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Everything posted by NotFornia

  1. 3:16 PM BBT Kaitlyn and Rockstar talking in the HOHR. Kaitlyn is trying to run damage control with Rockstar. She explains that she was still hearing that Swaggy was talking about her as recently as 2 days ago. She says the only person she could talk to about it was Tyler. Rockstar asks why Kaitlyn didn’t talk to her about it. Kaitlyn says she couldn’t because Rockstar is associated with Swaggy, she needed someone neutral so it wouldn’t get back to them. Rockstar asks if Tyler is really neutral, because Angela and Winston were off-limits during his HOH. She says he could have a deal with them. Kaitlyn says he could, but it’s irrelevant to her. She says she was sad all last week that she was in an alliance that didn’t make her feel safe. She says she wishes Swaggy had kept his mouth shut, but he kept running his mouth, and she couldn’t ignore that. She says that Swaggy told Tyler 2 weeks ago that he controls the group. Kaitlyn says she had one opportunity, and she’s just sorry how it affected Rockstar. Rockstar says they should say their goodbyes now because the others will betray Kaitlyn and put Rockstar on the block. Kaitlyn assures her she won’t go up, but she can think what she wants. Rockstar says Winston, Brett, and Tyler don’t give a shit about her. She says Tyler acts stupid around her all the time but she knows he’s smart and competition beast. She says the only people that might care about her are maybe Kaycee, JC, or Sam. Kaitlyn says she knows Rockstar doesn’t trust her anymore, but that it isn’t over. She says she isn’t aligned with anyone. Brett had her back and she talked scenarios with him, but that’s it. Rockstar is upset that Kaitlyn wouldn’t talk to her about this. Kaitlyn says, “How could I?” She says that when Rockstar watches the show back, she’ll see that Kaitlyn tried to talk to her about Swaggy but Rockstar shut it down. Rockstar says Swaggy is just a 23 year old kid, he runs his mouth, but it keeps him as a target. Kaitlyn says she didn’t want this blood on her hands, but there was only one person talking about her, said she’s a liability, and reactive. She says yes, she is reactive. She says if it had been Tyler or anyone else saying those things, she would do the same thing to them, it just happened to be Swaggy. She says she’s changing the trajectory of the game. Kaitlyn keeps repeating that she’s sorry and telling Rockstar how hard this decision has been on her. She says it’s why she was so distant. She says she only cares that America will see her stand up for herself. Rockstar says she looks forward to watching. She says that Tyler is playing stupid, but he’s like Palpatine in Star Wars, talking to young Anakin. Pretending to be good, Tyler is pretending to be stupid. Kaitlyn says didn’t intend to separate anyone. She says she wants the final 6 to be herself, Rockstar, Haleigh, Faysal, Tyler, and Brett. She says Rockstar doesn’t have to be involved, but doesn’t want her to think she didn’t consider her. She says she’s been in hysterics all day, not because of Swaggy, but because she hurt Rockstar, Haleigh, and Fessy. Kaitlyn says that when her and Haleigh patched things up, they compared notes and all the drama came back to Swaggy. She says Swaggy drove a wedge between them. The only person listening to her was Tyler. She says maybe he’s playing dumb, but he was there for her when she needed him and was a kind person. Rockstar says she would have been there for Kaitlyn too. Kaitlyn says she didn’t want to get anyone else involved. She says that she saw all of them talking about her once and had no way of knowing if Rockstar was involved or not. She says she’s sorry to her core that this had to happen. Rockstar says perception is everything. She says that her and Kaitlyn were close, but then she saw Kaitlyn spending more energy on other relationships in the house. She didn’t feel included and Kaitlyn didn’t ask her what she thought. Kaitlyn says she tried to talk to her about Swaggy the other day, but Rockstar was defending him. Rockstar says she never heard Swaggy say anything about her. Kaitlyn says, of course he wouldn’t say anything to Rockstar about it. She says Faysal told her Swaggy told Bayleigh about their alliance. She says she’s a reactive person, that’s right, but she doesn’t do anything without a reason. Rockstar wonders if it was intuition or manifestation. She says Kaitlyn did this because Swaggy talked about her, but what if Swaggy talked about her because he could sense she would do something like this? She’s wondering where it really began and just finds it to be an interesting question. Kaitlyn says that she could sense the energy shift last week when she won HOH. Suddenly Bayleigh and Swaggy were being nice to her. She thought it would be a total disservice to her own game not to stick up for herself. She says Winston hasn’t done anything to her. She says she still wants to work with Rockstar but knows it’s up to her. She tells Rockstar she can take her time, but that she’ll make more of an effort. She hopes one day Rockstar can understand. Rockstar says she’s having a hard time adapting to Brett and Winston. They’re not anyone she would associate with. She says they’re like guys in college, that Winston is like a trucker. She says Winston probably tried to bring a confederate flag into the house and they told him not to, then he sees all of JC’s flags and is probably pissed now. Kaitlyn says she doesn’t resonate with Winston on any level either, but fortunately for him, he didn’t speak badly about her. Rockstar asks for