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Posts posted by Edieann

  1. Elissa is not the slightest bit dumb..she doesn't miss a thing that's going on..that she chooses to not get involved with the other vile houseguests i find refreshing..she doesn't trash talk everyone i have never heard her call anyone vile names or trash talk their families the things she does say are accurate ..Amazon and dumb and dumber have the maturity of a 5th grader..and they all (including fat boy and cry baby andy or mcnasty) are as fake as you can get Elissa is the only one who tells the truth..they can't handle the truth..the only way they can play is to be major a-holes ..i loved how she called them all out today and they just couldn't handle it and ran all over the house lying and trash talking elissa and saying some evil things about her husband, sister and son..i know that you have to be part ass to play this game ..like lying ....and all that ..but only the worst players trash talk your family..the ones that you just can't respect..Fat boy and Amazon even started trashing her son..disgusting..but says worlds about them..

    :rolleyes4::D i hope Elissa wins or gets favorite player especially because they will all go bat shit crazy! i know i'm voting for her :figment:

  2. ^^^Hey hey! I'm all for hating on aaryn, but I did that once so I can't call her stupid for doing it! LOL

    I didn't swallow it, but i sure did take a big swig! It was right next to my beer when doing my nails. It was awful! Blech!

    And I'm not/wasn't on adderall, I;m sorry to say. :P

    i'm sure you're not stupid gogo.. :laugh4: i just get so annoyed by the little twatface ..forgive me please? :running::oops:

  3. Good One!!!

    And on CBS tonight when they were picking veto players McNasty was yawning, in his jammies, and you could tell he just got outta bed. All he does is sleep. What a waste; he's supposed to be such a "fan" of BB and the only "experiences" he's having are in bed with Ms. McNasty.


  4. I have to agree with Amanda and GM that Elissa shouldn't be getting "special" treatment. It's like cheating.

    she's not getting "special " treatment ..Aaryn just told gm to put a comforter under her in the hn room..just like she did when she was in there ..they all have to have someone to hate..it's pathetic..funny how Amazon brought a pillow with her in the hn room and no one said a word.. :laugh4: ..btw how stupid is that twat face Airhead to drink nail polish remover ? maybe the adderal messes with her sense of smell :lookaround: ..what an idiot she is :jawdrop:

  5. GM talking about someone needing class then saying "that c**t can s**k a d**k..f**k her"

    Mc not showering

    Aaryn winning HOH's then playing the victim because people might come after her

    Amanda talking like she has a clothes pin on her nose

    There's tons more

    exactly! spenser constantly picking his nose...Andy being a big d##ck and his perfect timing fake tears just as people leave to ensure a jury vote..etc... :wacko:

  6. that little twit Aaryn is up there telling the other freaks a big pack of lies about Elissa ..she never said that crap to her..the only thing Amazon said about Aaryn that was true is airhead Aaryn is ALWAYS playing the victim boo-hoo poor little twatface can't play her own game ..i can't wait till Elissa puts her on the block ! i can't stand that little arrogant bitch! :bash:

  7. For one thing Aaryn is lying her a$$ off Elissa never said she deserved to stay there because she was Rachel's sister. Elissa does not get anything special and now the most ridiculous thing is that she got a phone call from home something Amanda heard. I am so tired of all of these idiots. Elissa spoke the truth to AAryn and told her exactly the truth. Andy the little whimp was caught and had to admit he was not voting for Helen so he says he was being threatened. And don't even get me started on Helen. Sitting there while they are all lying and bashing Elissa and apologizing saying I didn't know what she was going to say. Really Helen????? I hope she wins this HOH and they all have to kiss her a$$. I hope she puts up Andy and McCrea and then back doors Amanda actually I don't care who goes home as long as its one of them.

    YES! I love that Elissa is telling it like it is! Airhead and Amazon are such lying fools..i almost passed out from laughter when Airhead said her family raised her to never put people doiwn! :hahohi: and Gm is actually proud of her mom comment to Candice ..i am so glad that Elissa wouldn't even listen to her stupid mouth..Elissa is right ..they are all ridiculous!! :hammer::hurray:

  8. Elissa is only doing what Helen suggested she do and talk to Amanda. Helen knows she is out and is still trying to get Elissa to make kissy ass with the others to stay in longer. I don't blame Elissa for doing this since they are pretty aware that Amanda is the head of the snake! So what if she is throwing Aaryn under the bus, Aaryn has been saying some pretty nasty things about Elissa to EVERYONE. It's all part of the game. Geeze

    exactly..i don't know what every body else heard but i heard Elissa playing the game well..i love her :hurray: thank goodness we don't all like the same hg's :grouphug: . :hahohi:

  9. When they have someone come back in the house his eyes are going to bug out and pop out of his head. He thinks he has all his people contained and he will not like a monkey wrench in his house of cards.

