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Everything posted by pinkfrog

  1. 7:24PM BBT Ika asks Gary if he wants her to go talk to Demetres. He says no, just give him some space. Ika says the fact that Demetres has not told her what he is doing looks bad [for Gary]. Ika says whenever Dem has won HoH Neda has pulled him aside. Karen asks why Neda would be so against keeping Dre over Gary. Gary says he wants Neda's head and she knows that. Ika says the only 2 people that she has her backs should know it. [She says this to Gary in front of Karen. Karen would have to know Dem is 1 of those 2 and Gary would be the other]. Ika leaves the room then remembers she hates everyone in the house so she comes back into the room. Karen says Kevin and Jackie are her targets. Ika says if Jackie wins HoH she would put Karen and herself on the block. They tell Jackie stories. 7:32PM BBT Bruno and Demetres are in the hot tub also dissing Jackie. Demetres is paranoid someone is listening in because he sees the camera zoom in towards the door. He gets out of the hot tub to check, but does not see anyone. Bruno wonders if Jackie's seen her ripped up study sheet. Dem figures she has as she was acting pretty emotional. He says if you are going to have something like that, be secretive about it, do not tell anyone. They talk about how dumb it is that she told people. They are discussing Ika ripping up the sheet. Demetres says he has been trying to keep Ika calm and that she was likely bored today and needed something like that to do. They figure she has been getting a lot of TV time. They say they are glad they are 'in' with Ika as they would not want to be on the receiving end of that. They agree that you are good with Ika... until you are not. 7:39PM BBT Emily, Dillon and Jackie are sitting on the outside couches talking about playing with cups/cup games/comps.
  2. 7:11PM BBT Gary says he is trying to plant a seed with Will that he can trust him. He says Kevin does not talk game to Will. Karen comes into the room and Ika starts talking about her hate again. 7:13PM BBT Sindy is in the pantry with Bruno talking to him about Jackie. Jackie is telling people that she and Dre are good, but that Jackie wants Dre out because she wants to be with William. Sindy says Jackie is acting like she thinks she is a puppeteer.
  3. 6:54PM BBT Kevin comes out to the hot tub area and Ika leaves. Kevin calls himself Gary's temporary Big Brother husband and says he is falling in love. Gary laughs at him. They go to get ready to work out. Sindy is talking to Dillon about sports in the kitchen. 6:58PM BBT Ika and Gary are now in the blue room. Ika is fired up. Gary says "Can you try to control it a bit, please?" She agrees. Ika is now wondering if something is going on because she points out that Demetres has been gone for a long time, in the Diary Room. Gary says he and Dem had a great conversation. Ika says Dem said to her "Gary had some great points", but they didn't have a chance to talk. She said she will be able to talk to him at night. They are saying Sindy keeps inserting herself into their conversations so they don't get a chance. 7:02PM BBT Bruno and Kevin are at the hot tub discussing what might come up in the game. Bruno says he sees Ika and Dem wanting Dre and William there so they (Dre/William) will go after Bruno and Kevin. They say Dillon and Emily are crucial to their game. They would like Dillon and Emily to win this HoH and consider even throwing it to them. Bruno says Dem & Ika are tighter than anything and that Dem is in love. Kevin is hoping it's a 9 person jury because Neda will lose her immunity. They are with her 100%, but it wouldn't hurt for her to go. Bruno says that is why it is better for Gary to stay for their game, but they can't start pushing for Gary to stay as it would look to weird. They would want Gary to go after Neda. They agree they are with each other 100%, would never vote against each other, would use the veto on each other. They say they feel this way about Sindy too. 7:07PM BBT Gary says he is letting Kevin think he is playing him. Ika says she really wants Gary to stay in the game.
