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Posts posted by wakela

  1. 9:03AM BBT In KT, Zak, Da, Paulie & Paul eating breakfast.
    9:07AM BBT Da, Paul, Paulie & Zak cleaning up after breakfast
    9:13AM BBT Paul, Paulie, Da & Zak head back to bed.  All other HGs already asleep.
    11:00AM BBT Day 29 in the BB House.  The HGs are all snug in their beds sleeping.
    11:04AM BBT In WA, Nat is up doing ADLs.
    11:05AM BBT Frank is now awake & heading to WC.  Nat says good morning as he passes by.
    11:07AM BBT Frank heads back to bed in the Tokyo room.
    11:09AM BBT Michelle is called to DR
    11:10AM BBT Michelle walks into WA.  She asks Nat why she is up & doing her hair nice today.  Nat says she woke up early because she is having indigestion and cramps really bad today.
    11:12AM BBT In WA, Michelle tells Nat about her dream last night that BB announced there were secret rooms in the house & that there were more players entering the house.  Mainly players from BBCan.  Nat tells her that she could totally see Michelle on BBCan.
    #BB18 11:19AM BBT Michelle is called again to DR.  
    11:21AM BBT In WA, Nat says it is going to be hard adjusting when she gets back home.  Michelle asks her if she plans on going back to dancing.  She says that she is going to have to until she can get a better job.  Michelle asks where Nat went to college.  Nat says she went to St. Hall.  Michelle says she went to Michigan State.
    11:37AM BBT Michelle comes back into WA eating a bowl of cereal.  She tells Nat to say Happy birthday to her dad.  Nat says Happy Birthday to him on the feeds.
    11:40AM BBT In WA, Nat & Michelle start discussing past seasons of BB.  They are both hoping to make it to jury.  They make a pact to not vote against each other in the game.
    11:42AM BBT In WA, Nat & Michelle say they feel sorry for Bronte being used as a pawn so often.  They comment that Bronte just smiles & takes it in good stride.