details on this deal Kaitlyn made to protect her. Kaitlyn tells her she was promised safety for herself, Rockstar, Haleigh, and Fessy. She says if Rockstar wants to win HOH and put her on the block, so be it. She would rather go out week 3 having stood up for herself. She says she wants all the young people that are in a popular group and are afraid to stand up to them to see that they can do it. She says that was her entire life, and that she came here to stand in as much truth as she can. Rockstar says she would put up Tyler if she won HOH. [FotH in and out, but the conversation goes on for another 20+ minutes. Kaitlyn talks so fast and is really saying the same things over and over, she is incredibly sorry, she’s proud of what she did, she hopes Rockstar understands, etc.] [I’m sorry, I can’t transcribe the whole thing but just know it was still going on after 45 minutes, and I came into the conversation part-way. -NotFornia]
  2. 2:07 PM BBT Brett and Scottie in the SR. Brett is saying that Swaggy is the root source of all the lies and rumors in the house. He says that no one wants to talk about the fact that Swaggy and Bayleigh are in a showmance. Scottie says he told them that they need to stop acting like they’re in a showmance and spread out. Brett says they haven’t done that, they cuddle all day and whisper. He says it’s 100% a showmance, no doubt in his mind, he’s not stupid. “’Oh, that’s like my sister!’ I don’t do that with my sisters. No.” He asks Scottie what he thinks, since he hangs out with them more. Scottie says he told them to pull back. Brett says they have pulled back, but that he knows for a fact that they’re together because of something that happened the first week. He says he doesn’t want to be the source of this, then tells Scottie a story. He says he was up late one night, went to the bathroom after Swaggy was the last one in there, and there was “cum all over the toilet seat.” He said he called Winston and Tyler in to look at it. He says he doesn’t even have to try to piece everything together, it’s obvious from everything that’s happened. Tyler says it’s obvious there are things (Swaggy?) is not telling him. Brett says that when Scottie casts his vote, he should say “This if for you, Steve.” He says the fact that the person who Steve picked for veto (Faysal) didn’t pull him off the block is all he needs to know. (Brief Rerun/FotH) Brett says that moving forward, Scottie has him (Brett) and Winston and they’re rock solid. Kaycee comes in and they pretend to be looking for food. Brett leaves. 2:13 PM BBT Swaggy is in the PBR. He tells the camera to stop following him. He lays down wrapped up in a blanket and starts reading the Bible.
  3. 1:58 PM BBT Haleigh and Swaggy in the HN room. Haleigh is telling Swaggy about her visit to the HOHR. She says she’s shocked. She says Kaitlyn kept hearing from different people that Swaggy was talking about her, but Haleigh says she didn’t think Kaitlyn would take it this far. JC comes in for a minute then leaves. Swaggy says it’s not over yet, he won’t say it’s over until Thursday. Haleigh says they don’t know what the power is. Swaggy says that Sam has it and she’s not going to save him. Haleigh tells him that a lot could happen between now and eviction, everyone could end up hating Winston. She says it’s best to lay low. She tells him about the conversation in HOHR where Kaitlyn confronted Brett about hearing that Winston said he would put Kaitlyn on the block. Haleigh says she thinks Bayleigh must have put that in Kaitlyn’s head because Bay was up there just before this conversation. Haleigh tells him that Brett denied hearing Winston say that, but she says Brett is lying to cover his own ass, as he was in the room when it was said. Swaggy asks if he should talk to Tyler and Kaitlyn. Haleigh tells him to wait, because people will continue to talk throughout the day. She asks what he would say if he got Kaitlyn and Tyler in a room together. Swaggy says he would empathize with them. He would explain to Kaitlyn that they had an alliance and he would never put her up. He would admit that he did say something shady about her, but make sure she knows he never said anything about her being the bottom of the totem pole. He would tell Tyler he never said anything bad about him either. Swaggy says he know Kaitlyn just plays based on her emotions, that’s why she flipped and Steve went home. Haleigh asks if he really thinks Kaitlyn was the one who flipped on the Steve vote. Swaggy says yes, it makes sense now. He says the other side bonded with her and it changed her mind. He says it’s all about her emotions, so he’s just going to be sincere and tell her why he wants to be here. If Winston goes home, he goes back to being a doctor. If Swaggy goes home, he goes back to nothing. He says it’s the truth and he hopes Kaitlyn believes him. Haleigh tells him that if wants to bring up the conversation with Tyler about what was said (about what Swaggy said about Kaitlyn), to make sure both Kaitlyn and Tyler are in the room so they can’t play he-said-she-said. Swaggy says the biggest thing isn’t the money, it’s Bayleigh. He says he genuinely, really likes her, and to get so close and then only be able to spend 2 weeks together will hurt him. Haleigh says it’s still early, there’s a lot of time. She thinks talking to Kaitlyn and Tyler is a good idea, after things are calming down. “Tomorrow could be a totally different day.” She says they could get a power app, that production told them it could happen at any time and are not set on dates. Rockstar enters the room and starts talking about how she was running in the BY.
