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Posts posted by trippinbugs

  1. 4:24p BBT: Veronica is speaking to Will out by the pool table alone. Veronica is telling Will that with Maddy on the block, they were all willing to vote to keep her. She wonders if Maddy owes Erica something now that she pulled her down. She then mentions how she would have put herself on the line for Erica and "you guys" (Will and Hamza) so she expected them to do the same for her. She tells Will about a conversation she had with Hamza that this is the perfect opportunity for them to show them they meant what they said if Kaela and Derek didn't vote their way, then it would pretty much break up the whole situation they have. She says that Hamza was for sure going to keep Merron, but since Veronica is up next to Merron, Hamza told Veronica that he is going to keep his mind open to both of them, and he needs to talk to each of them to decide for himself. Will says that's not the point of an alliance...that you're supposed to have enough people with votes to keep you safe. Veronica agrees. She then tells Will about her conversation with Erica and how she "got to her" and how Erica says that she was just unsure about Veronica, and that when it comes down to it, Veronica was the only person who she felt she couldn't beat in a comp. Veronica then goes on to say that it's unfair to backdoor her, because no one is giving her a chance to fight for her place in the house. She doesn't care if she's up on the block every week, but at least she can fight for her own game, and personally have a chance to prove to everyone that she's an asset.  She's also upset that the people who have been telling her that they have her back, aren't standing up for her now but they can prove it by voting to keep her. She doesn't think that Erica is the type of person to get mad at people for voting to keep her. Maddy walks back through the area on her way into the house and gives Veronica a hug. When she leaves, Veronica continues by saying she has Will, Paras and Maddy so far. If Kaela and Derek meant what they said about working in an alliance together, they have their votes, and then she only has to worry about working on Hamz or Johnny for that last vote. 

    Meanwhile, most houseguests are still outside enjoying the sun. Hamza and Derek are in the kitchen area. Derek made some sort of drink with the slop and says it's drinkable. He mixed it with cinnamon and syrup. Ryan is standing by the stairs, and jumps in to say that it's like over-watered-down instant oatmeal. Derek says he just chugs it down when he's hungry because then he won't think about snacks as much. Ryan says he regrets not taking a shower earlier because of the cold showers. Hamza says he should go stand in the sun for an hour, and then the cold shower will feel good. We see Veronica walk by and run up the stairs. They continue to talk about slop and how this batch is different, a lot thicker, greener and more oily. 

    -I'm assuming the WHOLE HOUSE is on slop?? Ryan says just the other day, everyone was talking around the table about what kind of punishments BB would give out....and the whole house being on slop was one that everyone thought wouldn't happen. At least a whole house on punishment for one person breaking the rules. This is Ryan and Veronica's first time on slop. Derek goes to clean out the blender he used to make the slop drink, and Ryan says he's not sure how well he needs to clean it now that it won't be used for anything but slop now. Hamza asks if they can have ice, and Ryan says the freezer is locked. All they have access to is Coffee, slop and spices/condiments. Ryan feels really bad for Erica because the HOH should automatically get a "pass" for punishments like that. She can't even listen to her ipod, and since everyone is listening to it during the day, the battery is dead by the end of the day and she hasn't been able to listen to it much. Ryan complains that BB won't give him something to trim his moustache/beard, and if he's on slop shakes, it's going to suck getting it stuck in his hair. Talk continues about how long he lets his beard grow, when he trims it, what he does to shape it, etc....


    4:32p BBT: Will and Derek are in the WR by the washer/dryer whispering. Derek asks Will if Hamza is going to keep Merron. Will says if Hamza votes to keep Merron, it would be really shady. Derek says he knows that Merron is Hamza's "boy or whatever" but he thinks that they need to figure out really what's best for them moving forward. Will says that Hamza and Erica are really tight, but Will thinks it's better to keep Veronica in the end. Derek says if Veronica is Erica's target, then it's better for him to keep Veronica in the house because it's one more person they want to get out before him. Will says if they get rid of Veronica, and the other side of the house wins HOH next, then he feels like they will go after Will and Hamza first. Will says that putting Veronica up was a "wicked game move," but it's a dirty way to send someone out of the house. Derek agrees and says that no one had a clue, and everyone thought that Erica wasn't going to make a big move. Will says, yes, if she was willing to do this, then she'll make more big moves. They agree to talk later. Derek says he's going to talk to some people and talk to Will later. 

  2. 1:15a BBT: Johnny and Will are outside speculating about different houseguests. They talk about not wanting to lose Veronica this week. Johnny wants Erica to put Merron  up next to Ryan on the block, but he's afraid to bring it up to her. 

    1:26a BBT: Maddy and Erica are talking in the HOH bathroom. Erica is washing her face, and Maddy is talking to her about her feelings about last week, and the "Jesse" situation. Erica asked Maddy if she told Jesse she was going to vote to keep him. Maddy said no, she told him she didn't think there were enough votes to keep him. She told him she was not voting to keep him. She said she wanted to hear him out and give him a chance. But on the other hand, she felt like the way Jesse went about it last minute, by getting everyone together in one room and asking everyone to call out whether they are voting to keep him or not, rubbed her the wrong way. She said that really opened her eyes to his desperate gameplay, but didn't sway the way she was voting. 

    As far as this week and her HOH, Erica tells Maddy that she's definitely not firm with her decision on who she wants to put up yet. But, she appreciates that Maddy has come to talk to her now because they have comfortable "personal" vibes, but they don't have anything tangible as far as gameplay. Erica has no idea where Maddy's head is at, but also admits that she has kept herself closed off from people knowing everything about what she's thinking. Maddy brings up the topic of her being a flip-flopper and tells Erica that she's done her best to be more transparent this week, but it's not because she doesn't know where she sits in the house, but that she just likes to take her time making sure she's making the right decisions. Erica tells her that she respects her for taking her time figuring things out for her gameplay, and says that flip-flopping doesn't necessarily mean you're floating. 

    Erica asks Maddy what happened after Jesse made his speech, and everything went chaotic with Will. Maddy said everyone was off having their own conversations, and she wasn't able to sit down and talk to people in depth, but she had confirmation with Hamza and Veronica about which way they were voting. But when she saw him in the bathroom, he was questioning her about what was said, and how she was voting, and what everyone was talking about. [Jesse had gone into the room with most the house to give a last speech to plea his stay, and held the door shut and Will was not in the room] Anyway, Erica is just trying to find any kind of truth to what Jesse was saying. Maddy says that since she (Erica) is closest to Hamza, basically he would know the most. Erica tells Maddy that even though they are personally close, their games are in opposite directions. The conversation changes over to talk about Johnny. A lot of people are wishy-washy about his gameplay, but Maddy and Erica say that they both really like him as a person, and he just needs patience to figure things out in his head. 

    1:46a BBT: Maddy leaves HOH and Ryan enters to talk to Erica. Ryan tells Erica that wherever she points her fingers, he will follow. She tells him that she doesn't have any concrete ideas in her head with what she's going to do. She tells him she wouldn't have won HOH without him, and that she's confident with the vibe she feels she has with him. Ryan feels the same way too. Erica informs him of the new alliance that he's in that he doesn't know about. It involves Hamza, Merron, Veronica, Will, and Ryan has the "tag along." Ryan says that's new, and says the problem with having HOH so early in the game is that every conversation he has with anyone is always gameplay. Erica and Ryan both agree that the rouge vote with Jesse going home is bothering them. Erica believes that it wasn't kaela. At any rate, Erica tells Ryan that she respects his "straight shooter" gameplay. Erica asks Ryan about the "group" including Veronica, William, Hamz, Merron, and Stitch?(Maybe Paras??) Ryan isn't sure exactly if it's really an alliance kind of thing, but more of a personal group as far as friends thing. Ryan brings up the chances of a double eviction, and does the math to prove the chances of it this week are iminent. 

