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Posts posted by TampaJ

  1. 10:47pm BBT cam 3-4 HoH room Paul, Jason, Christmas: Paul, if homey doesn’t give a F let him do it; if does it just because he doesn’t like those people let him do it; and they all play the following week; but if Alex does it Kevin will be coming to Jason saying (said in a weird voice) see I told you so, they are laughing Christmas asks Paul to put her chair in the shower so she can take a shower, Kevin comes in; Paul asks if he wants to play pool later, Kevin says he won’t  have a chance , Kevin asks if Jason has anymore Mountain Dew and tells Christmas she is a strong girl; Jason gives Kevin a beer, Jason asks if she would like them to leave; she says they’ve been living together for 61 days; Kevin says getting everybody together, and Jason says they all thought someone else would win veto; Kevin says he told him, up until recently Alex had the power but now Jason is winning, Kevin ask Jason if he makes eggs tomorrow would he make one for him; Kevin says this game makes idiots of you following people around like a little baby, wonders if they will have have-nots; Kevin says if they do he’ll do it; it’s the lease he can do; says put Matt in there too then when Matt leaves he'll be in there alone; Jason says he liked his have not bed better than HoH bed; Kevin asks if he asked Christmas and if she agreed, asks if Alex agreed, if everybody agreed, confirms that nominations will stay the same; Kevin doesn’t want to take the beer outside; Kevin says they made it more enjoyable; he would not have made it without Jason; if they ask him to come back no way; ever, ever, ever. If Jason wants to come  back he can, Kevin will watch; Kevin says he hates it, says if he said to anyone else they say he didn’t want to be there; Kevin asks if Jason would come back; Kevin says he doesn’t know; Kevin says Holly would have to come with him; Kevin says let her come and you stay home with the kids; Kevin it would be so cool if Jason’s wife and one of Kevin’s daughters came on they could tell each other who they were, Kevin says the way people are acting now, says he can’t have been here this long and leave with Christmas and Josh in house them  having done nothing; (so what has Kevin done) Kevin says they’ll have coffee tomorrow morning and walk the yard; Kevin says they’re lying they had been friends with Cody the whole time he was here; if Kevin wins HoH he’s not letting anyone come in, lock the door, only Jason could come up; Jason says then you get up here and you want them to come up; Kevin leaves;

  2. 10:41pm BBT Paul, Alex, Jason HoH room:  Pauls says if Alex can have Christmas’s ear and he can somehow get Josh’s ear Josh hates Kevin, Jason says he wants to do what they as a group want, he doesn’t want to piss off 2 people for 1; Alex says everyone is on board with those 3 going up; you have pair obber goes up, you leave the pair up and you have 1 mad at you, and one who has your back but really doesn’t have your back, I’m telling you you are expendable to him, we are all expendable to him; he hates her (alex)  because she is on his back all the time, you and me we tell him what he wants to hear; you put obber up the pair is happy and the following week you have no repercussions; there’s no loss either way; what’s best for the team, it’s all best for the team, Alex and Paul don’t care which goes home, what’s best for Jason, they’re there to help so if you have thoughts tell them; Jason says he’d just as soon take the heat and send Matt home; Paul says throw the HoH to Josh and let him be the one to take Kevin out; Jason says he’s sleeps next to Kevin, they talk all the time; he never talks to those other 2 and they’d vote him out in a minute; Paul you’re right Kevin is more loyal to you as long as you’re not getting bamboozled you’re fine.


    Josh joins HoH, Alex tells Josh that Christmas is coming up let her come up and go down when she comes up -- and keep Kevin occupied; Josh says he can’t; Paul ask Josh if he threw HoH to Josh  would he have a problem putting Raven & Kevin on the block, Josh says a firm NO; Paul repeats so you wouldn’t  give a F you’d just put them both up and Josh says a firm YES, what the F people; Paul and Alex tell Josh to leave Josh keeps talking and Christmas tell him to shut the F up so she can say something; Christmas tells Jason, Matt told Josh the same thing, that he’d just drink in jury; Alex repeats that she would tell Matt/Raven she was not part of the decision  Jason tells her that he doesn’t care shecan tell them she doesn’t know what that f’n cowboy was thinking; Paul asks the group if they give a F; alex leaves saying if she wins HoH next week she would put Kevin up; Alex asks the room if they agree and then tells Josh to come on and they leave HoH.