  4. 10:17 AM BBT Brett is talking to Rachel and Kaycee, who are on the exercise bikes. Brett says Swaggy’s side set the stage for Kaitlyn to flip by telling her she’s a liability and jealous. Rachel says they made it too easy. Winston walks up and joins their circle. They discuss who has the power and the possibility that Scottie has it. Kaycee says that if Scottie gets pulled off the block, then he doesn’t have to use it. Rachel says that she would use that to her advantage if it were her. She would tell the veto holder that she has it and wants to save the power for another week to help both of them. She says it would be dumb not to use it like that, to save it and make a deal with someone, work it from every angle. Brett says Scottie was told from the beginning that he was being taken off the block, so it wouldn’t matter. Kaycee says she can’t wait for this veto ceremony. Winston is complaining about being on the block. He says they should have put up Scottie vs. Swaggy and figure out which one has the power, but for some reason, they all wanted to put him (Winston) up to hide the alliance. He says the alliance will be exposed as soon as Kaitlyn noms Swaggy anyway. Brett says that the logic is sound and that’s why he’s not worried. Winston says it’s still bothering him, she could have thrown up any of them but chose him. Brett tells him that he was probably Swaggy’s target, so it made the most sense. Winston says he understands it logically. He says he knows he’s not going home, he has the votes, but he’s still worried. They talk about what the power could be and how no one really has any idea, everyone is just speculating. Could be HOH comp redo, safe for one week, etc. Brett says everyone thinks it’s an extra vote, and wonders where that’s coming from. He says Rachel got a yelling punishment, Faysal had to eat ham, so who knows what this could be? Brett says he’s not psychic, but his gut is telling him Scottie has it. Faysal comes up and they disperse. When they’re alone, Kaycee and Rachel complain about how they looked too obvious plotting. Kaycee is annoyed at how Winston came up and closed the circle. Rachel points out he had his arms crossed. They think it’s too obvious and that the others were probably watching them from the kitchen. [I'll be out for the next few hours! -NotFornia]
  5. 9:38 AM BBT Haleigh and Rockstar are in the hammock in the BY, talking about Kaitlyn. Rockstar says that Kaitlyn is telling people that Sam had the power last week, but Rockstar says Sam has it this week and Kaitlyn thinks they’re all stupid. She says Kaitlyn is playing a dangerous game. Haleigh says that Kaitlyn’s “loyal flip” plan will bite her in the ass. She says the other side will put her up in a heartbeat, probably next to Faysal. Rockstar says it would be smart for the other side to put Kaitlyn up against one of the others that Kaitlyn made a deal to protect (Faysal, Rockstar, Haleigh). Haleigh tells Rockstar that Kaitlyn is waiting until 30 seconds before the veto ceremony to tell Faysal and Rockstar about backdooring Swaggy. Rockstar says, “Oh, that’s going to be comforting… 30 seconds before she does it? So we can vomit?” Haleigh says it’s good that no one knows Rockstar knows about the plan. Haleigh is bothered that the whole other side of the house knows she (Haleigh) is aware of it. Rockstar says, “Their side is so whack.” She says they’re the kind of people you kick out of the club, and they’re ignorant. Haleigh tells her they have to play nice, there are no other options. Rockstar says, “Tragic.” Rockstar says that Tyler needs to go. “He’s the root of the disturbance in our force. He’s whatever that hooded guy’s name is…” Haleigh: “Robin Hood?” Rockstar: “No.” Haleigh: “Little Red Riding Hood.” Rockstar: “No. In Star Wars… Palpatine.” Haleigh says that part of Kaitlyn’s reasoning is that she wants to show that sides aren’t solidified, there are still moving pieces. She says Kaitlyn is upset that Swaggy started everything so early. Rockstar says it was Winston and Brett who started everything early. Haleigh says Kaitlyn thinks that they’re going to align themselves with Brett and Winston. “I will literally evict myself before I align with Winston.” She says she’ll play nice, but won’t play the game with them. Rockstar asks if she can imagine a final four with Brett and Winston. Haleigh says she would kill herself. Rockstar makes a gagging noise. Haleigh can’t imagine another week with them. Haleigh gets up from the hammock and complains about the ants.