  2. 9:02AM BBT  In KT, James sitting at table while Tiff is washing dishes. Tiff says it is never ending.  James says that if they walk around the house they will probably find 20 more dishes.
    9:04AM BBT Bridgette is called to DR.
    9:04AM BBT Da is called to DR.  Then FotH is shown.
    9:08AM BBT In KT, Tiff and James are talking about Tiff's nomination.  James says he isn't sure why they even put her up.  James says that Frank has been all over the place.  Da is called to DR again.  James says in past 2 weeks there has always been a clear target, but not this week.  James says he wouldn't feel bad if Paul left since he is always on the block.
    9:10AM BBT In KT, Tiff tells James that it was Frank that put her up.  James says that he didn't know since no one had told him.  Tiff does not appear to be wearing her mic since it is difficult to hear her when she whispers.  James answers her back that he isn't good at mental comps because he is a more physical person.
    9:13AM BBT In KT, James is trying to reassure Tiff that she won't be voted out this week.  He says the reason that Vic was voted out last week was because he was gunning for James.  Tiff says she knows she has Paulie, James, Nic and Corey on her side.
    9:17AM BBT In KT, Tiff says she doesn't know who to believe because look at what happened to Vic & Jozea.  Neither of them knew they were going home.
    9:18AM BBT In KT, Tiff makes a promise to keep James until the very end.  James asks if she talked to Corey & Nic.  Tiff said that they both said it makes no sense to not keep her.  They know Nat isn't going to vote against Bronte.  Tiff is wondering if Nat will vote Paul out or Tiff.  James says it all depends on how close Bronte & Paul are.  
    9:20AM BBT In KT, James says that Frank thinks Tiff is gunning for him.  Tiff says that she isn't.  James says that Tiff should go tell Frank that she isn't.  He says that it might help her case.
    9:25AM BBT Zak wakes up to go to WC.  James leaves KT & sits on bench in WA.  He yells "Hey Zakiyah you have to pee?"  Then cams go to FotH.
    9:28AM BBT Feeds come back with Tiff in BY doing laundry & Zak in WA doing ADLs.
    9:30AM BBT In UKBR, Da & James talking about Tiff.  James tells Da that Tiff thinks she has the votes.  Da says that she wonders if they should flip and try to get the votes to help Tiff gets the votes.  James says that if they did, Frank wouldn't know who did it.  Da says that they need to go along with voting her out to keep Frank trusting them.
    9:34AM BBT In UKBR, they are now trying to figure out how they can get 5 votes on Tiff's side.  Da tells James that Corey doesn't like Tiff.  James said that if Paulie wins HoH he will get Frank off.  They just have to make sure that whoever is left on his team doesn't win.  James thinks he can get Nat to vote to keep Tiff in.
    9:41AM BBT  Tiff in WA doing ADLs
    9:42AM BBT James says that if Corey & Nic would be on board for keeping Tiff, then he would definitely flip.  Da says that she would feel safe flipping if Corey & Nic were confirmed as well.
    9:43AM BBT In UKBR, Michelle tells James & Da that they could tell Corey & Nic that if they keep Tiff it would help keep Frank from gunning for them next week.
    9:49AM BBT Tiff comes into UKBR, so the topic of convo changes.  They are now discussing what family life was like for them.  James talks about his older sister & younger brother.  Da says that she was an only child for 12 years.
    9:52AM BBT In UKBR, James mentions that this year is a sleepy cast.  He says that last year everyone was always up.  Da says that Jason was up 24/7.
    9:57AM BBT In UKBR, James says he wishes they could go to Church services.  Then he says that they would all feel wrong if they did.  Da says that they would have a come to Jesus meeting.  They feel it is because most of what they do in the game is against their morals.  Tiff is called to DR.
    10:00AM BBT In UKBR, Da says she feels sorry for Tiff.  She is thinking about telling Tiff on either Weds night or Thurs morning to go talk to Nic and tell her that she will help them go after Frank if they vote to keep her in the house.
    10:01AM BBT James is called to DR.  He was annoyed.  Da says she knows she was already called in.  Tiff started to say what they were asking about, but the feeds cut to FotH.  Feeds come back up & BB announces that HGs are not allowed to talk about DR sessions.
    10:02AM BBT Tiff asks Da what James was talking about.  Da tells her that he is on for keeping Tiff off the hook.  Da tells her she needs to confirm that Nic & Corey are on her side as well.  James comes back to UKBR & says his DR was just so he could stock up on his meds.  Da, James & Tiff talk about getting a coup d'te (spelling?).  Tiff asks how it works.  Da & James explain it is where you can take 1 or 2 people off the block and replace them with who they want.  
    10:03AM BBT Tiff heads to BY.  James & Da are talking again about who to vote off.  Da would like to keep Paul since she likes him as a friend.  James tells her that he is the type of person who will seem that they aren't gunning for anyone so he is someone who everyone would want to keep in the house and end up winning it all.
    10:08AM BBT James & Da are talking about Tiff asking Nic for a sympathy vote without telling her that the rest of the house is flipping to keep her.
    10:16AM BBT  Tiff is in BY.  Bridgette is now awake in HoHR doing ADLs.  Everyone else is asleep.
    #BB18 10:25AM BBT Bridgette comes out of HoHR carrying a bag.  Frank is now up & sees her.  He says for her to give him bag to carry down the steps.  She says it is her laundry.  Frank asks why she didn't give it to "them" to do.  She says she doesn't like other people doing her laundry.  Frank takes the bag & carries it outside for her.  Bridgette tells him that BB told her he isn't allowed to change her batteries anymore.  Feeds switch to FotH.
    10:27AM BBT Frank thanks Tiff for cleaning up the KT.  Franks asks Tiff if she has seen Paulie.  Bridgette heads into KT to get coffee.  BB tells HGs to put up awnings.
    10:31AM BBT In BY, Bridgette tells Frank that she is going to make a mancala board today.  He asks her what it is.  Feeds cut to FotH again.
    10:34AM BBT Nat goes into UKBR & gets into the bed with James.  He rubs her back.  They both fall back to sleep.
    10:35AM BBT In BY, Frank tells Bridgette what he dreamed last night.  She says that she really hasn't dreamt for the past week.  Frank says maybe it is the fish tank.  She says that before that she was having some really great lucid dreams.
    10:39AM BBT BB announces that it is a lockdown and must go inside.  Frank says maybe they are going to fix something outside.  After walking into the KT, Bridgette notices how clean the KT is.  Frank tells her that Tiff cleaned it.
    10:41AM BBT Bronte is called into DR.
    10:44AM BBT In KT, Frank starts singing Space Oddity.  Feeds go to FotH.  They come back in middle of convo.  Frank starts singing it again.  And again it goes to FotH. The feeds come back & they are discussing salsa.
    10:48AM BBT In KT, Frank gives a shout out to his mom.  Bronte says that Bridgette has write her blog today.


