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Everything posted by savage

  1. Sorry I wasn't politically correct enough to suit you! I wouldn't be around if survival of the fittest was still in effect either. Maybe I wouldn't have to suffer day after day. Maybe I would be someone else in a better body who knows. I just tell it the way I see it. I don't come on here and tell you when I think you are being mean,so please refrain from passing judgement on me. When I said or worse I was talking about myself.
  2. There, I removed it now you can rest easy.
  3. I love it bindeho83! She deserves anything they throw at her including telling her she's fat. The way she talks about people after they leave is uncalled for. She even lies about them when they are gone. What purpose does that serve other than to build herself up, claiming she would never say that about anyone. I want to go in that house and bust every mirror in there. I hate how she and Ian stare at themselves right over someone's shoulder when they are talking to them. Why doesn't someone call her out for that? I would ask her if she had a mirror at home. When she said yes, why. I would tell her the way she stares at herself in mirror when talking to me, I was sure she had never seen her own reflection
  4. I really really hope she gets caught lying. She lies to everyone about everything, trying to turn everyone against each other. I can't stand her. There is no reason for her lie about Joe and Frank to Jenn. I really think she is a narcissist of the worst kind. Who wears a swim suit top and claims its a blouse. She puts them front and center in a house full of men and a lesbian. Then eggs on all of the men to tell her how great they are. When someone thought they they were fake, they said lay down and you can tell if they are fake. After staring at them in the mirror(,while sucking in her cheeks), and messing with her hair, she lays down on a barstool, then if some looks at her she says "what" in that stupid,grating baby voice. She is constantly saying she is the last girl standing , besides Jenn that is. She wants that so badly she is willing to stoop to anything to make that happen. She is just like Brit was in her season. Wanting to be the last girl standing, so she can get all of the attention. I wouldn't put it past her to try to get everyone to vote Jenn out! Didn't she see how well that worked out for Brit. Oh and I know that was a swim suit top because my daughter has that same suit. I didn't realize it until I saw the gold squares on the straps, and it has quite a bit of padding in the cups. To me that is as fake as fake boobs from surgery. At least I don't have to listen to Brit complaining in her annoying nasally voice. I can't wait for her to leave, and I hope Ian goes home this Thursday in double eviction. Then any of the ones left can win and I'll be happy : ) I just want Brit to be thrilled that Ian got Frank, or Jenn, out then find out a few min. later in walks Ian. I feel that would be poetic justice. I can just see the look on her face, after bragging that he got revenge for her, he comes in and she sees what he got for playing for her instead for himself. Maybe HOH will be a crap shoot and Jenn or Joe can send Ian to her.
  5. He might not wash his hands after bathroom, but I have seen him was his hands before durning and after cooking. Apparently his mommy didn't teach him to wash after, but his chef mentor, or cooking school did teach him to do it before cooking. Brit even commented about it to dani after they saw him not wash after bathroom. She said at least he washes hands before cooking. That is why they still wolfed down his cooking. Better find something else to pick on Joe for.
  6. That is the funniest thing I ever heard. I am 58 years old and have nothing to be jealous of. My daughter always complains because she thinks I favor the pretty people on reality shows. I couldn't stand her in season 12 and thought she would be better this year. Sadly she is the same. Jani is beautiful, and was even more beautiful in her season and a lot of people loved her including my daughter and I. So that blows that therory out of the water. People don't like her because of the way she manipulates people and hates them when they don't worship her. Watch her face when someone compliments another female in front of her! she can't stand it. Look at the way she grabbed those booty shorts Dani brought out last night, when people were saying Dani was hot in the competition. She just had to put them on to show that she looked better, but she didn't. When Shane said they fit her, she said they do not, in a very insulted voice. When Dani put them on and they were tight she laughed like crazy. She has no butt, like me, and those shorts look better on a little fuller figure like Dani and Jani's.
  7. Can't wait for the nasal voice of Bitchney to be GONE!!! Her and Ian both talk through their nose and it drives me nuts. I'm sick of Dani's me me me attitude but Brits narcissism is over the top. How could people dare to want the "princess" out? And Ian is the "greatest player" that ever played in any game in the history of the world. I knew voting Jani out instead of Frank was going to bite them in the butt and Brit even admitted it. All I can say is "Ding Dong the Brit is going, the Brit oh Brit, the wicked Brit is going!
