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Everything posted by mj074

  1. 11:06AM BBT Nicole suns near the pool. Corey applies sunscreen to himself. Paul, Paulie, Bridgette, and Michelle in the kitchen.
  2. 07:33AM BBT James says that now that they have eliminated some problem people the house is mostly filled with people he gets along with, but that it was not that way in his previous season. He mentions to Corey about Da wanting to target showmances a week or two back. Both agree that considering James is in a showmance that's an odd thing for her to bring up.
  3. 06:45AM BBT James and Corey review some of this years comps and Tiffany's road kill win. James says that they still should expect a reward/punishment comp, which he says can make you feel bad if you slide somebody the punishment. Victor walks through on way to and from the restroom.
  4. 06:30AM BBT James speculates on America's Favorite Player. Thinks Paul is a contender. Neither he nor Corey liked Paul initially, but as they started to understand his goofiness was goofiness, they started to like him more. James says diary room sessions and elimination order make a big difference in the vote. He didn't understand how funny Johnny Mac was last season, until he got to see his DR sessions later. They think Nicole has chances...she's a good girl, sweet, no doubt America likes her. Corey tells James about Nicole's hammock flip last night. They try to decide which eliminated HG got the loudest cheers. Frank maybe. Discussion about week one comps and the instant elimination. Corey dodged a bullet.
  5. 06:20AM BBT James spills some sugar which leads to him and Corey doing Dumb and Dumber quotes, which leads to a quick FOTH. On return, James is asking Corey if someone in Corey's family is a big fan. Nope. Corey himself says that in the summers he spends a lot of time doing baseball coaching in the evening, so he is a fan, but definitely doesn't see anywhere near even all the network coverage.
  6. 06:00AM BBT James and Corey talk about possible double eviction and possible elimination order. Seems like James is angling for a Paulie, James, Natalie, Nicole, Corey final five (since Paulie recently has been talking about cutting Zakiyah). Discussion of how to use Bridgette, and how her injured knee will probably keep her from winning anything physical.
  7. 05:50AM BBT James and Corey have a tiny bit of game talk around the kitchen table, but it's very quiet. Seems to be about Da going up as the replacement. Then they calculate that the East Coast is getting up and going to church and give a quiet shout out to their parents.
  8. 5:40AM BBT Corey wakes up and heads for the bathroom, where he finds James lying on one of the bench seats, awake. They go to the kitchen where James gives Corey a coffee making lesson. James has some GI troubles that kept him awake.
  9. 0:55AM BBT [from BBAD] Natalie and Z talking about real life in the backyard. Michelle has had a problem with the shower (drain issues again?), and Victor tries to help as the BBAD coverage ends for the night.
  10. 0:45AM BBT [from BBAD] Victor addresses the feeders. Natalie asks what is toughest about being in the house. Victor says the being inside four walls, not being able to do anything normal. Plus the paranoia of never knowing what's real. Victor, Natalie, and Michelle all say that the BB exercise facilities are nowhere near as good as what they are used to on the outside, and that makes them uncomfortable...they can't really use exercise to relax. Natalie and mostly Michelle say that the constant worrying about how they (the girls) look on screen takes a toll. Unfortunately, as she is talking, she is rubbing her eyes, and mascara goes everywhere. Victor tells her and she heads into the house. At first she thought he was joking, but once in the house, she sees he was right.
  11. 0:10AM BBT [from BBAD] Paul, Victor and Paulie in/at the hot tub, Natalie and Z as well, and Michelle in the pool. Random non-game discussion. Frequency of masturbation by gender, Paulie's HG announcements, who in the game might be a secret billionaire (they guess Corey). Da in kitchen doing dishes. Z to kitchen to make Smores(?). She seems to be experimenting with marshmallow browning techniques and melting M&Ms for the chocolate.
  12. 4:00AM BBT All on camera HG in bed, and all seem asleep except maybe Corey, who truly looks uncomfortable, sideways in the bumper car. I think he may be periodically snoring himself awake. After about 15 minutes he definitely wakes up, and rearranges from sideways sleeping with his legs out to curled up inside. It looks like a better alternative from here, but either way, he is way too big to fit the bumper car.
  13. 10:42PM BBT Paul returns to the pool after trying to round up James and Paulie as swimming buddies. BB: There is absolutely no jumping into the pool! Corey hopes that somebody makes a (repeating animated) GIF of Nicole landing on her head.
  14. 10:30PM BBT Paul enters the backyard from the kitchen, totters across the yard with his robe open, and eventually manages to find the pool, where he jumps/falls in. He seems happy, despite claiming he could not swim a minute or two earlier in the HOH. He finds a float and requests ice cream.
  15. 10:25PM BBT Paul (with a little help from James) arrives in the backyard with a garbage bag full of giant marshmallows? Pelting ensues. Natalie seems to take the brunt of the attack, Nicole asks to be spared since she just did a faceplant.
  16. 10:23PM BBT Corey goes to get some more Tums for Nicole, and she falls out of the hammock and onto her head. Epic.
  17. 10:05PM BBT James and Natalie continue to flirt/talk. Very little game talk. Da and Michelle talk in the yard. More explanations of Michelle's frustration with how things worked out (or didn't work out) with Frank. Da is agreeing, but seems bored. Corey and Nicole in the kitchen. She seems to have moved to the sad drunk stage a bit. Or at least self-conscious. She says she'll need to build up alcohol tolerance if/when she comes to visit. They head for the hammock. She says she is pretending to be not fine so Corey will have to take care of her.
  18. 9:48PM BBT Natalie is giving James a head hug, and explaining that is an important thing in her world. You have to protect your egg. She then schools James in regard to hoarding and tweezing. She's a really good detective, she says.
  19. 9:35PM BBT James telling Natalie that he washed the sheets so that the pillowcases would be nice and fresh for her. Awww... But then they talk about their terms for folks who are not good in relationships. Ewwww. Over in the HOH, Paul is trying to feed the fish, but it seems the alcohol may be winning at last.
  20. 9:27PM BBT In the HOH room, Paul and Nicole reach the inevitable "how long is the longest you've gone without" question. (That's the price of beer and guacamole). Answers and circumstances vary.
  21. 9:24PM BBT Michelle asks if the Veto is real gold. James claims it is real: 14k gold. (given how large it is, I'm skeptical!)
  22. 9:10PM BBT Corey has left the CBR, leaving Paulie and Z free to talk game. Their rankings seem similar, but Z seems to feel Paul could win it all...a big change from his first couple weeks where he was clearly on the wrong side of the house. Paulie sympathizes, but thinks he wouldn't do that well with Jury. Meanwhile Paul and Nicole seem to be almost equally tipsy in the yard. Paulie and Z think James is staying low and waiting to win comps at the right time. The Never Not and Natalie's reaction to being a pawn on the block seems to have rubbed these two the wrong way, and maybe more of the house as well.
  23. 8:50PM BBT Paulie and Corey in the CBR discussing both short and long range plans. Using Bridgette now to achieve short range goals, and getting rid of most of the girls (Michelle, Z, Natalie probably in that order) to set up their end game. Paulie says he likes Michelle, but she can cause damage down the road.
  24. 8:30PM BBT Several of the girls in the yard, then just Michelle and Z talking boy/girl ratio/votes and some other game comments/strategy.



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