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Everything posted by PinkTee

  1. 1:39PM BBT Brent, Hanna and Derek X in the KT. DX asks Hanna to close the fridge. Then open the oven. Hanna says again? Brent and DX laugh. DX then asks Hanna to clean his BR, Brent will you wash my car? Brent: don’t mind us, just a bunch of idiots. DX: two idiots being idiots. Brent: being idiotic together but the most important part is BOTH SAY at the same time TOGETHER 1:47PM BBT Whitney and Big D are in the BR talking game. Whitney tells Big D in confidence that he would throw a comp if it was here and another girl but I wouldn’t if it was a guy. 1:51PM BBT Whitney is walking around the house holding a jar of dill pickles. She tells Big D she has eaten half a jar so far.
  2. 1:14PM BBT Sarah Beth is asking Derek X what he would do to have Travis come back. Would you take your chip out of the bag so I can never play the Veto? Derek X: Yeah, I would but wait then someone could backdoor me. SB would you sit out of the next two HOH? He didn't reply 1:20PM BBT Rico (Christian) and Allysa laying in bed game. FOTH 1:30PM BBT Xavier and Sarah Beth talking about past player Johnny Mac how he came back into the house and gone again in two weeks. Sarah Beth: I liked Johnny Mac Xavier: It’s funny If JM said everything he said without his voice and his laugh I wouldn’t find him funny.
  3. 1:06PM BBT Rico talking to CJ in the LR. CJ, Rico you are talking to CJ right now, what’s poppin. FOTH 1:08PM BBT Feeds return with Frenchie in the BY talking about getting some of his tattoos getting covered up.
  4. 10:36AM BBT Hannah is telling the HGs how BB gave her her key to the BBH. 10:40AM BBT Tiff is telling Christian how to cook turkey bacon with olive oil. Xavier comes into the room and asks if Christian is going to hook him up too. Christian heads to the kitchen.
  5. 10:17 BBT Feeds return with Frenchie saying that maybe he will get the chance to return some day. Big D says you never know. There could a Pandora's box, opening some Sh^t. 10:23 BBT Britini is cleaning Alyssa’s ear and says a scab is forming. 10:24 BBT Big D to We know Frenchie is going to go home. I don’t trust Brent, Whitney. Either Brent or Whitney need to go home. Probably Whitney. Azah, Brent first. Then either Christian or Alyssa.
  6. 9:39AM BBT Lots of WBRB - hard to catch an entire conversation 9:41AM BBT Britini says she will curl her hair for Thursday and might even wear a dress. Britini is sitting with Whitney and Claire in the BY and says Just to let you all know, tomorrow, I’ll do my one on ones but please vote for me to stay. Whitney laughs and says You are going to have to convince me, Claire yeah we are going to have to listen to your pitch. Whitney we shouldn’t joke about this you are staying. Britini says she is going to do one on ones to just check in. 9:56AM BBT Britini is telling how a month before she came into the house she slammed her finger in her car door and tore off her nail. 10:08 BBT Conversations in the BBH. Xavier, Christian and Britini talking about their nails. Christian is trying to chip his nail polish. Claire, Whitney and Brent are in the BY talking about exercise. How everyone wants the effects but don’t want to do the work. Frenchie, Big D and Azah in the BR. Asaz said now she is getting used to life here. I haven’t cried about family yet this week.
  7. 9:14AM BBT Britini in the BR talking to the camera America!!! How are we today? We had some great pump up songs in the morning. Well, today is Tuesday, Jesus today is Tuesday. Day 14 in the BB house. Today the backyard is still open folks. That is great news for us. Who doesn’t enjoy backyard? I do so that’s great. Brent do you want to say good morning to America (no response) 9:26AM BBT Big D to Britini in the BY. How do you have so much energy in the morning? Britini: you have to understand that my entire job is about me being a morning person. 9:30AM BBT Xavier is teasing Alyssa about how big her suitcase is. Biggest one in the house.
  8. 6:43PM BBT Christian, let me shower so you don’t wonder what is up with this wet stinky underwear. Alysa Ewww, swamp ass.
