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Posts posted by LoneTWolf

  1. 2:24 BBT Sounds like someone is giving a Speech outside the BB House by the swimming Pool ..... Most exciting thing going on

    2:30 BBT Brit talking about how awesome and Weird it was when she did Her Interview for BB , she could see the outside of the BB House ..... Frank and Shane talking in the KT now Jen enters and Shane heads out to the Pool

    2:32 BBT Jen eating her slop from now to the end of Her game while drinking a Glass of Blue something ?

    2:34 the Chum Horn beckons Frank again for a delightful bath of orange Goop... Ow Ow Frank gets hardcore this Time and even dumps the Chum on his head/hair .. Ha Ha says Dani and then sorry Frank .. Can't help myself

    2;38 BBT Ian trying to talk to Dan through the Door .. No Response .. The Chain Gang Girls said Dan hasn't responded since a 1/2 hour after he went in .. from there earlier convo

    2:40 WBRB ??? AAAAA .. An ILD

  2. 1:40 BBT Just destroyed my mental Picture of Dans Torture when I found out from Dani and Brit eating ceral by the pool talking to Ian .... To find out that Dan had cotton to put in His ears while in the "Party Room" / HN Room ..... Whoops there Goes Franks Chum Semi-Truck Horn again...... Brit Cheering Frank on During his Chummie Bath "GOOOO Frank"

    1:45 BBT After Frank is done with His Chum Bath He does a Cannonball into the Pool soaking Brit and Dani .. Hi-Liarious ... Brit laughing cause Ian said is Frank an idiot or what ?

    1;48 BBT The Techno Music (Yuck) is back for Dan .... The Chain Gang Couple are doing there faces up in the WA ,,, still to Change into there Swim Suits ... Jen Pops in and says aaahhhh My 2 Fav ladies........... Shane now up .. Sounds like he gargled with gravel when he speaks

  3. 10;10 am BBT Now it's Ian and Frank in the HOH room talking .... Ian saying he doesn't want to boot Frank out, that you should stay till at least Finally 3 or 4

    Frank just layed it out to Ian that if you F*** me over Son.. again ... You won't win this Game even if it's you and Dan in Final 2

    10:16 am BBT Brit comes up to HOH ..... Frank "Please Come to the DR" ... Ian and Brit alone in HOH Room

  4. 9:39 am BBT Just Noticing ... That after Joe's shower he's looking pretty Spiffy today is His Blue Pullover Polo shirt and Black Slacks ..... Dan in the Middle area of the HN Room sleeping (Same spot Brit and Dani slept in)

    9:43 am BBT Dan Up , Dani out of DR , Joe and Frank in the HOH room

    9:53 am BBT Joe and Frank's HOH convo is confusing me so much with the Different Nom's this and Pandora's Box stories that.... it's hard to make sense of.

    9:56 am BBT Ian please go to the DR just after he poured the Milk on His Cereal

    9:57 am BBT Dan, Dani, Brit in the WA .. Brit has Her cleansing face mask on but has something funky on in the middle of her forehead.

  5. 8:50 am BBT BB has Called .... Wake Up Call HG's are milling around ... Lights are on and Frank is Making Coffee ... We are on an ILD

    8:56 am BBT Joe in the KT with Frank and Frank telling Joe if he wins POV to not use, let the Nom's stay the same .... Joe heads off for a Shower.

    8:58 Jen and Dani in the WA putting on there Make-up . Dani tweezing off her mustache hairs ... Not Much talking but that could be because Joe is in there showering ..... Frank cooking up Breakfast in the KT and of Course theres a Boat load of Bell Peppers in his meal

    9:06 am BBT Dani applying a Heavy coat of Chapstick (Ha Ha I ain't going there) .... Lots of calls from BB to change Batteries ... Half the Folks stil in Bed

  6. 3;50 All HG's seem to be relaxed after Pandora's box ... Dan is sleeping while Frank Ian Brit and jen are doing KT Duties, not cooking just cleaning up... We are still on a Indoor Lockdown