  4. 6:40PM BBT Ika walking around upstairs looking for her boots. She mutters to herself "I hate every last one of these b**ches in this house... it's not healthy to feel this much hatred." She goes and gets Gary and they go outside to the hot tub area. Ika says her heart is filled with hatred and she needs to get it out. She says she can't contain it. Dre joins. Ika says Emily was especially annoying her this morning. Dre and Gary tell Ika to use the words "strongly dislike". She wants to keep using the word hate and says she feels it in her stomach. She goes on about this for several minutes ranting and yelling and repeating herself. Gary and Dre are laughing at her and he is trying to give her tips on how to handle the situation. She continues to rant. She says Jackie and Emily are the most fake in the house. She says Neda is fake. Gary says he wants to see if Neda & Emily get back together. Ika says they are already. He says wow, after they talked crap about each other all day. Ika says she does not go out of her way to talk to Neda and Emily about game, but they keep coming to her.
  5. 6:30PM BBT Emily asks Jackie: Do you think Sindy and Ika are working together? Jackie says maybe the 3 of them: Neda, Sindy and Ika. Emily says Ika walks around like she feels so safe. Emily says if one of them wins HoH they should put up Dre and Ika beside each other. 6:33PM BBT Sindy and Ika are in the pantry. Sindy says that Dre told her before that it was Jackie's idea to go after Kevin and Bruno, but put it on Cass. 6:34PM BBT Emily is telling Jackie that Gary was telling her he has never been after Emily or Dillon and that his game is that he never lies. William comes out and their game talk stops. Dre, Sindy and Ika are in the kitchen again talking about Jackie.
  6. 6:11PM BBT Gary and Will are left alone in the blue room discussing how Kevin is 'using his sexuality' with them. Gary correctly guesses that Kevin is telling Canada he's just using it to get further in the game. Gary says he thinks it actually helps himself and Will. 6:16PM BBT Ika is doing makeup in the bathroom and Kevin joins her. They say if Jackie wins she will probably put up Ika and Demetres or Ika and Dre. Neda comes in. 6:18PM BBT Jackie and Emily are whispering on the couches out by the pool table. Jackie sees Neda coming so they move to the white chairs farther away. Jackie is saying Neda and Ika were in the HoH room and they peeked out the door and looked at her weirdly. [She is trying to figure out who ripped up her study sheet] Emily says for a moment she thought it could be Neda, because in Neda's season, when someone who was on slop that she did not want to win veto, she threw out all the condiments to make it even harder for them. She is still sure it was Ika. Jackie is wondering what she did to be treated like this. Emily says it is petty. She says she is on the fence with Sindy. They do not talk game very much. Jackie says she has talked to Sindy about Ika and asks why she has to be so mean. 6:25PM BBT Dre is in the kitchen talking to Sindy and Ika. Dre is talking badly about Jackie.
  7. 6:00PM BBT Jackie takes the food she collected for her new study sheet upstairs, but William and Gary are now in the blue room so she just chats with Emily and Kevin 6:02PM BBT Ika and Dre are out by the pool. Dre says there is no way she wants to go out before Jackie. 6:05PM BBT Neda and Sindy are in the kitchen talking about Jackie's study sheet. They start to go over the numbers/days themselves [they seem to be worried that Jackie will know these better than they will] Jackie sneaks the box to the pink/orange room and puts the food in it, then hides the box in her duffle bag and leaves the room.
  8. 5:56PM BBT Emily and Kevin are in the blue room studying. Jackie goes down to the pantry to collect food to redo her study board. She is putting raisins and Cheerios in her pockets.
  9. 5:37PM BBT Ika and Dre are out by the pool. Dre is feeding Ika houseguest's names one at a time and Ika is brutally criticizing and dissing each one. She goes through Jackie, Emily, Neda and Sindy. 5:45PM BBT [Seems that Ika ripped up Jackie's study cheat sheet]. Jackie and Kevin are in the blue room going over the pieces of the ripped up parts, which are now in a box. They are going to recreate it. She is sure it was Ika, but then says "unless it was Neda". Kevin said he couldn't see Neda doing this. 5:50PM BBT Jackie goes into the pink/orange room and tells Emily about the study board she made and how it was ripped up. She says she thinks it was Ika and Dre. She had it hidden under her mattress. Emily asks to see it. She says that is just mean.
