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Everything posted by Bigbrofan8288

  1. Janelle James and Rachel talking around the outside table They all want to win HOH really bad James says that he would rather see Janelle win it because everyone would just start packing their bags whereas if he wins they will just suck up to him James: I feel like a fat bastard right now (after going in to get more food) Someone is going to make a cake for Maggie's Dave Howie just called Rachel April...and Rachel is saying how everyone calls her April...and April just steps outside and says that everyone calls her Rachel...basically people dont know the different between April and Rachel April just comes out for a smoke
  2. Howie thinks this veto competition will have no winner James tells Kaysar and Janelle that April ratted them out (i did not catch on what) 1:58 bbt competition still no started
  3. Maggie called to the DR .. competition soon to start
  4. Janelle and Kaysar talking in the bedroom Kaysar: Maggie called me an 'unsensitive emotionless block' Janelle asks when Kaysar replies "twenty minutes ago"...he seems irritated over what she said Janelle does not offer any comforting words to Kaysar or any attacks at Maggie...I think she is in the zone for the veto comp Both are now lying on separate beds in silence..still waiting for the competition to begin
  5. Janelle ends up not wearing the bandanna Janelle: I'm just not feeling it (refers to bandanna) All other HGs except Janelle, Howie, and Maggie (in DR possibly) sitting around the kitchen table talking about snow and rain and how to drive during the different weather conditions...Sarah has the most to give in the conversation
  6. Maggie and Beau talking in the storage room Maggie is talking about how she is hearing talk of how James should stay and Kaysar should go Beau is saying how James went against the group last week and he cannot come back in There is talk about how Kaysar is being so lax before the competition and how he thinks he is a sure thing to stay...how he has all the votes for him to say except Sarah's Talk about how Rachel is a big threat but how Maggie cannot put Rachel up because she wants to make sure she'll be evicted They're talking strategy abou the veto competitioni and different ways of insuring that they will win veto There is talk of the face morphing veto comp last season and how Maggie will not be good at that stuff
  7. Houseguests prepping in the bathroom getting ready for the veto competition
  8. yes i just saw beau also but you beat me to posting the news haha
  9. This HOH is big...eric must be put upp..anybody have any predictions who will win HOH and if any houseguest that gets it will put Eric on the block?
  10. okay i have a little rant so far about this season...i think james is the new jase trying to stir a lot crap up and being overly cocky..kaysar worries too much...why did they cram everything into one episode tonite...why didnt they do the opening credits..gah...someone reply



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