    4:03 Brit has repeatedly said that Dan had a Bunch of quarters for the Pandora's Box and that he shoud have given Dani some ,,, also Brit says Dan shoulda let Brit cut in line to Play but He said NO WAY

  7. 10:30 am BBT (Was Watching Superpass Fan Recap) I see Lockdown is over ... Joe and Frank talking in the Arcade room because of being locked out of HOH ... Brit and Dani talking for a Short minute. .. Joe saying I will vote how you want Frank , Joe asking are you sure you got Ian ? Joe lieing saying he was blinded by the Mike vote .... Frank still claiming Ian was too Naive and with dan in his ear thats why things went like they did ... Joe talking the spiel of if you get in a tight Place Frank, I got your back .. along with everything else Joe says to every HOH

    10:39 am BBT Jenn and Brit laying in the round bed in the MBR ... Mics are muffled and talk is at a whisper ..... and WBRB

    10:45 am BBT Joe telling Frank the reason he voted out Boogie is cause he owed Shane a Vote for saving his Life and now things are square with Shane

    10;49 Joe and Frank... peat and repeating alot of the conversations over the last week of Game talk ... Ian in the BY getting in His Hammock time to relieve His stress

    10:50 Now Brit and Joe in the Arcade room .. Joe saying Frank wwants Dan "Hurtin' 5 different ways" They are talking dan has made His bed and that there is nothing they can do. Brit just pumping info and agreeing for the moment.

  8. 8:56 am BBT ... Frank Just said "We need a Porta Potty out here" BB did wake them up and they are on OLD ... still haven't seen Dan

    9:00 am BBT Ian and All have been joking with Brit about being a Quarter Century Old ... Ian said it's depressing cause now you have to start thinking about your Parents Dieing (Yikes) .. Ian's Parents said they don't think they'll last long .. Dad is 60 and Mom is 50"

    9:12 am BBT The BB Quick Finger is in full force with lots of WBRB's for any talk of complaining, production, shout-outs, etc.

    9:19 am bbt Ian and Frank the Only ones not napping but it seems everytime they speak we get WBRB

    9"29 am BBT we are now 10 minutes into this WBRB..... 9:39 BBT 20 Minutes into this WBRB .... 9:49 BBT Still in WBRB for 30 Minutes now

  9. 8:20 am BBT ..... Ian up and in the Hammock talking softly to himself ..... Frank and Shane Talking in the KT for a Moment ... Frank is now up in HOH WC washing his Face while Shane looks to be doing Laundry .....

    I wuz checking out the Flashback from right after the Feeds came Back after Frank won the HOH last night and for one of those brief Moments I caught Frank and Shane in Private giving each other a Big Bro Hug and Frank saying "We did it again" (Things that make ya go HHMMM )

    8:30 am BBT Jen City Joins Frank in the HOH for a "Check In", as she says.... Frank telling Jen You aint got nothing to worry about . Franks Plan is still to put up Dan and Dani

    8"38 am BBTJoe and Shane at the Hot tub with there toes in the water both literally and figureativly . Joe asking "ya think Dan will campaign for himself ?" Trying to feel out Shane's thoughts ... Shane says He's Unsure.

    BTW for about a Half Hour Cam 1 and 2 have been messed up for awhile showing Flashback still of when Jo Jo Wil Boogie Jen in HOH and on the side shot for Cam 3, 4 you can see a still of Kara Brit Ian. Just wanted to confirm that you weren't having a "Reset" nightmare (Ha Ha) .... OK BB production has fixed the problem and feeds are correct

    8:45 Lots of WBRB this Morning .... Brit making a cup of coffee .... Frank Jen Shane and Joe in the BY

    8:50 am BBT Everyone is in the BY except Dan

  10. 12:15 BBT Dani Just told Ian, after coming from the DR that Tonight's show will NOT Be Live

    12:18 BBT "Mike Please goto the storage room" So says the Great and Powerfull Voice of BB

    Frank and Ash laying in Bed together and Frank says " How wild would it be if Mike and Dan had a deal before coming in to the House to Get each other off the Block during a tight Vote ? "



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