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Posts posted by pinkfrog

  1. 11:00PM BBT Demetres, Bruno, Ika and Gary are in the living room. Demetres says he is curious how the replacement nominee is going to work, and when it will be done. They think it could be tonight. They discuss where they will sleep. 


    Emily comes into the LR and asks what everyone thinks will happen and are they going to stay up all night. Nobody really answers her as they all get into a deep, friendly debate about boxers vs tighty whiteys. 


    The rest of the HG are in the kitchen chatting. 









  2. 9:30PM BBT Feeds are still down after the live show, but got a glimpse of several of the HG all in the HoH room still. 


    The Wrinkle in Time reverse week will play out as follows:

    Thurs, March 30 - This week will start the way a normal week would end - with 2 people on the block. The house will decide the 2 nominees who will go up on the block. 


    Monday, April 3rd Arisa will host a nomination ceremony in which she will reveal the houseguest’s nominees. Following the nomination ceremony, the houseguests will play for the POV. If the POV is used, the house will vote on the replacement nominee. 


    Wednesday April 5th - In this episode, the final nominees will be named, and the houseguests (minus the final 2 nominees and the outgoing HOH) will battle for the head of household.


    Thursday April 6th - In the conclusion to Backwards Week, the HOH will cast the sole vote to evict at the live eviction.

    The houseguests will be informed just prior to the HOH comp that the winner of the comp will have the sole vote to evict in the live eviction show next Thursday.



  3. 12:10AM BBT Cass and Bruno are in the Have Not room.  She says she has "Blockitis" - nobody wants to talk to her.  


    Cass says she does not trust Kevin at all and that he and Bruno are seen as a duo. Bruno acts surprised by this and asks why would the house see them as a duo. She says they hang out a lot and that they are both from season 3. 


    Cass says she is very direct and she never knows where Kevin is at. She says she wanted to work with Bruno week 1. He says he was sure she was coming for him. They are discussing what happened week 1 and how they started off as a group of vets and how things changed so quickly. She tells him if she stays she would work with him and would never go after him. 


    Cass tells Bruno he is not as sneaky as he thinks he is because she sees him talk to Emily and Dillon. She asks who his targets are, but as he starts to say something she interrupts him. 


    He asks her why she couldn't trust him. She says when in the pantry they said they were going to throw a comp and they didn't. Then when they said they were keeping Mark, but they kept Demetres. Cass says if there is some miracle and she stays she would love to work with him and that she loves Sindy. Bruno tries to convince her he is not with Kevin as Cass says a lot of people are scared of Kevin. They both agree if there is some sort of reset or a twist and she stays they will work together. 


    She says she loves Gary, but she can't talk game with such an emotional player and it's frustrating that she has nobody to lean on in this game. She feels alone and mostly talks to herself. 


    Bruno asks her who she would have put up this week if she were HoH. She says she would not have put Bruno up. She would put up Dillon and Emily, and maybe Kevin if one of them won veto. She wanted to keep vets together. She says she knows Neda has hated her since the beginning though. 


    Cass asks Bruno who he would have put up if he were HoH this week. He hesitates and says he'll tell her if she comes back. He says for all I know you'll go up those stairs and yell it back at everyone. He promises if she somehow comes back into the house he'll tell her and they'll build trust.


    She asks him why he didn't trust her. He says he felt like she wanted to back door him since week 1. 


    Cass tells Bruno that Karen will go after Kevin and Jackie, and that he is not one of Karen's targets. 


    Cass says there is no loyalty in the house this time. She sees Bruno, Kevin, Dillon, Emily, Neda and Sindy together and maybe Ika and Demetres.

    Bruno says he gets along with Dre, thinks Karen is great, he likes Gary. He does not see himself on one side. Cass says it's just how they hang out. He is trying to say he hangs out with everybody. 






  4. 11:52PM BBT Dre and William want to talk about all the 'snakes' in the house. Will says he loves everyone in the house, but after 18 days he just wants to "how you say... spit in the face".  [He is being funny and cute~pinkfrog]


    Dre said Gary threw her under the bus and told everyone that she is campaigning to keep Cass. 


    Dre and William ask the live feeds to discuss on Twitter if they are mad that he did not use the veto on Cass. He didn't want to tick off the house. 

