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Everything posted by Jinx

  1. 4:24 PM BBT: James is called to the DR. Meg comments that no one has been called in all day. James says he hopes that it is to grant his alcohol request. Then the HGs talk about how the sun tans differently here. Becky in BY to tan. Shelli makes a pitch to BB for a big glass of red wine....she adds in shower, clean clothes, brushed teeth, etc. 4:28 PM BBT: Becky says, "here comes the shade, Miss Shelli. Your punching bag is in it." 4:29 PM BBT: James out of DR with a BB card, "Behold Behold to all BB people." He says it's super long. "We want to see you use all 4 photo booth frames to show us how you can transform from beauty to beast." Basically they are to change from frame to frame. He says that the photo booth is open and that live feeders have apps they are to use. They are supposed to get this done soon, as in now... 4:31 PM BBT: Meg goes in to do the photo booth activity. Some of them cheer and seem excited. James doesn't understand what frame means...ha! He is at the photo booth, though. 4
  2. 4:13 PM BBT: Feeds resume....Shelli talking slop with the twins....Fish of the House again. Feeds come back quickly and outside talk is still on cupcakes. Then more FotH. 4:16 PM BBT: All 4 cams still on BY. It's pretty quiet. Lots of yawning. Shelli still going. James, Meg, Julia, and Clay still outside with Shelli. 4:21 PM BBT: Clay takes a break from yawning and stretching and calls out to Shelli, "Looking hot." Shelli is on 2150....Shelli replies, "Feeling hot."
  3. 4:03 PM BBT: In the BY, Shelli is on 2100, and sings "Your kingdom's safe..." while ringing that really obnoxious bell. Clay says, "You're almost there." Shelli, "I know. I see the light." Shelli is trying to finish by 5:30BBT. One of the twins (Liz, I think) cheers her on while relaxing in a lounge chair. Austin and Julia are also outside and talk of salsa and slop gets and Ewwwwww from Julia. 4:07 PM BBT: Meanwhile, there is a mass exodus from HOH of James, Vanessa, Jackie and they say hello to "Sneaky Steve" as they come down. "Shine that armor, squire!" and Vanessa does. LOL...Steve starts to hum/mumble and then stands in for BB saying to himself, "no singing." 4: 09 PM BBT The armor shining duo has moved outside. They talk about Shelli finishing and that she has til midnight, but she says that she wants to just get it over with. Shelli asks James if she can have an HOH shower after she's done. James says of course she can. 4:12 PM BBT Vanessa and Jackie go back inside. Shelli is on 2120...FotH.
  4. 11:07 AM BBT: Vanessa is back HOH bathroom with Jackie and is really mad about James not throwing the comp. She says he just should have gone up if he couldn't do it. Jackie says either way it worked out, and Vanessa says, "No! It didn't work out." 11: 12 AM BBT: Vanessa goes to DR. 11:13 AM BBT: James goes to WA and tells Jason that Van is asking questions about the comp. He says that she wanted to know if he was the one who said that there was an "I" in Christine. He says he told her yes. Why would he lie about that. James says he is concerned because her asking questions this far after the comp makes him feel like she is up to something. Jason says that after he finishes his face he will try to find out what's up. 11:15 AM BBT: Shelli comes into the WA complaining about the red shirt. Jason gives her advice and she leaves. 11:18 AM BBT: James still talking about the comp. He says that Liz even told Vanessa that James didn't help at all during the comp. James says that if Vanessa is now thinking that he didn't do what he said that he needs to nip that in the bud. 11: 23 AM BBT: Jackie and Shelli are in the CBR, and they talk about Vanessa thinking that she has been lied to by someone in their group. Shelli says she feels sick. Shelli says that she doesn't know specifically what Vanessa is talking about, but that something is about to happen. Jackie talks about the phone booth twist and says that she just wants to move forward. Jackie tells Shellie that Vanessa wants to talk to Jason, and Shelli says that's because Jason knows about Da. Jason told Jackie and Shelli that Da had the vote. Shelli says that she doesn't really care because it didn't change anything. 11:27 AM BBT: Shelli says she thinks that Vanessa is tired and worried because she is HOH and everyone wants to talk to the HOH. She also says that Vanessa might feel like the only reason she is part of the 8 is because she won HOH. Shelli says that James admitted that he helped Liz finish the word in the BotB challenge, and if he hadn't, then Vanessa wouldn't have had to be HOH again. Shelli says that Vanessa feels like she is in an awkward position and doesn't really know if these people have her interests at heart or not. 11: 31 AM BBT: Meanwhile outside, James is explaining to Clay what he did and did not do during the BotB competition. Clay reassures him and tells him not to worry because it's not like you can just sit around during the comp and not do anything.
