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Posts posted by KingOfRealityTV

  1. Keep talking all you want Starshine, it's quite entertaining actually... I appreciate it...

    However, after you made this comment:

    You can be her prison pen pal and ask her if she is wearing panties while in jail.

    I took you for a troll... And your further bashing and slandering speculations just justifies it...

  2. Now you're trying to backpedal and say it isn't relevant.

    I haven't changed anything...

    You can be her prison pen pal and ask her if she is wearing panties while in jail.


  3. Yes, I saw all that in your earlier post... It's still irrelevant though, I said the average case not every case... I know people in Calif that have had more than one driving under suspension yet never spent over 24 hrs in jail...

    Now you pick which is worse...

    I wanna know what the prize is first...

  4. I'm not saying she shouldn't be punished... Just saying the Judge was showboating...

    The average person with the same charges would not have got the same time and conditions.... Even the Sheriff is saying that.... From what I see, he is the only one involved that isthinking clearly on this whole matter...

    King her first offense was a DUI

    Yes, she blew .08, not slobbering drunk but it is the minimum requirement for a dui charge... Judging by her size and the fact that if you don't eat the only thing to aborb the alchohol is your bloodstram and liver, one drink could prob put her at that... Unfourtunately alot of people would not hesitate to drive after one or two drinks...

    Her license had restrictions on it that she chose to ignore.

    With her, who knows... She could be telling the truth on this one, may have been a staff slip up... I am betting that the only envelope Paris has ever opened has been attached to a present or boquet of flowers!!

  5. Yeah well the sheriff AND the judge should be in jail

    I am thinking that there is a power play going on between the judge and sheriff... Well I think it's mostly the judge...

    Ok once a Judge passes down a sentence and the perp is handed over to the sheriff for incarceration, is not up to the sheriff or some panel to decide about early release or whatever?? Since when does the origional judge have any say in that? Can you imagine how bogged down thier case loads would be to have to follow up every detail of everyone they have judged thru thier time...

    I honestly do not believe the average jane would have got 45 days for this same charge... Statistically speaking anyway...

    On the other hand Paris is handling this like a 3 yr old having a meltdown in the grocery store.... She's no Martha Stewart...

  6. I think she is getting a raw deal too...

    Why is no one as outraged about this????

    "Mary Winkler, who killed her preacher husband with a shotgun blast to the back as he lay in bed sleeping was sentenced Friday to three years in prison, but she may end up serving only 60 days in a mental hospital.

  7. Ok, this is waaaay OT but I had to say something....if you go to REAL's website, and playback yesterday's HC when Kaysar called in, Marcellas was trying to make a point by saying how silly it is to get mad over BB because it's just a game, and he said...

    "It's like watching Friends and getting mad at the Soup Nazi for being mean"

    Uh, hello Marcellas Soup Nazi is from SEINFELD....lmao...get your shows straight buddy

    Like he wasn't mad when he got booted... HA!! He is clown...

    "1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g3t l41d"

    j0u mu57 5p3ll 17 r1gh7 70 g37 7h3 p01n7 4ccr055!! B)



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