  5. 10:50PM BBT Cass and Dre are outside. Cass is telling her how Neda is treating her like a piece of garbage. 

    Cass says Neda has Bruno, Kevin, Sindy, Dillon & Emily. She says Ika is at the bottom of that totem pole and she is safer with them (Cass/Dre, etc).


    10:52PM BBT Karen is in the bathroom talking to Ika. Karen is saying Dillon is targeting her now. [Karen always thinks she is the target]. Ika is telling Karen not to get into arguments with people as it just makes you a target even if you are right.  Ika says she trusts Karen, Gary and Demetres and they just have to win HoH because everyone in the house is lying. Karen questions if they are just doing what Neda wants by voting out Cass. Ika says she thought they were just doing what the house wanted. Karen says "I know I am a huge target". She doesn't think Dre likes her. 


    11:07PM BBT Sindy in the HoH room counting things.

    Dre is in the kitchen asking Demetres if she should blow up and tell people off. Dem says it depends, but probably not and asks who she would blow up on. Dre says everyone in the house because they all lie. 


    11:09PM BBT Gary is in the bathroom with Cass. She says Demetres is scaring her and that Bruno is swaying him. She said he told her it is just 'bro talk'. 

    Cass says she will talk to him tomorrow. Gary tells her she only has one person to work on (Dem) and that's amazing because of all the work only he and she have done. He worries that it has been noticed. Cass says people are not talking about him, but are talking about Dre. Gary says he got caught by Neda talking to Karen and Dre saying "Cass needs to stay" and right after that she called a meeting with Kevin, Dillon and Bruno and told them. 


    Cass says they have 24 more hours to get Ika and Demetres on their side. Cass says Dem is dumb because he told her nobody in the house is voting for her to stay. She and Gary both say this is not true. 


    Gary says he feels like he is everyone's target and they are just waiting for the right time and that he is not flying under the radar. Cass asks Gary if she should go hug Ika before she goes to bed. Gary says yes. She says she will go find her and do it and say she loves her. Gary says he wants to see it, so they leave the bathroom. 


    11:20PM BBT Sindy and Neda are in the HoH room. Sindy and Neda agree that if Sindy wins HoH she will put up Dre & Will, and/or backdoor Gary. Sindy says Kevin can't put up Will (he is close with him), but he would put up Dre and Jackie.

    Sindy said she was speaking to Dem and Emily joined the convo. Sindy said she told Emily that Ika is closer to Gary than she is to Dem. [She is trying to put the focus on Gary]


    Neda is worried because Cass still has one more day to do damage. They are talking about Gary trying to get close to Sindy and to Bruno. 


    Sindy says she is feeling a mixed vibe from Dre today. Neda says Dre is fired up to win HoH. Neda saying it's probably going to be a numbers comp. Neda is so worried that "Canada will vote to evict Jackie" or something. She thinks if this happens she would put up Dre or Gary because they're both so scary. They lean towards Dre because everyone will be going after Gary. They say Dre is holding Jackie and William together, and Gary is not holding anyone together. Neda says she hates them both so she doesn't care. 


    Neda says Cass and Gary play so weird because they throw each other under the bus then still work together the next day. She says she would never stand for that and that it's very weird, but maybe they are desperate because they are on the bottom.


    They say Gary has to be a backdoor, because as a vet he would blow up everyone's game in the week he was on the block.


  6. 10:28PM BBT Jackie and Will are on the couch upstairs clarifying their relationship. Will said he was not sure he could trust Jackie because she seemed to float to where the power was. 


    Other HG are downstairs by the pool table.  


    10:35PM BBT Sindy and Kevin in the blue room talking about overhearing Gary talk game loudly. Loud enough for people to hear. They now believe there is an alliance with the French Connection, Cass, Gary and Karen and once Cass leaves they are going to try to pull in Jackie.  

    They are also discussing the number of items in the house to prepare for an upcoming challenge. 

    They are saying once Cass leaves it will get easier, but also that it makes a big target leave the house. 


    Sindy says if she wins HoH, she will put up Dre & William. Kevin says he would put up Karen and Dre, or Dre and Jackie. They say they are not sure what Jackie would do if she won HoH, and that she and Dre are getting really close. 