  3. 10:32pm BBT cam 3-4 Jason goes up to hoh room paul comes in; paul ask if Jason is good now, and Jason says yes; paul tells him he won hoh Jason complains that alex wants to change it mid stream, paul says looks we may have to change it it’s still a win; Jason-that’s bullshit it’s bull shit; he doesn’t really care it’s the going around huh, what; paul says he’ll talk to her, Jason says he’ll talk to her wait until she’s over crying and acting like she’s butt hurt, Jason says “I was born at night, but not last night, Alex” Paul asks how his leg is feeling. Alex comes in. Paul ask if she cares what happens this week. Paul says he thinks they are smart enough to finagle any situation.

    Alex new piece of information: Matt doesn’t care about who goes home, Jason asks if he really said that says just keep noms the same, sent his butt home; Josh said he might call a bitch fit like Cody; (talking about Matt not himself) Jason asks what Matt can say about any of them, then ask if Matt actually said those words.

    Alex says I don’t know ask Christmas, she’ll be up in a minute; Jason asks where the new found concentration for (confidence?) Christmas came from; Paul says he doesn’t think Christmas is stupid enough to lie to any of them;  Alex said Christmas told her she was a team player, knows with her limitations are and she can’t compete much longer she asked Josh earlier today what would happen if he made it to jury and he said he didn’t care he says whatever he wants in his GBMs; Alex said she didn’t say it but thought well we should just take you out know if you don’t care. Alex we should just let him take the shots


     Alex says matts head will spin off; Paul says toss to Joss next week because josh turns to them for advice; Paul, how do you explain this to Kevin; Jason says Kevin asked him why he was so paranoid, he asked Kevin why he and alex thought he was paranoid and off his rocker; Jason says he’s going over conversations in his head and to himself he’s thinkg there’s a f’n rat somewhere; Paul says he asked kevin about going up this week, told him it was Jason, they can trust Jason and ; Paul says he if he has another conversation with Kevin, tells Jason to listen, hear what he says when paul says why not go up this week, hear all the stupid shit Kevin says; Jason says he doesn’t really give a shit, know he can’t believe what Kevin says there is some truth but some lies; Jason says he’s been believing Kevin was with them, says if that’s the case what’s the difference between Kevin and them (Matt/Raven) Paul says then leave them up, there is no loss here; Alex tells Jason if he leave nominations the way they are she will tell Matt and Raven she had no part in the decision;  if he puts Kevin up she will stand behind it; so Paul says it makes it easier for him, they will come to him and ask that they keep Raven, and he will do it; Alex still wants Kevin up.

  4. 8:53pm BBT cam 1-2 Paul, Kevin, Jason: Kevin says he thinks he’s going to the dentist Monday. Says he has severe pain in his head from it. Ravon stops by to say she’s going to get some ice cream.


    8:58pm BBT cam 3-4  Alex, Paul in green room: Alex warns Paul this is going to make tv; tells Alex that Jason is throwing a fit, doesn’t know what it is, he’s upset, says he just wants to be upset; Jason said they could do Matt Raven or Kevin says he asks if he was throwing Alex’s name out there of course she is going to get weird about it;  who he should care more about someone who has been trying to get Alex out since Alex says she thinks Kevin has Jason by the balls; Alex says if Jason keeps noms the same then it makes them clear of it because they can say they were not part of it; Christmas joins conversation; Paul says Kevin is not going to win comp; Paul doesn’t understand why Raven took Matt’s card, Christmas says she didn’t want to loose next term; Alex says they think they are that safe; Alex says they can say they were not part of that decision; then get Kevin out next week; Josh comes in paul tells him to get the f out; josh wants to get his sheet, josh leaves, alex is gone too;


    Red Bedroom: Christmas Paul are happy Jason and Alex are fighting; Christmas tells paul she told alex that kevin is going to have jason’s ear, why can’t Jason see that kevin would go after alex; paul asks what is the best case for Christmas/Josh/Paul Christmas thinks Raven will come to her and flirt with Paul; and if Alex goes she has no part of that; thinks Raven or Matt would put up Alex and Jason; Paul says he can start pumping. Kevin walks in and they stop talk; Kevin is looking for some missing sheets; now Matt and Raven are in red room too. Kevin leaves


    Paul complains that Kevin comes in with lame excuse of looking for sheets. Kevin and Matt are getting into bed under the covers. Christmas says she thought she remembers Paul saying he was going to wash the sheets, Paul Josh is doing the sheets so what difference does it make. Paul leaves still wearing the swim ring.