    All the players will fight over Candice, Judd, Jessie or Helen.

    It will be an exciting Thursday.

    i can't wait! i don't know if i would rather have Helen come back to freak out Andy or Candice ..so we could see Gm and aaryn flip out!! :laugh4:

  10. It wasn't necessarily what she said, it was that she said it while Helen was trying to have a heart to heart with her - aka a pep talk - Helen finishes a sentence, and instead of saying something to Helen in response, she says - COMPLETELY OUT OF LEFT FIELD -

    "Haha my right foot is longer than my left foot! That's so funny!"

    Maybe you just had to be there to understand exactly how frigging awkward and inappropriately timed it was - you seem to believe we are laughing at the fact that her feet are different in size - but that is not the case

    i see what you mean..i didn't hear her say that so thank you for explaining :animated_rotfl:

  11. Hawknose : " Why just yesterday she said that her right foot was longer than her left foot! That has to count for an original thought! "

    REALLY ? Wow... sorry I missed that.

    Doesn't matter who's idea it was for her to be a HG ... it's been like watching a square peg trying to fit in a round hole.

    She's just not BB material.

    it may sound weird but there are people who have different size feet..my brother-in-law for one! i'm suprised no one here knows that :laugh4:

  12. We all know that throughout any and all BB season, the edits and HG will suggest they may go against the house, but then we get to eviction night and it's nothing more than robots entering the DR and casting their vote for the same person. Always disappointing. Although Aaryn says she may keep Helen, I highly doubt it.

    EXACTLY! :laugh4:

  13. I like Elissa. She is a much better person than Amanda, GM, and Aaryn combined. She is very smart and sees through all the BS. If she would just follow her instincts, because she is so spot on about what is really going on in the house.

    i agree totally but i would add , fat boy and mcnasty to that list . :smartass2: .

    I like Elissa. She is a much better person than Amanda, GM, and Aaryn combined. She is very smart and sees through all the BS. If she would just follow her instincts, because she is so spot on about what is really going on in the house.

    i agree totally except i would add fat boy and mcnasty to that list :hahohi:

  14. As irritating as it can be, i do prefer Helen's approach to Amanda's. It will be interesting to see which one Aaryn decides to move forward with.

    Oh please please please, for the sake of fun and all things big brother, PICK HELEN!!!!! The joy of finally seeing Helen vs. Amanda on the block is past due!!! :)

    it sure is! Please..someone put that amazon bully on the block...she's so cocky..so let the other cocky bitch be the one to do it :smilielol:

  15. I realize that no one will agree with me but... When Helen gets voted out by a 4-1 vote or 5-0 vote, she will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that McCrae and Andy lied to her. So then we come to the returning juror... Candice, Judd, and Jessie will all not realize that it was really Amanda controlling the house to get them out. So I kind of want Helen to be able to come back in so she will have a fire in her to get out Amanda, McCrae, and Andy. Maybe then I will like her again when she is forced to do battle and not be so damned gullible. And I really really really want McRanda GONE!!!

    i agree completely!

  16. That's a very disturbing fantasy you concocted but nowhere near as disturbing as the rape-fantasy that Amanda created for Jessie.....speaking of Amanda she was caught once again on the feeds lusting after Howard and discussing his sexual prowess:

    "I bet Howie f*cks like a machine"! "He'd probably put me in the hospital"!

    ......you aren't the only person who fantasizes about Howie, Amanda has the same hobby.

    LMAO :laugh4:

  17. I am so excited that Elissa won POV!!!! I am still rooting for her and I think that with Helen gone she might stand a chance. I can't help it. I loathe Aryan, GM, McRanda, and Spencer. The only two left to root for are Andy and Elissa but with Andy following McRanda, I just find it hard to root for him.

    yes! you're so right! :stupid:

  18. In a house full of wretched, wicked, and weird people it's refreshing to see an HG with a compassionate heart, good hygiene, and some conviction.

    Yes BB15 has been the most vile and disgusting season to date with racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, bullying, misogyny, cruelty and even multiplethreats of murder and rape but Elissa has never entertained the sickness.

    These sick freaks on BB15 are our co-workers, colleagues, and classmates and while we are considerate to them due to them being fellow human beings we don't want to cozy up to them or kiss their butts. I would be embarrassed to death I my family saw me on TV sitting between two Neo-Nazis who have been condemed by America for their blatant hatred.

    I can only imagine the horror of having to be confined and isolated with filthy gutter-trash like that and it's all the more horrible considing Elissa seems cultured and ladylike with class.

    Elissa is Americas favorite.

    EXACTLY! :hurray:



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