  9. 4:14PM BBT Frenchie, Azah and Big D in the BY Chatting while Frenchie is eating. Azah says she has only been watching BB for 2 ½ years and she wanted to see how she would do. What this is shows me is that put your mind to it and you will get there. PPL say, you had a goal to do a reality show and I am like yeah. 4:19PM BBT The girls are painting the boys nails (hand and toes) with nail polish. 4:22PM BBT Several HS are at the DT Chatting. Kyland is in the KT. Ky give Britini a BIG hug as she enters the KT
  10. 3:51PM BBT Feeds come back to Alyssa and Christian eating a bag of chips. Alyssa covers her face with the bag of chips and Christian says I am eating a bag of chips all by myself. Alyssa: Stop Christian: he already voted for you .. WBRB
  11. 10:30AM BBT Most of the HGs are sitting around the DT, Hanna is in the BR on the Hammack, Kyland and Big D in the HOH talking game. 10:30AM BBT Big D If I accidently fall into HOH it’s going to be really bad. Because I can’t put up people from the other side or I pick one from each side. Kyland: Yeah that’s the only way. That gives us options. Big D If I had to win HOH this would have been the week to win it. Kyland: I know Big D I don’t think I want to win it until we are down to 6 of us. Kyland: here’s the thing, we all hear it. I feel like for the next few weeks no one would have a good reason to go. Big D Of course, I don’t think so either, we are playing low. You me and X are playing lower, in the middle. We just have to keep playing that. Kyland: That’s he thing, I got lucky here. This week it just happened that someone self-destructed. MamaLong Thank you for all the pics!! I haven't learned how to do that yet. I am out for now, hope to be back later. ~Tee
  12. 10:10AM BBT Feeds return with Alyssa, Christian, Xavier and Sara Beth having breakfast at the DT 10:12AM BBT Alyssa says Cheez Its and Sprite are your handover foods. Sara Beth says her is usually crappy Mexican food. Alyssa adds that a hamburger is also food for a hangover. Christian says the morning after is always a smoothie. 10:22AM BBT Brit and Whitney still playing pool while Brent watches. Whitney is trying to hit a ball where Brent tells her to put a back spin on it. Brent is trying to explain how to put a backspin on the ball.
  13. 9:44AM BBT Alyssa heads to the kitchen and begins making breakfast. 9:46AM BBT Whitney and Brit in BR playing pool while Xavier begins his workout 9:54AM BBT Meanwhile, Brent X has been brushing his teeth for almost 4 mins. 9:57AM BBT Frenchie is hiding under the blankets with a migraine. Big D offered him his sunglasses if can find him. #BB23 10:00AM BBT WBRB
  14. 9:04AM BBT We get WBRB while they wake the houseguests 9:14AM BBT HGs are up and doing ADLs 9:18AM BBT Sara Beth, Christian, Xavier and Claire are in the BR where Brent walks in tossing a lime in the air. Claire to Brent: You found one Brent: Ya in the Sea Glass. Sara Beth is confused about putting one in the Sea Glass. Sara Beth: There are still two that have not been found. What was the first one you found? There are still some. Did you find the one under this bed? Sara Beth lifts the mattress while saying It’s like princess in the pea. No wonder I couldn’t sleep last night. She hands the lime to Brent. Brent tosses the lime to Xavier. Xavier: this lime is all squishy. [Yeah, SB sleep on it all night ~PinkTee] Sara Beth: There is still one more Claire: Where? Sara Beth isn’t saying or giving out clues.
  15. #BB23 3:25 BBT Kyland is having everyone come to the HOH room to make their plea as to why they should not put on the block. Kyland: I figured they would do the noms today but had hoped they didn’t. That is my biggest stress right now. Whitney: Cuz now you have to make a quick decision?
  16. 8:36AM BBT WBRB to wakeup the HGs 8:50AM BBT Feeds are back HGs are getting ready for the day. 8:54AM BBT Part 1: Tiff and Sarah Beth in the RBR Tiff is recapping a conversation she had with Hyland where she told him not to be afraid to play the game This is his HOH. Tiff then says to Sarah Beth, this is between me and you, stays in this room. I talked to Claire about it. You know how you watch BB and you realize there is a big group and there is a big bossy group and the not cool people on the other side of the house. That’s where we are. Sarah Beth: Yeah Tiff: and the only way for us to really have a chance to get bigger targets out of the house, now it’s not my HOH and I don’t know how this week is going to go but I don’t really think in my head that the HOH is on the bigger side either, even if he thinks he is. Today, I um, I am just going to be quiet and observe. Sarah Beth: That’s smart Tiff: If I am talking to anybody, I’m just listening not talking.