    Christmas tells Matt & Raven that Kevin is a f’n nightmare right now. Says she thinks Kevin really did try to win veto, but tried to look like he wasn’t trying; Christmas says wrong veto to slack on f’er. Thinks he will flip out when Jason uses veto and puts kevin up. (setting it up to be all jason’s fault and leaves others in the dark) Raven asks if Christmas has talked to Jason, Christmas says but you 2 talked to him before you went up and they say yes; Matt says this is BB Jason doesn’t have to take Raven down; Christmas says Kevin has been close to Jason the last couple of days; plants seed that Jason might not follow the plan;  Christmas says if Jason doesn’t do what he said he was going to do it will be the stupidest move. Says Jason has Alex in his ear and she will keep him on track; Christmas says Matt and Raven are not douche bags and pitching a fit all the time; Christmas says this would be another Jess HoH; wonders what Alex would say to that; thinks Kevin is paranoid; Jason has veto, if Kevin doesn’t feel safe with his closest ally, when has Kevin ever freaked out, and this is the most he’s freaked out; he is freaking out; complains more about Kevin’s behavior; wanted to sit in hot tub but didn’t feel like being part of the suck fest; Christmas says let’s go out there. In her perspective she doesn’t think Jason will pull another Jess. Kevin was happy before veto, now pissy after veto.

  5. 8:55 pm BBT all cameras switch from hot tub with Kevin talking about movie to APSR

    8:56pm BBT   cam 1-2 Kevin tells Jason he has a bug in his eye, Jason begs production to turn the heat on; Kevin expects Thursday to be DE; Jason says eviction could be tomorrow, says Paul says there has been a live eviction on a Sunday before; Kevin doesn’t understand how Raven expects people to put up with that voice for 2 more weeks; Kevin says Christmas has changed towards him and asks Jason if he thinks she has changed towards him too; Jason says he can’t tell, women are deceitful, Kevin says it seems like she is closer to Jason now; Jason if she does it’s in her head. Kevin asks how that bastard (Josh) stayed for so long, Jason says because he was a weapon, he played a role in a time of need, says he guarantees he wouldn’t have played that role

  6. 8:33pm BBT cam 1-2 Jason, Paul, Kevin, Raven: Jason talks about bull ride in Colfax where he tore his groin, one of his friends named Matt, got seriously injured and life flighted to the hospital, his mom said he wanted all of them to ride, they said a prayer for him over the live speaker and dedicated their rides to him; Jason drew a really big bull so wide they had to tie the shute open so he could tie his rope around him; 2200 lbs lot of power, not fast but lots of power; he couldn’t get his leg pulled over, couldn’t get his tail, trying to pull his tail and get his leg up when bull bucked, spur got caught in the rope, bull’s dew claw caught his mouth and split his lip so it was hanging, ripped his groin leg turned blue; his lips hanging off, his groin is torn and the ambulance crew said the ambulance was for emergencies only, he jumped in the van, got some water and cause, cleaned up his own lip and drove himself to the hospital (the guy who was life flighted was his driving partner, his wife was not there and everybody else was waiting to ride) he was about 22 at time; while he was in ER 4 other guys from the rodeo came in as well; one guy busted his pelvis, another guy got hurt but Jason couldn’t remember what happened to him; once he was taken care of he went up to Matt’s room, he was really messed up; Matt was in back of truck, went off the road and Matt was thrown from truck and truck landed on Matt; one guy was really big and the two guys in the cab of truck lifted truck off Matt; Jason has never had pain from groin tear says Matt hasn’t had any residual pain either; Jason has a scar on his lip.


    Jason estimates he has probably rode 50-60 bulls a year; says he can’t imagin why he hasn’t counted before, been life flighted once when a bull stepped on his head; he was late in the draw, all he had to do was make the 8 seconds and he would have won; make the tutor; hanging on too far to side to pump the bull belly rolled, when bull landed he landed on Jason’s head. Used to be that little guys did better but bulls are getting bigger now.