  8. I don't like Dan or Brit. Dan had no choice but to try for that veto if he wanted to stay and of course he did. Brit could have thrown the veto so she wouldn't have to go against Frank, which she most likely would have done, since she had made a final 2 deal with him. She whines and cries all the time about Dan ( or anyone else) just being all for themselves. That is all she has been all season, she floats from side to side faster than anyone else. In BB they are ALL there for themselves, they would be idiots to think someone wasn't. They have all floated to the power this year more than ever, but complain constantly about Joe for doing it. Her great strategy this year was to kiss up to everyone and be everyone's best friend and champion. She would go to someone and pretend to care about them and be on their side, and then start talking about what had to happen if they wanted to stay safe. All along she was telling them what had to happen to keep her safe. If she heard someone was down or having a problem, she would get a look on her face that said it all.She would run to them and start manipulating them. I thought it was going to work at first, she was very good at it, but I'm so glad it didn't. Years ago I read a book about how to be a great salesman and a lot of this was in it. She must have read it, or someone told her about it. Ian was her downfall, he actually thought she cared about him. It was obvious she didn't by the things she said about him behind his back. She just couldn't keep all of her nastiness inside and Dan saw that. I hope Ian and Dan are right behind her. She is still trying to use Dani and Ian, to get revenge for her. She told them basically the same thing last night.
  9. I must be missing something! How can anyone like this arrogant little creep? I'm 58 years old and have never seen anything like him. He reminds me of that monkey boy Mango, that Chris Kattan played on Saterday Night Live.
  10. Thanks shaggyprincess. It is nice to know there are like minded people out there!
  11. They need to blurr out Ian's chest when he is shirtless. I have seen some women with less breast tissue, and they would blurr them out. Double standard.
  12. I like Joe. He will stick to his word after he makes up his mind. He is the only one who stuck up for Janelle. He also didn't back down from Willie. He tries really hard in the comps. You can tell he is not throwing them. He does whatever he can not to get nominated. It's not like he is the only one that goes to the power. They all do it. He has been used by both sides throughout the game, why shouldn't he use them back? It makes me sick to watch EVERYONE sucking up to Frank, even Ian, while bashing Joe for the exact same thing. Joe isn't talking bad about them for doing it. He cooks for everyone and they eat it up, even asking him to cook for them sometimes, and he always does it with pleasure. Then all they do is complain about it. I think everyone was afraid of Joe being liked so they all started bad mouthing him. With Ian it started with Britany pushing him to get Frank to nom. him so one of the Quack pack( stupidest name ever) wouldn't get put up. He started out saying everything bad about Joe that he could think of, so Boogie and Frank wouldn't like him. I have to fast forward BBAD every time Ian or Brit are on it. I can't stand her browbeating Ian to do her dirty work, and her talking through her nose drives me nuts.( and she had the nerve last night to make fun of people's accents and say she has perfect accent and diction) I also can't stand Ian's voice. I would rather hear Joes loud voice any day, and I normally can't stand loud mouth people. I really don't understand why most people hate Joe. I hope Ian ( Boogies " son") goes very soon!
  13. Hahahahahahahaha!! I just heard Booger bragging about all of the things he would be doing to Cara if she was still in the house. He actually thinks she would let him touch her at all ( shutter). I can't imagine any woman letting that disgusting little troll touch them. I don't care if he has money or not, you would have to be a total whore to sleep with him. Because to some women money means everything to them and sleeping with someone just because they have money makes them a whore. I would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind before I would even give him a hug. I can't believe someone had his kid. You know she was just looking for the money the kid would get from him.
  14. I love you Jammer. Since tonight is my last night to watch this season maybe I'll come here every once in awhile just to read what you and lemondrops are saying. I just don't want to waste another month or 2 on this show with Jani gone IMHO she was the only one worth watching this year. I've tried to like the others but just can't. This is a first for me I've never missed a single big brother in 14 seasons. I was even stupid enough to stick around for all of season 9 , at least it was entertaining. This show is like watching paint dry this year. Maybe they need a new casting director. You would think that at least one newbie would intrigue me. None do this year and they are half way thru the show. Oh, and ITA with you. Who would ever quote Danielle Danato on anything big brother? Her father won not her!
