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About Willia

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    Pennsylvania, PA

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  1. 12:11 pm bbt feeds still down I think they might have Evacuated the house guests
  2. Wbrb On the live feeds House gests taking about the comp Felicia going in HOH room Maybe to shower? How to get talking about when the POV ceremony is I'm heading out now be back later tonight bye
  3. 5:40 am bbt Bowie James running in backyard back inside Then back owt again She is now working out in the backyard Don't know why the backyard is open today is sopost to be the veto comp I'm heading out for now be back later today
  4. 7:00 am bbt cury is taking a shower 7:05 am cery is done showering
  5. 7:50 am blue and jag taking game abawt Riley 8:00 talking about game in the sbr 8:03 talk About haisum 8:05 game talk ends in sbr 8:06 cam swichis to kuchin cru Im heading out for a while So who can update for me
  6. Sheldon you can take over for a while let me know when you need me to update ok
  7. 5:29 am Matt snoring really really Loud and obnoxious 5:44 am filesha taking a shower
  8. 2:30 pm feeds back to Riley crying in HOH room
  9. 12:36 wbrb on feeds 12:40 Animals for nom ceremony I'm heading out be back after the noms
  10. 11:46 convo with hizum is over America is next up 12:09 moms today on Monitor
  11. 10:59 Talking about a possible battle back in hoh room 11:00 hoh game talk over with Felicia hisum is next in
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