  6. 4:30 PM BBT Winston and Brett in the LR. Winston tells Brett that Swaggy and Scottie have been talking together in the last couple days more than ever before. He says they’re either giving up on hiding it, or they’re very cocky because one of them has a power. Winston starts talking about his upcoming speeches. He has to make everyone think he wants Tyler to ues the veto on him. He wonders how to walk that line. [Brett is giving him advice but his mic is obstructed so we can’t hear anything]. Winston jokes that he’ll tell Tyler he’s envious of his hair in his speech. 4:37 PM BBT Bayleigh and Kaitlyn in HOHR. Bayleigh is saying that it’s interesting to see how everyone is under pressure this week. She says the last thing she wants is someone rampaging in this house. She feels the anger might be misdirected. Kaitlyn say she needs to decide who would be best for her game and that’s who she will put up. Bayleigh tells her that Angela would be a good choice and believes she’d go after her. 4:40 PM BBT Rockstar and Faysal in PBR. Rockstar tells him she doesn’t have a good feeling about this week. She says Tyler makes her very uncomfortable. She thinks he plays stupid but that he’s shady. She says she hasn’t talked to Kaitlyn at all and doesn’t know if they’re using the veto or not. Faysal says he thinks Angela is going up, and Rockstar says she hopes so. Faysal says it would be good for them even if Angela stays, because she might come to their side. Rockstar agrees they could pin it on Tyler. Faysal asks her how she feels about Rachel, and Rockstar says she likes Rachel. Faysal says he likes her as a person but she’s always sneaking around. Rockstar says Rachel is a spy, but not a very good spy. Faysal is convinced Angela is going up and says it’s a good sign because it shows Kaitlyn is clearly on their side. If Kaitlyn does this, Angela/Winston's people will be against her and she’ll to be loyal to "us". Rockstar says again that Tyler has to go and that he's sneaky.
  7. 4:25 PM BBT Haleigh and Rockstar in the PBR. Haleigh is sorting her clothes and says she has so many cute things she hasn’t worn yet. She says she is saving them if she is ever on the block. Rockstar tells her she won’t be, and Haleigh says, “Strange things can happen. Like you could think you’re aligned with omeone and then not be…” (Brief FotH) Rockstar asks Haleigh if Kaitlyn directly told her (about Swaggy). Haleigh confirms that it was when they were outside together. She says that Kaitlyn told the bros (Winston/Brett) that she knows and Haleigh’s mad because she doesn’t want them knowing what she knows. Rockstar says she can’t stand them (the bros) and says, “fucking white people.” Haleigh says Kaitlyn is basically sending herself home with this decision if they have the votes to keep Swaggy this week.
  8. 3:53 PM BBT Bayleigh and Swaggy in the WA (meanwhile, Rockstar and Haleigh are in the PBR on F1&2 still talking about Swaggy going up). Bayleigh tells Swaggy what she just learned from Haleigh. She says Haleigh told her that Tyler convinced Kaitlyn to use put up Angela when he uses the veto. Swaggy says they just need to steer clear and act like everything’s fine. He says if Angela goes up, Angela is staying in the house. He says now they can have a conversation with Angela about working with them, since she wasn’t interested when he tried earlier in the game. Bayleigh says, “She will be.”
  9. 3:48 PM BBT Haleigh and Rockstar are in the SR. As soon as they’re alone, Haleigh tells Rockstar, “Don’t tell anyone this, it’s going to happen even if you tell someone. She’s putting Swaggy up.” Rockstar is dumbfounded and says she knows there’s nothing she can do about it. Haleigh tells her that Kaitlyn made a deal to keep them safe. “If they stay this week, they have to keep us safe.” Rockstar: “She’s fucking ridiculous.” Tyler comes into the SR and they quickly switch to food talk. He leaves and Haleigh immediately tells Rockstar, “He’s in on it too.”
  10. 3:26 PM BBT Haleigh and Bayleigh in the HOHR. Haleigh has just told Bayleigh that Kaitlyn is putting up Angela and making a big speech at the renom/veto meeting (Haleigh just found out the backdoor-Swaggy plan but is lying to Bayleigh). Bayleigh tells Haleigh that she’ll vote for the same person that she does. She wants to know who Haleigh is leaning towards. Haleigh says she doesn’t know Winston very well but that he was trying to talk to her in the hammock this morning, even though he hasn’t spoken to her in 3 weeks. Bayleigh says this is nuts, it’s a big game move. She says she would be so proud. “Don’t underestimate little Kait!” Haleigh says they still have to consider the power though. Bayleigh says she’s sure it’s Sam’s, because Sam was on TV all the time as a robot, with a sweet little act, cleaning everything. They keep talking about how crazy the veto ceremony will be. Haleigh says she’s excited for it. Bayleigh asks if she thinks the others will come back hard on Kaitlyn for this next week, but says that their own side will win HOH so it’s not a problem. Haleigh says she hopes Kaitlyn doesn’t change her mind, and Bayleigh says, “She made the doctor speech. She won’t.” Haleigh says she’ll make popcorn for it and Bayleigh says, “I’ll do the tea, you do the popcorn.” Bayleigh says she won’t tell anyone and leaves the HOHR. Haleigh takes a deep breath and covers her face after Bayleigh leaves.