  3. 12:02a BBT: On Cam 1, we see Ryan and Merron playing a game of pool in the BY alone. Cam 3 shows all other houseguests in the hot tub area (from what I can see. Camera is only showing Erica) Lots of different conversations going on. Ryan checks the bathroom in the BY area to make sure Merron and him are actually alone. Ryan says he doesn't like having conversations with people if other people are listening in that he doesn't know about. Merron agrees. They continue to play pool, and Alejandra enters the BY from the hot tub area. Merron asks if everyone is out there, and she says yes. Ryan says it feels so empty and noticeable now that more people are gone. Alejandra stands and watches Ryan and Merron play pool. They ask her where her head is at. Ale says she feels okay, and doesn't think that Erica sees her as a threat. Then again, you never know, she adds...with the looming double eviction coming. Ryan and Merron agree that that could happen. Ale thinks there will be a double eviction next, and that's why there are no have-nots this week. She says they will all need their energy. Ryan says he's going to ask for popsicles instead of ice cream for desserts from BB. He says he can't have ice cream, but he can have popsicles. Ale leaves the backyard and goes to the kitchen where Derek is making a bagel.
    Ryan and Merron talk about the HOH comp and which questions they missed. They are both disappointed that they didn't win HOH. 
    12:46a BBT: Olivia and Kaela are in the RBR. Liv tells Kaela that she's the only person she talks game stuff to. Olivia tells Kaela that before the HOH comp, she had a conversation with Erica and told her that if either her (Liv), Ale or Kaela win HOH, they should try to backdoor Veronica. Erica said she didn't like that plan, and she wouldn't do that. Kaela thinks that Erica would put up Ryan and Maddy. Olivia just wants Veronica out. She says she needs her out before there's a double eviction, because Veronica will gun for it, and she cannot be persuaded. Olivia and Kaela both agree that Erica has no "set" allegiances. Olivia mentions Paras told her that she doesn't feel like she can trust Will anymore, and that she feels alone in the house. Kaela and Olivia feel like she's very emotional, but it bothers them that she says she's alone, when they are legitimatly there for her. If anything, they both are saying that Paras has been distant with everyone lately....so if she feels alone, it's her own doing. Or, she's just fishing for attention. Going back to Veronica, if they get her out of the house, they will have more access to Will. The conversation switches over to what happened this week. Olivia is aware of the fact that Veronica, Will, Merron and Hamza were telling Olivia that Jesse was pitching to stay, and that the chances of either of them staying were 50/50. Olivia says she was totally aware that they were just messing her to make her feel uncomfortable because she heard from other people that Veronica had been saying that she was too comfortable. Kaela then discusses the fact that she would have voted Jesse out one way or another in the end because this is a game. Even though Jesse is a good friend, she's really only playing for herself. Kaela says she heard that Jesse was telling everyone that he was going to go after her and Derek if he stayed, and she thinks that it's comical. Olivia says, but you don't really know what he's thinking....he could be just telling them whatever he needs to to stay.  
    Olivia and Kaela play out this coming week: They think Ryan and Maddy go up for eviction. If nominations stay the same, Maddy goes home. Olivia says that Erica is pushing for Maddy to go home. If either of them get pulled with the veto, then they want to put up Veronica. Kaela thinks that if they want Veronica out, she has to go up next to Will. If it was up to Kaela and she was HOH, she'd put up Ryan and Will. If the veto is used, then they'd pull Ryan down, and put Veronica up next to Will. They don't think anyone would want to keep Veronica over Will in the house. 
    Alejandra comes into the room, and Kaela tells her they are talking about different scenarios to get Veronica out. Erica also comes in and says that she feels like this week will be a double eviction, but she's not worried about it. Erica says she knew who she was going to put up on the block before she even got HOH. Erica tells Kaela, Olivia, and Alejandra that she's going to put Maddy and Merron up for eviction. 

  4. 1:04p BBT: Jesse and Erica in WBR: 

    Jesse: "I didn't understand pre-veto ceremony. THAT, I do now...If everyone in the house was pitching for me out, and he felt like he (Hamza) couldn't use it, then fair enough. I didn't know that going in. No one spoke to me bluntly enough to tell me "Dude, this is actually how it is...." So obviously without knowing anything, I thought he should just use it. So I felt betrayed because I thought I was on his side." Basically Jesse is explaining to Erica his reasoning for his behavior/reactions from before and after the Veto Ceremony. He says he didn't want to come all out "Beast Mode" on Hamza about the situation. Jesse finishes his pitch to Erica. Erica says she loves him as a person, and if he stays, they'll get together and talk more in-depth gameplay. Erica says that Hamz has changed his whole game this week. He went from a lone wolf basically, to having a posse. She says you need to balance the kind of player you are in the game. You need to be good at what you do, but not so good that you get cocky and make yourself a target. Jesse leaves. Maddy comes into the room. 

    Erica and Maddy agree that he's (Jesse) has made some good/great points. But, they don't think they want him in the house because someone like him who is so good at turning the whole house around in one week (from wanting to keep him to getting rid of him) just shows how good of a social player he is. They agree that he's very smart/smooth with his words. 

    1:10p BBT: Johnny, Derek, and Will are in the RBR. Discussing Jesse's pitch to go after Daela if he stays in the house. Derek "knows" that Jesse wouldn't really go after Daela, and that it was just a last minute pitch to make a last play to stay. They discuss Ryan quickly saying that he has no position in the house. No power Derek mentions that Ryan should be the first to go out next. Johnny jumps in and states "Even tonight, if it's a double." Derek resumes telling William that it's basically up to him to decide whether keeping Jesse is a good idea or not. He tells him to look at what you think would happen if you're up against him in a comp, up on the block, and even consider his social abilities. Derek gets up to leave to try and speak to more people. William reiterates to Derek that his decision is still up in the air. Anything could still happen Will says, "it's still 50/50."

    Once Derek leaves, William and Johnny start whispering to each other. They both agree that they are voting Jesse out. William tells Johnny about a conversation he had with Jesse and Derek separately last night, and it was obvious to him that Jesse would go back with Derek in a heartbeat with the info that they were sharing back and forth between each other, even though Jesse was promising he wasn't telling anyone certain things. William tells Johnny that he feels like he can't really be close to Hamza because he talks too much. Johnny agrees that Hamza is too impulsive. Will asks Johnny who he'd put up if he won HOH. Johnny says he didn't feel like Derek was on his side, but after this week he feels like he has misread him now. Will warns him not to trust everything he says because he really is close with Kaela too. Johnny feels like numbers-wise, Merron has no value to him. Will mentions Maddy is a big floater, and Paras is a bit of a floater too. Will tells him that he has a little thing with Paras and Maddy, and that he told them he'd have their backs to try and get them as far as he can after week two. But, if they rally with the other side of the house, he's gotta look out for his own game. 

    Will mentions again why he thinks Jesse, Kaela and Derek are full of crap....because Jesse is talking about putting Derek and Kaela up...but then why is Derek coming to him to try and pitch Jesse and convince Will to vote for Jesse to stay?? Johnny agrees and says that he knew they were all full of it when everything kinda came down this week, and he felt "shunned" from the three of them all of a sudden after they've been good this whole time. Johnny asks Will if this "Five's Company" thing is really a "thing." He wants to know if Hamz believes in it? Will says he thinks he didn't want to believe it, but everyone in the group really likes Johnny too. (Not sure what Will means about that) Johnny asks if he needs to win this next HOH. Will says no he's not a target, and he doesn't think he is either. Will is thinking about throwing the HOH because he doesn't want all of this week to be blown up in his face for his HOH. But then again, do they want to keep Daela in the house for another week? When it comes down to Jury, they're going to be another vote for the other side of the house in the end. If they have a double eviction tonight, they'll have some bitter jury members in the end. They discuss how Ryan wants to put the showmance up if he gets HOH. Johnny chuckles that everyone thinks that Ryan has no place in this house, but he actually has a plan, and it could work for people. William mentions that he caught Paras lying to him the other day, and then he caught her in another lie last night too. Will says when Jesse was over pitching his thing to him, Will questioned Jesse about whether he was with Paras alone in the other room....then Will looks up at the Camera and says Paras is going to be mad that he's saying this on TV....... -and the feeds go out!!- [grrrrrr]

    1:30p BBT: Feeds are back on Kaela and Derek in the HN room speculating what Hamza is thinking. Derek tells Kaela to go talk to Johnny to get in his head and see what he's thinking. Then they talk a bit about what they saw today to remember for the upcoming HOH comp. Kaela reminds Derek that no matter what happens, they can't put Liv or Ale up this week if they win HOH because she made a deal with them to keep them safe. Derek reminds her that no one needs to really know that. 

    Feeds switch to RBR where Ale is asking Jesse where his head is at. He tells her that he doesn't know...he's been going over everything in his head over and over, and just has no clue right now. 

    We hear BB come over the loudspeaker announcing the live eviction will be in 2 hours, then BB lists the nominated houseguests. 

    Ale tells Jesse that no matter what happens, she feels sad about the situation. She says if it was anyone else, she'd be cheering for him. If he does stay, she'll be cheering for him, but she'll be sad at the same time if Liv goes. Then she tells him that if she was single, she would have totally tried to showmance him. Jesse asks Ale what she thinks are Liv's odds. Ale says she's totally not sure. But, she knows for a fact that there are people in this house who have been lying a lot. But whatever the outcome is, she's going to know who to trust, and who not to trust because there are questionable people on both sides right now. Jesse leaves, and Ale says to the camera that she really does feel bad for him. But he's really nice to look at. Then she starts to play with her hair in the mirror. She's not sure what to do with her hair. 

    1:41p BBT: Feeds switch to HN room where Veronica and Kaela are. Veronica is coming up with cutesy  names that they can call each other in the house.....

    Feeds change to Jesse running down the stairs into the kitchen to tell Merron that everyone is having a chat in the WBR. Merron follows him upstairs. 

    In the WBR: Hamza, Merron, Ryan, Johnny, Paras, William, Veronica, and Maddy (I think). 

    They go around the room stating who they are voting out. They all say Jesse and they all agree they need to just sit him down and tell him so he's not blindsided. 