  7. 8:09pm BBT  cams 1-2paul, Jason, josh hot tub: Paul brings up Christmas and Alex coming at Jason hard to use veto and put Kevin up to be sent home; Paul asks what Jason thinks, Jason doesn’t think they need to send Kevin home, thinks it would be better to send ½ a pair, Paul says can’t really go wrong either, that there is 1 person who is suggesting that Alex and Jason should go up and stroking Jason at same time so it’s like counterfeit shit; Jason says Maven would go after Jason/Alex or a backdoor for Alex; (hard to understand since they’re in hot tub); Jason says Kevin doesn’t have the balls to but up Jason/Alex and Paul says F he would; Paul says Kevin stirs the pot, (now we have plane flying over too) Jason talking about Alex but I cannot get what it is he says; Paul says if Kevin wins and puts up Josh & Christmas, they still need them for votes; Paul says too early in game to clip people like that, need to clip people who are f’n things up, Paul says Kevin is the one person nobody is going to put up, if Kevin is behind big players he doesn’t have to worry. We have a peacock and unicorn added to toys in the pool, must be from comp today. Paul tells Jason to think about what is good for Jason’s game, no matter how he feels about Kevin, Kevin is counterfeit and reminds Jason he was looking for honesty and character for people to play with, some people see people as expendable. Jason tells Paul the only wrong move is if Alex shits the bed, what Jason is mad about is that Alex tried to blindside him; she told him after comp she literally said after noms yesterday (I cannot get the words no matter how many times I go back. Jason feels like Alex listens to Christmas more than she does to him; Jason says he is not dumb, he can take the heat but what he can’t take is that she threw him under the bus a half hour again; she got mad that he told Kevin there was  plan to put Kevin up as pawn, says Alex knows she can talk him down; Paul says again they need Christmas and Josh; Jason at this point Kevin is going to shit the bed and Raven is probably going to shit the bed, when Matt goes she will loose her mind, says Kevin is busy keeping the lies straight; Jason says he’s really jarred at Alex, said he told Alex she can dish it out and can’t take it; told her he was being to think she was a spoiled rotten little twerp; Raven comes to hot tub and game talk ends. Jason says when they were on the weiners he said no one is jumping off because he does not want to hear the words I threw it to you, she swore she wanted off and she went down; now she gets mad that he doesn’t think she threw it to him; says he’s not mad, Paul says it’s okay to be irritated; Jason says each of us is bosses in our own world and he’s about had it with being a minion and no say in the moves that are made; he likes feeling like he has some kind of control; Paul says this is going to change the way Jason acts in real world, Jason says his wife is going to love the change; Jason says this is going to teach him things he would not have learned without coming on the show; Jason the way he feels about Alex is like being married, he says he wants to squash it; Paul tells Jason he is doing fine says at the end of the week Jason will be exhausted. Matt joins Raven at the hot tub. Now Raven says she has a syndrome that is causing her knee cap, or the cartilage around her knee, to deteriorate; and we learn that Jason is on the board of the Farm Bureau, he’s the secretary. Has a new doctor that came in to talk to them about joint damage, said best thing is to use exercise band use it 10 times and will never have joint problems. Now into general chit chat about Jason getting into rodeo and we see that Kevin is also there.

  8. 11:40pm BBT Kitchen Alex Josh Kevin Paul Kevin: Jason runs through kitchen and Paul congratulates him, says Jason won twice today.  Alex Josh  Josh tells Alex she’d be  a good date says he dates a lot of girls who don’t eat, says he takes offense if they don’t let him pay, says they can buy his food once in a while but on a first date he insists on paying. Paul Kevin talking about music from the 50s like Sam Cook, he says they made history; Kevin wants the rat to come out so he can kill it; just general chit chat for a while. Paul limps twords stairs and Christmas tells him he should take an Epson salt bath, he says maybe tomorrow and she tells him that will be too late. Paul gets to top of stairs and announces the chess set is back and is greeted with cheers. Alex shouts she is free, free—the camp ground is gone. Alexis called to diary room. Kevin leaves, so just Christmas and Josh are only ones left in kitchen. Josh asks Christmas. Christmas tells him just to be cool, they’ll talk tomorrow. Josh says he’ll bring coffee up. Telling Christmas again about Kevin giving him dirty looks. Mark comes into kitchen. Paul is back in kitchen complains that he is f’d and they tell him to take a bath with Epsom salt, he asks if it will really help, and what it does; says it’s magnesium and will help his body heal. Christmas tells him it’s upstairs, Matt and Raven used it; she doesn’t know if there is any left. Paul asks if they think Matt and Raven bang, Josh immediately says yes; references made to what Zingbott said about them. Back to the Epsom salt bath and Paul asks if Matt and Raven used it and she says yes, they listen to her.