  10. 4:24PM BBT Demetres and Sindy are upstairs on the couches talking about competitions and speculating on what could come up for the next week. Jackie is in the bathroom doing laundry. William and Dre are having a discussion at the hot tub en français. 4:29PM BBT Ika and Demetres are now in the HoH room talking about if next week is a double eviction. He thinks that would be great if he got to be HoH again. Ika says you do not want to be winning all these things and becoming a target and he says he doesn't care, he is just having fun. They go over the discussion she had with Dillon in the bathroom earlier. Dem says Neda told him if she won HoH she would put up Jackie and Emily, but she might have been lying. Ika says Neda is a liar and that she will not try to win another HoH right now. Ika leaves for a minute and Sindy comes in. She and Dem are talking about who would write Sindy's letter if she won HoH. General chit-chat.
  11. 3:49PM BBT Gary and Karen are still playing pool. Gary says he feels like he can't trust Kevin at all. Karen says she has been telling him this already, but he said Ika confirmed it. He says feels stupid because Ika told him that Kevin is going to use his sexuality to get into people's heads and use them. He feels betrayed by this, but now he is seeing it from a different perspective so he could use it to his advantage. They both say Kevin is really bad at this game. Speak of the devil... Kevin comes out and sits on the couch to watch them play. Their conversation is now fully about stripes and solids while Kevin silently watches.
  12. 3:12PM BBT Emily and Neda are outside at the hot tub. Emily says she and Kevin and Dillon were talking and said if one of them wins HoH next week they would put up Dre and Ika. They discuss how they think Dre and Gary's speeches were odd and that they don't understand Dre. Emily said she had a conversation with Dre and how she would handle autographs when they are outside the house. They change the subject to Jackie and how they both really like her. Now they are talking about the game and going over the stats a bit. Demetres comes out and joins them and they are chatting about a comp. Emily leaves Bruno and Neda alone. Neda says she was happy to clear things up with Emily this morning as it was awkward (something happened last night between the two). Dem says Emily is shady and Neda says she agrees 100%. They caught her listening outside the HoH door the other night. Neda tells Dem how Emily was saying she really likes Jackie and that she just agreed with her. Dem doesn't want Emily to know that Ika would be after Emily and Dillon. Neda says Emily knows the days really well. Neda tells Dem that Jackie has a cheat sheet calendar on a Crest White Strips box hidden in the bathroom and that she showed it to Neda and Bruno. He said that was dumb. She said penne noodles mean PoV, a Cheerio means HoH. She says they need to not just remember days, but events, and counting things. Sindy and Kevin know them really well. They are hoping the next week is not a double eviction. Jackie comes outside. They chat a bit then Neda and Dem go back inside the house leaving her out there alone. 3:35PM BBT Some of the HG are in the kitchen. Gary is playing pool with Karen. Gary says people have smoked 10 packs of his cigarettes and he is almost out while they've not been smoking their own. He is quite upset about this and says he is hiding the rest of them and is done giving them out. Karen says be careful not to piss the other HG off. He says he's already the target, he is not giving them anything else. They discuss how Dre is flip-flopping and why would Demetres keep Dre over him. Gary said he talked to Dem and he was not telling him who he is voting out. He said that is ridiculous. Karen asks why Dem would keep Dre over him? Gary says because Neda is threatening Dem. Gary says if he goes Karen is next. He says they will tell her it is because she was closely aligned with Gary, but it will really be because they just don't want her there. 3:44PM BBT Dillon and Ika are in the bathroom discussing who is talking bad about him. Ika says Emily and Bruno are 100% with Dillon. They both agree Bruno is a really good guy. They discuss how they used to both be angry people, but they have changed. He leaves the bathroom and Ika says to herself "I hope that worked". 3:47PM BBT Sindy, Neda, Bruno and Dem are on the couches upstairs chatting.
  13. 9:22PM BBT Bruno and Jackie are outside. Bruno is in the hot tub. They are talking about how only 3 people have left so far. Emily and Dillon and eventually Sindy come outside. General chit-chat.