    -Feeds go out-

  5. 11:04a BBT: Erica is in HOH talking with Hamza. Hamza tells her that the plan has not changed.He tells her everything that Jesse has pitched to him, including going after the showmance. Erica thinks it's bull, and so does Hamza. Erica says she thinks that Jesse was too comfortable this week. She tells him that she's going to vote to keep Olivia because she knows where her head is at, and that Olivia wears her heart on her sleeve which makes it easy to read her. Hamza tells Erica that if things change, no matter what, he's going to keep her in his loop. She wants to keep with the majority of the house, and he agrees to help keep her in that position. Hamza tells her that he thinks it's screwed up that Jesse is even willing to go after the showmance....

    Hamza says that he's pissed off that the majority of the girls are rooting for Jesse, and in particular, Maddy and Paras want to keep Jesse in the house. Hamza says that Paras was pushing hard to pitch Jesse to him yesterday....Erica says if she gets HOH, she wants Maddy out first. They then talk about which people have been "flip-flopping" sides, and they agree that those people are on their "list" and cannot be trusted. Hamza continues to tell Erica about his conversation with Jesse after the Veto Ceremony, and how Jesse understood where he was coming from with not using the Veto. Erica talks about how Paras wants to vote Jesse to stay because she doesn't want him to leave the house on an anonymous vote. Hamza says that people need to just vote for whoever they want to stay and be done....stop going back and forth with their decision. They discuss how Jesse thinks that he has Will's vote, but Hamza says absolutely NOT. Will definitely wants Jesse gone. Ryan told Hamza that he'll vote whatever way Hamza needs him to. 

    11:14a BBT: Feeds switch to RBR where Jesse is speaking with Kaela. He says that Hamza is good with his pitch. He tells Kaela that they need to sit down and figure out the next HOH move, decide who should take it and what moves should be made. Then go over a few dates and things for the possible comp coming up. Derek and Johnny come in, and they chat about getting ready for the comp, and when to start packing their bags. Kaela tells Johnny that they have to win. Johnny says he probably won't do well in the comp because he thinks other people in the house know more than he does. 


    Feeds switch to the storage room. Paras and Olivia are whispering about one of the girls telling Paras that Olivia is sitting too comfortable, and Olivia says she's heard that but refuses to give her a reaction. (Not sure exactly who they are talking about....maybe Veronica or Erica?) 


    [Backing up to Cam 3]

    10:53a BBT: Paras and Maddy are in the WBR. Maddy tells Paras how Hamza just told her he is getting so pissed at how comfortable Olivia thinks she is. Paras is frustrated and says that if he's so pissed about that, then he needs to just send her home. Stop giving her false hope, and just do it. They both agree that Hamza is being stupid by playing with people's emotions in the game. If he wants to make a move, then just make it. Paras thinks that it's pretty eye-opening to see that even though Hamza and Will are so "tight" that Hamza wants one thing, but Will is stuck in a different direction. Paras thinks that Hamza is upset about how close she is with Jesse, and thinks that Hamza doesn't want her to be close with anyone else in the house other than him. Maddy says that the only person who can change Will's mind, is Hamza. But Will also knows that if he doesn't do what Hamza asks him to do, then that's not good for his game. Paras is sick of people going around the house making stuff up. She says Veronica came to her bragging that they were just making things up with Jesse to mess with him. She thinks that's messed up....if you want to send him home, just do it!! Don't play with him about it....

    Derek comes into the room and says there's nothing more he can do to help Jesse at this point. He helped campaign for him for 3-4 days, but he also has to look out for his own game too. Maddy leaves the room, and Paras and Derek immediately whisper "FLOATER!!!" to each other (in reference to Maddy). Derek thinks that only 3 people will vote for Olivia, and the rest are on board to get Jesse out. Derek told Paras that he thinks he should vote with the majority. Paras is hoping that Jesse can work some magic last min to Hamza....things can change at the last min. Paras talks about how hard she's tried to campaign and push for Jesse to stay the last few days, but she heard people were noticing and talking about them being "a pair." She doesn't want people to think that because she legitimately just doesn't want him to go out feeling alone. She would never alienate anyone in the house. She then tells Derek that the way Veronica lies through her teeth....she can't tell what's truth or a lie anymore. She thinks Veronica is a terrible person because of the way she laughs and makes fun of the way they are messing with Jesse. Paras says that she thought she was strong enough to come play this game, but she's not on the same level as everyone with the scheming....She just isn't that kind of person. She just wants to play the game, and doesn't understand why everyone has to do it in a messy way. 

    11:05a BBT: Will and Johnny go into the HN room. Will asks Johnny if he's still 100% on getting Jesse out. Johnny says yes, and pinky swears on it. Will tells Johnny that after the eviction, he has a lot of stuff to tell him about....about Jesse's pitches, and lots of info about what has happened this week. They discuss how Paras and Maddy aren't sure, and are flip-flopping their votes. Will tells Johnny to go talk to Maddy and Paras and get their heads back into the game. Will says if Hamz changes his mind and decides to keep Jesse, he's going to be pissed. "Why would you make a big move like that, and then change your mind?" 

    Will grabs Paras and takes her into the HN room. He asks her what Derek was saying to her. Paras tells him that Derek knows that her and Kaela are going to be the only votes for Jesse to stay. Paras says that the question he asked her last night was what shed the light on her and made her decide Jesse had to go for her game. They discuss how Veronica has been going around telling Jesse that things were good for him to stay for the last 4 days. That made people want to target Derek, and it's all lies....they never said they were going to keep him. They said they would listen to his pitch and respect him for trying. Will asked Paras if Derek was still campaigning for Jesse, and Paras told him no. Derek stopped doing that a few days ago because he realized it wasn't making his game look too good. Will tells Paras that he's pissed that Jesse told him that the vote all came down to Will. Will says that it's not fair to put that on him because he's not the one who put him up on the block. 

    Will tells Paras that they are going to have a meeting in the HOH in about 20 mins. 



  6. 10:41a BBT: (cam 1)Merron and Olivia are talking in the RBR. Merron tells Olivia that everyone just feels bad for Jesse because he's going so hard with his pitches. Olivia feels like when someone does that, (talking to everyone, pitching hard to stay) you know they can't keep all those kind of promises. She reminds Merron that she has only spoken to and made promises with four people. Merron tells her she has his vote. He promises, Olivia gives him a hug and thanks him, then leaves the room to go get ready for the day. 

    10:44a BBT: (cam 2) Jesse and Hamz in the HOH room. Jesse tells Hamz that they have to make this work. If he wants to mess the house up this season, Jesse says, "lets go." Hamz agrees with him. Jesse tells him that if Daela wins HOH next week, they'll for sure go after Hamz, and Jesse says he'll have his back. Hamz tells Jesse that he spoke to Olivia and told her that he's still 50/50, and nothing is set in stone. Also, he says he spoke to Maddy, and she really wants to vote for Jesse, but they need to get Will on board. Jesse thinks he can get the votes to stay with or without Will. Jesse thinks that if Will votes him out this week, he'll regret it...and that maybe he just needs more time to process things than what they have. Hamz is afraid that if they don't have Will's vote, then they don't have Veronica's vote. Hamz tells Jesse to keep trying with Will, and keep in his ear. He tells Jesse that Will is afraid that if Jesse stays in the house, that he will go back and work with Derek and Kaela. Hamz tells him he has to just convince Will otherwise, and even tell him that he'll go after Daela, that they are his target if he has to. He just needs to convince Will. 

    Jesse leaves HOH because Erica is on her way up to speak with Hamz. 

    Hamz lays on the HOH bed and is looking at all his photos. He has all the frames lined up on the bed in front of him. "Ughh....I don't want to get rid of these photos...."

    Kaela pops into HOH to check if things are the same. Hamz tells her that the same plan is in place, and if anything changes, he'll let her know. 

    10:48a BBT: (cam 1) Jesse is in the RBR with Maddy. Maddy asks Jesse "How do you feel? To be honest, I haven't heard positive stuff."

    "Maddy, there's only one person who needs to be on board." Jesse replies

    Maddy: "Which is who??"

    Jesse: "Me and Hamzie are so good now, we might have the numbers anyways. Will is who needs to be on board...for unspecified reasons."

    Maddy: "Oh, I see."

    Jesse: "Which I think I might have an idea. Even without Will, we [freaking] have it. Literally. Cuz with Ryan and Merron jumped into the mix, Hamzie's on board. We got it. And he's talking to Erica anyways. Like, there's only a couple hours left....we're gonna come back to solidify it but we got it."

    Maddy tells him she just didn't want to bull[crap] him, and she wants to be on the right side of the house. Jesse says it's Derek, Kaela, Maddy, Paras, Merron, Ryan, and Hamz on board. Maybe Will. That's eight including themselves. Maddy questions Veronica's place. Jesse says he doesn't think Veronica wants to go against them, but she understands and gets his pitch more than Will does. If he can get himself (Jesse), Hamz and Will on the same page, then things will be fine (meaning Veronica will follow). They agree that the only person who can persuade Will is Hamz. Jesse says he's going to try to convince Will, but it's hard. Maddy thinks the best way to get Hamz to convince Will is to stop with the pitch idea, and start putting a bug into his ear about Will's "entitlement" or use the emotional card and drag Veronica into it. Both leave the RBR.