  17. 9:06AM BBT Britini is whispering with Azah in the YBR. Britini was pulled aside by Christian last night where her name was brought by the guys that she is the creator of an all girls alliance. Britini wants to tell Big D, for him to scope it for her. Britini tell’s Azah that not doing anything about it yesterday was a good move but today she is going to squash it. 9:35AM BBT Travis is in the RBR trying on different shirts to wear to the live show while talking about how Frenchie told him that if he could flip votes for a 7 to 7 ties that Frenchie will keep him. Travis doesn’t believe it. 9:38AM BBT Britini talking to the camera “Good Morning America. good morning, happy day 9. Today is the live evection which is not fun at all then the HOH Yahooooo. We might need to gamble something today, what we are going to gamble couldn’t tell ya.
  18. 1:16PM BBT Christian and Frenchie go to the SR. Christian say Hey watch it. I heard something about you, don’t know what you hear about me. BUT I kind of heard – it started off like this.. I said thanks for using the Veto [assuming it's a convo he had Kyland ~PinkTee] 1:17PM BBT (continued) it gave my teammate Alyssa a much better shot at staying. Also, you and me both came in too hot and we haven’t spoken very much. I just want to get where your head is. 1:17PM BBT (continued) I feel like my name was thrown out there by you and I don’t know if you heard the same thing just in response to you throwing my name out there. He’s like [again assuming he is talk about Kyland ~PinkTee] Dude, I never threw your name out there once. The first time I heard your name is when Frenchie said he was going after a big fish would you guys want to vote out Christian? Frenchie: He said I said that? Christian: Yes, he said the first time he heard it was when Frenchie proposed it. Frenchie: He literally just threw your name under the bus again. I’ve got witnesses that will clearly tell you that. Brent was standing right there, ask Brent. Christian: I don’t F’ing believe a single word he says. #BB23 1:47PM BBT Feeds return to Tiff in bed with Kyland snuggling while she runs her fingers through his hair over and over. Tiff is creating a song of each day so they remember what happened during a trivia comp.
  19. 9:00AM BBT HGs all sleeping. Haven't seen any movement yet this morning. 9:08AM BBT FotH [I'm thinking it's wake-up time ~PinkTee] 9:24AM BBT Kyland and Tiff in the RBR lot of whispering about game. 9:32AM BBT Tiff and Claire in the BR talking about how today is all about game talk. Tiff says that Travis could play on emotions and shift people in his direction. She also says Frenchie has too much blood on his hands. Everyone is already OK with Travis leaving. 9:34AM BBT Kyland joins Tiff and Claire and game talk stops. He comes in joking about who messed up his bed. Tiff said they went to bed early last night but she is still tired. Kyland said we went to bed at 2AM. 9:49AM BBT Britini is braiding her hair talking to the camera. "Man, they crazy huh? There have been so many moments where I almost dropped the black belt. Also, Hi Mom. Hi Dad. Love my Fam. If you're from the NY State WHAT UP?" 10:00AM BBT Tiff, Claire and Azah in BR talking game. Azah asks if we need to solidify what we have with us and Britini? Tiff, yes and the weapons of choice are fire and desire. 10:10AM BBT Claire and Azah leave and Britini joins Tiff. Lot of whispering, only catching a word of two. Hannah told Britini last night that the guys on her team think a girl alliance is forming. Britini, if that isn't an already DING DING DING Winner, than I don't know what is. 10:21AM BBT Big D is in the kitchen making scrambled eggs. Other HGs exercising in the background. 10:36AM BBT Big D and Britini are in the kitchen talking about breakfast. Britini whispers to Big D I just want you to know that my game plan for today is to talk to everyone to see who I am not comfortable with. If it happens to be something I can control and I go? 10:37 (cont) Big D, that's a good plan, that's what I do. Who's going to cross me over and the people in my group? Game talk stops when Ky enters the kitchen to make pancakes. 10:50AM BBT Frenchie and Whitney in SR. Whitney says she is still thinking about what they discussed last night. I think you and I will make it with the group until the final 5. Christian or Ky will be one of the first to go. After that I don't feel safe. 10:51AM BBT Whitney: I am trying to brainstorm all day figure out our game plan together. I really think it will be and I vs.... Frenchie: Xavier makes me nervous (Whitney, uh huh) but if we can make sure he was 100% us and no one else I wouldn't be nervous. 10:52AM BBT Frenchie: Best case someone on the other side of the house takes him out. That's best for us. We are clean of it. We still vote our alliance.