  14. 9:08PM BBT In the HoH room, Dre is dancing with the headphones on while Ika is having a bath and Demetres is sitting on a stool talking to her. She says they should keep Gary in the house because he is entertaining and do they really want to be left in the house with boring people she calls "dry toast"? He agrees. He says it's odd the people who are on the block aren't working to save themselves. Gary comes into the bath with Ika and says Neda is being rude. Ika says that is because she is rude. They are saying she showed her true colours. He figures it is because Neda is not getting her way she is sulking. They are now discussing whether or not Ika is a 'villain' in the house.
  15. 7:51PM BBT Gary and Bruno are sitting out by the pool. Gary is telling Bruno he feels scared. Bruno asks him if he thinks he is good with Demetres. Gary says he doesn't know, then says no, he is not. Bruno asks Gary if he stayed and won HoH, who would he put up. Gary says whoever the house wants because he doesn't have enemies and he's playing the game alone. A few minutes later he says he would put up who is against him personally and Bruno says he would do the same. 8:03PM BBT Ika and Bruno are in the HOH room
  16. 11:33PM BBT Ika and Dem are saying they feel bad for Dre. Dem tells Ika he trusts Bruno. He says he and Ika are both very strong together and strong players. He says Emily can't come up with a 5-letter word and Dillon probably can't come up with a 4-letter one. Dem says he hates Dillon and is fake to his face. He says he wants to break Dillon's nose worse than it is. Ika says she trusts Sindy. Dem says it wouldn't be the worst if Sindy won so she could put a target on herself. They continue to whisper and bond over their dislike of other people. Meanwhile.... 11:39PM BBT Emily and Dillon are on the couch downstairs. She has some sort of an injury so she has a bag of frozen peas. Dillon is rubbing her back. He is asking her what her pain level is and offers to carry her upstairs. Emily puts the bag of peas back in the freezer, then they go upstairs. He tells Big Brother to keep their eye on her. Everyone is pretty much in bed either sleeping or going to sleep.
  17. 11:00PM BBT Emily and Dillon are discussing what will happen when the people on the other side of the house go and they have to start to pick off their own alliance members. Bruno joins them. Dillon says: Ika & Demetres definitely voted for him and Emily to go this week. Dillon says if he wins HoH, Ika and Dem should be the next targets. Bruno agrees 100%. Emily says do not tell Sindy this. They say to only tell Kevin and Neda this plan and only tell the others 'what they need to know'. They discuss putting up Ika and Dre, and sending Dem out the backdoor. But then they worry about one of them winning veto and taking the other off so they decide they'd put both Ika and Dem up together to ensure one of them goes. Bruno thinks that there will be no HoH this week and that they all get to play in the next HoH comp, which is April 11, his birthday. Bruno says if Emily and Dillon go up for any reason he will for sure be the one who gets "backdoored". They talk about when it gets down to it, the 3 of them would start to cut out of the seven: Jackie, Sindy, Kevin, Neda. [This is the order Dillon says. Not sure if Bruno agrees with that] 11:17PM BBT Dem & Ika are in the pink/orange room making out under the covers. Gary & Dre are in the kitchen. Gary says he is going home for sure. He says it's definitely him because he is a strong competitor and these people want to win. He says he is so stressed out. He keeps asking out loud to nobody in particular "what does backwards week mean?" Gary says Ika has love on the brain. Bruno, Emily and Dillon come into the kitchen to have some ice cream. 11:26PM BBT Emily gets called to the DR. Bruno and Dre say they are going to go to bed. William joins in the kitchen.
  18. 8:11PM BBT The HG are milling around the house. Some hanging out in the pink/orange room. Others in the kitchen. Bruno asks Karen how Gary is doing. She says they are both (Dre and Gary) having a rough go, which is understandable.