    10:52a BBT: Jesse runs into Will in the hall, and asks to go chat in the HOH. Jesse asks Hamz if it's okay if they come into the room to chat. Hamz says he'll leave if they want a bit of privacy, and Jesse tells him he can stay and listen. Says he wants him to hear the convo anyway, but he doesn't have to talk with them if he doesn't want to. 

    Jesse starts the conversation by telling Will that he's "100% in this." "I feel like everyone is essentially on board, but like, I just haven't felt like Will is 100% on board yet, whether that be right or wrong."

    William interrupts and says "Well that pisses me off, because NO ONE was ever 100% on board."

    Jesse backtracks and says "No, I know but people haven't told me 100% but "what I'm feeling" is that....And I could be wrong, you could be way more on board than I thought, or way less...I'm not sure."

    Will: "But we just brought Liv over a little bit ago, and pretty much sat her down and told her that "listen, don't get comfortable, we're really trying to sort this out..."

    Jesse interrupts: "Someone was just in the bathroom talking to me, telling me she was having dreams about evicting her coworkers and stuff like that. Like, it's stupid. It's so dumb how comfortable she is. Sorry....that just makes me so mad!"

    Jesse continues with their conversation: "I just want Will to know that Jesse will NOT work with Derek and Kaela moving forward because that doesn't make any sense for me. That's two people versus the house. It doesn't make sense for me anymore. And it sucks, I know."

    Will: "I don't want you to think that like, this is in my hands....cuz it's definitely not."

    Jesse continues talking about how much of an asset he can be to the "team." He compares Olivia's gameplay, and their pitches and says he is playing a "bigger and bolder game than her." He continues to say that he's campaigned really hard for himself, and if either one of them ends up on the block, he'd do the same for either of them (Hamz and Will). He tells Will that if he stays, and  "God forbid Daela get HOH, then they will have some influence to not get [screwed]. But if I'm gone, they can put you two boys up and whatever.....But I'm playing it cool, and they don't know I'm "in this" (working with Will and Hamz) and if I win HOH, that's something to consider too. I think that's huge. Especially since Hamzie can't play in the HOH tonight, right? I mean, I hope we win....you (Will) or me (Jesse), or Veronica...whoever. But if they win, and I'm here, I'll target Erica, Johnny, whoever...anyone who is not in the "mix" and I'll have some influence there too, until we win and then we can make a big move."

    Will looks up and says "We should have a chat with whoever, up here within the next 40 mins or so while everyone else is getting ready."

    Jesse: "Absolutely dude. Seriously, I wanna play the game with you guys. I know you guys wanna play hard, make big moves...we're talking about making this an exciting season. The most exciting move you guys can make is letting me follow through on this pitch. The biggest move today is voting Liv out. It's not voting me out because that's a wasted opportunity. It's keeping me in, I'm on this side 100% ...I have nobody. I literally have nobody...So I don't give a [crap] about Derek and Kaela anymore. That's over. I came to a realization. And when I go with something, I go 100% in. It's painful for me to keep saying these things because I feel like I'm trying too hard...but I want to make sure you guys know that I'm 100% in. So that's it. It's in your hands now."

    Will has been playing with the pillow, keeps looking into the mirror and messing with his hair. Jesse tells Will that he just wants to make sure that he feels comfortable with him. Will tells him that he does, 100%. They're cool. He also says again that they should get everyone up there to talk. Jesse decides to stay out of the group conversation and just let them do the talking. Jesse tells Will and Hamz to not mention him wanting to target Kaela and Derek. Just keep everything about numbers and votes. Jesse also feels like it would be safer for Ryan to vote to keep him because everyone thinks he has an alliance with Liv and Ale, and if he votes to keep him, then it'll tell the house that he is not with them. They guys also need to keep the girls in check because they don't want them to rally and take over the house. Jesse thinks that Maddy is most in with all the girls....so they should keep an eye on her. 

  7. 12:26a BBT: Kaela goes into the RBR where Alejandra and Olivia are. Kaela tells them that Derek asked her if she would help Jesse with votes since everyone realizes that Jesse is probably going home tomorrow. Derek wants Jesse to have at least two votes. Kaela told Derek that she was thinking of asking if she votes to keep Olivia in, if she would help keep her and Derek in the house next week if one of them wins HOH. Alejandra squeels and tells Kaela that she's a smart cookie....But Kaela told Derek that if she doesn't get through to Olivia's side, then she'll vote to keep Jesse. Ale, Olivia and Kaela agree that if they all make it past next week, they need to all sit down and rehash their game plan moving forward. Kaela wants to put up Maddy and Ryan up if one of them get HOH next. They all agree about Maddy because she's constantly changing her mind. Ale mentions the fact that if there's an open opportunity for a back door, they need to pull it out on Veronica. They all agree that the only way to get Veronica out is through a back door. 

  8. 12:18a BBT: Will and Alejandra are talking in the WBR. Ale wants to know how close he is to Veronica. She wants to know how upset he would be if she was targeted or if he was asked to vote her out. He says that at the end of the day, he's here to play for himself. Even though they're friends, they aren't like really close like everyone thinks. He tells Ale that he had that "falling out" with Veronica, and things are still kinda the same....

    Ale tells Will that Veronica wants to work with her as a team in the game, and that's why she didn't nominate her. But, Ale just found out that Veronica is telling other people that the only reason why she's doing that this week, is because Jesse is a bigger physical threat than her right now, but if Veronica gets HOH, she wants Ale and Olivia on the block and gone ASAP. So Ale thinks that Veronica is still going after her. 

    Will tells her that no matter what, he thinks she can rely on him to persuade Veronica if needed. So if it comes down to it, he'll work on Veronica for her. 

    Maddy walks into the room to grab something, and leaves quick. As soon as she leaves, Ale tells William that she doesn't trust Maddy at all. Will agrees that she's "flip-floppy." Ale says she's told Maddy a couple little things that she never said to anyone else, and it's come back to her through the grapevine...so she can't trust her. Ale warns William to not trust her, and watch what he says to her. 

    Ale asks Will if he would send Veronica home before he would send herself or Johnny home, and Will says yes. Regardless of what anyone says, they don't talk game at all, and he's not that close with Veronica anymore. They leave the room. 

    On his way out, William runs into Ryan. Ryan asks him if everyone is on board to send the same person home tomorrow. Will looks confused at him, and Ryan asks him if he "sold him on it" (Jesse's pitch). William tells Ryan that he did NOT buy it, Ryan is happy, says ok....and they part ways. 

  9. 10:48p BBT: Paras is talking to Hamz in the HOH. She's telling him her concerns with Jesse staying in the house. For one, she's afraid that their "friendmance" will put a target on her back. If he were to go, she's afraid everyone would look to her as his closest ally long-term. She's annoyed with that because she had other friends in the house, for instance Rozi...she was closest with Rozi before she left. On the other hand, she says she doesn't want to alienate anyone in the house either....which is why she hung out with Rozi and Andrew so much before they left Also, she was one of the firsts to welcome Veronica and Merron when they entered the house.  With that said, she's concerned with hanging out with Jesse for the next few hours because Ale and Liv have already mentioned noticing her hanging out with Jesse so much. 

    Hamz stops her and tells her that he can't tell Paras what Jesse pitched to him yet because he promised.....but it was really good, and it totally changed his perspective on how he thinks of the situation right now. But things are going to be okay. The only thing that is difficult is convincing Will about things. Paras is now telling Hamz how she's looking out for him, and Hamz agrees because they gotta "Look out for your people." They are from the same religion, Paras from the middle east, Hamz knows that Carolyn would look out for her.....(awwwwe, so sweet)

    Hamz tells Paras that Jesse really likes her, and she should use that to her advantage and work her magic on him. All Paras cares about is using him as a shield moving forward. Number one, he's so desperate right now, in her opinion, because he's 12 hours away from potentially leaving the house. Number two, he will still remain a big target, which gives them more time. Number three, if he goes, "Daela" (Kaela and Derek) will be the first to target them, where as right now, with Jesse possibly working in the house, they can use him to get them on board with them and use them as votes.  -OR- Use Jesse to target them himeself, or someone like Ale to take shots at them. 

    10:54p BBT: Will joins in with Paras and Hamz in HOH. They catch him up on Paras's thoughts about Jesse. Will decides it's time to pull Jesse in and talk to him. Paras leaves because they all agree he won't open up in front of Paras. Hamz promises to tell Paras later what happens, and what he says. She makes him promise to not fill him with crap to make him go to bed happy, just to dump him out tomorrow....Hamz agrees. He says he's going to get a good feel on him. 

    Hamz tells Will he is going to leave the HOH with Paras. He's going to go get Jesse to come talk to Will on his own so he can get his own unbiased opinion on what Jesse says, and how he feels about Jesse. Then they'll come back together later to discuss things.

    -Ughhh.....feeds go dark-

    11:03p BBT: Feeds are back, and Hamz is telling William what he wants to do with Jesse....basically get a "feel" on what Jesse is saying, Just listen to his pitch, and they will decide what to do with it later. Will suggests to Hamz that he gets Jesse to "swear" on what he says.  Hamz doesn't agree to that because he feels like it's slimy....Will doesn't really trust Jesse at all because of a conversation they had last night that brought up Carolyn (Hamz's fiance). Hamz thinks that the whole thing is crazy....and looks into the camera and asks Carolyn what she thinks they should do....he has no clue. 