  5. 10:56 AM BBT: Vanessa asks Jackie if she knows that James helped Liz in the BotB by telling her about the "I" in Christine. She says that Steve mentioned it just in passing conversation, and that it makes her (Van) wonder. She says she is going to ask James about that because it screwed everything up. Jackie says she didn't know that happened. 11:01 AM BBT: Downstairs in WA, Becky tells Vanessa that if James had kept his mouth shut that she and Clay would have won. Becky asks Vanessa about what she should say, and Vanessa says that Becky can say whatever she wants. Becky leaves and goes to talk about same thing with Clay and Shelli in the kitchen.
  6. 10:30 AM BBT: In BY, Shelli announces that the popcorn has been restocked. Clay, Shelli, Jason, and JMac all hanging out. Then James joins them. He says, "When you get a chance, man, you should ask Meg how she's feeling." Jason goes in to check on her. 10:33 AM BBT: In HOH, Vanessa and Jackie are in the bathroom doing ADLs and talking about how insecure people are. Vanessa says that people feel threatened if you get too close to someone. Vanessa tells Jackie that people are worried because there is no loyalty in an 8 person group, and that scares her. Jackie asks how they fix it, or do they just let it go. Vanessa says she just has to make a judgment call and at the end of the day she is going to address the person that is giving her this uneasy feeling and tell them to fix it. 10: 36 AM BBT: Vanessa laughs and says "weren't you already in an 8 personal alliance? How did that work out?" Jackie laughs and says that wasn't really an alliance because it was something that Audrey put together. Vanessa asks why she had to bring up that name. 10:39 AM BBT: Vanessa asks Jackie, "If you had to pick two people in that 8 person group who you trust the most, who would you say?" Big sigh from Jackie, she dances around the question and basically says that she wants to trust all of them. They both agree that they wish Jason and Shelli weren't against each other. Jackie wants to know if Shelli has said anything about her (Jackie) spending so much time up in HOH. Vanessa says no, but that she can feel that people are concerned about them getting close. 10:43 AM BBT: Jackie says that from different conversations she has had that everyone seems to be on board. Jackie says she wishes that everyone would just get to the 8 and then play to win. She also says that people can't keep lying and trying to control everything from now to the end. Jackie wants to know if Vanessa is feeling pressured about her decision today or trying to change her mind behind her back. 10:47 AM BBT: Vanessa tells Jackie that Austin was in her room saying that he just wanted to make it to jury because he is in love. Vanessa wonders if it is stupid to get rid of someone who has said that they don't care if they win. Jackie says not to buy it because everyone is going to cry and will say anything they can to stay in the game and win the money.
  7. 5:21 AM BBT: James gets out of bed and goes to the BY to the washer and dryer. Looks like he is rebooting the laundry for the day. Then he goes back to bed. 5:45 AM BBT: Jason is awake. He goes to kitchen and gets water to take some pills. Then he heads to the WC and washes his hands after. He heads to to BY, and says, "It feels so good out here; god, it feels so good out here." He sits on outdoor couches to smoke. It looks like he is singing quietly to himself, mostly mouthing the words between yawns. This is followed by lots of counting and mumbling. 6:10 AM BBT: Jason goes back inside. All other HGs asleep still. Jason goes back to bed.
