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Posts posted by bella

  1. Rachel leaves and tells Jen Maggie is ready to talk to her (Jen is the one that rang the doorbell). Jen says she's not ready now.

    It sounds like BB provided costumes for the HG's during the food comp today.

    April asks BB to play Usher's "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" tomorrow morning.

    BB: Kaysar, please go to the DR.

    Beau: Kaysar's coming out of the closet.


    April just broke the skirt (on the hottub?) by just sitting on it.

    Beau tells Howie he has a flat butt. Howie says he has a nice ass. Beau says he has a pale butt. Howie says 'You tan naked?" Beau says "I don't have to tan. Hello, I'm black. Duh."

    Howie says Beau is drunk and Beau says he's not, this is his first glass of wine. Howie tries to tell Beau that they would be a good match if they were both drunk. When they're sober there's too much suspicion . . . (he goes on to use a bunch of made up words and his description is imposible to write because it made NO since.) Howie tries to get Rachel to let him give her a rub down, with some "nudidity" (pronounced new-did-ity).

    James tells Sarah that Ivette will look after her if he has to leave the house.

  2. Jen says that Jamie Lee Curtis was born a hermaphrodite and that her parents decided to have the male part removed, but that she could have gone either way.

    April's talking about people that have 3 or 4 nipples and sometimes the extra is on their back.

    April: I feel so special and I don't like to feel that way.

    BB:Ivette, please put on your microphone.

    Ivette: No, I'm gonna go shower. What's the big deal? I'm talking loud.

    James: Ivette I think this is number 6 today. (BM's)

    Ivette: I wish I could be like that.

    Sarah waits a minute and then goes to the bathroom door and says "plop . . . plunk . . . squirt."

    Rachel: Today's competition, I had the best time with it. I just had so much fun today.

    Then the cams switch to April and Beau outside (better than fish).

    April: James is working it. He's making me feel so horrible.

    Beau: James needs to leave.

    Beau: Come here lover (to Kaysar).

    April: I just want to like throw up.

    Kaysar: If I throw up, I don't mean any disrespect.

    Raachel & Maggie in HOH:

    Maggie: It's so important for you guys not to use it (POV). I'm functioning under the assumption that as long as you guys aren't on the block you're happy.

    Rachel: Of course. I would never use that veto. Never. I know for a fact Howie won't either.

    Doorbell. (I didn't know the HOH room had a doorbell!!)

    Maggie asks if she knows how anyone else feels about the veto. Rachel doesn't. Maggie asks whether she's going to compete. Rachel says she will if she's asked to. She wouldn't have any qualms. She would also fight like hell to keep it the same.

    Maggie: I think your an incredible player and I think you see things that I don't.

    Rachel: I think your a much better player. That just says how much we think about each other. I would like to know whether you're planning on asking me so I could prepare myself.

    Maggie: I don't really know.

    Rachel: I'll just prepare myself either way. As far as everyone else I don't know anything.

  3. Beau sings "For she's a fabulous diva." April says she is so not a diva. They joke that the cake is called a "Mag pie." Maggies asks if it tastes like it's missing any ingredients. She says she didn't measure anything out. She started to but then overflowed the cup so just decided to eyeball it.

    Kaysar's b-day is on Aug 10th.

    Maggie's b-day is on the 14th.

    Everyone moved to the table to eat their cake and ice cream.

    April: (to Howie) You know you cannot be a meteorologist and talk the way you talk.

    Howie: I know, I'll clean it up.

    BB: Howie, please go to the DR.

    Howie: One more bite BB. . . BB, I'm coming, I'm coming.

    The cake was a surprise. Maggie wanted BB to keep April into the DR. Since they didn't she told April that Beau needed to talk to her in the gym. That's when Beau made up that Kaysar had come out of the closet. He just made it up on the spot right there.

  4. Howie's b-day is Jan 7th.

    April is told to close her eyes. The guys lead her into the kichen w/ her eyes closed. Rachel says to make a wish and they show her the cake. They have a cig? as a candle. They sing to her-we get fish. April says "Thank ya'll so much. This means the world to me." April picks vanilla ice cream to go with her cake. (They don't have any icing).

    Maggie made the cake-it's sugar cookie oatmeal crumb cake. April says it's good. Others say mmm. Kaysar says "it looks crummy." (Haha). Jan says it tastes like pound cake.

  5. Ivette did something to April's face-put 31 or something on it. April is also wearing a foil crown. She is 31 years old today.