  11. 2:50 PM BBT Haleigh and Kaitlyn in the BY talking about the veto and renom. Kaitlyn has told her that she plans to put up Swaggy. Kaitlyn tells her that it wasn’t her intention from the beginning, but that she keeps hearing that Swaggy’s talking about her behind her back. Kaitlyn thinks Swaggy has the power. Haleigh says she knows everyone thinks Sam has it this week, but the only reason they think that is that Swaggy and Baleigh claimed they could hear what was happening in the App Store room when Sam got the power. Swaggy claimed that he had to go to the producers and swear they wouldn’t say anything. Kaitlyn tells her that Bayleigh and Swaggy are making that up and that she knows for certain that Sam already got the power LAST week, so this story is a lie. Kaitlyn says that in her veto renom speech, she’ll tell Winston that he was definitely going home this week until someone else (Swaggy) went behind her back. Haleigh says that she sees Kaitlyn and Tyler have been getting closer. Kaitlyn says she trusts Tyler but it’s a different relationship than her and Haleigh. Kaitlyn says she didn’t want to make big moves too early, but has to when provoked. She says that Winston knows because she told Brett, and Tyler knows. She wants everyone to see that they don’t have to stick with the lines everyone drew on day one and hopes they see this as her resetting everything. Kaitlyn tells Haleigh that she made a deal with the other side to keep Haleigh, Rockstar, and Fessy safe. Haleigh says she trusts her. Kaitlyn says she’s sorry for being distant and she wanted to tell her about Swaggy so bad. Kaitlyn thinks America was happy when she won HOH because they knew she would put up Swaggy, and Swaggy must be saying bad things in his DR sessions. She says everyone is doing a good job at pretending and it’s going to be a shock.
  12. 2:04 PM BBT Bayleigh and Swaggy are in the WA. Bayleigh asks Swaggy if he’s talked to Kaitlyn today. She says she’s talked to everyone on their side and all of them said that Kaitlyn hasn’t told them anything, that Kaitlyn’s been shunning them. Kaitlyn has just been talking to Tyler about everything. Bayleigh says if Kaitlyn’s not telling them anything, and Tyler’s calling the shots, then she’s probably going to call some really shady shots. [Swaggy has the shower running so it's hard to hear what they're saying.] 2:15 PM BBT Swaggy is out of the shower and Faysal is in there talking to him and Bayleigh. Faysal asks if they have talked to Haleigh today because she seems kind of weird. Bayleigh tells him that Haleigh’s been feeling neglected by Kaitlyn, and that Rockstar feels the same way. Faysal says they don’t have to worry about that now because Kaitlyn’s not going to make a move this week. Bayleigh tells him that next week, Kaitlyn will be right back with Haleigh and Rockstar. Faysal says they can’t speculate too much about it because she did hold up her end of the bargain by not nominating them. Bayleigh says it takes an emotional toll on them, though. Faysal tells her that he was the reason behind all the tension in their group and he’s just trying to put the whole thing back together. He says that with Kaitlyn, “There’s no game talk, just trying to build that relationship back up.” He says that when they see him spending time with her, that’s what’s going on. Bayleigh says that he already knows her one concern. Faysal says that 1.) she’s safe, and 2.) so much stuff happens moment to moment that everyone will forget all about this and move on. They agree that it's been pretty small, petty stuff so far, but that someone is going to blow up or snap next week.
  13. 1:01 PM BBT JC and Brett in the HOHR. JC tells Brett not to tell Winston that the veto isn’t going to be used on him. He says that Winston will freak out. He also says he doesn’t want to talk in front of Rachel. He mentions that Haleigh lies a lot about little things and it indicates that she’ll lie about the big things. She lied about how long she put cookies in the oven, and that she would vote Steve out. JC is worried about everyone trying to work on Kaitlyn. Brett asks JC for his take on Scottie. JC says Scottie’s not a worry right now and that he’s working on him. Brett says Scottie is up Swaggy’s ass. He also thinks (Swaggy or Scottie?) is overdoing it, trying to make it sound like he has the power this week and therefore he probably doesn’t. JC says that if Swaggy does have it and Kaitlyn puts him on the block, they just need to sit back and not get involved. They see Winston coming upstairs the SpyCam and stop talking.
  14. 12:39 PM BBT All 4 feeds on Swaggy sleeping in the PBR. BB says, “No napping, houseguests.” It doesn’t seem to disturb Swaggy’s slumber. Feeds stay on him sleeping. 2 minutes later, BB says it again. He moves a little bit and mumbles, “You keep me up til 6 AM. Give me 10 more minutes, then I’ll get up and do whatever you guys want.” [Meanwhile I think most of them are in the BY but all 4 feeds stay on Swaggy napping… Why?]
