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Everything posted by Linda73

  1. Yes, I agree that Cirie would vote for Jag in the end. And frankly, I think he will deserve it. But I am hoping that Bowie Jane will be in that second seat instead of Matt. So it would be an easy win for Jag.
  2. I was shocked at how selfish and devious Miss Felicia is. First, she schemed and voted against Jared who was in her alliance. Second, she went behind Cirie's back and told Jag about what Cirie told Blue. Third, she went to Jag again about what Cirie and Matt was saying about coming for Jag at some point. Where does her loyalty lie? Why is she doing this to Cirie? Who has done nothing but try to protect their alliance and get them closer to the end. She forgave Felicia after the Jared betrayal. Does she really think that Jag will take her to the final two? I doubt that she will make it to the final three. As a black woman of a certain age, I am so disappointed in her. However, mark my words, all of the backstabbing and underhanded shenanigans that she is doing will be for naught.



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