    Hamz asks Will if he thinks that Derek and Kaela are genuine. Will says yes, 100%. He had a conversation with him last night, and they have no one.

    Hamz thinks that because they will have access to the back yard in the morning, it must be a "true-false" comp.

    Ryan, Maddy and Jesse trickle into the HOH room. Most houseguests are in the hot tub, but Maddy doesn't want to go in "just in case" (she might get called into DR, and she must remove makeup to go into hot tub). She grabs the ipod to listen to music, while the boys are randomly chatting. (I can tell that Jesse and Hamz are just VERY patiently waiting for people to leave.....

    Randomly they mention the prospects of a "battle back" comp in the future....and then joke about how any audience members could be randomly pulled to come in at any time, lol. Merron thinks that they will pull out all the stops because it's "Season 6." Then he whistles the tune the dishwasher makes when finished. 

    11:24p BBT: Hamz asks if everyone can head out so they can chat with Jesse for a bit.....Finally. 

    Hamz leaves to "pretend to get water or something" so Will and Jesse can talk alone. Will tells Jesse that Hamz told him he had to hear him out. So Jesse gives Will his pitch. Jesse says that the pitch he gave last night with the 7 people in the WBR is not the same as what he's thinking now. He came up with this idea because he had an epiphany this afternoon. He told Veronica and Hamz that he wants to switch sides because Daela will always pick each other over him any day....and he realized that he's on his own basically. He's a great team player, he hasn't gotten the chance to show his competitive side yet, as it's only week 3. But, he's 100% sure he's ready to separate himself from "his side." Ever since Hamz put him on the block (Jesse) and kicked the wind out of him, he has only grown stronger with how he feels about his idea with moving forward. He wants them (Will, Veronica, Will) to use him as a shield. He wants to "earn" his position on this side of the house. He admits to screwing up his game, and his last save is to swallow his pride and put himself up to be used by the group. He doesn't even care if they only use him for a couple weeks, and then get rid of him....he knows he would have been gone this week otherwise. 

    Jesse says he is going to start distancing himself from Derek, and he's going to do some things to prove his worth to the group. His targets are the showmance, and Erica or Johnny. If he wins HOH next week, he will put on a show. He reiterates that his pitch is not desperation, but literally the effects of his own epiphany. He's done, and has moved with the wrong group from the beginning, but that's not what he wants. 

    Jesse and Will leave HOH. Will goes outside to smoke, and Hamz follows eventually.... 

    12:18a BBT: Will and Alejandra are talking in the WBR. Ale wants to know how close he is to Veronica. She wants to know how upset he would be if she was targeted or if he was asked to vote her out. He says that at the end of the day, he's here to play for himself. Even though they're friends, they aren't like really close like everyone thinks. He tells Ale that he had that "falling out" with Veronica, and things are still kinda the same....

    Ale tells Will that Veronica wants to work with her as a team in the game, and that's why she didn't nominate her. But, Ale just found out that Veronica is telling other people that the only reason why she's doing that this week, is because Jesse is a bigger physical threat than her right now, but if Veronica gets HOH, she wants Ale and Olivia on the block and gone ASAP. So Ale thinks that Veronica is still going after her. 

    Will tells her that no matter what, he thinks she can rely on him to persuade Veronica if needed. So if it comes down to it, he'll work on Veronica for her. 

    Maddy walks into the room to grab something, and leaves quick. As soon as she leaves, Ale tells William that she doesn't trust Maddy at all. Will agrees that she's "flip-floppy." Ale says she's told Maddy a couple little things that she never said to anyone else, and it's come back to her through the grapevine...so she can't trust her. Ale warns William to not trust her, and watch what he says to her. 

    Ale asks Will if he would send Veronica home before he would send herself or Johnny home, and Will says yes. Regardless of what anyone says, they don't talk game at all, and he's not that close with Veronica anymore. They leave the room. 

    On his way out, William runs into Ryan. Ryan asks him if everyone is on board to send the same person home tomorrow. Will looks confused at him, and Ryan asks him if he "sold him on it" (Jesse's pitch). William tells Ryan that he did NOT buy it, Ryan is happy, says ok....and they part ways. 



  10. 9:49a BBT: Good Morning Canada!! Feeds start in the WBR with eyes on Derek and Kaela sleeping. In cam 2 we see Ryan eventually get up, and feeds switch to RBR where Jesse is leaving the room, and Ale is stirring from her bed. Ale mentions she was really close from cuddling with Jesse last night, but then thought it wasn't a great idea for the long term :) We see Olivia and Johnny awake, but still in bed as well. BB tells Olivia to please put on her microphone. The houseguests complain that the room is very cold. 

    10:06a BBT: Ale says last night was so lit. Johnny says he feels like he was less drunk than everyone last night. Ale says she wasn't drunk....says she had a light buzz, but not drunk. Olivia asks Ale if she thinks if Paras is still mad at her. Ale says she has to apologize. Johnny asks what happened, did she throw a drink in her face?

    Olivia says: "No, what happened was, I had water and we were joking about cooling them off. And Jesse came out and I splashed water on him, and he was throwing water at me and it was funny....."

    BB interrupts: "Olivia, please put on your microphone."

    Olivia continues: "So then after, I go into the pantry to involve Paras cuz I want to have fun and I said something to her like "Yeah, cool off...blahh blahh..." and I threw it at her but it was at her chest, it wasn't even at her face. And then she started saying like, that she was bullied and was basically insinuating that we were bullies. And I was like, "No, what?? No, we're just having fun hun!!" Like, that's the funny part, because we know you weren't even doing anything, that's what makes it fun, it's called irony. (Ale, Johnny laugh) Anyways, she was SOOOOO Mad....

    "I'm sure she's not" Johnny responds.

    Ale speaks up "She was just more focused on her parents watching, and getting the wrong idea. I think that, I know what you were doing was all in good fun, I think that you just didn't read the situation. Cuz she was like....."

    -Feeds go out-

    10:09a BBT: Feeds are back, and we're in the WR where Kaela is dressed, but just out of the shower, Jesse and Derek are in the showers. They are chatting about last night, talking about some items that were misplaced after the rooms were cleaned. Jesse and Derek are talking about someone Jesse had a talk with last night, but it's hard to hear because they are in the showers. 

    10:17a BBT: Kaela grabs the hairdryer, walks over to the shower area and says to Jesse: "Sooooo......you and Paras..."

    Jesse looks up and says "I don't get what everyone...my stomach was rolling yanno, I just needed some time...."

    "I'm talking about the Red bedroom" Kaela says.

    "Like, what....when was this?"

    "Yesterday afternoon, when I accidently walked in and was like "Oh yeah, I guess I'll leave you guys alone..."

    "Oh, yeah, no....we were on seperate beds!"

    "You jumped from her bed back..."

    "No I didn't!!"

    "Yes YOU DID!!"

    -Feeds go out-

    10:19a BBT: Feeds return to the kitchen area. Derek grabs a new canister of coffee from the storage room, fills up the container in the kitchen and proceeds to make a pot of coffee. Olivia comes into the kitchen area to make a bagel. Derek asks if it's safe to assume all the Chinese food from last night is bad, and if they should just throw it away. He then searches for a garbage bag to start cleaning up. Olivia leaves to go lay down. Derek has no idea where they keep extra garbage bags.....The camera zooms in on all the chinese food that was left out scattered all over the counters, lol. Derek is standing there looking clueless.

    10:25a BBT: Feeds switch to  RBR where we hear Erica talking about pretending to sleep in the HOH room, saying "They didn't know I wasn't sleeping, but he was like playing with her hair....."

    And feeds are out.

    10:38a BBT: Feeds are back in the kitchen where Jesse is trying to cook breakfast, and Derek is grabbing what he can to throw away in a small bag he found. They mention all the food that was wasted, and some of it wasn't even touched. 

    10:43a BBT: Feeds switch to RBR where Johnny, Olivia and Alejandra are laying in their beds talking. Alejandra is talking to Johnny about how she's still in the process of building a relationship with someone and Paras. She says they were all down in the kitchen and she told them she has lost trust in them. She thinks they are the most "flip-floppy" people in the house right now. (I'm not exactly sure who she's speaking about, maybe Maddy?) She tells Johnny and Olivia that she feels really good about where they are as a group. She says she has the most trust in them. Erica comes into the RBR to grab laundry to wash. 

    10:53a BBT: Veronica is talking to William in the WBR. She's telling William how she doesn't like how he made her look on TV last night. She thinks he made her look like she doesn't respect him or his family, doesn't respect that he has a child....William tells her that it was just all fun and games. William: "What I was saying when Paras was there, and everyone else was saying that Will and Veronica are in a showmance or something like that....Like, that's just gonna put a target on their backs. That's why I was so pissed off."

    Veronica "That's a conversation they just need to have with me because I didn't think I was showing you anything more than..."