  15. 11:53 AM BBT Kitchen. Rachel talking about the HN situation. She explains to a group of them that Kaitlyn couldn’t get into the DR and she (Rachel) is already eating something (not slop) so it’s too late to switch the choices. She says as long as she can eat birthday cake on her birthday next week, she’ll stick to her word and be a HN. 11:56 AM BBT Fessy, Kaitlyn, and JC in HOHR. Kaitlyn says they probably won’t let her switch the choices. Fessy says there was more than four volunteers for next week anyway. JC is talking about how he can’t wait to see certain people on slop. They’re talking about the timing. Faysal says they will be on slop for two people’s HOH runs. Kaitlyn puts on sunglasses and asks if they like them. Faysal says, “I like them on you, I wouldn’t wear them. Seems like something you would wear.” BB asks Kaitlyn to put on her microphone and Fessy tells JC and Kaitlyn they are the worst two in the house when it comes to that. Feeds keep cutting in and out to FotH. Kaitlyn: “We’re the most stupid D-list celebrities, but in the best way.” She says they’ll eat it up until they can’t. “I’d rather be a D than nothing at all.” They’re talking about social media and their plans after the show. 12:05 PM BBT Downstairs in the WA, Sam, Rachel, and Tyler are talking about showmances. Rachel says the men in the house are mostly too young. Sam said she told DR that the guys are just really clean-cut and that's not her type. Brett comes in and Rachel asks him what he says about her in the DR, and he joking responds that they can’t talk about DR. As if on cue, FoTH appears briefly. They move to the KT and are talking about their first impressions of one another. Sam says she thought Brett was unremarkable when she met him. FotH for the next 15 or so minutes.
  16. 11:44 AM BBT Swaggy and Bayleigh are in bed in the PBR. Bayleigh says he saw Winston whispering to Haleigh this morning outside. She says it didn’t seem like something serious. Swaggy says when you’re on the block, you have to talk to everybody. Bayleigh doesn’t think Winston’s pride is going to let him do that. Bayleigh tells Swaggy about Winston approaching her earlier. Winston told her he knows there are sides and that he’s not stupid, he noticed that she and Swaggy came up to talk to him on the same day, and that he’s heard things. Bayleigh says it’s just getting harder the more she thinks about it. “I’ve gotta do something about it and quick.” She says this is the second person going out, next week is the third. She says they have to be in charge of at least one person (leaving). [Swaggy is whispering low enough for most of this that I can’t make out his responses, but Bayleigh is doing most of the talking anyway].
  17. 11:41 AM BBT Fessy and Kaitlyn are the only ones left on the LR couches. Fessy starts to ask her something and Kaitlyn immediately says, “I slept alone.” He says, “That’s not what I was going to ask…” He just wanted to know if she’d ever slept in the big saucer, she says just the little one. They start heading to the HOH room. On their way there, Rachel is upset and Kaitlyn asks what’s wrong. Rachel just realized she volunteered to be a HN next week, but it’s her birthday week. She wants to switch with someone. Kaitlyn says she’ll ask production, but someone is in the DR so she can’t right now.
  18. 11:25 AM BBT Kaitlyn calls everyone to the LR, she’s holding an envelope. They all filter in slowly. It’s the Have-Not meeting. BB asks JC to put on his microphone and then they begin. Kaitlyn announces that people are excluded from being a Have-Not this week if they were one last week, if they are a woman that is menstruating, if they are under any emotional stress, feeling anxious or depressed, or if they are sick. She asks if anyone wants to offer, and says she would like 2 guys and 2 girls. JC and Fessy volunteer first. Eventually, Rockstar and Haleigh volunteer and are chosen. HNs are: JC, Fessy, Haleigh, Rockstar. Fessy suddenly realizes he won’t be able to eat things other than slop (since last week he was allowed to eat other food besides ham). Kaitlyn repeatedly asks if everyone’s okay with it, and they all say it’s fine. She asks everyone who is going to do it next week to raise their hand. Scottie, Rachel, Tyler, and Sam say they will. Meeting adjourned.
  19. 11:17 AM BBT Tyler and Winston are in the KT talking about Jess and Cody’s visit to the house yesterday. Tyler says that Cody was staring Winston down, like he liked his headband or something. (We get a brief WBRB.) Winston whispers to Tyler and tells him that Jess told him good luck. He thinks she’s routing for their Level Six alliance. Tyler says that Jess did the same thing to him, “she looked me right in the eyes and just smiled.”
  20. 9:52 AM BBT Faysal just got up to go to the bathroom. The rest are still in bed. Fessy heads back to bed, but the wake-up call should be coming any minute now.
