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Posts posted by Laggie

  1. Howie loves to mess with people, he is toying with the people in the house as much as he is toying with us, the internet viewers......... More power to him!! Keep'em guessin, keeps you around a bit longer. GO HOWIE GO!!! :twisted:

  2. Just wanted to pass along that Julie Chen is on Letterman tonight. It just started... Not to sure when she will be up. Check you local listings for times. It's on now CST 10:30pm......... good luck in finding it!

  3. where's the who cares option ;)

    awwwwwwwww come on at least it better then listening to Ivette yappin or crappy yellin at people........ some light moaning is called for I think ROFL... Hell........ we are talking Janelle...... HEAVY moaning.

  4. Well CBS does have a in house phyc doctor on staff to talk to the houseguest. I am sure a few have been brought in to talk to the doctor already. they speak to the doc if the HG requests to speak to them, or if they feel that HG is at danger of wlking off th show or could hurt someone or theirselves.

    :) Laggie

  5. I think it's doing what CBS wanted it to do....... with this drama tonight is case in point. Can we say high ratings for Tuesdays show?? More money in feeds when people join up to see more fights and bitching.......

    So No, it's not a back fire........ it's all comes down to MONEY........ you have it, they want it......... and with this........ they will get it. All hail the CBS gods. Let fun begain. :fface

  6. OK they are all adults, alcohol or no alcohol this has been brewing for 4 days. It's easy to point fingers as to who is at fault or what the cause was. But it comes down to adults who have to handle theirselves in a better manner. Fighting, Bitching have always been a part of this game. Alcohol opens the flood gates of truth....... saddly these fools don't know when to close their flood gates and walk away and play a game.

  7. If anyone remembers bb4 when Scott got kicked from the house the feeds were off for 6 hrs or more. They all sign agreements when they go into the house saying "NO Fighting, or hand on hand combat with in the term of stay in the house"........ it's going to come down to DID they fist fight after we went to fish?? The only ones who know are not spilling the beans just yet.............

    So enjoy the lovely fish. :shock: :twisted:

  8. I do believe in the freedom of free speech. Just as this lady has her rights to say and post as she feels about the sex talk/cussing. We the people have the right to put it on these same forums. But don't belittle someone for stating their views.

    We don't have to like everything........ but, we do have to respect others rights.

    Just a friendly reminder.

    A small side note, I think everyone is doing a great job. Keep up all the wonderful work. Everyone who is here doing the reporting does it out of love for BB. If you wish to support Morty for years past please do so. I am sure he would like to know the enjoyment he gave you by reading his site in the past.


    PLAY BALL!!!! :fface

  9. Ok she said Latin CHICK not chink......... I just watched it 5 times. If you would like a clip of it sent to your e-mail let me know I will be happy to give you one.

    Word for word

    "If Ashlea goes this week, it's really will be the young beautiful single people. Against the old brickering people, the latin CHICK and the gay guy."

  10. Oh no more fat talk......... "I'm blowing up like the fatest woman on earth." said Janelle

    They are whining about the work out equipment in the back yard, they want the inside opened up...... *mubbles something about people in hell wanting ice water*

    April and Beau picking on Ashlea eatting raisin bran AGAIn....... OMG this is her 2nd bowl today!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: leave the girl alone!!

    Janelle whinning again about blowing up....... she need a luxury comp SOON...... and period talk with Beau....... :lol:

  11. OK James and Sarah out in the BY, tlaking about the couples thing.

    James "we know beau and ivette are a couple, beau eats at her resturant everyday"

    Sarah "yah true"

    James "and we know Janelle and Ashlea are a couple too "

    Sarah "yah, Are you looking to get HOH tomorrow"

    James "No not really, Why"

    Sarah "I think it's to early to get it"

    James "Why is that?"

    Sarah "Because *smiles and rolls eyes*"

    James "ohhh it's that time, this is your week for it"

    Sarah *smiles*

    James "you know we can't do that here"

    Sarah "I know I know, I think jennifer doesn't like me"

    James "Because she is jealous I flirt with you "

    Sarah "Keep it up flirt with everyone"

    James "your eatt ing to much chocolate, Fat girls got to go"

    Sarah "you hear that america"

    James " if you get fat I am dumping you"

    Sarah "what if I get Prego"

    James "Have it and get skinny again, or I'll dump you "

    I would kick his butt if he told me that :evil:


  12. I bet if you did a search for Michael Donnellan's their are tons of them. This guy just happends to be same name but they are not the same person.



    Here is the link to Michaels Bio, it has pictures of him as a child. You can see it's not the same guy as listed......... Michael was a model when he was younger.


    Also his site is back up and working, He has a Message board also. Go check it out. I am not to sure who is running his site while he is in. Might want to ask on the board.

  13. Eric and the girls are all in the kitchen making dinner for the house. They are saying this is the first family dinner where they can all eat the same thing.

    They are having:

    Sauce and pasta (michael cooking it will start at 7:30 bbt, he is not sure why everyone has started cooking dinner so early. Making meat sauce and non meat sauce for Maggie)

    Apple pie or apple mystery desert ( Janelle and the girls)

    Salad (Eric, who is using a butter knife to cut everything :roll: Not to sure why)

    They have asked for White and red wine and chocolate and vallina Ice cream from BB. No answer to if they are getting it.

  14. Keep in mind, CBS told them they could tell the other HG's what ever they wanted to. They do not have to be truthfull at all.......... it's part of his game to lie, so be it. But soon or later it will catch up to him.

    Who knows....... it might work out well for him.

    I can't stand HOWIE!!!! He just pisses me off......... he reminds me of a guy a dated........ I kicked him in the balls and told him off, man if I was in that house with him I would put a pillow over his face!!!



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