  8. 9:16 AM BBT: Vanessa and Jackie in HOH bathroom getting ready and talking about noms. Jackie says "I finally get to do something." They talk about what they will say during the noms, and Vanessa says that she will tell Clay it's because he hasn't been up yet and now it's his time to prove himself. Van will tell Becky that "it's has been a while, so Go, Fight, Win." 9:18 AM BBT: Jackie leaves HOH and Becky comes in. Becky talks to Van about after she is put up. Becky is worried about making the nominations look real. Vanessa tells her not to worry about it. Becky puts something on her hair and then leaves HOH. 9:20 AM BBT: Vanessa alone in HOH bathroom doing her make up. Other HGs are downstairs, cameras on kitchen with James, JMac, Jackie, and Jason talking about gynecologists. Jackie says she wouldn't want to go to anyone who she might know or see socially. There are several jokes made on the subject [none really good]. Jackie goes back to HOH. 9:26 AM BBT: In HOH, Vanessa tells Jackie that the box for nominations is really heavy. We get FotH. 9:27 AM BBT: Feeds come back. Vanessa tells Jackie that they should give each other their word that they won't put each other up or backdoor each other. Jackie says absolutely...they talk about not blindsiding. Jackie says they need to get through this double elimination together...no he said, she said in their alliance. They say they just have to stick together. Jackie tells Vanessa to just leave all her stuff up here and to still shower and everything up there. 9:29 AM BBT: Vanessa asks Jackie if Audrey ever talked about her. Jackie said no because Audrey know Jackie wouldn't buy it. Jackie also says how their moves this week as HOHs will squash rumors that were started about other alliances and loyalties. 9:32 AM BBT: Vanessa talks about how much she likes Becky and how selfless she is. She says you can tell a lot about someone by watching how they are in the house, and that Becky and Shelli are both good people because Becky cares for others and Shelli doesn't like to betray people. Vanessa says Clay is good because he doesn't like liars. She likes James because James comes across as genuine. Finally, Vanessa says that Meg and Jason are fun and hysterical. She also says Meg can be trusted to stick to her word. Jackie is nodding and agreeing. Vanessa says she can't trust Steve because she doesn't know where he stands and that she can't trust Austin because he screwed her over. 9: 41 AM BBT: We get FotH.
  9. 8:11 AM BBT: FotH come on...wake up? 8:32 AM BBT: Cameras are on Shelli, Becky, and JMac doing ADLs in bathroom. Meg, Jason, and Austin chatting in grey bedroom about Steven and his sleeping habits, then what Meg should wear, and to Meg's pre-show relationship, which she says she doesn't want to talk about because the feeds are probably on. Austin talks about how quickly nominations and BotB happen "they really rush us through." 8:35 AM BBT: JohnnyMac goes up to the HOH to talk to Jackie. Jackie tells him he's not going up on the block. Hard to hear Jackie...mic off or obstructed? Lots of whispering...lights off in other HOH and BB says the lights must remain on during the day. Jackie tells John they will talk more later, and he goes down to the kitchen. Clay is munching and saying it is his time to go up and fight. They laugh that John gets this week off,"only this week though." FotH come back on at 8:39 AM. 8:40 AM BBT: Feeds back on after brief fish. Becky, James, John, and Austin in kitchen fixing food and talking about batteries. Meanwhile in the HOH room, Jackie and Vanessa talk about John being safe this week. Jackie says that she didn't tell him anything else, and that Vanessa can talk to him later. Jackie goes back to ADLs.
  10. 3:32 PM BBT Liz, Jason, Austin, JMac, and Steve are hanging out in the living room. Fish keep turning on and off because they keep singing bits of songs. Meg rejoins the group in the living room. Jason says that today is the day that he would have had to go back to work if he wanted to keep his job. So he is "technically" fired today, and he says he has to start back over at his job at minimum wage. Other guests are in disbelief. Meg is stretching on the floor. 3:37 PM BBT: Steve hides behind couch and Liz screams. Jason says it's creepy when Steve hides behind furniture when people know that he is there. Austin brings up the movie "It Follows" and gives a description of the plot. James wanders in and out again to kitchen. [total movie spoilers during this part if you haven't seen it yet] They asks Steve what he likes in movies. He says "innocent" movies. They all give him a hard time about that description. Steve says that he doesn't have Netflix and doesn't watch a lot of movies. 3:43 PM BBT: Jason says that last movie he saw in theater was I, Robot. Steve says he doesn't like horror movies at all. Vanessa wanders past. Everyone talking at once about scary movies. [surprised Steve isn't hiding again] 3:46 PM BBT: Talk has turned to Halloween. Jason says he doesn't dress up, and Austin says he went trick or treating last year.
