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Everything posted by PinkyLee

  1. I didnt see it as a full blown Jersey BITCH slap but the words that followed???? Are you kidding me? If someone anyone came up to me slapped me like that followed by calling me a F**king idiot??? Oh there would be some bitch slapping going on and Paul would be the taker of them. Again Paul was just trying to make Josh do what he wants him to do. Like saying did I ever tell you to cry on demand? Like wtf is Josh his bitch dog or something? I liked it when Paul told them no one will want to watch their own season after the fact. I cant wait for all of them to watch their own season then see where all the lies came from and how Kevin hardly spoke a word against any of them. Such a bunch of dummies all of them with their ring leader Paul being the biggest one of them all. I think Paul will lose a lot of his business and I hope he does he is such a jackass I cant stand this dude.
  2. As much as I agree with you on all counts about Paul (BLAH) Id still love just out of spite to see Kevin with him in the final 2 and taking home the win lmao. Mind you not that he deserves it but Id just love for once for all of them to blow Pauls mind with giving it to someone he has taken to the end with him lol now that would at the least make me laugh and sit back and say ha ha u dummy thats what you get X's 2 lol
  3. It has been said in the past that CBS coaches the players via DR. So Im sure you are right in it being fixed. Im really having huge issues with this season. Since Paul wasnt impressed it seems by his cartoon image maybe now he is getting a fix on the fact he is looking like a big tool to everyone (even CBS) I hope it gets under his skin big time that Codys and Jessicas didnt look bad at all. CBS is more then likely seeing a drop in its ratings. Even here on Mortys in years past it would take forever to get results because of an overload of their server. Not anymore which only shows a lack of interest in the fans eyes. Dont get me wrong I LOVE MORTYS and do appreciate their efforts here. Just saying seems to me not as many people are that hell bent on getting the results like in the past years. The game has been to predictable is probably why.
  4. Well now Josh has the chance to show us all how much he really wants to WIN. If he has the balls to put up Paul and Alex that is. Worse thing to happen would be Paul winning veto and taking himself down. Hmmm maybe Josh can convince Paul he is a PAWN lol. If he puts up Alex and Paul assuming Kevin votes for Alex and Christmas votes for Paul or visa versa Josh will be deciding vote. The only line he would need to vote Paul out at this point is " Buddy I just cant win against you " I still want to see Kevin get an HOH. Im so tired of seeing Paul tell the others what they should be doing and not doing. They are all talk about how Paul is running things Id just like to see one of them stand up for themselves and do what they want to to not what they are told to do. So be a man JOSH!!! Just do it for gods sakes.
  5. Very true the one big move made by Cody to take out the vet was the smartest thing to have tryed. After that the other dim wits where to scared to try another no doubt. There should be penalties for throwing a comp or even talking about doing that. At least there would be a decent show of competition.
  6. Well America did have the first hand in picking who we wanted to offer that temptation to to begin with. Had America not offered it to Paul he wouldnt have been tempted. However, a good point was made by joystick that CBS more then likely played a huge part in it as well.
  7. Because they are all dim wits is why they seem to be OK with Paul winning. Ive seen comps thrown before but how dumb can they all be??? They continue to throw the comps to whomever Paul wants them to throw it to. Every time I see a glimmer of hope.....someone listens to Paul lol Side deal or no side deal why would a so called smart woman aka Ales throw the comp to Paul? When all along she has said Jason is my right or die what a dummy unreal. She doesnt have a clue by now that Paul is working everyone there??? Id never want to have a relationship with Paul inside that house or outside he is one smooth talker which leads me to believe lieing comes very easily to him so inside or outside Id never be able to trust him as a FRIEND.
  8. I agree here 100% the temptation part in the very beginning was just wrong. All Paul had to do for 3 weeks was sit back and relax. He was able to go around and convince all he was the complete knowledge behind the game because of him being safe for 3 weeks. Sad part about it is the other nit wits went along.
  9. I said it from day 1 seems most of the HG arent here to win. When the thought was planted in their pee brains that as long as they make it to jury they seemed to be fine with that. Matt knows he would never be Americas Favorite thats for sure. Rest assure he spoke to production a lot before he decided not to follow the HN rules. Matts a loser any which way you look at it. No one in their right mind would hook up with the likes of Raven. Well maybe it was a pity Showmance since all the others had already been taken lol.
  10. Im still unsure of what Kevin is doing and if Im unsure on it Im sure the other house mates are as well. But at this point I would LOVE to see Kevin take the next HOH and poop on all of them esp Paul if its true him being onto Paul. Lord I hope he is I suspect Jason is a bit as well. Because if he wasnt he would have done what all the others did and gone along with the house to put Kevin up and he didnt he made it clear it was HIS hoh and he was doing what he felt was good for him. I give Jason props for sticking to his word.
  11. I wanted to vomit watching Raven as well as Pauls face. I give credit to Kevin saying he bows to no man no less a robot kodos to Kevin.
  12. Again if America had not given the first temptation to Paul with the safety feature Im sure he would have been long gone. Thats the main reason Paul doesnt like Cody to bad he cant own up to it to begin with. It has nothing to do with Cody calling him names etc it has to do with the fact that Cody was the only one with the balls to even attempt to get rid of him to begin with. I like the idea of the temptations but strongly feel no one should be just given safety. What happened to the good old days when the only person who was safe was the HOH?