    April: How sweet are ya'll?

    Beau told April that Kaysar just came out of the closet to him. (It was a joke).

    Howie won't take medication unless he's really miserable. This am he popped 2 Advil.

    Ivette is naseaus. She says she's really sad. Howie said her eyes are really sexy - they are puffy and he likes them like that. She's sad that cappy is gone because she used to talk to him about life-life outside the house. Now that he's gone it's just "game on."

    April says POV is tomorrow.

    Ivette: If I ever get HOH him (Howie) and Janelle off. There's so many people I can't stand in this game.

    Howie is trying to hook up and turn on the pool vac. The others are yelling directions out to him.

    Janelle says "excuse me, come here" to April. April has to finish her cig.

    Camera view of cake. On top of cake is 31 written with M&M's.

  6. James thinks he can convince Ivette to vote to evict Sarah, if neccesary.

    He says they need to wait until after the veto comp to have this coversation, yet everyone keeps talking.

    They are making a cake for April.

    James goes inside to spend time with Sarah. (Howie joined them earlier).

    Howie: As soon as we get Maggie out of this house, they are sitting ducks.

    Jan: But, didn't we want to get rid of James last week?

    Howie: Till we brought him back.

    Kaysar: Keep your options open.

    Rachel joins them and says the cake is in the oven. (I heard a horn honking in the background).

    Rachel goes back inside. Jan says if no one gets veto who do you think will go?

    Kaysar: It's anyone's game.

    Howie: How do you want to do it?

    Jan: To keep Kaysar.

    Kaysar: They are going to vote as a group. Maggie would be dumb not to get rid of me.

    Howie: I wanted her out 3 days ago. Even Eric admitted she's the stronger player.

    Someone says it's birthday time and they all go inside. Then they find out it will be about 5 more minutes.

    BB: Sarah, please go to the DR.

    Ivette: It's not ghetto bread, it's ghetto cake.

  7. James to Kaysar outside:

    James asking Kaysar if he noticed the order of how the keys were pulled out. The last key all you could see is J A. . .

    James: Kaysar, if you and Jan don't win veto you f'ing suck.

    Jan joins them.

    James: I think you 2 are expected to win the veto tomorrow. Then Kaysar is taken off and Maggie puts Sarah up. Then I go home. I hurt Maggie emotionally and now she's coming at me. . . Howie's throwing every contest. He made a point at how he can be no good at anything and keep moving on. Did you see have Rachel launched that ball? Both she and Howie stayed up on that surfboard. She tore threw that rope contest. Rachel was in the kitchen tonight talking Eric this and Eric that. She's playing both sides. I'd be worried about their vote. There's an 80% chance that one of us is going home (either Kaysay or James). If it comes down to a tie it's up to Maggie. As long as I have Sarah I have a weakness. If Sarah is put up against James, then James will go to Ivette and get her to vote to evict Sarah. Maggie has no one to compete with (in the POV comp). I think I'm a better strategizer/competitor than Sarah. I'd be a stronger player without her. James thinks Maggie is after him, wants vengeance.

    Howie and Kaysar thinks Maggie is only thinking to put 2 of the stronger players up and be happy when one goes home. They don't think she' even thought about the veto comp.

    James: If I do leave, know that you have Sarah's allegiance.

  8. Ivette says she is a good judge of character. She says she hasn't seen Kaysar pray since all this (since he got HOH?)

    James: There's no way Howie is as goofy as she is. There's no way Rachel is as nice as she is. It's all an act. If I'm HOH I'll put them up. If Jan gets POV and takes Kaysar off then I'm going home and the evil people win.

    James says Ivette can talk to him if she needs to.

    April: There's beer in here and there's alcohol! Ahh!! I found something. Did I contribute something?

    James: That doesn't count.

    Howie: We had a nice family dinner.

    April: Sarah, you want Miller or Bud light?

    Sarah: Uh, I think I'll have wine.

    Someone asks Beau how to make Sangria.

    Rachel thanks Sarah and Jan for doing the dishes. She thanks James for doing the first round of dishes and Howie for wiping down the counters.

    James: Why don't we not use the wine glasses since we always seem to break those.

    Howie: Last time you got drunk Beau, all hell broke loose.

    Jan insists on drinking out of a wine glass.

  9. Cam 1 & 2 on Ivette laying on bed, no longer crying.

    Cam 3 & 4 on empty LR.

    We can hear the HG's in the background.