    11:55pm BBT:  Paul and Kevin walk away together to Green Room, and Kevin says he talked to Jason in bathroom, Kevin told him he was so glad he stuck with Alex Jason and Paul; and Jason said it should be easy; Kevin says Paul says Paul and Alex F2 Paul should win because nobody likes Alex; Paul says he won’t win, they’ll say he’s already played

  9. 10:46pm BBT  Kitchen Mark and Christmas

    Mark Talks about Zingbott, just another cool BB moment

    Raven comes through and climbs stairs with a lot of moaning and groaning

    Christmas: it’s crazy how quiet this house gets when 2 people leave

    Mark: it’s just going to get quieter

    Christmas asks if he’s taken any Tylenol, he says he hasn’t but probably will.

    Mark says it’s so emotional, this game just mentally drained, emotionally drained and Christmas says he has gone through a lot in the last few of weeks. Christmas says it’s a lot, he has been through a lot this week

    Mark says Mark asks if there is any way she could see him as an asset moving forward instead of backdooring him this week

    Christmas says she likes the direct questions, but he has to understand her hesitation because of their rockiness

    Mark says he’s understands how the house sees him,it’s easy to go with group,  he has never turned his back on anyone, he’s never thrown anyone he was working with under the bus, the only one he did was Cody and that was because of what he did; but if it’s better for her game then it’s a no brainer

    Christmas says she’s not saying she doesn’t believe him but there has been so much roller coaster and most of it concerning but most of it involved Cody

    Mark says if he had known he would have stuck with Cody; Mark says he made his bed when he went back with Cody when Cody came back if it’s best for her game to put him then do it

    Christmas says that’s why this thing is a jig saw puzzle,  Christmas says he never did something to her the way Cody did or Cody did with Paul. There has been so much of a roller coaster with them because of what Cody did,

    Christmas says he has to understand her position, with his history with Cody, his history with Elena

    Mark says if she sees him as an ally then he’d go with her and Josh

    Christmas says she will think about it. It’s kind of crazy says he has to understand her position, with his history, his history, history with Cody, his history with Elena

    Christmas there is some concern about Jason. Mark points out that she is not competing next week  only Josh is, Christmas says she does have a high regard for him, she loves Elena and knows Elena was pissed when she left, said she and  Elena

    Mark says he messed up with Christmas over the whole Dominique deal and he basically just split form both of them; for Dom to the situation got the better of them; Mark said they came in late, the top 3 have the numbers; he would be a number for her because right now the top 3 have the numbers; Christmas says she appreciates the conversation. Christmas she is so glad for the conversation

    Christmas said she had to say, who would have thought Josh would be here this long;

    No promises were made except that Christmas would consider it

    (computer problems caused me to not be able to get any further and I really need to get some sleep)

  10. 11:33pm  BBT Bathroom

    Jason is in bathroom has used WC. Alex comes in and to WC

    Christmas comes in and says did you know we have a rat.

    Jason says he needs a dew rag; and they all start giving Jason grief

    11:35pm Kitchen Paul gives Jason a hug and says he’s proud of him, tells him no more dead weight

    Alex and Jason say they think production does thinks just to get them upset, Christmas says they do to get a dozen Joshes in the house. Christmas tells Jason he did a good job, Jason says he did didn’t he.

    Christmas says sometimes likes people who know their worth, sometimes confidence isn’t cocky. Jason says that comp was great he likes intensity that is where he lives

    11:39pm Announcement Jason that  extreme week, your punishment is extremely over

    And Jason runs through the house. Alex tells him to be careful; then tells him to take it off. Jason does one more extreme yell then starts taking off the suit (he has a pink shirt and black shorts on underneath. He says he’s keeping the suit but he leaves everything on counter in SR and heads into the shower.

  11. 12:23pm BBT Christmas joins the Green Room Crew:  conversation continues to be about Kevin, Josh says the death stares are really intense; Kevin was telling Jason to not use veto if he won to keep Mark and get rid of Matt.  

    Talk is about how much Tylenol (or whatever over the counter they gave him) Paul should take; and how much weight they have won or lost this summer

    12:28pm BBT Green Room: Jason returns and is still wearing the Xtrematard

    Josh asks when he gets to take the suit off, Paul says it’s been a week; Jason says he’s got to hit the head and Paul ask what that means.