  13. Gotta agree if Paul is with anyone Id say its Josh. I would have said Kevin awhile back but now Id say Josh. Pauls odds of taking Kevin to the end would be to bleak because tech Kevin has been social and not done anything except follow along. For Paul to have Josh as his side kick would be the only logical thing for Paul to do at this point. Think about it who would you vote for in the end? The so called Master mind Paul.....or the tool with the pots and pans?
  14. Id love to see Mark pull this game off as well. He is the only one I give credit to for standing up for himself along with his beliefs. I wanted to hear so badly that he won this HOH but alas Christmas (blah) pulled it off. Theres still hope though with the veto then Id love to see him put Pauls butt on the block. Not that that will matter because Paul win convince everyone else its still in THEIR best interest to keep Paul. Bunch of TOOLS.
  15. I agree no player should be alloyed to not endure being a have not just because. Same with when Christmas got hurt she should have been asked to leave because of the fact she wouldnt be able to play in some of the comps. I recall I think his name was Eddie? whom only had the one leg he played and competed in everything. And some of the stuff was way more difficult for him then the others but he still competed. I also recall a few of the contestants becoming very ill from eating the slop yet they didnt get a choice.
  16. Gotta laugh with Alex confronting Elena on how she is a huge liar. LMAO her little group are all huge liars give me a break here. Confronting Alex telling her how she lies on everything and how Alex swears up and down she has NEVER said a thing against Elena?? Or Paul going to Kevin telling him he too would never trash talk Kevin to anyone? Noooo never him surely he wouldnt LIE. No wonder Paul is concerned with his girlfriend on the outside. She is now seeing how he lies manipulates and can get over on everyone doing it. Id wonder as a girlfriend myself how many times he very well might have done the same to me and I wouldnt even know it he is that good at it. If he is getting paid more then others then Id suggest again that he is a CBS plant and that production plays a way bigger part in this show now then it ever did before. Explains why no one is able to speak on production they might give away what hand production really plays in all of it.
  17. Id love to see Mark win HOH as well break up that so called happy jury group.
  18. After reading the forum today sorry but I feel for Cody as well as Kevin. With Lord Paul now telling people who they can and can not speak to???? Give me a break here thats just cruel anyway you look at it. Lord Paul acts like his MR. BB19 in the flesh. Is he forgetting he LOST his year??? If he so call knows the game and people as well as he thinks he does he would have WON already. He was a huge floater his season made side deals with everyone. I also do not understand why everyone is just happy they made it to jury. Past seasons people wanted to WIN!!! What a joke this season is.
  19. I agree that too much this season involves production way more then it ever did. I found it funny that as soon as America started well trash talking Paul a little bit more then last time on social media how his tune started to change in the house he backed off a great deal. Bad publicity for his own business perhaps? Im sure production told him why else would he all of a sudden change? Same as Josh. He (Paul) was loved by America last time because he played way differently. Now Americas feelings are changing towards him and if production mentioned this to him he maybe felt he needed to go back to the way he had been before. Cody had it right in the beginning get rid of the vet. Had America not given the temptation to Paul to begin with more then likely things would be way different then they are going. Getting rid of the vet would have forced these people to think for themselves. Really a sad sad season.
  20. I had the live feeds a few times. I normally wait until half season to get them. Same here though this year will be the first time I WILL NOT get them. In the 19 years I have been watching this by far is the worse year. Its all well to predictable. I think planting Paul back into the house could have worked only if the house guest had been smart enough from the beginning and used their own heads instead of hovering around Paul like he was a BB God or something. Never in the history of BB did the house guest have such insight on how the game goes step by step. There is noway enough plotting and scheeming this time around at all. Its been rare if ever did a person agree to go up on the block as a pawn for fear of going home. Now they dont even blink about it when asked. Heck half the time you have someone like Matt who volunteers for the job. A very disappointing year by far. Sad as well Ive always looked forward to the starting of BB now I cant wait for the end of it because of it being so boring.
  21. Im not one for violence but I kinda agree here everyone has their limits and to sit there and let someone torment you like Josh has been doing I think Mark, Cody, as well as Jessica are holding up pretty darn good. Myself Id have snatched those pots and pans out of his hands and done the same thing back to him (maybe a ilttle closer).
  22. Sounds good but I think Paul has already filled their heads with his own agenda. Im very happy to hear production has stepped in and told Josh to knock it off with the pots and pans. I also feel production has spoken to Paul as well...Paul seems to be trying to step back a bit. Or maybe he just walked into the DR and realized he cant stand followers lol talk about a hypocrite.
  23. I kinda think they are just sitting back watching and letting the others tick one another off could be smart game play. They know they are already hated by the others so why not just sit back and let the others find someone else to pick on? Once it happens then Id suggest stepping up to the plate. I do this at work when someone confronts me in an aggressive manner. I listen without a word back or smile which gets them more angry. But my last thought is always the same they are going to dig their own grave. Maybe thats what Jess and Cody are doing?



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