  11. 3:58 AM BBT: So, Jeff and Jackie and in the CLR talking about other players, mostly Shelli and Clay. They point out the age gap. Jeff calls Clay a "little kid" because he is 23, and Jackie agrees and adds that he is great "but he's still 23 at the end of the day." Then, she tries to ego boost Jeff and says, "You are 27; you're five years older than him." [LOL] Jeff laughs, and he says she can't do math. Jeff talks about how many passes people have given Audrey and says she could even win the game. Jackie says no way she wins because she plays too hard and can't last until the end. Jeff says its because she stirs up to much stuff and wouldn't it be weird if she voted for him. Then, FotH. 4:01 AM BBT: Jeff says he feels screwed because no one has approached him. He says the game turns you into a lunatic; it's paranoia. Jackie asks him why he was paranoid. Jeff reminds her that she hasn't had her name thrown around like he has. Jackie wants to know what he could have done the first week to have his name thrown around like that. Lots of whispering and stretching made the response hard to hear. Jeff says people feel threatened because he is "very well versed" that he puts too much thought into what he says. He says he shouldn't have said he is in sales because people want trust what he says. Jackie says that she thinks she should just keep playing the dumb card and then show how smart she is later. She points out that Jason thinks she is just dumb because she doesn't talk to him like she does with Jeff. 4:06 AM BBT: Jeff talks about Vanessa's "blow-up" and says that he feels like she planned it out. Jackie says if she did then Shelli and Clay must have been a part of it. Jeff says it is also weird because Shelli and Clay are always up there with Vanessa. And, then he cautions Jackie about talking to him too much because people talk about who other people spend time with (like they are right now). Jackie says that Shelli is so fake. Jeff advises Jackie to align with Becky and stay with her. Jeff says that he has learned so much in this game that if he stayed now no one would have a chance. Jackie says for him to tell her what he knows then. Someone walks past the door (Audrey?). Jeff tells her that Austin will lie to your face, that he says he has your back and then goes and lies to other people. Jeff says that Becky is the opposite because she is a beast in competitions and then get rid of who she wants. He says that either James, Meg, or Jason has been ratting him out to Vanessa. Jackie says it has to be James because Meg is too nice and Jason has wanted to stay out of the drama since he was on the block again at the beginning. 4:23 AM BBT: Jeff continues sharing his BB Knowledge...he says that who gets called into the DR the most is relevant. He points out that Clay was called in a lot. There is someone in the bathroom, and they speculate who is out of bed. Jeff says there are too many people here for him to leave now and that he doesn't want to be the third person to leave. Jackie says that she cannot believe they have been here this long and that only two other people have left. Jeff says, "I'm the Devin of this season." 4: 27 AM BBT: Jeff wonders how he will be portrayed by the show. Jeff says he is ready to go to bed. 4:29 AM BBT: Jeff and Jackie in bathroom getting ready to call it a night/morning. Jackie proves that the bathroom door slams. Jeff says that he jinxed this week when he saw Vanessa get HOH because he said that this (Vanessa's turn as HOH) was not going to be good. 4:32 AM BBT: They move to kitchen and talk about how disgusting it is. They leave kitchen and go to bedrooms. All HG in beds.
  12. 7:20 AM BBT Takeover. Gronk announces a hot tub party. Jason and Steve get in while the other HGs put their feet in. Lots of yawning going on. 7:25 AM BBT Shelli finally comes out to BY. Music plays. No one really excited to be here. 7:27 AM BBT More music in BY, briefly and announcement, "Don't stop partying yet." Jason says this is the sorriest party ever. 7:32 AM BBT Still yawning and speculating about how long this "party" is going to last. Most exciting moment so far was an ant crawling on someone. More brief music; a few guests clap and wave arms. 7:34 AM BBT Announcement by Gronk "That was a killer party." HG leave BY except Jason who goes to couch to smoke and complains that Audrey didn't put on a swimsuit and should be punished. Steve gets into shower to change, and most of the others head back to bed.