  3. 9:03AM BBT James is awake & heading to WA for shower.  Frank reminded him not to go in BY.  James said he was doing laundry yesterday when BB locked them out of the BY.  He complained that his close were still in the wash since yesterday.
    9:04AM BBT  James tells Frank that the only clothes he has are the ones he is wearing.  And he will have to rewash the clothes that are outside because they are probably mildewed by now.
    9:08AM BBT In Tokyo room, Paulie, Paul & Frank talking about the Outback dinner.  
    9:10AM BBT Nat & Nic in WA doing ADLs
    9:25AM BBT BB reminded HGs that havenots must sleep in havenot room.
    9:25AM BBT Frank is called to DR
    9:46AM BBT Nat & Bridgette in HoHR discussing helping Bronte write her speech for POV meeting.
    9:52AM BBT Paul is called to DR
    9:53AM BBT In Tokyo Room, Frank yells at Bronte & Paul for talking too loud since he is trying to sleep.
    10:00AM BBT In WA, Paulie tells Bronte if they stay on lock down all day, he will help clean the WA including the shower.
    11:21AM BBT In WA, Paulie, Nat & Paul discussing that Paul might have an infection on his nose piercing.  Paulie & Nat saying he should ask for antibiotics.
    11:36AM BBT In WA, Paulie, Paul & Bridgette discussing how Bridgette's ankle is doing.  She is on crutches, but said that she can hobble around on it though.
    11:46AM BBT Paul just walked through the house announcing that the BY is now open.
    11:48AM BBT  Bridgette is called to DR.  In WA, Paulie says so that is why they opened up the BY.  It is time for POV.
    11:51AM BBT  BB announces "Houseguests this is a lockdown.  Please go outside & close the sliding glass door."  Then feeds went to FotH.
    11:51AM BBT  Feeds went to Jeff Reels