  20. 7:51 BBT Feed are back and all the HGs are in the kitchen talking about the Toga Party. It is Kyland's Birthday. 7:57PM BBT WE got FOTH again for about 5 mins. Feeds come back with the end of Happy Birthday song. Cake and ice cream is served. Doesn't look like the have nots are partaking. 8:12 BBT FOTH 8:20PM BBT Feeds are back and Derek X, Brent, Christian and Travis are talking about previous years FOTH and how they used to show a real fish tank that used to be in the house. [I miss those fish - PinkTee] 8:21 BBT Brent askes Christian what he wants to do .. More modeling or more acting. Acting for sure. He tells the HGs he was in a film that hasn't come out yet. Extra work in a JLo Movie that was filmed two years ago with Owen Wilson. 8:22PM BBT Christian, it was right before the Super Bowl two years ago. The reason the movie hasn't come out yet is they want box office sales and since movie theater's are not open, it was suppose to be released a day before my birthday, but it was pushed back.
  21. 9:00AM BBT Frenchie is up while the rest of the HGs are sleeping. Frenchie heads to the KT, looks in the fridge, closes it and grabs water. Heads back upstairs. 9:28AM BBT The feeds return HGs milling about. The backyard is open with Xavier and Derek X alone in the backyard chatting on the hammock. Brent, Travis and Kyland join the conversation. Today is Kyland's birthday. 9:49 BBT Tiff and Claire talking in the BR. Tiff tells Claire there are some people in this house that have never one time come up to me and have asked me am I good with you, am I safe with you or are you willing to work with me. To me if you haven't then you are not willing to work with me. Brent has never said one word to me about game. My only thing is who do I put up next to him. 10:00 AM BBT Kyland, Derek X and Travis chatting in the BY about Friends (TV show) they are all attracted to Monica. Conversations switches. Derek X asks Kyland if there is one girl he misses the most. I can't answer that. Derek X - say YES then all the girls will think it is them. Derek X says there is one he misses more than the others. 10:14AM BBT Brent, Britini and Sarah Beth talking in BY. Sarah Beth tells the HGs that growing up she was an aggressive kid, always got in trouble. A demon child. Got kicked out of preschool, got kicked out of gymnastics, kicked out of swim class. She had a severe speak impediment. She tells the HGs she had a lot of frustration from it, no one could ever understand her. She would have fall outs, temper tantrums, would do as she was told. Then I just mellowed out. Speech therapy really helped. 10:14AM BBT Whitney joins the conversation and says she played softball growing up, then did dance starting at the age of 5. She did ballet, jazz and tap. She did cheerleading in HS. She tried to do tennis for a bit but didn't like it. Also did golf for a long time. Took personal golf lesson then got on a golf team and work at the golf course.
  22. 2:01PM BBT In the YBR, Alyssa confirmed that she is on the block against Travis. Derek X used the veto to save Kyland and Frenchie nominated Travis as his replacement 2:06pm BBT In the YBR, Xavier tells Azah he is exhausted with the drama, seeing a member of his team on the block. Azah says she had to get out of there (the KT). They discuss what Travis might do. 2:10PM BBT While Xavier and Azah whisper in the YBR, the other HG are in various stages of lunch in the KT or at the DT. Frenchie and Alyssa talk about Kyland outside the WA. 2:11PM BBT Frenchie says he's going to help clean the house while Claire plans to chores. Alyssa is alone on the LR couch, trading gossip with Big D, who says he catches conversations because he's "Just There". 2:12PM BBT Big D tells Alyssa even though he's not safe, he thinks he's made connections with people. Azah tells Xavier she's playing Derek but don't say nothin. She leaves the YBR and joins Big D and Alyssa in the LR. 2:13PM BBT Big D says Travis went into the DR saying he'll miss the Roast Beef sandwiches. Azah tells Alyssa and Big D she can't be fake. Claire is blowing her hair dry in the WA. 2:34PM BBT HG were talking about a Toga party. Azah "there's going to be a Toga party tomorrow? It's going to be a ragger" to celebrate Kyland's BDay 2:45PM BBT - Xavier, Britini and Hannah are in the BR talking where Xavier admits he has cried 3 times while in the house. All family related. 3:01PM BBT Big D and Xavier are in the PP discussing that next week the girls are going to start taking shots at each other. Xavier doesn't think he wants to win HOH. Xavier asks Big D, give me a scenario. Big D says Britini doesn't like Sarah Beth. Lots of BRWB in feeds today. 3:07PM BBT Xavier asks Big D - Let's look at the Slaughter House. Who do we think are the biggest threats. Brent, Brent and Whitney because they are close to each other, together. Xavier tell Big D that Christian likes us because he has a little bit of flavor, Christian is loyal. 3:10PM BBT Big D, this is going to be a mental game for us. The problem is we need to make sure the cookout doesn't know we are working in a slaughterhouse, we are going to have to keep them calm if they end up on the block, Xavier, by a slaughterhouse.



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