    "In my speech to the nominees, I tried to be as honest as possible without adding too much ____ ? to the nominees" - Maggie heard in DR talking to BB.

    Ivette starts crying again.

    Cam 1 & 2, April and James outside on patio. James says he knows who he will put up when he's HOH. April asks who and he says he can't tell her, that she's the person that said she couldn't keep a secret. He says it would be people no one would expect.

    James asked BB for a recycling bin.

    April says she is miserble because she is so full.

    April and Jen-

    April: I think K needs to go, do you?

    Jen: Of course he can go next week. I think James needs to go now. There's no consistency with him and you can't trust inconsistency. He says he loves Sarah then he says he'd drop her in an instant in this game. He keeps switching sides.

    April: Yea, but Kaysar is so worthless.

    Jen: and you don't think James is? In our group, they are only thinking about who would put them up next week whether then who would be better to get rid of. I mean, I'll go with whoever Maggie wants. Kaysar isn't strong in competitions and James is. James could win veto for the third week in a row.

    April: We just need to get Sarah on our side.

    Jen: James and Sarah are trying to do dishes to prove a point. James totally has Sarah under his finger. He's so manipulative. He's tried to manipulate me from day 1.

    Beau joins them and he and April agree to share a cig.

    Beau says James keeps staring at him.

    Jen: So what do you think about James? If you want to go with the majority, Maggie, me, ?, and Beau all think James.

    Cam switches to Ivette and James. James is comforting Ivette. BB: Ivette, please don't obstruct your microphone. James makes sure Ivette will watch out for Sarah if he leaves the house. James says he's going to try his best to win the veto and take himself off. Then Kaysar can put Jan up. It's hard to understand James and Ivette.

  10. Corrections: :) Maggie actually offered the HG's some of her tofu, which no one took her up on. Everyone is enjoying the potatoes. Also they were saying Rachel would be a great mom, wife, etc. Earlier, on the patio, James didn't say he had no interest in marriage. He said he will get married when the time is right. The only thing he is worried about right now is surviving this week.

    Discussion of the fish-some of their names are: Blue, Tigger, Pepporoni, Bubba. One of the fish is coming out from behind "the blue thing" and about 7 HG's run over to watch. April says they are going to scare her by running over to her. April says the fish is "hungry as hell." "I just want to see how long she is. They think she only eats every few days. "Don't eat pepporoni Jenny." -April They are asking what they should do. They think she can't see with the light on, they think there's not enough food for her, she's scared to death of the other fish. She needs to eat that thing in the tree.

    During the fishcapade Ivette is in the bedroom, laying on her bed by herself, crying. Every so often I hear her sniffling on the quad cam view.

    "How did they know that Emily was sick? The eel is gone."

    8:00 PM BBT: Kaysar is called to the DR.

  11. All the HG's are sitting at the table eating dinner. There is one empty chair; it looks like they haven't removed Eric's place yet.

    Maggie made steak and chicken for everyone even though she is a vegetarian and is eating tofu.

    Kaysar usually uses the George Foreman grill when he makes meat. Janelle says "yeah, it's so easy."

    Everyone seems to be getting along despite the recent nomination ceremony this evening.

    Maggie says Rachel will make an incredible mom, and wife. Howie says it's true Rachel. You've got the body for it and the looks.

    Howie doesn't want to know what seasonings, etc. are on his food. He likes his food and his women with nothing on.

    On cam 4 we have a picture but the sound is fish. The sound returns to a discussion with Jan saying they asked her about shoes to. Maggie says did Scar interview you too? Someone replies no, it was a piece of paper with a bunch of questions on it.

    They are talking about Sir Mix Alot and the song "I like Big Butts." They are trying to remember the words to it. "Oh my god Becky, look at her butt. . . "

    Janelle keeps throwing out random phrases from the song but BB doesn't recognize them, as we don't get fish. It's not until Howie says, "Shhh, Shh, Jannie that BB says " Pleeeaaase stop singing."

  12. Rachel tells everyone they can come in and get their drinks; they are just a little bit away from dinner. Someone starts singing again-more fish.

    Brief conversation, more singing, more fish.

    Magie wants to mix Cranberry juice and 7-up.

    Jan and Howie stare at Jan's picture on the wall. She says her picture is weird, that it's shadowed weird. Howie thought Jan looked mean the first time he saw her in front of the house.