  4. 9:00AM BBT Paul is the only one up in the house so far.  He is in the WA doing ADLs.
    9:03AM BBT Paul in African room.  He is speaking to camera in a "friendship" talk.  He mentions being a havenot for 2 weeks in a row.  The bumper car beds are the worst because you can't sleep.  You can't fully extend your legs in them.  He now has hip pain.  The slop isn't too bad because you can hide the taste.  And of course the cold showers.  It wouldn't be too bad if you only did one at a time.  But doing all 3 at a time, you go crazy after 4 days.
    9:04AM BBT  Paul still talking to camera.  He mentions being on the block twice.  And that POV comps get the blood pumping.  He says that the house gets into every part of your life.  That even in his dreams he is dreaming about everything & everyone in the house.  It is hard not knowing what family & friends are doing and thinking outside of the house.
    9:07AM BBT Paul still talking.  He is saying that it is hard to live in the house.  There are going people that he doesn't like, but he has to act fake and pretend to like them to stay on their good side.  Otherwise, if you rock the boat too much you will get voted out quickly like Josea did.
    9:09AM BBT Paul saying that the comps appear easy when you watch them from home.  However, the high amounts of stress of trying to win in order to stay safe.  Plus knowing that you are competing on TV.  And also knowing that you have to beat everyone else in the house.  
    9:13AM BBT Paul says that in order to really play BB, you really need to know yourself.  Because your demise on the show would be based off of your own actions and mistakes.  So you need to know how to act and control yourself when needed.
    9:16AM BBT Paul says that even if you think you are in control, there are others who can change it.  So even if you think you have something figured out, it all changes.  BB is completely a game of chance since things are constantly changing.  That is why he stays so calm because the experience is worth it.  He feels lucky to be able to have participate.
    9:18AM BBT Paul saying if you have tried out for BB in the past, don't take it personal if you haven't been picked yet.  He says alot of it depends on the season.  So keep trying.  The staff picks different personalities to go together for each season.  In the middle of his sentence it cut to the FotH with a WBRB message.
    9:21AM BBT Feeds are back.  Michelle is in KT making breakfast.  Paul is still talking.  Now he is talking about what he misses most.  He says that being without his cellphone & internet has made him realize how much he has missed spending time with family & friends.  He says that cellphones & internet detaches people from each other because of txt msgs, emojis & everything else.
    9:25AM BBT Paul says that technology is pulling us apart.  Too many people will spend time with others but still be attached to their phones.  They will sit in restaurants together yet not talking to each other.  Production comes on and tells Michelle to put on her microphone.
    9:29AM BBT Nicole called to DR
    #BB18 9:30AM BBT Paul is now talking about how you should always go for your dreams.  He wanted to open up a clothing business.  He didn't know how to do it, but it was something he wanted to do.
    9:32AM BBT Paulie called to DR.  then feeds went down again.
    9:32AM BBT Michelle still in KT cooking.  Nicole in WA doing ADLs
    9:35AM BBT Bridgette now in KT getting coffee & breakfast.
    9:36AM BBT  Paul still in African Room talking.  He says he has a band called Strange Faces.  He says they have videos up on youtube.
    9:39AM BBT Paulie is now awake.  He just wandered down to the KT.
    9:39AM BBT Paul still talking to the camera in African Room.  He is talking about social media & its affect on our culture.  Too many people base their importance on how many followers they have.  He says that he doesn't care about that.  It should all be based more on the person & their personality.  He will always respond to people who are really nice to him on social media.
    9:44AM BBT Bridgette said that she never really watched the live feeds before.  Michelle said that she did because she felt like it gives you a whole extra piece to the show.
    9:51AM BBT In KT, Michelle & Bridgette talking about vegetarianism.  Michelle says it is a common misconception that we need alot of protein.  She says we only need 8g of protein for every kg that you weigh.
    9:51AM BBT Paul in African Room talking.  He says that no matter what, you always have to love yourself because in the end, that is all you have.  You should always be nice & do nice things for people.  A kind gesture goes a long way.  There doesn't need to be a reason for it.  

    9:52AM BBT Da & Nat is in WA doing ADLs.  Paulie walks into African Room to find out what Paul is doing.  
    #BB18 9:56AM BBT Paul is now on the subject of bullying.  He says if you see someone being bullied you should help them.  He just now realized that he has been talking for almost an hour & he said that feeders are now waking up & are probably wondering who he is talking to.  He is going to try to do this every morning.  He says as a last comment to check out his clothing line Dead Skull Apparel.
    10:03AM BBT  Paul is now in KT cooking breakfast & talking to Michelle.
    10:04AM BBT BB tells Nat to put on her mic.
    10:05AM BBT Frank is now awake.  He heads to WA to do ADLs
    10:06AM BBT James is now in WA doing ADLs.  Frank is in KT.  BB tells him to put his mic on.  He says he is going back to bed.
    10:13AM BBT Camera switches to Havenot room.  Midconvo, Da is telling Zak that she wants to put "him" up because of what he did.  She feels betrayed.  Unfortunately, they don't mention who is "him" that must have been before the cameras switched to them.  Da says she will give the HoH to Zak as long as it is either "him" or Tiff that goes home.
    10:16AM BBT  BB announces that the HGs need to clean the bathroom today including the mirror over the sink.
    10:18AM BBT Nat, James & Da in WA.  Nat says she feels that everyone gets upset with her when she uses food to cook with.  James says don't worry about it.  You use what you need.  She says that she was just called out on it.
    10:26AM BBT  BB comes overhead & tells HGs again to clean bathroom.  Paul yells back to shut up because your not my dad.  Someone tells him that they are for the summer.
    10:38AM BBT In African Room, Nic & Corey are talking about who should win HoH.  Nic says she doesn't want Da to win.  She is ok with Zak to win though.
    10:39AM BBT Nic tells Corey that she doesn't think voting Vic out is best for her game.  She says it helps Paulie & Frank though.
    10:42AM BBT Nic is worried about the HoH Comp tonight.  She tells Paulie that she is worried that she might have an off day because it is live TV.
    10:52AM BBT James, Nic, Paulie & Corey in African Room talking about getting Frank out next week.  Paulie said during HoH comp, he will shoot signs to the other 3 to let them know how their team is doing.
    10:55AM BBT Nic tells the guys that she feels bad for Vic.  He doesn't think he is going home.  They were shocked that he wasn't even worried.