  13. 11:56 AM BBT In HOH, Vanessa talking to Audrey to calm her down. She tells her that she nominated who she did to backdoor someone else. She asks her not to "get sucked into the fear" of what is going on, and she advises Audrey to get close to John and Becky if she can. Audrey says she might be able to get close to John but not to Becky. Vanessa says that's good because she wants to be able to influence as many votes she can. Vanessa also tells Audrey that she can act hurt or mad if she wants to, but she also reassures Audrey that she is NOT the target. 12:00 PM BBT Jason and Meg talking to Austin in CRL. Jason says that people are feeding each other lies. Austin says that he is worried about turning out like Jace and being blindsided. Austin says he feels like he is on the outside. Meg says that Austin is not a target. Austin tells them both that the picks that he and Vanessa made were the safe picks and that the target is Audrey. Meg and Jason both say that they get it, but they are worried about POV. They say if Audrey wins POV there is no way she is using it on either of them, and then one of them (Meg or Jason) will end up going home. Austin says he feels like he doesn't have a "good pulse" on this game that's not what he intended. Jason says that's not what it looks like because Austin put two people up against two strong players and he (Jason) doesn't feel like he and Meg have a chance. 12:04 PM BBT Meg says that Austin could have put Becky up. Jason says there are plenty of other people that Austin could have put up. Meg says that there are lots of people who are just "sitting pretty" and that she doesn't get it. She wants to know why people think this is so complicated right now. She feels like people are acting. Jason agrees that everyone is just pushing their own agenda and you cannot believe anyone. 12:06 PM BBT Austin promises that he will do what he can to save them. Jason says if it is a Du-Bob they are [screwed]. Meg says she feels like she and Jason are out of the loop and why not target the bigger players. Then, she promises to be honest and play a clean game (she knows this is BB, right?!?). 12:08 PM BBT In the bathroom, Clay, Jeff, Shelli, and James are wondering why Meg and Jason went up. They decide that it's in case the backdoor plan doesn't work, then Jason will go home "worst case senario." Jeff tells them that Vanessa asked him not to put her up next week if she doesn't put Jeff up this week. They comment on how JohnnyMac is freaking out and wonder why he is so upset. James says that next week John doesn't need to go back up. Jackie comes through and Jeff asks her if Johnny Mac is okay. She says yes. Then Jeff asks if John is worried, and she says no. 12:13 PM BBT Vanessa and Jason are in HOH. Vanessa wants to know if he is still okay. John says that it's going to be hard to throw it since he is up with James. She says she still wants him to try but he will be okay if he can't. John says, "I'll throw it, but it will be tough." They talk about how the other two, Meg and Jason,really want to win. Vanessa promises that he is not going home that she has the votes. She tells JOhn that there is a target in addition to Audrey. He asks her who. She doesn't tell him, but she does say that it is someone who offended her personally. 12:17 PM BBT Jason and Meg are discussing possible BOB comps. They talk about how bad they would be as a team in a physical comp. James comes in, and they rehash their convo they had with Austin about being on the losing team because they are weaker. Jason says that they (HOHs) don't want to get Audrey out so that they can keep a big target in the house. James asks if they think JohnnyMac threw the last comp with Da'Vonne. Jason said yes that it was obvious.
  14. 9:30 AM BBT Steve come up to HOH. Austin and Vanessa tell him that everyone is throwing him under the bus and that he is NOT their target. They discuss the twin and Steve wants to know if they are both going to be with their alliance. They both assure him yes. Jason in other HOH and wants to talk. Vanessa goes into talk to Jason. She tells him her nominations will be pawns, and that with her, Jason is good.
  15. 09:05 AM BBT In HOH, Austin talking to Clay about nominations. Says Vanessa may put up Jason or James, or even John if he will throw it. Austin says that everyone is in for backdooring Audrey and if they can't do that then, Steve is the target. Vanessa comes in a agrees with what Austin is saying. 9:10 AM BBT Jason in shower; Jackie ADLs. Upstairs, Austin and Vanessa in HOH not talking just doing ADLs. 9:11 AM BBT Vanessa tells John that if he is willing to throw it (BoB), then they will keep him safe from being nominated again by either her or Austin and that she will give him any information anyone says about him. John wants to know if Audrey is going on the block with him; she says no that she has to backdoor her. Jeff comes up to HOH, and Austin goes out onto balcony to keep him from coming in. 9:16 AM BBT Jeff and Austin come into HOH. Jeff says, "I think we are all on the same page." Vanessa says they are. Jeff says that Audrey is the target and that Steve should be the back-up plan because he is "getting sketchier by the day." Vanessa agrees that it is hard to get info from Steve and that she doesn't have much of a relationship with him. Jeff says this is how she should do it if she doesn't want to get blood on her hands. There is already an agenda in place, and everyone "already knows the deal." And FotH briefly. They rehash the same convo again while Austin and Vanessa pay A LOT of attention to their hair. Jeff also mentions that Becky might be another target after they get rid of Audrey and Steve. 9:20 AM BBT John tells Clay that he is supposed to go up as a pawn and throw it. James comes into colorful bedroom and talk changes to shirts. 9:21 AM BBT Meanwhile, back in HOH, Jeff mentions that Clay and Shelly are a concern because they are "a package deal." Vanessa tells him that she needs to put up two people who understand why she is putting them up and who won't get emotional. She says to Jeff that she might put him up. Then she says that she IS going to put him up. Jeff says that he will do his best to keep them off the block next week and that their names (Austin and Vanessa) have even really been brought up. Vanessa tells him that he hasn't been on the block yet, and that she is trying to be fair.



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