    10:45PM BBT On the upstairs couch, Karen flosses her teeth and tells Gary they are targets and he tells her to be quiet, not to put that 'out there'. Karen says Neda is sketchy.  Gary is pretty much ignoring her and is yelling down to Ika. She starts chasing him around upstairs. 



  7. 7:11PM BBT  Demetres and Jackie are still outside chatting. 


    Cass and Ika have moved into the bathroom to touch up their makeup. Ika says "How are we in the bottom? How did we end up here, where everyone doesn't like us?" Cass says we are not in the bottom. 


    Cass says she wanted to align with people who appreciate her humor. It is hilarious, very sarcastic, loving. She asks Ika if she wants a hug right now. Ika jokingly says: No, thanks. You are the only one that loves yourself. No one in the house thinks you are funny. 


    Cass says Gary has almost f&#^ed up her game more than helped it. Ika is complaining about him and they both agree he is annoying. Ika was annoyed that Gary told her the night before that she and Demetres look like they are becoming a duo. She asks Cass if she will become a target if she looks like she's a duo with Dem. Cass says no, but do not make it obvious. 


    Ika says Sindy does not like her in the same way Neda does not like Cass. 


    Ika says she will talk to Demetres and Cass should talk to William. They also need to talk to Dre. Ika leaves the bathroom and Cass is taking a shower.


    7:27PM BBT Kevin is in the LR talking about God and why snakes don't have feet to Dem, Karen, Neda, Jackie, Sindy.


    Emily, Will & Dre are in the kitchen preparing dinner.










  8. 6:40PM BBT Emily comes into the HoH room. Emily is asking Kevin how he is and he is telling her about his sleep problems. Emily is saying "Gary has got to go". She loves him as a person, but she can never tell where is head is at. He is very sketchy and flip-floppy. 


    Kevin says his relationship with the French Connection is not really on a game level. More just friendship. He says Dre is the leader of that duo and she is a strong player. 


    They are not sure if Will would use the veto or not because they think Cass is getting into his head. They say she is going to work on him hard and the vote is still 4 more days away. 


    They say people underestimate Karen and Emily says she is keeping her close and that they need to also do the same with Jackie. 


    6:50PM BBT Dre is now in the orange/pink space room where Ika is laying down. Dre says if Will does not use the veto, we need to tell Cass that she is going home. 


    3:52PM BBT Sindy, Cass and Demetres outside, freezing. Cass says she really wants to party tonight. She goes back into the house. Sindy and Dem say they just had enough of Karen's stories. Sindy says she is more into stories where everyone can contribute, not just when one person talks for 20 minutes. [Not sure now if that was a BB challenge, but still is odd~pinkfrog].


    Sindy leaves and Jackie joins Dem outside. Jackie asks Dem why he does not want Cass in the house. He says she talks a lot, is a good player, capable, is able to talk herself out of situations, and that she was the root of a lot of drama that went down in the house. 


    3:59PM BBT Cass enters the orange/pink space room with Dre and Ika. Cass says she is acting like she is accepting of going home, but she is going to fight really hard. She says Gary, Demetres, Karen, Dre, Ika are 100% voting for her to stay. Then she asks Ika if Dem is 100%, because she always sees Bruno talking to him.  Cass wants to get rid of Bruno next week. Ika says "we can't even win an HoH!"


    Dre leaves the room. Cass and Ika discuss again the votes. Cass is absolutely convinced she has Gary's. She just needs to confirm Demetres and Will. Cass says Neda hates her guts because of how Neda was yelling at her during the veto comp. She said too bad, as she was willing to work with her. She thinks Neda will regret coming after her. 


    Cass says these are the 2 sides of the house:

    1. Neda, Sindy, Bruno, Kevin, Dillon, Emily and now Jackie (Cass says "but she'gone this week")

    2. Cass, Ika, Gary, Demetres, Dre, William and Karen. 











  9. 6:27PM BBT - a few people have left the LR (Kevin is in HoH listening to music).  Emily and Dillon are in the blue bedroom. He just asked her what everyone else was doing and Emily said they are listening to Karen talk about her life then the feeds cut to the HoH room.