  13. Cams 3 & 4 switch to kitchen again.

    They put watermelon in the freezer so it would get really cold. April jokes about asking for "thongs, I mean tongs" for the salad.

    April asks where James is. Sarah says something and then says that's how he . . . he doesn't want to be emotional.

    April tells Ivette it's ok to be sad, it's ok to cry. Sarah mentions a song and we get fish on all 4 cams.

  14. Janelle wants her tanning oil "Hawaiin Tropics" back. She said she'd promise not to go in the pool.

    April brought nicotine patches in case she needed them. Janelle said she would never use those things. April only brought 1 case of cigs because she didn't know how stressful the game would be. She jokes "Evict me, I need a cigerrette."

    They mention how Nic (from BB5) quit smoking on BB. More discussion of past BB seasons.

    Kaysar wants his steak cooked between "the medium and the large." A MHG corrects him and says he wants it medium well.

  15. Ivette is cutting something - looks like potatoes. Yes, April confirmed they are potatoes.

    Maggie: They aren't going to be healthy but they'll taste good. That's all that matters the first night of eating." (to Rachel?).

    Sarah's favorite joke when she was a kid - She's allergic to pepper; it makes her sneeze.

    BB: Jennifer, please put on your microphone.

    Jennifer: They really wanted to hear me take a shit. I was in the bathroom and I couldn't wash my hands until I put my microphone on.

    Cams 3 & 4 switch to outside again - April, Howie, Beau, Sarah, Janelle, James. Discussion whether TiVo's can burn DVD's.

    Sarah and April were talking about Sarah's birthday and they hear "The nipple." They say "what?"

    April wants cigerrettes for her b-day from BB.

  16. Cam 2 is focused on the kitchen table. The HG's are in the background, in the kitchen and can barely be heard.

    Cam 1 is focused on the LV but there aren't any HG's there.

    Cam 3 & 4: Outside-Beau, Howie, Kaysar

    "I'm so aggressive when I want to have sex. I'm the aggressor."

    Then Cams 3 & 4 switch to the kitchen. Some cooking discussion between Maggie and April.

    All conversations in the last 10 minutes have been mundane & rather boring.

  17. Kaysar, Jan, James, Howie, and Jen all talking about what they are going to do in the future, jokingly.

    Howie wants a plastic woman that doesn't talk back to him. He says they cost about $2,000.

    James likes a woman that talks back.

    "Stick a big boobie in my mouth and I won't talk back."-Howie

    Sarah: "Did you see how she put the keys in the box?" Howie picked Sarah's key, then Sarah picked Janelle's key (the last key in the box).

  18. "James, you're so dangerous, Jan your so good, Kaysar, your so smart. You saved my butt." Howie to James, Jan, & Kaysar

    Howie says that the HOH comp was mental because it was based on hand-eye coordination.

    Kaysar disliked Eric because of the way he was in the house. He really, really, really dislikes April.

    "I just want to know what it's like to be up there. Just kidding."-Howie

    So the players for the veto competition will be Kaysar-Janelle, James-Sarah, and Maggie-?

    James is hungry and goes inside. Then comes back out and says "What am I gonna do, sit in there with them?" (The other team).

  19. Kaysar: What up? (to James)

    James: What up? You and me dumbass.

    James says Maggie's best move would have been to put Kaysar and Janelle up. Kaysar basically agrees.

    James to Janelle, "You're the luckiest girl I know."

    Kaysar says she's not playing strategically. She's only thinking one step ahead rather than 2 or 3. She's playing individually, not for the team.

    What is the deal with Maggie trying to be my friend? She was so mean to me last week. - Jan

    "The Democratic way out is to blame someone else." -James

    We're down to 7-4 (girls to guys). -James.

    "I'm sorry but I don't count Beau as a guy." -Jan

    At least we know that we're all 3 playing (meaning Jan, Kaysar, & James) -Jan. James says he has to pick Sarah to play for him. Rachel and Howie would throw it so that they don't draw attention to themselves. They also wouldn't risk using the veto because then one of them might get put up. James isn't happy that he has to choose Sarah because she cracks under pressure. She also will blame herself the entire time if she loses.

    "Like I told you from day one, I never wanted to get rid of you." -Kaysar to James

  20. Janelle is planning to play for Kaysar in the veto competition and says she will "fight like hell to get you [Kaysar] off."

    Kaysar says all the strong people are trying to take each other out. Janelle says she doesn't want just weak people left. That it wouldn't be fun to compete against like, April and Beau.



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