    Paul ask what they thought about the Zingbott thing; says they wouldn’t make jokes about something like that and we get fish and then camera switched to Rose Room and sleeping houseguests.

    11:30pm Green Room back; appears Zingbott said something about Putin and the voting being manipulated. Christmas said they get out of BB and Hilary Clinton is president. Paul if the president was impeached they would tell them. Kevin says he was alive when Nixon was being impeached. Josh is impressed that Kevin was alive back then. Kevin tells about Ford taking over and the jokes about him being clumsy.

    Talk turns to the comp. Kevin says it will be easy to break down. Kevin says they should have the yard tomorrow, Paul says depends if they start building something then they’ll know something is going on.

    Green Room is now down to Kevin and Josh

  12. 10:50pm BBT still in Green Room: Josh say it’s bazarr that he got to see Zingbott and do Otev, Josh says he doesn’t want to sit out anymore, Paul tells him if he makes it to 6 he won’t because everybody plays. Alex says she would rather play this one than the star fish one. Alex asks about the date one and how long it takes, Paul says it depends on how they do it, if it’s strikes then it takes longer.  Josh asks if down the line is there any single vetoes; Paul says he guarantees it will be the comic one next week; Paul says it’s impossible to remember everything, Alex says it’s memory and speed. They say more single comps when it gets down to small number. Paul says chicken coop is coming up. Paul is trying to remember how the special Sunday show went last year. They are again trying to figure out why things are speeded up this week. Paul remembers a live veto ceremony once last year. Alex said she has never watched the show live, she watches it all at once. Conversation lags with long silent stretches. Alex asks if they get to watch good bye messages in jury, and Paul says yes they get to watch them all. Alex comments on how even when Jason was so far ahead Paul kept going, and she appreciated that. Josh says he could have done better than Matt, Raven, and Mark. Paul says there is no way he can know that. Alex brings up the a comp where they climb a latter and hang on a zip line. counting comp then Paul says there are a lot they haven’t done, face morph. Then they talk about how they thought Paul should have won, Pau says he doesn’t care what other thinks he knows how he did. Paul ask if after watching they thought it would be easier. Alex says last season was more draining than this year. Josh says he has done well on the block. Alex and Paul tell him he knew that they made him comfortable; says Paul was on the outside of a lot of what was happening and Josh was in the loop. Josh says he will not watch this season with him crying all the time, Alex says she definitely will watch –for her cat ears. Alex says she wants a picture of her comic, Paul says people will screen shot it and it will be on internet. Alex asks if they can see the jury when they ask questions. Trying to figure out in jury who will be bitter say Cody and Elena will be Mark probably not. Paul lost by 1 vote and one reason was that someone wanted to see a girl win. Talk about how Cody might act in jury or finale. Paul says 8 people will be stuck with Cody in jury, then says 7 because last one is not there so long. Alex says she does want to see Jason’s wife he got a 3 page letter and pictures of his son. Derrick kept talking about Alex as the prankster of the season. Josh says he’s taking Kevin’s daughter Elona to get pizza.

    11:18pm Green Room Matt comes through and tells Green Room Crew and tells everyone good night, and says he’s beat.  Paul says Nicole didn’t go back to nursing. (wait until he hears about Nicole and Victor) Raven comes in to say good night and thank them for cheering her on.  Alex tells Raven she thinks her butt looks awesome. Jason is still in DR. Kevin asks what they are going to about the rat. Will Zapper be enough to kill it, thinks it might kill it if it just gets the rat’s head. Kevin leaves and goes to kitchen. They start talking about Kevin. Josh tells Paul about the mean stares he gets from Kevin. Paul asks what they thinkg. Alex says Matt ispulling his weight while Raven is doing nothing; Paul ask what she thinkgs they’re doing and she guesses Matt, Paul confims. (but Josh and Christmas know it’s Jason) 