    Will: "Yeah, you and me were just being ourselves, just having fun and stuff like that. But then when Paras was saying "Oh, well we'll just match the two of you up" or whatever....."

    Veronica: "Yeah, but that's stupid and annoying."

    Will: "Yeah, but you know what I mean? I swear to God,  I wasn't one bit mad at you or anything. And then you say things like "Oh Will, you don't think I'm that hot...you're so mean..."

    Veronica: "ok, then I won't say stuff like that anymore."

    Will: "See!! Now things are gonna be all weird between us. It's not gonna be weird for me, but it's gonna be weird for you."

    Veronica: "It's not gonna be weird for me. I'm just not going to...I'm just gonna chill out....I won't, I won't be like....I don't want you to think that I think anything, ya know?"

    Will: "But I know that. See, and now you're gonna go around being mad at me. And no more joking around and stuff...."

    Veronica: "No I'm not."

    Johnny comes in and asks how everyone is feeling today. Veronica says she feels like she's 16 and drinking again....she's exhausted. Johnny says he's gonna go make grilled cheese or something. 

    William continues the conversation saying he doesn't want things to be shitty between them. He says they have the best relationship in the house. Veronica agrees and says she loves what they have. But she says it's clear that it looks like she doesn't respect him or his family or anything, and she doesn't want it to look like that. William says it's not a big deal. They need to just let everyone talk what they want and continue to put targets on their backs....that they need to focus on themselves so they can go far in the game. He says it only bothers him when she says things like "Oh you don't think I'm hot or anything" because that's not really how he feels. They hug, and William tells Veronica "Now no more fighting and stuff in the house. If we don't have each other, who do we have?" They agree that the alcohol didn't help last night. Veronica just doesn't want it to look like she's some desperate girl chasing him around the house or anything. William says feelings aside, they don't need people thinking that they are together so they don't get a target on their backs. Veronica says she's not 16 anymore, she's 25, and regardless if they had a couple kisses in the hot tub last night, they can't have anything inside the house. She doesn't care about the showmance stuff, and feelings....she just wants to continue the interactions she has with him inside the house. William says he barely slept last night because he knew she was mad, and he was afraid....but Veronica says she wasn't mad. 

    Ryan comes into the room looking for towels. He says "More smiles! The tension with everyone is nowhere near the amount of bullshit going on."

    They all leave the WBR to go shower and get ready for the day. 



  11. 12:39a BBT: Veronica is talking with Hamza in HOH room. Veronica starts her conversation with him by telling him that she agrees that getting rid of Liv and Ale is an emotional move, and not a smart one. They know that they aren't "threats." She tells Hamza that Ryan is playing both sides of the house. She doesn't trust him, Hamza agrees and says he's made so many mistakes in the house. She says she just wants to warn Hamza of Ryan, and that he's going to be up in his face constantly now, won't give him two seconds alone, and is constantly watching everything from the balcony "like a hawk." She also wants him to realize that Olivia and Ale are just kissing his butt. "I want you to remember all those people who voted for you in that comp (bartender comp) against you and look at you now....you're half a country above them all now." Conversation continues about how everyone underestimated his ability to play the game because he kept quiet and to himself in the beginning. Hamza says he wants to take Jesse down because he's not a physical threat, and use Ryan as a replacement and rattle his feathers. 
    Veronica tells Hamza that the only person she 100% trusts is Will. She wants to work with Will and Hamz. Hamz agrees about Will and says him and Will are tight like brothers for life. Hamz says he can't wait for her and Will to get their chance to start making moves, and he'll have their back. After that, they can come together and beast through the house. 
    Merron interrupts to ask for some time. Hamz tells him to give him a minute and Merron steps out. Hamz says that he (Merron) keeps coming in a lot, and feels super safe and he wants to put him up and then "save" him later so he would owe him. Hamz wants himself, Veronica and Will to just stay tight, even Erica because he's real close with her. 
    Hamz's plan is to take Jesse down, and put Ryan up. He's not going to tell him before so that it rattles him. Then Jesse will owe him, and either way, if they go after Hamz next week, someone will pull him down if he's on the block. "I rattled the house today, tomorrow I'm going to rattle the house even more.....these people shouldn't be able to sleep."
    Veronica leaves to go fetch Will to bring him into the conversation. Hamz shouts out to Carolyn (sp?) and tells her that he hopes she's proud of him, that he just won $5,000.00 and they are going on a trip soon.
    Will comes into HOH. Hamz says he hopes that one of them (Veronica or Will) wins HOH. They speculate that the comp could be "truth or false," and then the next comp should be an endurance comp. Hamz tells Will his plan about taking Jesse down, and replacing him with Ryan. He wants to know what Will's thought is, and they are making this decision as a team. The plan is to make Olivia feel super safe until Thursday, and then just get her out of the house. Will says he's good with the plan either way. He will go with whatever they decide. Veronica wants to make Ryan feel like he's not king of the house anymore, and to realise that they aren't stupid in the house. If they convince Olivia that she's safe, that will get to him, and he'll really be shaking. Hamz reiterates to Will that if they pull Jesse down, that side of the house will "owe" them big time. Also, keeping Ale off the block, and not putting her up against Liv, they will also be thankful. So if they want to come after them next week, they should have the numbers to keep them safe. Even if they don't win HOH on their own, they should be safe with Erica pulled in, which helps keep Daela on their side. Veronica feels like Ale realises how lucky she is that she's not on the block this week, and that keeps her in their good graces as well. 
    Chatter continues about the comp today and how everyone played. Then they discuss how strong Derek and Kaela are strong compeditors. 
    If this week is a double eviction, Hamz, Veronica and Will decide to let the other side have the HOH. They will put up Ale and Ryan. Then they'll be able to play the endurance comp, and they'll have the control over the single eviction. 

  12. 9:06a BBT: Ryan and Olivia are in the kitchen area. Ryan mentions to Olivia that if Hamza doesn't "change things" (nominations) then he thinks things will be fine. Olivia thinks things will "probably be fine." She says Hamz doesn't really care, he just wants to take out a big player and should put up two threats to begin with and just save her. Olivia and Ryan both agree that he's looking to put blood on his hands and "build his resume."

    9:56a BBT: Erica and Johnny are in the RBR. Erica feels like everyone is avoiding her, and it's because she's friends with Liv. Johnny says he thinks that Kaela and Derek are the easiest and biggest targets, but they feel safe because everyone makes them feel like allies. 

    Olivia walks into the room, and basic chatter about the comp. Johnny asks Olivia: "Did you mention to anyone that there was some kind of alliance between You, Erica, Ale, Ryan and myself?" 

    "No, because that's not true, why??"

    Johnny mentions he heard that, but Olivia says she's not close to Ryan like that. Olivia says she hasn't mentioned anything in the house in regards to Erica or Johnny in the house that might make anyone think that. She admits to being close to Ale, definitely not Ryan though. She tells Johnny that people like to throw things out just to see how you react, or what you think. Everything gets mixed up in the house with everyone talking. Johnny says it's just something silly for someone to mention as "the truth." They all (Erica, Johnny, Olivia) agree that they should sit everyone involved down, and bring it up to get things straightened out. 

    William enters the room, and asks if anyone wants to go out to smoke. Johnny gets up to go outside with him. Olivia and Erica stay behind, and Olivia tells Erica that she's surprised that she would even believe the speculation. Olivia wishes Erica would trust in her more. Erica leaves to get ready for the day. Alejandra pops into the room, and Olivia tells her she had a good talk with Johnny, but she doesn't feel like he's going to take her off the block. Alejandra tells her to focus on Merron, Ronnie (Veronica) and just keep working her game with Madison and Paras today. 

    10:17a BBT: In the kitchen area, Veronica is talking about what she had planned for her birthday this year (today is her birthday, Happy Birthday Veronica!!). She says she had plans to rent out a huge banquet hall, get a dj, have all her friends each bring food to pass like a pot-luck, and have a huge birthday party. She says she basically saves all her money to spend on her birthday every year. Paras, Maddy, Jesse, Hamza, and Kaela are listening. Talk goes on about what everyone else does for their birthday. Then they remember that BB let them have pizza the day after Liv's b-day, and they hope BB will do something for Veronica. 

    11:35a BBT: Feeds go down.

    4:05p BBT: Feeds are back and it looks like most houseguests are outside enjoying the sun :) Veronica and Kaela are laying on the top of the hot tub in their swimtops/shorts getting in some sun. Paras, William, Johnny, Derek, Eric, Alejandra and Maddy are sitting/laying in the lounge chairs. Random vague chatter about the comp and what they were asked to do. 