  15. You sound like a dictator. You don't care what people spend their money on as long as they spend it on what YOU want them to spend it on also? How would you feel if someone only accepted the way you spend YOUR money if you spent some of it on the things that are important to them. I come from a middle class family that makes just enough to be in a higher tax bracket. My husband owns his own co. No one helped him get there he has worked an average of 16 hrs a day for 27 years. Anyone who has worked for him has gotten paid based on what they put into their job. Most people that have worked for him put in their 9to5 and run out the door as fast as they can. He has never asked anyone to go above and beyond what their job discriptions call for and has rewarded anyone that has done more than what he pays them for. Most people don't care about the company they work for as long as they get a pay check. Maybe I would buy the fact that businesses are built on the backs of others if I had ever seen any evidence of it. We pay so much money in taxes, and defending frivolous law suits( due to the nature of his business) we are lucky to live in a nice house and drive nice cars. Why shouldn't our family be rewarded for what we put into our work. There is not a person in America that can't bring themselves up at least a little in wealth. My husband started his company after doing without and saving while he worked 2 jobs. He started on a shoe string budget and put a lot of blood sweat an tears into it to make it what it is today. Everyone says you get what you pay for, well I think people get what they work for too. And no one should expect them to spend it any way but the way they want to spend it! People should mind their own finances and quit worrying how others tend to their own. The problem is too many people live under the false notion that they put in as much as everyone else and the should all be rewarded the same. Until you walk a mile in a mans shoes don't judge him. And I feel the same about people on these shows. Please don't say he couldn't do it again in this economy because I KNOW he could. I'm sick of people using the economy as an excuse. It will never get better as long as people use it as an excuse.
  16. I don't wish bad things on bad people but Brittney is an exception. I wish every bad thing she has ever said about another human being will com back on her and hurt her to the core. Any one that says the hateful things that come out of her mouth and the lies she tells while looking someone in the eye has a rotten heart. She hasn't gotten hit by Karma yet but I bet future contestants of big brother will have some pretty rotten things to say about her. Hopefully she'll get a little back this season from the girls that she bashes Janelle to.If Janelle forgives her for the unnecessary lies and degrading things she has said about her she deserves saint hood in my eyes. I had to get this out today because I'm done with BB after tonights show. I'm being stupid wishing Janelle would leave, but come back in as a coach and get to pick any 2players to send home and she could send Boogie and Dan or Boogie and Brit. Out the door. I know it's not happening, but wouldn't it be fun to see the look on everyone's face when THAT twist was announced.?Joe would be the only happy player. Who knows taking a break from Big Brother for the first time in 14 seasons might break my habit and I'll never watch again.
  17. Guess what Danelle you have a great big zit on your forehead. A guy you are in love with who can hardly stand to be around you. And you think you have one up on Janelle? In the words of booger and frank in their high pitched giggles hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Oh also your stupid move will come back to haunt you : ( boo Hoo boo Hoo
  18. I'm not even sticking around to see them realize what idiots they were for keeping boogie and frank. I just get the creeps watching boogie gloat and he will be worse than ever after this. He got Jani the queen of big brother out again, so in his mind that makes him a god and not an elf. Even if he doesn't win the game he will proclaim his greatness. I still think he had help from dr. Or even phone call to Dr will. Maybe he stipulated in his contract that he gets one call a week or even a day to his business partner, since he so "important" Haha!
  19. . Oh! I so agree with you QDpie! I have never, never missed an episode or 1min of after dark. This season is over for me if Janelle leaves on Thursday. It's not just Jani leaving, it's that ugly elf Boogie gloating about how great he is. I can't stand anyone left. Janelle is a better player when she doesn't have three spoiled brats hanging on her. All of the other coaches have players that can win comps. I don' t believe Booger didn't get help on ways to save Frank. All Grodner had to do was see all the hate for Janelle this year and decided to throw her to the curb. She has traded Janelle for a Celebrity's kid because she needs the pro wrestling audience watching because Sid Visious kid is on. I mentioned to my nephews that he was on the show because they always make fun of me for watching it. Guess who is watching it now, all 9 of them. Sadly I think Thursday night will be my last night. I will miss it but who can watch Booger for another season, I'm just not going to do it. Season 9 was atrocious and I watched all of it because I liked some of them. I think this season has the worst cast ever. So goodby big Brother and to all of the people on Morty's.
  20. I have never said this, in the 14 seasons I have never missed. If Jani goes I will stop watching. Not because I will be mad that she is gone, but because I can't stand any of the other house guests. Ian and Ashley are ok but not worth watching so many hours that I watch. For some reason I can't like any of them. Every season I always like at least 3 or 4 of them, but I really can't stand them this year. If they keep picking people like this I don't see the show lasting much longer. The Shane and Dani showmance makes me sick. First what does she see in Shane? He is ugly and treated her like crap until she had the power.
  21. Slimcruz I love yor posts you hit the nail on the head. Haha. I really hope they don't get rid of Jani because Mike Boogie will steamroll through that house. Everyone except Jani is afraid of him. When Dan was talking to him in the storage room about getting rid of Frank, he looked scared to death. He was having a hard time swallowing, and he hardly ever blinked. Sure signs fear. I can't can't watch Boggie win again. I just can't!



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