  21. 1:06 PM BBT, Faysal and Haleigh in the PBR Fessy is still insistent that winning 2 POVs in a row is a good move, that everyone will be too scared to put him up, and isn’t worried about a backdoor option. Haleigh tells him, “I don’t want you to be more of a threat than you already are.” She tells him that if he does go out there and win today, he needs to spend more time working on his social game with the other side of the house, so they think that they can use him. Fessy says that’s the last thing he wants to do, and Haleigh says, “That’s this whole game.” Fessy tells Haleigh that he just wants to play with the people he started with and be 100% loyal to them. He’s worried that hanging out with the others will make people question his loyalty, and Haleigh tells him that she does it all the time and no one questions her about it. [Except almost everyone has questioned it behind her back, lol -NotFornia] Rockstar is in the room now. She wants to know who Kaitlyn’s replacement nom would be. Faysal says it would be Angela and Haleigh says, “You didn’t tell me that! Then yes, go win.” But they aren’t 100% sure. Fessy explains his argument to Rockstar about winning 2 vetos and no one wanting to put him up. Haleigh gives her side again. Bayleigh comes in and they explain it to her too. They all agree that if one of them takes Scottie off the block, Scottie would be extremely grateful and feel secure with them. They talk a little more about Fessy maybe throwing it. Rockstar: “Maybe it will be a mental comp and you won’t have to throw it.” Everyone laughs at this. Feeds cut out for a few minutes. 1:24 PM BBT Just Haleigh and Faysal in the room again now. Fessy asks Haleigh if she’s got him, because she’s so cool with everyone. She tells him, “I want you in this game.” She says getting the two of them further in this game is her number 1 priority. Faysal repeats back to her, “I’m your number one priority?” She tells him not to question that and reiterates that she doesn’t want target on his back. Fessy says he’s already a physical threat, so why not instill more fear? Haleigh: “You don’t lead a country by instilling fear.”
  22. [These conversations happened just before the ones posted above. -NotFornia] 12:11 PM BBT Rachel is with Kaitlyn in the HOH room talking about the upcoming veto competition. Kaitlyn says the worst case scenario is Fessy winning. Rachel asks if she wants one of the nominees to win, and suggests that she could try to throw it. Kaitlyn tells her to try to win, and use it to save someone. Rachel wants to know who Kaitlyn would want her to save if she won, and Kaitlyn tells her she would expect her take off Winston since they’re friends, and it’s fine with her. Kaitlyn doesn’t care who comes off the block, she wants it to be used (to backdoor Swaggy). She’s worried that he might have the power app, but feels she still has the votes on the other side to back her up. “I don’t forget and I have not forgiven Swaggy. He has to leave.” She tells Rachel to do what she has to do, if she wins, great, if not, okay. They agree that pretty much anyone who wins will probably use the veto. Kaitlyn says, “There’s no option for this to not work.” She says that if she herself wins the veto, she’d take Scottie off since it would look weird if she pulled off Winston. They both just don’t want Fessy to win. Kaitlyn talks about making big moves and says she’s not scared to do so. “I would rather be remembered as someone who made big moves than a floater for 2 weeks.” They wrap up their veto conversation, having agreed that the veto will be used no matter what. Rachel takes the opportunity to apologize for complaining about her crap app yesterday. She says she realizes she’s complaining about trending while other people are up there on the block. They talk a little bit about how they think the most and least trending HG are determined. Kaitlyn asks Rachel who she would put up if she were to win HOH. Rachel kind of dodges the question and tells Kaitlyn that she would have done the same thing this week. “I would want someone strong on the block to fight for it.” Kaitlyn says she’s still trying to figure out her place and everyone’s grouped up. Rachel tells her that her only allegiance is to Angela and it’s mostly just a “girl thing.” Kaitlyn asks her if she feels closer to Brett or Winston, and Rachel said “either/or. If anybody, Angela.” She says she doesn’t feel there is a specific order to their alliance. Kaitlyn tells her to try to form a closer relationship with Fessy, it could be good for her game. She can see him getting far as a physical competitor. They wrap up their talk, Rachel leaves. 12:22 PM BBT Tyler’s in HOH with Kaitlyn now and asks how the talk with Rachel went. They talk about not wanting Fessy to win the veto. Kaitlyn says she might suggest to Fessy that it could be seen as threatening if he wins a 2nd veto in a row. Kaitlyn tells Tyler that she is worried that Swaggy has the power app and that it could send her home. She says she would really miss Tyler if she left. She asks him if he has the power and he says, “I wish!” [Feeds cut out for a minute] Kaitlyn asks Tyler if he thinks that all the lying is worth it, since she’s a self-help coach and feels she’s being hypocritical. She doesn’t want to do all of that for nothing and wants people to respect her moves. Kaitlyn says, “I feel stupid for thinking that you could make it far in this game and be true to yourself.” Tyler assures her, “Everyone will respect you for this.” Kaitlyn: “What if America loves Swaggy?” Tyler: “Even if they do, they love you too. They love people that play the game well.” They agree that no one knows how close they are and that’s good. Kaitlyn tells Tyler he’s her best friend in the house and he says the same.
