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Posts posted by Laggie

  1. subwaydoors2rp.jpg

    Here is a close up of the subway doors, I do notice that their is the black mirror port where they shoot the show from IN the doors themselves. I don't think there is a room behind the doors...... But I am not sure where it could be. Going through tons of video and see if I can spot it. Wish me luck!

    I promise last post, lol :twisted: as far as the work out room door, it has a push button code lock numbered 1 through 6........ no key needed just the code numbers to get in, and yes the gumball machine has colored tissue in them. Maybe writen on each is a number combo? ......... *goes back to thinking again*

    Here is a picture of the gumball machine.....


  2. OK the DR is off the weaved metal wall in the main living room, you see the metal door.


    See the metal door?? Thats the DR, bottom of the picture the small box along the wall is the Fish tanks. the cam we see on the live feeds is facing the living room.


    The Dr door!


    and this my friends is the New DR

    Hope this helps!!!

  3. I believe if I may quote our friend Beau from the commerical "The biggest joke in the house will be wrapped around my finger" All I can say is with all the people who are uptight with homosexuals in general. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL BEAU GETS IN THAT HOUSE!!! I know straight men and women have this weird thing about thinking "OMG he/she is gay he/she must want me"....... Lets go back to Marcellas, he messed with those boys. It cracked me up for hours on end. So they can all be gay as far as I care, makes BETTER tv, then the typical boring hang out in the HOH room and make out with the boyfriend or girlfriend thing. Hell If I wanted to see that I would put a mirror over my bed and make out with my boyfriend. Borrrrrrrrrrrrrring. lol don't tell him I said that! :rofl

  4. No problem, their are a total of 3 new commericals. I have this one and part of the other.......... I am hoping to get all 3 by tonight! If not maybe tomorrow. Sadly I can't edit them without loseing the video. If anyone can cut them down let me know We could work together. I also plan on getting the live evictions and pov winners and noms. The time frame I have to tape is 45 seconds on the program I have. ANYWAY....... *mubbles tech stuff to herself*, If anyone wants to team up let me know!!


    Wish me luck on the other commericals!!

  5. Well, as far as them releasing the names and picture of the cast it comes 7 to 5 days before the airing of the show. They are taken to a hotel 1 1/2 weeks before the show airs. Morty is right they all learn about the mics, rules and so on, but they also do their headshots and promo work, family is interveiwed.... blahhh blahhh. Keep in mind, they bring more people to the hotel then they need just in case something happens and someone backs out, every year they pick 2 to 3 extras to hold in the wings. It's call the CYA Plan, CBS also makes sure all their belongings are searched, and they have things they will need before they enter the house. (ie: personal care items)...... Don't ask me how I know all this....... I can't say..... if the fish know I told........off with my head!

    LOL, I hope this helps some people out! :twisted:

  6. *takes squirrel's TV Guide tucks it under her spy coat*

    *goes to fish cam*

    *shows fish whats going on......*

    *fish look nervous...... swim around faster*

    *evil laugh*

    Soon my pretties......... they will all see you......... SWIM SWIM!!!

    *take her crazy pill and watches tank* :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  7. :twisted: As I sit and stalk the fishes........ little yellow blobs of fun........ I spy 3 people on the sofa in the back ground. 2 women, one man........ one with shoes on the yellow table.

    Does this mean I have a problem..... LOL


    Fish Stalker :twisted: :rofl

  8. As a real player user all year long, I auto get the BB6 feeds. I also pay 34.99 every 3 months. Is it worth it........ for me yes. I play games, listen to music and keep up with world events via the news channels real player offers. BUT, Yes, wait until JULY 7th before signing up for the feeds. Real player will charge you again on Oct. 7th again if you do not cancel your account with them. Take my word for it........ I learned the hard way long ago. The season will end about Sept. 26 to 29......... So if you get the player now work those numbers into your time line.


    As a 6th year feed watcher. I can say I am a feed junkie, I watch them all night to go to work to tell my cheap co-workers what went on the night before. It's great to be the spoiler at work!! They get soooo mad, Oh well, that will teach them to get live feeds too!! VIVA LA FISH! :rofl

  9. I think every year there is someone we all LOVEEEEE in the start and want to slice our wrists when he hear them 90 days later. Year one, Hardy worked my nerves. Year 3 it was Roddy then moved to Danielle. I think we all remember Chiwhora as I came to call her. I CAN'T WAIT TO LEARN WHO I CAN HATE NEXT!! :twisted: lol, :rofl good times.......... good times. :angel



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