    Kevin is now talking out loud about who would come after him or not. He trusts Gary and thinks he would take him to the final 2. He figures if he gets much more sleep, he will play a good game, unlike last year where he got little sleep and his brain was mush.  He is hoping Ika and Demetres start a showman to make a distraction.  He trusts Neda and Sindy completely. He trusts all the vets except Cassandra. He thinks Neda, Bruno and Ika are the favourites to win, not him. He says last year he was too cocky, socially unaware to win and played to the cameras. He says he has changed since then. 


    He says he would use the veto on Bruno, would never vote him out and that they have to survive and fight hard. 


    In the LR are still Gary, Bruno, Neda paying close attention to Karen. Dre is in the background. Ika and Demetres facing each other, half listening. Sindy looks like she's half falling asleep. [Wow, Karen can TALK!] 
    Emily, Dillon, Jackie are in other rooms.


    Kevin is memorizing the game stats thus far.



  10. 6:14PM BBT Every single houseguest is sitting/laying in the living room surrounding Karen and listening to her talk in extreme detail about career, money, how to live life. [After watching for a few minutes I am suspecting this is a house challenge because the HG are asking money related questions and Karen is doing 99.9% of the talking. Seems almost like they need her to say one specific cliche about money~pinkfrog]


  11. 1:09AM BBT Cass tells Dre, maybe they need to talk to Will and she may need to bring on fake tears. Dre is laughing at this, but says they cannot talk to him together as he does not like being ganged up on. Dre asks her how you fake cry. Cass is explaining to her how it's done and trying to do it. 


    Dre leaves the room and Cass announces to the camera: Operation "Get William to use the Veto on me - Fake Crying". She panics that she only has 3 minutes to fake cry. She taps her cheeks a few times, squeezes her eyes shut repeatedly and talks to herself. She is really trying her best to squeeze out some tears. 

    Meanwhile, Dre is up talking to William on the couch upstairs (all in French). Cass is squinting and squeezing her eyes, but has not shed any tears yet. She says to herself she has to be in a conversation to cry. Several minutes later, and no tears yet. [Maybe she could go cut an onion real quick]. She rolls her eyes and says "waiting" not knowing Dre and Will are still having their conversation upstairs. She's still blinking her eyes and trying to look upset.  


    Dre leaves the conversation with Will and he remains on the couch. She goes to the kitchen while Cass sits in the Have Not room "waiting". 

    Dre finally comes back to the Have Not room and says William is not coming, maybe later. She says I don't think he wants to come in here. He is annoyed and tired.  Cass suggests tomorrow maybe she will wake up and be really somber.  Cass asks if she looked sad when Dre came in. 

  12. 12:44AM BBT Jackie and Kevin in the blue room. Jackie says Sindy told Cass to her face she is going to be voting her out. Jackie is asking Kevin how his relationships are with people. He says with Neda it is growing. Sindy would never vote him out.  Emily and Dillon isolate themselves together and Bruno hangs out with them a lot. 


    12:49AM BBT Neda and Sindy are tackling several topics. They are worried about Gary. He is a smart player and very competitive. They agree Karen is the biggest blabbermouth. Neda is worried something crazy will happen tomorrow, but she thinks they are doing ok. 


    12:50AM BBT Cassandra and Dre are in the Have Not room. Cass is defending herself because people in the house have been talking about her and Jackie's relationship. She continues to call Dillon "boxer guy". She tells Dre that Jackie is not going to be loyal to Dre & Will. Jackie is with Dillon, "what's her name" (Emily), Bruno, Sindy, Kevin. Cass says Demetres and Dre will be on the block next week. Cass said she talked to Demetres and he told her she only has him, Gary and Ika's votes. Cass is saying she can't afford to have Jackie making a scene with her because she cannot make her boyfriend at home look bad. She says Bruno is talking to her like she is already gone. Cass asks her what she is doing wrong. Dre says Cass is very direct. Cass says the house just wants her to act phoney.


    12:51AM BBT In the bathroom Gary asks Kevin if Cass is going. He says yes. Gary is now in the living room styling Dillon's eyebrows. 