    5:45p BBT: Veronica and Johnny are in the hot tub. Veronica confides in him that when she and William were in the HOH taking a bubble bath, Hamza came in to tell them to keep it "hush-hush" because Olivia was coming in next to talk to him. During that conversation, Olivia told Hamza that she would target Maddy, the showmances, and the newbies if she was in his position. Johnny promises to keep this info to himself, and they continue to talk about who to target in the future. They agree that Jesse needs to go eventually, but Veronica doesn't think he's that big of a threat with comps. Regardless, Kaela, Derek and Jesse need to be broken up. If they stay around, their strength will solidify and it'll be harder to get them out later. Veronica thinks keeping Jesse around is key to getting "Daela" and his vote for their side. Johnny thinks that they need to get Jesse out asap, before something changes, and while they have a chance. Talk continues about how tight Veronica, Hamza and William are strong, but not formally "aligned." Veronica tells Johnny that they bring him up in a lot of conversations, and they have no reason not to trust him, but he hasn't brought "enough" to them yet. She continues to tell him that if he wants to work with them moving forward, it'll take some work from his side, but if they could become solid, they could run the house to the end. She then talks about how she has worked all the other houseguests in the house, and has tried to keep people close to her, she's loyal to only certain people, and that circle is kept small. Johnny says his connection has been tight with Daela and Jesse, but since they have been throwing his name out recently he has lost trust in them. He can't believe how stupid they think he is. He tells Veronica that those connections are becoming less and less on a game level, yet he wants to keep the social side working. 

    William comes out and joins in on the conversation. Veronica tells William that they should let Johnny into their group with them with Hamza. William discusses Olivia's position....he thinks she's shady and not really talking to anyone. Same with Jesse, he's not really talking game with anyone.

  13. 8:10a BBT: G'Morning! Live feeds show houseguests still asleep.

    8:14a BBT: BB makes his "Good morning houseguests. Time to wake up." announcement.

    8:20a BBT: Feeds on cam 1 and 2 switch to WR as houseguests begin to rise.

    Paras is doing battery changes. Then, she makes coffee in the kitchen area before heading back to WBR to lay down. Ryan is sitting up in his bed in WBR when Paras settles back in bed, and we hear BB say: "Ryan. Please go to the diary room."

    8:44a BBT: Ryan peeks into HOH room and tells Hamza when he gets up he would like a chat. Ryan leaves, returns to WBR to change is shirt and lays in bed.

    8:49a BBT: Ryan gets Paras's attention (she's laying with her eyes closed): "Paras, don't start the day by getting into your own head. Don't start the day like you finished it Package it, put it away, and make the request. Make the note that you'll chat about it later, and let it go for the moment."

    Paras: "It hurts. I know."

    Feeds go out.

    8:50a Feeds return with Paras up out of bed pacing, saying "Ok, Ok, ok....." to Ryan.

    "Happens in my life a lot. You start to spiral because you feel bad about feeling bad, and it just gets worse from there." -Ryan

    Paras: "I know, it's awful."

    Paras sits on the side of the bed Ryan is laying in. Ryan sits up and gives Paras a hug.

    Feeds go out.

    8:54a BBT: Feeds return (cam 2) to kitchen area where Jesse is cleaning and putting away dishes.




  14. 9:59a BBT: Good Morning Houseguests!! Live feeds are up!!

    This morning starts in the WR where Derek, Jesse, Johnny, and William are hanging around while Kaela is curling her hair. Random chatter about what will happen next week, like not wanting to be have nots. Random HG pop in and out getting ready for the day.


    11:05 BBT: (Cam 2) Johnny is outside in the hot tub area talking to the cameras alone. He's going over who he feels unsure of in the house. He feels like Merron is acting "false" around the house as far as his gameplay and mentions that others feel the same. He feels like his favorites are all the girls, and William. William is "his jam" and he thinks William is pivotal to him staying in the house. Johnny is not sure yet who he wants to go to the end of the game with. 


    11:16 BBT (Cam 4) Paras and William are outside alone chatting. They both agree that Erica has to go as she's gaming with everyone. Paras thinks she's only here for gameplay, and no friendship. Paras says if Veronica gets HOH, she wants to put Liv and Alejandra up on the block. They go over item counts in different bedrooms. They discuss keeping their study sessions secret from other houseguests because everyone is scrambling now that they heard William was counting the number of roses. Paras says to not underestimate Ale and Liv. William thinks that Derek is going to be one of the most competitive coming up. Paras and William agree they need to keep tight with just themselves and Maddy and not open up or trust anyone else in the house. Will says Jesse is playing both sides of the house. They agree that Liv and Erica are the biggest threats to the three of them (Will, Paras, Maddy). They agree if either of them win HOH, they put up Liv and Erica, and if one of them wins veto, they use Alejandra as a replacement. They want Johnny on their side because he's too scared to make any moves, and will be an additional vote for their side. 

    11:31 BBT: (Still outside alone) Paras tells William that Maddy is only nice to Liv only because of of a guy (Jesse). Paras thinks that Maddy would be the jealous type and try to get her out just for talking to Jesse, so she's staying away from him. She says Derek and Jesse are close and want to work with them in the future, but they need to keep their distance for now until Maddy is gone. Paras and William go back into the house.


    12:51 BBT: Alejandra and Olivia are walking in the back yard.  Olivia tells Ale that she had a game talk with Paras yesterday to socialize and give her some assurance. Paras told her that she doesn't care about Maddy and Will, and doesn't want to be associated with them as a group. Ale says that makes her think she can't trust Paras because of that. They both agree they think that Maddy will be the first to go of the group because she's floating too much. They think they can use Ryan to do the dirty work. Ale says she's still trying to deflect attention off of Ryan's back so the house can refocus. Olivia says she's had good chats with Ryan and trusts him. They agree they like Erica, but think she won't do what the group needs, only what the majority of the house thinks to save her own game. She's too weak for bigger moves. They agree Veronica needs to go first. But they need to backdoor her because she's too social. They talk about who to put on the block next to her to get her out. They agree it's hard to pick someone because they feel everyone will see a benefit to keep her since she's such a big target. Olivia thinks she'll go home if Hamza is up next to her, but Ale isn't so sure. Olivia mentions to Ale that she's got a "gut feeling" something isn't right within their group. Ale tells her to not get paranoid. Olivia says she's not, but she's going to keep her guard up. Ale says to keep calm for at least another week, and that once the newbies (Merron and Veronica) are out, then she can reconsider her unsettled feelings. 

  15. 12:37 BBT: Alejandra goes to the RBR and tells Derek, Kaela and Erica about her conversation with Ryan. Says she mentioned to Ryan that she heard that he told someone that when week 5 and week 6 come up she (Alejandra) is going to go after "Daela" (Kaela, Derek?). Alejandra tells them that she reconfirms with Ryan that she's not working with anyone, and that it's not fair to drag other people into a situation just to get to one person. She continues to boast that she has called Ryan out. 

    They discuss moving forward to keep laying low so that they aren't noticed working together for as long as possible. 

  16. 12:04 BBT: Live feeds are up!!

    Andrew is giving Hamza a haircut and Alejandra is curling her hair in the WA. Andrew announces to Canada that he is not a Barber...he has helped his brother, but he's not a professional.


    12:30 BBT: Alejandra and Ryan are in the HOH room. Alejandra is telling Ryan to lay low. "Right now the progress you are making (is causing chaos) because people can't keep up with your thought process, and it's freaking them out....it's shifting focus from the newbies. I'm going to work my ass off to refocus the focus on the newbies. I just need you to pull back, and lay low. I'm going to try my best to keep the focus off of you. I believe if I am successful in keeping you in here long enough, there's potential for you and I to work together. Don't alienate yourself, just stop with the stories, and stop with the "miraculous" brain of yours. Give your two cents, lay low, and people need to see you in a positive light."

    Ryan agrees, and Alejandra mentions that Hamza is not coming after Ryan as well. Ryan says the only problem he has is that he doesn't like when he walks into a room, all conversations stop. He'd rather stay in his room and listen to music than feel uncomfortable trying to mingle with people who don't want to have any conversations with him. Alejandra reassures him that if he lays low, things will smooth over. They both agree that Veronica is looking to stir the pot right now. 

    Before Alejandra leaves, Ryan has her listen to a song that he is listening to....BB chimes in "Please turn down the volume on the music."




  17. 2:33 BBT: Ryan gathers all the HG to the LR for a house meeting. 

    First up, Ryan starts the meeting by addressing housekeeping. Little things like picking up kleenex, putting towels where they need to be after use, rinsing dishes after eating, especially slop dishes....etc.

    2:36 BBT: Ryan addresses Merron and Veronica (Newest houseguests) in front of the group to "bring up the elephant in the room."

    Ryan states that he has trouble looking at someone in the face, and lying to them. "I feel like you guys have been put in a position, where I feel like you have been forced to lie to "us." A lot of the things, through no fault of your own, seem like they haven't added up. Again, we all are aware that BB has twists, but the story you came in with over time, (and I'm not the only one here who sees or feels this way) has rung a little hollow, and there's been a couple details since we're all familiar with the process of coming into the house...."


    Ryan, speaking for himself, admits that he hasn't had any "meaningful" conversations with Merron or Veronica since they've come into the house and has avoided them because (he admits) he doesn't believe their original story. Ryan says, "For me, you're (Merron) from Edmonton, you flew out for a three-day trip to attend the show and come into the house. There's no way if you're from Edmonton, that you've packed for three days and that you have a 50 lb duffle bag." 


    Veronica interrupts, "There's also certain things, that if we say, will create havoc for the whole house. There's also a possibility that what we're doing could be for the benefit for the whole house."