  5. 9:00AM BBT All is quiet in the house as the HGs are still snug in their beds.
    10:08AM BBT  The only sounds heard in the BB house are the snores of the HGs.  They are all still asleep.
    10:40AM BBT  Frank wakes up to go to WC.  then washes his hands & goes back to bed.
    10:46AM BBT  Corey wakes up & does ADLs.
    10:51AM BBT  Corey is still the only one awake.  He is now in the KT rummaging through the fridge getting things together for breakfast.  He decided on making eggs.


    I am done with the LFU shift.  It was a slow morning today.

  6.  9:00AM BBT Paulie & Vic talking in BY about how to be aware of people who might want to hurt you when walking down the street.  Other HGs still sleeping.
     9:03AM BBT Frank walks out to BY.  Just as he sits down, he gets called to DR.
     9:09AM BBT In BY, Paulie tells Frank & Vic "here is why you should always disarm & dismember your attacker".
     9:12AM BBT In BY, Franks tells Paulie that James came into the room last night worried about the girls.
     9:19AM BBT  In BY, Frank says we have to nip this in the butt to Paulie.  Paulie says that Bronte will take care of itself this week.  They then talk about making sure they get rid of more of the girls in the next 2 weeks before teams are gone.  Frank says Da was targeting him & wanted him out before jury.
    ‬ 9:42AM BBT Vic working out in BY by himself. Paulie & Frank still sitting in BY talking. The convo goes back and forth between game play and general.
     9:44AM BBT HGs are told to go outside because they are going into lock down.
     9:47AM BBT HGs rushing through ADL to get outside for lockdown.
     9:49AM BBT Paul asks what is happening.  Frank says that Vic told him that he was told they were coming in to fix the sink this morning.  Paul says oh yea.  It is filled with plates.  feeds go down to WBRB for awhile.
     9:53AM BBT Paulie was called to DR.  Other HGs were now wondering what was going on since they were on lockdown.
     9:57AM BBT BB came over loud speaker reminding HGs that sleeping is only permitted inside.
     10:05AM BBT Frank is called to the DR.
     10:10AM BBT Nicole called to DR.  All other HGs in BY having general convo.
     10:13AM BBT Da is called to DR. HGs again wondering what is going on.  Those who have already been in DR aren't saying.
     10:15AM BBT  BB reminding that this is a lockdown & they have to go outside & close the sliding glass door.
     10:30AM BBT  In BY, Frank, Da & Nic talking about who they want out.  Frank says as long as Vic, Bronte & Tiff don't make it to jury.
     10:32AM BBT Da asked who all went to DR.  Frank says he & Paulie were the first.  He also said that it was quick because they only asked one question.  Da said good because she is tired.  Frank said they will probably be out there awhile because they are fixing the sink inside.
     10:43AM BBT Vic & Corey playing pool.  BB comes overhead & says "Do not quote from movies".
     10:55AM BBT  HGs are looking for a key to the portapotty since they are locked out of the house & some of them are needing to go to the bathroom.  
     10:57AM BBT In BY, Zak tells Michelle & Tiff that when she has kids, she is going to build a havenot room for the times they are misbehaving.  Frank then announces that he found the key to the portapotty.


    Ending my shift for the day.  Have a wonderful day!

  7. 10:05AMBBT HGs are starting to wake up.
    10:26AMBBT In WA, Bronte tells Bridgette, Nat & Nic that it is so quiet because the boys are still asleep.
    10:30AMBBT In WA, Nat is talking about her finger is swollen & sore. Bronte asks her if she showed it to Bridgette. Nat doesn't know how she hurt her finger. Bridgette said to just ice it & take some motrin.
    10:34AMBBT  Showing WBRB message again.  The boys are still not awake.
    10:46AMBBT Natalie is called to the DR.
    10:50AMBBT In KT, Bridgette & Nic discussing what it is like for Bridgette to be a vegetarian. She said that at one hospital she worked at, they through her a completely vegetarian pot luck.
    10:56AMBBT In WA, Bronte tells Nic that Da & Zak are not on their side.
    11:13AMBBT In have not room, Zak talking to camera says that it is eviction day & it is going to get real. She then gives a shout out to her family & asks for prayers for her.
    11:26AMBBT  Feeds down.  WBRB showing.
    11:59AMBBT  Feeds down.  WBRB showing.

