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Posts posted by Snuggs

  1. This is crazy!! I'm sorry but I would much rather Elissa be in the house then those 3 racist bullies!!!! Just cause they are being nice now doesn't mean anything, wait till one of them are in power then the 3 stooges will be at their best again!!!! I just can't believe that America voted like that!!! Everyone would rather watch the 3 racists, delusional bullies then Ellisa!! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

  2. Elissa is nothing like her sister!! She hasn't had a fair chance since she stepped into the house!! Just because her sister once played doesn't mean she shouldn't have the chance too, bet things would be different if a relative of Dans was in the house......It doesn't matter who they are related too, everyone deserves the chance to play the game!!!

    Now as far as America being mvp, I voted for Aaryn......I am hoping that the 3 racist females are the 3 that are on the block this week.......NO matter what people think of Elissa, she is way better then those 3!!!!!! Those 3 with their racist attitude and the way they have bullied people is disgusting and they need to be outta that house!!!!! NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY deserves the treatment that them 3 have given to the other houseguests!!!!!

  3. Aaryn is still on the racial stuff......started with the name calling (Shaniqua - sorry for spelling it wrong) then she actually stood up throwing her hands in the air and saying something like "what'cha gonna do about it girl".....Trying to act /talk black......basically mocking Candice!!!! It was totally disgusting and why this person isn't getting into any kind of trouble with BB is beyond me, especially after flipping Candices bed over with all of her belongings......This girl is deffinately gonna have to watch her back when she does get the boot......gonna be a lot of angry people!!!! Her family has to be just as disgusted cause it's making them look just as bad.........This chick needs some serious HELP!!!!!!!

  4. I feel so bad for Candace.....Aaryn & Kaitlin are so cruel!!! I can not stand people like that and I am so glad that Amanda came in and called Aaryn out for everything she has said and done behind everyones back, including her own alliance!!!!! Aaryn & Kaitlin need to goooooooooo!!!!!!!! I wish it was a double eviction week......

  5. Crying and sobbing over someone she knows that didn't feel the same about her as she did him......she even said if he stayed a couple more weeks that he may have liked her more and yet she just continues to cry like a baby, not only crying but blowing her nose into Nicks shorts while wearing his hat......This chick needs HELP!!!!!!

  6. After the show last night, they said tune in Wednesday night to see who won the MVP & who the MVP nominates, plus see the veto comp and will the veto winner be able to save someone that has been nominated, Plus a former FAVORITE HOUSEGUEST returns with some surprising news. Tune in Wednesday at 8pm........I wonder what the Returning Houseguest has to say, according to the live feeds, none of the previous houseguests has mentioned a former coming back into the house for anything so I am curious as to what this is about......

  7. No, I think everyone deserves a fair chance, except for these Racist Bullies!!!!!!! Get them out of there and reset the game, then if Elissa goes, she goes but at least it will be a civil decent game!!!! She really hasn't had a decent chance from day one cause of them bullies!!!

  8. I can't believe more hasn't been done, I mean all these racist comments even the Asian comments when Julie Chen is the host of the show (Basically her show) and Julies husband is the big head honcho for CBS.....

    Paula Deen gets everything taking from her for something she said 27 years ago and here you have these racist bullies still getting TV coverage!!!! Just irritates & disgusts me!!!!! :mad1:

  9. She has only played in 4 comps.....NOBODY ever wants the 1st HOH and that is when she thought nobody would know who she was.......she did get to play for 2nd HOH but to me that wasn't done fairly, I don't agree with pairing them up with a partner and only one of them winning HOH.......and then you had the POV's which she should have done better........But we are not there, we don't know what she is really feeling being treated like she is......If it were me, I would'a probably done self evicted cause, I COULD NOT take the abuse she has been taking and NOT do anything about it!! I feel so bad for her!!! She has done NOTHING wrong other then being Rachels sister and that calls for treated so badly? I don't think so!!! I like her, to me she is totally opposite of Rachel and to be quit honest, I would MUCH RATHER HAVE HER THERE THEN THEM RACIST BULLIES!!!!!!! Elissa deserves to have the air time then them!!! Which in my opinion, Elissa doesn't get much air time, even on the BBAD, it's mostly the bullies!!!!

    Paula Deen gets everything taking from her for something she said 27 years ago and here you have these racist bullies still getting TV coverage!!!! Just irritates & disgusts me!!!!!

    I also believe there are other previous houseguests family members in the house....I don't see BB putting in Elissa as the only one for all the houseguests to eventually figure out and then to get treated so badly, I think there are others and nobody knows it yet....

  10. Well, should'a known BB was gonna do something, I mean she was making fun & being racist about Helen being Asian......Not a good thing to do when Julie Chen is the host of the show and her husband is a head honcho at CBS......I was kind'a hoping that they would'a booted her off the show, right along with her racist friends!!!!!

  11. I agree, I have voted for Elissa as well......They have all treated her badly from day one and she really doesn't get much camera time at all so who knows what's really going on.....cameras are to busy stuck on the bullies and everything that is suppose to have been said by Elissa when in REALITY, we haven't seen her much to see what she really does say and do......and what little time I have seen of her, I see where she has said or done anything wrong!!!!! It's everyone else making the stuff up and adding the fuel to the fire just to get them bullies after Elissa......and if those morons would stop praising themselves and thinking they are all that then maybe, just maybe they could see what is really going on!!!!! But, they aren't bright enough for that appearently!!!!

  12. It's getting old with all her bashing and lieing.......if she would keep her mouth shut and quit bashing on Elissa and think for a bit, she could probably figure everything out since she was so close last night.......and for the way Jeremy keeps saying whats in the past is the past, that they have to move on should also tell her something (that he wasn't to upset over David leaving) since he started saying that immediately.......all I know is it's getting old! I am so sick of hearing her bashing and yet she wants to complain and say others are talking about her behind her back when that is all she does!!!! 2 FACED!!!!!!!!



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