  13. 12:05 AM BBT Cassandra is sitting on the couch upstairs with William. She is saying she has a good group. She has him, Dre, Gary, Ika. She talks with Kevin & Bruno to keep them close and tell their group everything they say. She is loyal... to her people. She says she is not with "the boxer guy" or Emily. She says Sindy lies through her teeth. Demetres comes out of the HOH room. William leaves and Demetres sits with Cass. 


    Cass asks Dem if he would use the veto on her. He hesitates and says he will cross that bridge when it comes. She says he could throw the competition to her. [Someone walks by so he doesn't actually have to reply to her]


    12:12 AM BBT Sindy is in the HOH room with Neda. Neda asks her what the heck happened with Ika today.  Neda tells Sindy before she won HOH she was very open with what she was going to do for nominations. She is not sure why Ika made her feel so bad after nominations when it is so hard already.  She repeats it was no surprise who she was voting for and that it was selfish of Ika to treat her badly for not putting up the people who are only after Ika (Emily and Dillon).  


    She tells Sindy how draining Ika is and that alliance members should not be draining. She wishes this were an All-Star season so she was playing with better, more logical players. Neda says Ika is going to make herself a target if she keeps playing like this. She says she won't personally go after her [not what she said to Bruno earlier], but that the whole house will get sick of it and she didn't seem to learn from her prior season. Sindy is agreeing, while remaining neutral. She is saying Ika and Neda just have different personalities. 


    Sindy says Jackie was spilling the beans about Cass and that she is ready to turn on her publicly. 


    12:25 AM BBT Karen is in the storage room telling Dre and Ika that she is voting Cass out. 


    12:27 AM BBT Karen is now in the HOH room telling Neda and Sindy how betrayed Jackie is by Cass. Karen says Cass told her and Gary that these people were in an alliance: Neda, Sindy, Bruno, Kevin, Emily and Dillon are all together. Neda just laughs and says that's a lot of people.


    [Karen is hurling Cass under the bus right now telling Neda everything Cass has ever said.] Sindy jokes that she doesn't want to ever get on Karen's bad side.  


    12:45 AM BBT Karen and Sindy leave the HOH room and Bruno comes in.  Neda is rehashing the events of the day again with him. She is telling him that Cass told Karen she has the votes to stay. They aren't worried about this, but they just don't want Cass to win veto. She tells Bruno to keep the fact that they have Emily and Dillon with them from Ika. 


    12:50 AM BBT Cass is talking to Dre and William and is saying Canada is not rooting for a boxer and Emily to win, trust her. 


    12:51 AM BBT Demetres and Ika are in a corner whispering. He is telling her that Neda is considering choosing him to play veto if she selects "player's choice".  He says if it's a competition where there is a cash prize, he would choose the veto. [They are a bit flirty]


    In the pink/orange space room Emily and Dillon are talking to Karen and Kevin. Karen is doing more bashing on Cass. She has told them Neda is fed up. 




  14. 11:15 PM BBT Cass is on the couch upstairs with Dre. Cass says Ika feels way too comfortable in this house. 


    11:27 PM BBT Gary and Karen are in the orange bedroom. Gary starts imitating how Cassandra is playing a paranoid game, which is cracking Karen up. In the HOH room Kevin is talking with Neda. She says Demetres is in love with Ika, and once they get her out they can pull him over to their side. Neda points out that Ika only played for 4 weeks and doesn't understand how to play the long game. She is trying too hard. Kevin leaves. 


    Emily comes into the HOH room. Neda is afraid Cass is going to somehow stay in the house. She tells Emily to sweeten up to Jackie. They talk about how they were looking forward to working in the house with Cass, but she made it impossible.


    Neda says to the camera "Jon, I miss you so much".  Gary comes into the room. Neda repeats she is scared Cass will somehow get the votes to stay.  Gary does not want to be chosen to play veto because he doesn't want to deal with the drama. 


    11:42 PM BBT Jackie is in the blue room with Kevin. He is reassuring her that people want Cass to go. Bruno enters. Jackie is talking about how shady Cass is and is disappointed that she couldn't work with her. The guys say Cass is trying to work with too many people.  Jackie says William has not trusted Cass this entire time and that she realizes now Cass was using her up to this point. Jackie tells them Cass had her convinced that Bruno was after her. Bruno is shocked at this because he would be after Cass if anything. They reassure her she is staying. 


