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Posts posted by pfeifchris77

  1. 10 hours ago, NYROSE said:

    Sam took on a high moral attitude that these two women were somehow reprehensible in their actions around males. What went to her head was her own misguided sense of being an arbiter of how women ought to act. Her notion of what an empowered female is, is that the female is beholden to the male. She utterly disgusts me and I hope she is gotten rid of soon.

    She called a spade a spade. They both used their looks and bodies to get relationships with the men in the house. Kaitlyn did use men to get farther in the game and didn’t contribute anything to the house. Sam and Hayleigh talked things over and that the speech was meant for Kaitlyn regarding the men. She propositioned three men in the house and actually took care of some frustration for Brett. :jawdrop:She also started to make the moves on Scottie to get his vote, offering massages to him anytime he wanted and played with his hair. To me that is the exact opposite of female empowerment and as a women I would know. She also entered the house telling everyone she was in a 5 year relationship yet tried to hook up with three “soul mates”? So Sam called it perfectly. Run for the hills Joe. She is Trouble!

  2. 2 hours ago, WOC said:

    First, I'm tired of hearing about swagless from this idiot. 


    Second, will there be outrage and a special look at her calling JC munchkin and little man behind his back? 


    Third, just like Sam, she let the power go to her head. Why does she think she can demand loyalty from people and they will honor that? 

    Sam never demanded loyalty nor did HOH go to her head. She just liked the room to herself and knew who she wanted out and she did it. Bayleigh however feels she is holier than though. She hasn’t touched her precious bible since becoming HOH. Plus when Sam was HOH she never told people what to do or how she should be treated as HOH. She said if Fessy wanted to use the POV that was fine but would rather he didn’t. Never demanded him not to. Tyler is going to have no males to help him once Brett leaves and that also sucks for Brett as he picked him for POV. This season is full of bossy people and claiming people should be loyal. Have they never watched Big Brother before? Lol

  3. 4 hours ago, CrazyBBFan said:

    He plays like nobody sees the type of game he is playing.  It's going to interesting to see if he uses the Veto.

    He needs to wise up and use it. He’s seen Big Brother before. He should know Bayleigh and everyone else is telling him what he wants to hear. Next week he’s the Target because he keeps winning. Wake up Tyler! Kaitlyn totally screwed up that pretty head of yours. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, LSUFAN said:

    Wow, what an attitude. HOH has really turned her head. Hope the votes backfire on her and Brett stays. 

    I really hope Tyler uses his head and uses it on Brett as Princess wannabe needs a dose of reality. The world does not revolve around her. RUN SWAGGY C RUN!! 

  5. 11 hours ago, HeleneL said:

    Always seems like someone happens to be "late" every year.  Wouldn't happen if they kept their pants on.  Wasn't it said that they have condoms available in the rooms?  Are they too stupid to use them or is it they don't want anyone to see them grab one and so take a chance.  :bash:

    She told Fessy when she was in HOH her first night that she took a test and it’s negative. What would her parents think of her if that was the case? How can anyone do that with cameras EVERYWHERE!

  6. 3 hours ago, WOC said:

    I can't help think of what I'd do in any given situation. I'm not sure exactly how the power app she has will work, but if I were her I would have tried to keep it a secret until today. Then shortly before evictions (about now) I would tell the noms that I felt sorry that I had to put them up and only did so because I had to pick someone (of course I would have put them up without all of that moral preaching, that kinda squashes the whole I feel bad about it routine). As a matter of fact, I feel so bad that I am going to use my power tonight to hopefully save whoever the house votes out. Try to play up the whole "I hated doing this to you and I hope I can make it right" angle. 


    It's easy to make a plan when your watching from the sidelines though. 


    In theory that could've possibly worked but everyone knew about her power app already because of big mouth Kaitlyn. Sam  is a breath of fresh air in the sense that she doesn't go around kissing everyone's (_|_) . As for Tyler he wants to keep Kaitlyn around because he can easily manipulate her. She's his puppet.

    Like you said it's easier to call it from the outside looking in. 

  7. 8 hours ago, CrazyBBFan said:

    I think DR may have played a big role into Sam picks.  Telling the truth about people is a bad thing in the big brother house.  It seems like she is playing checkers while Tyler and Scottie are playing chess.  She is so nice and friendly that it's gonna get her voted out early.

    Then that place is really going to be infested with bugs because apparently she’s the only one who knows how to clean. She is a doll and is being wronged by someone who was supposed to have her back!

  8. The fact that she has a boyfriend at home and is making the moves on all the guys in the house is beyond DISRESPECTFUL, DISGUSTING and DEGRADING to her family and Joe. I also have lost all respect for Brett. I think I just threw up :wacko:.

  9. Not such a fan on his as of late. Sam put up Kaitlyn because she was “trying to help out Tyler as she knows Kaitlyn bothers him.” But now he wants to keep Kaitlyn?? Why do that to Sam? He knows Kaitlyn is her #1 target.

  10. 7 hours ago, Hikiki said:

    fascism? How do you figure? She’s keeping her room and choices to herself. She’s not dictating what everyone can and can’t  do in the house

    Amen! She is just asserting she earned it. It’s her week in there and she doesn’t have to share if she doesn’t want too. I watch people lay in the HOH bed all sweaty with black feet and who the heck wants that. You go Sam!

  11. 6 hours ago, WOC said:

    She's so out there that it may be good to keep her around just to have a continuing target.

    You would think that but I think everyone knows what a liability she is to their games so bye bye Kaitlyn. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

    I don’t have the live feeds.  Is she acting crazy?

    No not at all. Sam is Sam. Good ole country girl. She just requested that being HOH now she didn’t want people in her room and hiding from others for one on one conversations and game talk. She’s cool with people hanging out to just chit chat with her :-) HTH 

  13. 13 hours ago, joystiick said:

    Dumb move. The more people you can talk to in the game the better. When you are HOH, you need to use it to gain as much information as possible about as many people in the house as possible. You need to use it to find out who the blabber-mouths are and who lies the most and who is the most influential. Gaining information is more important than who you put up. 

    Not necessarily. Don’t forget she’s been able to sit back and observe as a robot AND as herself because she pretty much does as she sees fit. Not to mention most HOH’s do one on ones but still do what they want to do. Look at Scottie last week. She does have an alliance pretty much. Level six well now five. I’m glad she told Kaitlyn and Haleigh that they both don’t represent female empowerment. They are both always playing on the boys. 

  14. Ok I can’t look at her butt ugly glasses or her ugly aura (sp?) anymore! She also needs to dig out one of the “two bras she bought before coming in the house” and actually put one on. This whining about Brett and stating he has “white privlege” is no where near the truth she is the one feeling she is privileged for some reason. Ugh she needs to go next week after Kaitlyn goes this week that is!

  15. 15 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

    She is something else!  She cannot be trusted to keep her word on anything.  Wish the bros would rat her out to Scottie for the Steve vote that he is so hell bent on revenging.

    Unfortunately he doesn’t care about that after she fessed up and he kept noms the same. I think he is crushing on her. 

  16. 9 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

    Honestly, I thought her voice actually made her endearing as the robot.  Because her voice is memorable and also has a bit of a twang, I thought she pulled it off where some of the other girls probably couldn’t have.  That and her genuine quality.  

    I agree. Her voice is very sweet. I love the southern charm. 

  17. On 7/11/2018 at 12:25 AM, HeleneL said:

    Sorry but her voice and her constant crying are like nails on a chalkboard.  She's very cute and all that but please grow up or leave!

    You must have her confused with someone else because she isn’t a constant crier. You mean whiny Kaitlyn. 



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