  19. 1:41AM BBT Dre and Gary in the bathroom getting ready for bed. Dre asks Gary how he laughs and jokes with Neda and he says he it's called 'being fake'. He says since Neda got this power from Canada she thinks she is 'all that' and that she can treat people however she wants. She has been nasty and hasn't been playing the game with integrity and had a personal vendetta against Cass and it showed tonight. He said she was being catty. He says people who act this badly in the house get burned. He says he knows girls who act like this have their weaknesses and you wait for the right moment and pounce on them. He says he will get her. Dre is telling him that she is having a hard time co-existing with these people in the house. 1:53AM BBT In the pink/orange room Demetres is telling Ika she is the nicest person in the house because she isn't fake to anyone's face. He says he likes Ika because she puts him in his place and isn't a pushover. He says he absolutely hates Jackie. Gary comes into the room and he, Dem and Ika speculate on how the week might play out like if the people with the least amount of votes stays, and how mad that will make them, etc. Lights are out.
  20. 1:07AM BBT Gary & Dre in the kitchen alone. Gary thinks that if he or Dre come off the block, Dillon will automatically go up because he had the next largest amount of votes. Dre asks him if he really thinks there will be no HoH and he says no, there won't. They discuss whether or not they could flip Bruno to their side. They decide no, it's not possible. Dre figures she might be able to flip Dillon or Emily. Gary says to definitely try it. The HG are getting ready to go to bed.
  21. 12:03AM BBT The houseguests have all speculated that the week will be played in reverse and they will be up during the nights and sleeping during the days. They are still not sure how the nominations will work, but Demetres already said to Kevin, Bruno and Ika: Imagine if the HoH is the only one who casts the vote to evict? 12:07AM BBT Karen joins Dillon, Emily, Jackie, Bruno and Neda in the living room. They want alcohol to help them stay up all night. Karen thinks she has been up almost 24 hours because she got up at 7am. They are having an informal British Columbia cities and towns spelling bee.
  22. 11:46PM BBT Neda, Emily, Dillon and Jackie are laying on the couches downstairs doing voices and sound effects. They get serious and start talking about what is about to happen and the competitions coming up. Dillon says the possible scenario of William winning PoV and taking Dre down, then him going on the block would be terrible as he would not want to go up against Gary. Then also assuming Canada has the final vote - he would not want to get voted out against Gary. Neda says Canada having the vote and keeping Gary wouldn't be fair though, given that he has a big fanbase. They speculate about the backwards week and if the nominees are actually safe; if the nominees do the voting out, etc. Seems Dre and Gary are the nominees.
  23. 11:22PM BBT Karen and Dre are in the bathroom. The HG for veto have already been chosen and PoV will be played tomorrow. 11:35PM BBT Bruno, Demetres, Ika, Sindy and Kevin in the pink/orange room discussing if the week is backwards... does that mean nobody uses the HoH room all week... and they guess that the HoH might be the one who gets to decide who goes home. 11:40PM BBT In the bathroom Karen is asking the live feeders to shake the camera if the Have Not competition is later tonight. Dre & William try to tell her the live feeders do not control those cameras. She now thinks it's almost dawn. Gary gets called to the DR.
  24. 11:24PM BBT Ika and Bruno go into the pink/orange space room Ika says she voted Emily and Dillon She says Gary said he voted Emily & Dillon She says Demetres voted Dillon & Jackie Ika aks Bruno if he thinks the people on the block should be safe. Bruno says but they are playing in the veto, and he says "there's no HoH". Kevin enters the room. Kevin says he voted for Dre and Gary. [I still cannot tell who is nominated. I think it is Dre and Gary, but not 100% sure yet]
  25. 11:15PM BBT The bedrooms might all be closed (the Have Not room is for sure) and someone in the kitchen (male voice) says out loud "So we are not allowed to go to bed tonight? For real?" No answer. William is complaining about maybe having to sleep on the floor. 11:16PM BBT Karen and Ika are in the bathroom trying to figure out what is going on. Ika says she feels like it might be reversed and in that case the people on the block should be safe. She says the ones that are not on the block should be scared. Ika is touching up her makeup. Karen is now thinking if it's reversed they will be up all night and will have to sleep during the days and do competitions at night. Ika says she stopped trying to figure out BB a long time ago. Karen thinks it's 2am. Dre comes into the bathroom and Karen tells Dre her theory. She says she thinks they could not be allowed to sleep all week. She said the public does not want to see the HG have a mental breakdown from no sleep and eating slop.



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