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Posts posted by furio22

  1. I'll tell you what ruining is. Me paying money for something I am not getting is ruining it CBS need to either refund peoples money or umm, something needs to be done about that s**t. If I jack feeds I bet I can get in trouble, so why should they screw me out

    of my money? Because they are a corporation? Snitzel Humbug!

    your not just paying for the live feeds. you are also paying for a subscription to all of Reals stuff too. Theres nothing you can do because you agree to blackouts everytime you watch the feeds. Sit back and shutup and take it like the rest of us.

  2. If you think Morty doesn't have enough bandwidth then I am sure he would gladly take donations... After all he is paying for this site out of his pocket... Don't be ungrateful just cough up some money for him to add more and then you won't have to worry about the error...

    well put Yana, I couldnt have said it better myself.

  3. I sit here and watch all day so I figured I might as well do something productive, so I post pictures of the live feeds.I love seeing them on the front page of mortys.

    Heya.. Furio i wanted to mention something about that - you do an amazing job with the screencaps and believe me that hasnt gone unappreciated here.

    It sometimes feels like I can follow the action just based on your choice of story moments taken.

    Excellent quality to your pics too!


    thanks alot man, I appreciate that.



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