  8. 9:55AMBBT Frank & Paul in BY. Paul was saying that Nicole cried when he was put up on the block and that he was shocked that she did.
    10:00AMBBT Jozea, zak & Da in have not room. Jozea telling them that he saw Bronte last night go up to Paulie saying "that was funny as if you will be here next week." Jozea said that Bronte said that because Paulie started with her first.
    10:05AMBBT  Frank, Bridgette, Paul & Corey in BY talking about how the 4th of July is coming up.  Frank said that in his prior season, they gave them BBQ and there was a concert going on in the area that they could hear, but they were made to go in house once BB realized that they could hear the music.  Paul said that they should make their own fireworks.  
    10:10AMBBT  Frank called to DR
    10:13AMBBT In BY, Bridgette talking with Paul, Paulie & Corey that there is only 26 more hours to wear the pixels.
    10:19AMBBT  Bronte is called to DR
    10:24AMBBT  Tiffany is called to DR
    10:28AMBBT  Michelle is called to DR
    10:32AMBBT Michelle is called to DR 2nd time.
    10:33AMBBT  WBRB showed for about a minute
    10:38AMBBT In BY, Frank gives a shout out to his mom, nana, sister & rest of family & friends.
    10:46AMBBT  Vic & Jozea working out in BY.  While, Frank, Corey, Bridgette, Paulie & Paul sitting in green chairs in BY have general convo.
    10:53AMBBT  WBRB showing again.
    10:57AMBBT Feeds back. Jozea & Paul in BY talking. Jozea tells Paul that he talked to Zak about having each other's back. Paul asked if he believed her. He said most definitely he did.
    11:00AMBBT  In BY, Jozea asks Paul who would he pick for nom if he got HoH.  Paul said Tiff & James.
    11:06AMBBT In LR, Bronte apologized to Paulie for the comment she made last night about him not being in the house next week.  She said she feels terrible because everyone is still talking about it.  Paulie said he took it as a joke.
    11:17AMBBT  In BY, Paulie tells Corey about Bronte apologizing.  He said that she is being pulled in by what she has been told.  He said it is all because of Paul, Nicole, Jozea & Vic doing it.
    11:33AMBBT  In WC, Bridgette asks Frank why was she put up on the block.  He told her not to worry about it because she will not be voted out this week.  
    11:51AMBBT  Frank is called to DR

  9. 10:01BBT Nicole & Tiff in HoH discussing the strengths of their team & who seems to be in alliances.


    10:13 AMBBT Tiff, Da, Frank & Nic in HoHR discussing who will do good in PoV comp. They say Jozea is uncoordinated so should not be a threat in PoV comp.


    10:18 AMBBT Da called to DR


    10:27AMBBT Zak called to the DR


    10:37AMBBT James, Frank & Tiff contemplating on who might be picked for PoV comp.


    10:46AMBBT Nic called to DR


    10:57AM BBT James, Frank & Da talking in HoHR about how much Tiff is like her sister Vanessa down to mannerisms & talking. James mentions that he caught her staring at people like Vanessa did in ‪#‎BB17


    11:08AMBBT Bronte & Paulie in LR having general convo.


    11:10AMBBT Frank tells James & Da that if someone gets taken off of nom, then they can put up Bridgette as a scapegoat.


    11:11AMBBT In HOHR, Da says to Frank & James that if Vic gets next HoH, they won't be able to persuade him on who to choose for noms because he is power hungry.


    11:15AM BBT WBRB showing. Possibly picking players for PoV comp?


    11:46AM BBT Da & Nic in HoHR discussing who was picked. Da was chosen first to play in PoV comp. Paul will be playing as well.


    11:48AMBBT Corey walks into HoHR saying that he was picked to play in PoV comp too.



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