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Everything posted by reneshe

  1. 7:32amBBT Winston is still in the hammock but no longer reading the bible. Steve is in the back yard putting a shirt on. Steve heads over to the weights. Winston, "What up? About to get at it?" Steve says he's going to some weight lifting. Winston says he's going to work on the shoulders today. Winston said he didn't do a lot yesterday with the weights because of the heat and slop getting to him. Steve says Winston and the others are motivating him to work out. Steve: "Yo Winston, we're still cool right?" Winston: "For sure man. Even out of this house. I love you brother. I'm seriously down to ride." Steve: "I'm already thinking about the harley davidsons." Winston: "My mom is gonna hate it." Steve: "Well what mama don't know won't hurt her." They laugh about Steve quoting The Waterboy. Steve quotes more of The Waterboy. They talk about that movie being so great. Winston says Big Daddy, Happy Gilmore and others were great. Winston said one of the best, underrated movies was Click with Adam Sandler. 7:39am BBTJust talking about lines from other movies. It looks like everyone else is still asleep. Winston talks about how smart his sister is but is a terrible test taker. Steve says he scored a 1340 on the SAT and a 2.1 GPA. He says it showed he didn't care about classes. He says he wishes he would have tried harder in school. 7:42am BBT Winston asks Steve if he's ever heard of the book "Five People You Meet in Heaven". Steve says he's never heard of it. Winston says it's great and tells Steve about the book. Steve says he'd love to read it. 7:44am BBT: Steve talks about his "little garage" he has where he works as a mechanic. Winston gets up and Steve asks if he's bothering him. Winston says no he 's got to go use the bathroom. 7:51am BBT: Steve starts laundry then goes back to the weights. Winston is laying on the couch under a blanket in the WA. 7:55am BBT: Steve brings the clean, folded towels into the WA. Steve and Winston talk briefly about the towels then Steve heads back outside to lift more weights. 7:57am BBT: Steve is running in the backyard. Winston is still laying in the WA while the other HG seem to be all asleep. 7:59am BBT: After running just for a minute, Steve goes inside, out of breath, and makes coffee then heads back outside, still breathing heavily 5 minutes after running. And he... dare I say it... lights up a cigarette.
  2. 7:20am BBT Steve is out of the shower, putting deodorant on. Steve still has marks on him from getting hit by paint balls. Winston is still reading his bible and drinking his coffee in the hammock. He sneezes and looks like a cute little kid when he did it.
  3. 7:05am BBT Faysal finally went to bed. Winston told Steve he's going to read his Bible. Winston says he feels like he's been neglecting it. Winston gets in the hammock alone with his coffee and Bible. Steve is smoking in "his spot" as he calls it. 7:08am BBT Steve tells Winston he's going to jump in the shower.



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