...seems they are looking for paranoia (sp?) to run big in the house now.... The discussion group keeps growing more and more.
  4. LOTS of sexual harassment talk concerning Michael and him hitting a wall....BB probably not happy with all this, lots of fish time.
  5. Lots of fish sightings tonight, lots of talk about personal lives so the people are beginning to open up more about the outside world...only lasts about 1-2 minutes each time
  6. James came outside with the other guys at teh smoking table and said this was a going away dinner...Eric then sadi "Good-bye b****"...Seems the vote is in stone now....
  7. Mike just got out of the hammock and dumped two ladies on the ground! ~laughing~ it was a great moment! I am still not used to names of the ladies, so I can't really say who they were...I think one was janelle.
  8. The secret room can be seen in the bedroom now!
  9. Hey, just saw a guy vaccuuming....not sure if the houseguests vaccuum...think they are getting ready for the big debut



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