    11:52 PM BBT In the HOH room Neda is telling Dem that tomorrow Jackie is planning to expose Cass to the house for some things she has lied about. Jackie told Neda that Cass asked Jackie to create a lie about Bruno being behind the flip to vote out Mark. 


    Neda said playing this game the second time around is harder. Demetres said he had a hard time voting Dallas out because he actually liked him and he was entertaining. 







  15. 10:36 PM BBT Demetres and Dre are sitting on the couches upstairs having a deep conversation in French. [I understood only one word: "HOH"]


    10:41 PM BBT Cass is talking with Gary and Karen in the kitchen. She says we know these people are working together: Dillon, Emily, Neda, Sindy, Bruno and Kevin. They talk about what a strong alliance that is. Cass says she is depressed. Karen turns the focus back onto herself. She says she is already completely stressed out. 


    10:45 PM BBT Cass goes into the bathroom where Demetres and Ika are. She says she has the 6 votes to stay: Ika, Gary, Karen, William, Dre, and Demetres. They tell her don't go around the house all confident and talking like you have all the votes. 


    10:50 PM BBT Bruno, Emily and Kevin are in the blue space room talking about how people are getting sick of Cass. Bruno goes into the HOH where Neda is still complaining about Ika causing drama after the nomination ceremony. They keep talking about how it was supposed to be an easy week. They decide that Bruno should talk to Ika and then later to Gary. He says he is going to let Cass know he is voting her out. 


    Neda is still concerned that Ika has enough friends on the other side to flip. They need to win over Sindy, Karen and Gary. 


    10:58 PM BBT Cass is alone in the Have Not room talking to the camera about how she is a target and that she needs to win POV and use her social game to win votes. She is reminiscing about last year and the similarities to her game-play, wondering if she's learned anything. Bruno and Demetres come in to work out sleeping arrangements, breaking up her "Live Feed Session". She leaves the room and Bruno and Demetres immediately start talking about her. Bruno wants to just tell her he is voting her out so she leaves him alone. He doesn't want her to think there's a possibility and make it another week like the last one. Demetres says he will just say he's voting with the house and the house wants her gone. He wonders who will go up if she wins POV. They commiserate about what a long week it will be.


    Bruno and Demetres talk about what a good team they are and are blown away that nobody sees the 2 of them being a good duo.











  16. 9:55 PM BBT Feeds are back on. Cassandra and Kevin are talking alone on a couch upstairs.  Need told Cassandra she was being told Cass was making final 2 deals with everyone. Kevin said if we voted right now, I would vote you out right now. He said he is sorry, he's just trying to be honest. She says I know. 


    10:00 PM BBT Cassandra goes into the Have-Not room and Dre joins her. Cass rhetorically asks Dre who she can trust in this house. She says Neda, Bruno, Kevin, Dillon and Sindy are clearly all working together.  She figures she would have Gary, Ika, Karen and Demetres votes, then would need 2 more. Dre says she does not want to have to choose between Jackie and Cassandra. 


    Cass said Neda told her she is her target. Cass wonders if Ika is with Neda and would she be going back and forth giving information. Dre thinks she would not do that. Cass is making promises to Dre if she votes for her to stay over Jackie. Dre says Jackie would never forgive me.


    10:08 PM BBT Kevin, Bruno and Neda are in the blue space bedroom. They're talking about Ika and how paranoid she is. They wonder if she would turn on them because of how she has been acting all day. Neda questions if they have the votes to get out Cass.  They assure her they do have the six votes of Dillon, Emily, Kevin, Bruno, probably Sindy, and maybe Karen. They say Ika thinks Dillon and Emily are after her and that Cass is after Bruno and Kevin. They are frustrated that Ika lets her emotions get the better of her. Neda says Ika is supposed to be her #1 in the house, but she is emotionally draining. She misses having Jon. 


    Neda says Ika is acting like Neda made the decision entirely herself to nominate Cass when they spent all day talking about it together. She says right after the nomination Ika started acting strange and said "It was your decision and you should be happy with it" as if Neda surprised her with the nominations. Neda thinks Ika would have preferred Emily and Dillon up as they are specifically after Ika. They are worried if she flips, they are in trouble because Ika controls Demetres and the French Connection. They say this week she can choose which side she goes with. They feel like they are walking on eggshells around her. 