  13. 10:38pm BBT  Josh and Jason start horsing around, head towards Green Room telling Jason how Kevin is creeping him out; Jason ask where Kevin is and Alex says she ain't his baby sitter; says you heard Zingbott , I’m carrying too many people says; people are really watching them, they wouldn’t have made a joke if it wasn’t a real things; Josh says Zingbott came in for the kill, You’re a fat ass; you’re a hooker, Josh says Matt’s was brutal “you haven’t done anything the whole game—except Raven; Josh says Mark was super hyped for that comp, Alex-at least he had a chance to save himself. Josh says what’s cool is that Mark is being such a good sport; handling it very well, shows maturity and character; Jason says anyone who cares for his grandparents, loves them like that and wants to spend time with them, they have a lot of depth to them; Josh he’s a good guy this house does shit to you; you can hear (Raven and Matt in the kitchen) Jason says he’s glad they can have such a good time and let everybody carry them (referring to Matt and Raven) Alex says the comp really annoyed her, felt Raven could of (or should have) done better; Josh said she asked Christmas to pick her, wished he had been picked, does not like sitting on the side. Alex leaves and room goes quiet, Kevin comes in Josh asks him where he’s been Kevin said he called him. Alex returns eating a pickle. Paul comes in sees Jason on the bed and says yeah dent you got the right idea, paul says he’s f’d up and Josh suggest he use a hot pack; Josh asks what hurts Paul says his back his legs; Josh says Paul took a really bad fall at the end. Kevin brings up Raven saying she has arthritis, ask why she had to say that; Paul says why bring it up, he understands her pain but he also hurts now. Paul doesn’t think Raven was really trying until the end, Paul said he was gunning couldn’t take a chance, Raven pushed Christmas to pick her, Raven pushes to a certain point and then quits; Christmas comes in as Jason gets called to DR they assume to get rid of his costume. Paul says Matt and Raven really didn’t try and Paul never gave up. Christmas thinks Matt was trying and figuring it out. Paul says all these numb nuts were following him; new rule no sliding on your butt was because of him; there have literally been changes to every comp so far because of him. Talk turns to how packed this week is and how fast it is going; the tree thing, Zingbott and Derrick in one week; do not expect a 2nd DE; Paul says today is day 61 Josh says tomorrow is day 61. Spanish lesson. Josh tells Paul he is so proud of how well Mark is handling this week; Paul says it shows character. Talk turns to general chit chat; then Alex says maybe they are doing a Sunday eviction, then says they are trying to put a lot of content in one week, stacking for something, maybe they will get a singer come in; Josh did not think after Derrick came in that Zingbott would come in so soon, they think it is crazy. Talking about how the rest of the season will progress. Back to chit chat

  14. 9:55pm HoH Paul is out of shower moaning, has said he was pretty banged up by comp

    9:56pm camera switches to Mark alone green room

    9:57pm Kitchen Alex tells Josh he is worse than a girl when it comes to rats, Alex are doing dishes; Raven says she didn't have enough weight to get up the hill; coments on Alex saying Matt you're getting faster; Matt said he finally figure out how to go up you had to take a push off the back stop; Paul comes down, Raven asks how he is and he says he's in pain, he's f'd dude; he ask Raven how she is and she says she's fine except for her cast Paul says what, and she says it again it is finally determined that she meant calves; Mark comes in ; the talk about tonight being the end of Alex and Jason's punishments, say they will want to get one more batch of hot dogs from Alex before it's over, someone says maybe Zingbott will want a hot dog; they go back to talking about comp, and the fact that the how on tv the track looks flat and it has about a 30  degree slope; they agree that the secret to the comp is to push off and the brace boards gave you something to push off just a little; Josh said he was legit scared, asks if it was hard; they confirm that it is indeed hard; was worried about Raven on some of her falls; Kevin asks Raven if pizza is done, Paul is sitting on the stool, Matt says "we are going to have a grumpy Paul tomorrow, Paul says he hurt his back, Alex says his shoulder looks like it is going to be bruised tomorrow


    switching to HN room

    Josh is alone talking to his family, says he made it to Zingbott; he's love'n life, says Kevin if freaking him out; 


    back to kitchen; Paul says he could fall asleep on his chair right now; camera follows Alex to Green Room 


    camera back in kitchen still talking about comp; 

    Josh asks if Alex has any floss, she says yes but if everyone keeps using it she is going to run out; she whispers that Matt is always using it without asking; Josh brings up Kevin giving him the weirdest creepiest stares; Alex says she's getting annoyed too; Josh says he follows him everywhere, Alex says to stay cool, they have to win HoH and they have to put Matt and Raven in check too; Jason asks what they did and she tells him nothing they just have to put them in check they just have to put them in check, they're in final 8 and can't afford to make any mistakes; they will come for her and Jason will go for Paul, Josh say Raven would come for him she's been after him for the longest time; that's why he's played nice with themAlex says she should have (or could have) done better,  Josh says he would have done better than Mark or Raven; Josh says he's seen Matt perform well, Alex says  says he stil didn't beat Jason and he didn't beat Paul; Josh yes but he was gunning for for it; Alex says he was still 10 or 15 scoops behind, Alex leaves