  23. 9:40 PM BBT Sam, Angela, and Rachel leave the WA, and Winston quickly checks to make sure no one else is in the WC or around them. Once he’s sure they’re alone, he starts talking game with Brett. Winston: “Rachel said that Haleigh is definitely voting for whatever JC votes. Who the hell died and made JC king? … Rachel is like, ‘We all need to come to a consensus.’” Winston tells Brett that he needs his help up there (in HOH) to convince Tyler (to keep Sam). He adds about Rachel: “What makes you think Haleigh’s not playing JC and all of us? I don’t trust Haleigh. She’s too good of a player. She’s everywhere.” Brett: (talking about what the power could be) “Steve started talking about the conjuring. ….. like they have to redo everything.” Winston asks who Brett thinks has the power. Brett isn’t sure. Winston tells him that JC slipped and said it was a girl who has it, by saying something like, “That’s for her to tell.” Winston is scared that it could be Rockstar. Brett: “[Steve] said it was someone not with them though.” Winston says they can’t trust JC. “I love the kid but I have no clue where he’s coming from.” Brett says the only other girl he can think that might have it is Sam. Winston: “She’s so dumb, maybe she forgot she had it.” He adds about Rockstar: “How would she be trending? She doesn’t do anything.” Brett: “Her fucking pearl hair, I don’t fucking know.” Winston says he needs Rockstar out and that she’s climbing his list. They first bump and stop talking for a minute to groom themselves. Winston says the others know Rockstar is a swing vote, they’re not stupid. He talks about how Rachel needs to calm down about the Haleigh/JC thing because, “Haleigh is playing such a good game, she’s not going to ruin it. Not gonna happen.” Brett says he doesn’t think Haleigh is gunning for them. Winston doesn’t think so either, but reiterates that he feels she’s doing a good job of playing both sides. [Just popping in for this brief update, but there's lots of pre-eviction angsting going on in the house tonight. Hope someone can take over the late-night shift, I have to go to bed! -NotFornia]
  24. 5:17 PM BBT. Tyler and Haleigh in HOH bed. Rockstar just got out of the shower. Rockstar says that she told Sam that if anyone seems distant, she shouldn’t take it personally, it’s just that people are uncomfortable and sad that she and Steve are on the block. RS is surprised Sam came to her and it shows that she must really like her. She feels both Sam and Steve are loyal so it’s a hard choice. Tyler says it’s up to them. Hayleigh says she really likes Steve, but also Sam. RS says she likes both of them, but Steve comes with Scottie, and Sam doesn’t. She says for her personal game, Steve is a better option because he comes with another number. Hayleigh says she feels she’s in good with Scottie. They talk about how much they all like Scottie now. 5:25 PM BBT Winston and Tyler in the SR. Winston corners Tyler and tries to talk game. Winston is saying that Swaggy came up to him and said, “I just want you to know, everybody in the house wants you out.” W says he pretended to be paranoid and then acted overly grateful about F not using the veto, because he wants Swaggy to think he’s just bowing down. Tyler assures Winston “trust me” and makes a swift exit out of the SR.
  25. 4:50 PM BBT Kaitlyn and Tyler are in the HOH room. Faysal has the headphones on. K and T are talking about Sam and what side she’s on. Kaitlyn says Sam’s not on anyone’s side right now. They say no matter what, they have the numbers. K gets up to go downstairs. Faysal and Tyler alone now. Tyler says he’s annoyed that people are acting like they pulled something over on him when they didn’t even really do anything. F says the other side better not put up either of them week after he and Tyler did them favors. Tyler says if that happens, all hell will break loose. They both think they’ll be okay, the two of them, specifically. Faysal says that he hasn’t talked game with any of them and doesn’t know what they’re trying to do. He hasn’t talked to Rachel or Angela at all. He says the only thing he’s talked with them about is Brett and Winston telling him on day one that they thought the girls were trying to control everyone. He says he doesn’t know if they’d be bold enough to go after himself, Tyler, or Swaggy because of how well they've done in the competitions. They talk about what would happen if Brett/Winston put two girls up next week. They say they’d have to win veto and take them off, but they’d be worried about another girl going right up in their place. Tyler says they have to keep the girls safe, and says he and F would have to make some kind of deal to distract the other side so they’d throw up a floater. Faysal asks Tyler who he would keep if there is a tie-breaker this week. T points out there can’t be a tie this week, but that he would vote for Steve to stay. They would want Steve since they feel Scottie would come along with him. They agree that Steve will be loyal for at least a couple weeks. They wonder why anyone would vote for Sam to stay if they know the majority is keeping Steve, since it could just piss Steve off. They wonder if Sam is going to make it until eviction night or if she’s going to crack. Faysal asks if Tyler would have to put up another nom if Sam self-evicted. They talk about BB19 and how Cody had to nominate a third of the house the first week because of veto wins, powers, and self-evictions. 5:04 PM BBT Bayleigh and Haleigh in the HOH room with them now. They’re talking about how people have been promising Sam votes (Bayleigh says Angela has). B wonders, “Why would you not wanna go with the rest of the house?” Tyler says it doesn’t matter for their side, actually it would be good for them. Faysal says it would just show how she (Angela) is doing her own thing. Bayleigh says, “I think that’s very clear.”



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