    They discuss best case scenario if Cass goes this week, next week they could nominate the French Connection and back door Ika. Neda says she likes Ika, but she is too irrational to play with. 





  17. 7:57 PM BBT Everyone pretty much in the kitchen eating and chatting. Karen and Bruno are in the pink/orange space bedroom talking about who Neda might nominate. He is reassuring Karen that she is safe. He says he is almost positive Neda is putting up Jackie, but not sure who the 2nd nom is going to be. Karen said she would love to get out Jackie this week as she is the biggest thorn in her side. Karen says Cassandra is sketchy and it wouldn't be a bad thing if she was nominated. Feeds down (likely the nomination ceremony)



  18. 6:21 PM BBT  Dallas is now in the orange/pink space room alone talking out loud to himself. Wondering if he has a chance or not.


    6:24 PM BBT  Gary and William are in the blue space room. Gary is worried William will tell Dre that he and William are close when Gary specifically told her they were not.  William says Dre is his #1. 


    6:26 PM BBT Ika and Bruno are in the HOH room. Ika saying she is tight with Bruno, but does not want people to know that. She would rather Dre think she is bringing Ika and Bruno together. Bruno said he is not talking to anybody about anything, but realizes he cannot play that way. Ika says Cassandra thinks Ika is a close ally. Ika tells him that Cassandra said Kevin told her that there is a Season 3 alliance, where Bruno is the ringleader with Kevin and Sindy.  Bruno says no, and reality is that he is closer to Ika and Neda. 

    Ika and Bruno want to win the HOH and get Cassandra out. They are talking about how phoney she is on camera and that she acts different when the feeds come on. Ika says she is the most manipulative person she has ever met in her entire life. 


    Dallas enters the HOH room. Dallas says he is pretty sure he has these votes: Dre, Will, Jackie, Cass, Neda, Sindy, Bruno, Ika. He is unsure about Kevin or Gary. He does not have Karen or Dillon's votes. He knows Demetres wants him out of the house. He pleads his case a little more as a vet, and leaves the room on good terms.


    Ika and Bruno go back to talking. They say Dallas would be good for their game right now if he stayed. Bruno says he needs to repair some damage he did with Dre. Ika agrees. 


    Ika says if Dallas leaves she does not like that people look at Emily and Dillon as free agents and that Bruno will then become a target. Ika is giving Bruno pointers on how to get close to other people in the house, but also how to not look suspicious about it.  Demetres comes back into the room.


    6:45 PM BBT Have-not room: Emily is telling Cassandra why she cannot make a connection with her because she is sketchy. She said they had somewhat of a personal conversation, then she sees Cassandra talking to Dallas so it seemed fake. Cassandra is sort of passively-aggressively defending herself. Emily was not happy that Cassandra supposedly said she wanted to work with Emily, then campaigns against her a few hours later. They sort of agree to disagree on what Cass really said. Cass says she is sort of sorry she even had a conversation with her because clearly Emily misunderstood what was said. Emily finally gets Cass to admit she was campaigning against her. Emily says that's fine. Jackie says let's just squash this beef. Some apologies go back and forth. Emily says she is just stressed. 

  19. 6:08 PM BBT Ika, Demetres and Bruno in HOH room talking about Dallas to be the one voted out. Ika says Bruno and Kevin are big targets. She also says Dre is with them, but does not like Cassandra. 


    6:11 PM BBT Ika says Cassandra is so fake, and plays up to the camera. Ika, Demetres, Bruno all studying for the next competition. Sandy enters the room and joins the room. 


    6:12 PM BBT Kevin and Dallas in the orange/pink space bedroom talking about if Dallas stays. Dallas is all fired up. He says Demetres wants him out. Dallas suspects Bruno is in with Dillon and Emily. He keeps seeing them together, and when people walk by they stop talking.  He says if the vets are not together after this vote, then 'every man for himself'. Kevin is not committing to keep Dallas, but will give him the courtesy of telling him if he is going to vote him out. 





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