  15. cameras remain on HoH with Paul taking a shower, Christmas and Josh enter, Josh is going to feed fish; Christmas tell Josh not to stay because they don't want anyone to question them in the room together, Christmas says Mark is going to start negotiating soon hugs Josh and he leaves. Christmas puts on head phones and goes into use sink; 

    9:53pm Christmas called to diary room

    Christmas says going to be a good week for us, numbers are so stacked for us for next week leave for DR

  16. 9:36pm BBT:  HoH Room Jason is wrapped in a huge towel, Paul comes in and Jason says it's the biggest towel he's ever seen, Paul says we're f'n unstoppable, stop getting all paranoid about rats and stupid shit; Jason says he''s done with that, Paul says next week we all compete, we've just got to pull out a win,  hard to hear Jason but seems to be confiming that it's Paul Alex Jason Paul stays to take shower, Jason goes downstairs

  17. 9:33pm BBT: Rose BR  Matt tells Raven she and Mark were together and 1 was too big and 1 too little; Matt that was so huge, get rid of Kevin next week and they're good; Raven says her legs were fine but she couldn't get up the "heel" Matt makes fun of the way she says hill; Paul comes in and says he thought Matt was going to win that one; he just went for the big one; then whispers and very hard to hear but sounds like Paul says not Kevin next week but Jason; tie Alex in and Alex and Kevin will never work together, Jason is bridge between Alex and Kevin; asks Matt if he agrees and he does but says Alex is the better competitor; Christmas comes in Paul says that's the plan no need to talk about it any more; Matt/Raven leave and Paul says Kevin is getting on his nerves, Christmas it's the opposite he is sucking up more now, Josh comes in and says Kevi has to go; Paul says yes we already know; Paul says we can't make this obvious so we  cant' talk about it Christmas he's going to be lite up for HoH (think she is referring to Jason who is target for next week) Paul leaves

  18. 9:25pm BBT: Christmas, Kevin, Paul, Alex, Josh, Matt in kitchen; Kevin and Paul look under sink for evidence of the rat, Kevin says that's rat droppings right back there, says he knows what he's talking about; Christmas says he goes right in there, they evidentally have made a trap, Josh comes over and Kevin shows him the rat dropping and Josh agrees that it is rat droppings; they talk about how it look like Jason had his hand caught, Paul tells Christmas/Alex that Mark didn't have a chance, the bigger they are the harder the comp is for them, Christmas appreciates the way Mark reacted to loosing Veto, but says she feels bad because Mark has been a cool dude.


    They have lunch meat. Matt tells Josh Zingbott was lying you have lost a lot of weight; Josh says he thinks the people in comp deserve steaks, Paul says he looks like a caveman; 

  19. feeds down at 6:09pm BBT 

    feeds back up at 9:19:42 BBT

    Jason won veto sounds like it was Slip and Slide

    everyone but Mark happy about Jason's win plan to backdoor Mark is a go

    Jason goes to HoH for shower, Kevin says he will clean stairs after Jason goes up  because the stairs will be slippery and he doesn't want Christmas to fall; Paul follows Jason upstairs; tells Jason not to keep himself up; hard to hear what Jason says with shower running Paul tells him they just have to continue this way, Paul tells Jason he (Paul) is hurting; Jason says this stuff don't come off,  Paul agrees and heads downstairs;






  20. 10:24pm cameras 3-4 Mark, Josh, Kevin, Jason asleep on his bed: Mark and Josh talking to Kevin about watching show, Josh doesn't think that in American, on national tv there has been anyone like Kevin on reality tv; trying to figure out when show ends; Josh didn't realize what a huge fan Jess was until her speech when she talked about watching it with her dad; Josh talking about being hard being away from his family in the beginning; then original sleeping arrangements; Josh said the one piece of advice he'd give someone applying to be on the game would be don't watch the show, thinks Meagan being a super fan was too intense; Kevin figures the game ends September 27th; 5 weeks as of Wednesday (35 days left)  and I've lost feeds for the 3rd time tonight so am calling it a night




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