    Ryan: "I know, I'm sure that's entirely the case. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't think you guys need to try and support that story."


    Veronica "I told you guys from the get-go, you guys asked me when I came into the house and I told you, and I have not brought it up since then. It's not been something that I've been like, "Oh, Oh my God I can't believe I just came up from the audience and I'm like now, in the house!" I told you yesterday my story, and from then there is going to be no effort from my part to further tell you anything about it. And like you guys know, the show there are twists, and who knows what, if what I'm saying comes out negative on me, or the whole house. (I have an idea though), and what I'm trying to tell you is that possibly, is it really that big of a deal to you guys? I'm just telling you that we get what you all are saying, and when we were told we were coming into the house, we were like "This is the way we were coming into the house, starting on this point," but it's just like you gotta do what is good for the house. The thing is that sometimes what you do goes the opposite way for the house and everyone gets punished, and we get where you are all coming from and we realize this is super sketch, like this is a really sketchy way to come into the house, but trust us when we say that (their entry story)." Basically, Veronica is saying that she's only vocalized her story when she's entered the house yesterday. That she's avoided talking about it because she doesn't want anyone to think they are being sketchy, but if it's a big deal to anyone, they can ask questions about it. But she just wants everyone to focus on them being there now, "We are the 15 living in the house, and who cares how we all got in here."


    Ryan interjects to note that they are all 15 houseguests, it's not 13 against 2 or anything, they are all equally in this now. 


    Veronica continues to say she cannot confirm anything additional to their "story" and that eventually she thinks they will all find out in time, but for now, she asks that no one really ask any questions about it because they can't answer anything. 


    Merron jumps in to say his "peace." "I gave you guys my story, and we were not brought here to screw you guys up. I'm personally trying my best to pull you guys aside individually to get to know you better. But you guys are a tight group, and I wish I could be a part of the group that originally came in, but as curious as you all can be, there's only so much we can say. We just want you guys to love us."


    Veronica: "I just want you guys to know that we are not in a position to be lying to you right now. We're new, and it's early in the game."


    Hamza is skeptical, asks for more details to their story, if there's any additional info they were given before coming into the house, whatnot. He thinks "he knows how you guys actually got into the house." Veronica just repeats that they can't say anything, and they don't want to give any details that might harm or punish everyone if they say the wrong thing. 



  18. Well, it's been an emotional night for the house.....at least for Karen, I thought she deserved to headline tonight with a quote she said tonight while speaking to Demetres and Ika:

    11:37pm BBT: "There is a saying that Rosevelt wrote back in 1929 that is one of my favorites: "It's not the people who sit on the outside and judge. It's the man in the arena that has the blood and the sweat, and the fight. When he fails, he still fails valiantly." Which means you die there, you lived there, but you tried. That's how I came into this game, and that is who I want to win in the end. And it's you, Demetres. You deserve it."

    Karen is upset and doesn't want Kevin to win. She says all she has ever wanted in this game is for the "right" person to win, and Kevin is not it. She does not want Demetres to give up. She wants him to fight. Through tears, she's begging him to not give up, and to let the right person win for this season. For one season.


    Demetres thanks her, and tells her that that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to him. Demetres comforts her and tells her that she has played a great game. Karen is upset that everyone is saying that she's played a "shit" game. Ika and Demetres agree with her that she's played a great game, because she is still here. 


    Demetres thanks Karen again, and leaves to go take a long shower. 


    12:17am BBT: Demetres is done with his shower, and heads to the bedroom where Ika and him start to talk about their conversation with Karen. They both are blown away by the things that Karen said, and wonder why she think's so highly of Demetres.....Why is he so special? They mean it in a loving, and kind way, and are appreciative of all the things she has said. 

    Karen is in the washroom now getting ready for the night, taking off her makeup. 


    12:38am BBT: When Karen is finished brushing her teeth, she goes inot the pink bedroom to talk to Ika and Demetres. She tells them that she spoke to Dillon, because he wanted to talk to her. He thought Karen was talking to Kevin because he overheard BB tell Karen to put on her mic in the bathroom, and thought it was because she was speaking to Kev. Dillon asks Karen if she thinks keeping Demetres is best for their game. Karen tells him yes, 100%. Kevin wins the game if they don't. Demetres will win the Pov and pull himself off, and herself or Dillon will be going up in his place. She then tells Ika and Demetres she got all frustrated with him, asking him why they are still talking about it? She wonders if Kevin is getting into his head, trying to swing things around in his mind. Dillon is concerned what will happen if Demetres doesn't win the pov. She tells him that no matter what, they will figure it out, but to stay away from Kevin, and don't let him get to his head. Kevin will continue to work on him, and put doubts in his head. Karen doesn't understand why Dillon just doesn't get it. She wants Kevin Martin out of this house!!


    So, basically, the same game talk in circles tonight. All the same scenarios are going through everyone's minds, and they keep talking about them over and over. When they aren't talking about the upcoming comps, they are going over Dre's shady behavior before she left the house, and other past houseguests. Emotions are high, lots of tears are shed, but I feel like Demetres is becoming more comfortable with his position now, instead of being so "undeserving." There was a lot of lifting Demetres spirits tonight. 


    One last Karen quote to end the night:

    Erma Bombech (sp?) a columnist:

    "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I want to say I've used everything you've given me."

    Karen: "Second place is not good enough!! I'd rather die trying for first place, than settle for second place."


  19. 10:22am: Kevin and Dillon are hanging out on the couch in the living area. They are discussing Demetres leaving this week because if he doesn't go, then they have less chance at beating him in any competitions. Ika staying isn't too bad because they can at least beat her. Talk goes to general chat about more idle time in the house now, less people in the house, and what they hope the finale will look like. 

    Kevin makes the point that overnight, all alliances were taken out. That everything in the house is out on the table now, and there are no more "groups" to manage. 

    10:25am: Ika and Demetres are hanging out in bed together in the pink bedroom. Ika is gleaming about last night's speaches, how she brought out all her "Halle Barre" (sp?) with what she said, and how she made Dre scatter about the house whining about everything. [Sounds like the typical "bitching" about Dre's reaction to her speach last night]

    Ika goes on to say that she's not sure why she said "Thanks" to Canada. Apparently Ika and Demetres are talking to the live feeders, updating us on how things have gone so far in the game. I'm not sure how long this has been going on....but from this point:

    Ika didn't like Sindy from the first time they came into the house. Sindy told Ika that she had a crush on Demetres. Ika was pissed that Sindy told her that because they were supposed to be "friends." Ika: "Sindy craves attention from men. She needs attention from men. But, Sindy was a great allie for me in the house. She always smoothed things over for us. She worked really hard for us. The downfall was, the week we were in danger with Dillon, we had put in a lot of work with Dillon to make a good connection with him. I generally started to like him. Bruno, Kevin, and Sindy trashed us up and down, tried throwing me under the bus up and down......and I never spoke to Dillon to talk bad about her (Sindy) all I did was tell him that I would not put him up. So Dillon kept me off the block. Sindy was on the block up against Jackie. But for three days, Sindy walked around the house trashing me. I wasn't even on the block with her....but she was trashing me all week. The day of the live eviction, Sindy came to me and wanted me to get her to stay. I asked her why I would save her after she had been trashing me all week. Part of me wanted me to keep her that morning, but I didn't know if I wanted to flip the vote for her or not. If we had kept Sindy, Bruno and Kevin would have hated me for it, and the whole house would have wanted to come after us. I would have loved to work with her though. Sindy definitely didn't deserve what she got. She was just with the wrong people, and trashed me. But if she had came to be two days before, things would have been different. But, Sindy went home because of Sindy. Not because of me. People don't go home because of me."

    Ika and Demetres: "They all just didn't like us because we were playing better than them. There was this side, and then there was that side. And we were right in the middle perfectly, and they couldn't stand it. So now we are scared of everyone who was targeting us, and everyone else in our own alliance, because everyone hated us because we were just doing a better job than everyone else. They were all just jealous."

    Ika: So Sindy leaves, and it was hard because I liked her, but Dillon was the one who kept me safe. Bruno, Kevin and Neda must have been STEWING!!

    Bruno has been the most untrustworthy person in this house. Bruno played a really horrible game. He was so shady in this house, and so shady to us. When Kevin and Bruno came to us to make that deal, we entertained it because it was logical to keep them in this house. But Bruno would make a deal with you today, then tomorrow not mean it. He went around the house trashing me while trying to get me to work with him. The morning of the eviction, he pulled me into the pantry and I said "Bruno, I trusted you, and you did this to me....." Bruno says "But, I need you...." It bothered me a lot to see two vets up on the block that week. I was so mad, like what have we done?? To sit there and see the last of the vets on the block was bad. Demetres didn't care because he is a newbie. So anyways, our gut told us we couldn't work with them. "Sorry Kevin, we lied" (whispers) At the time, we would have kept Bruno over Kevin. Five mins before eviction, Bruno went downstairs and trashed me to Demetres. We couldn't trust him. So that's why he left."

    Ika: "So after Bruno, Kevin wins HOH. "This is for you Bruno!!!!" (Ika is making fun of him) Stupid Dre threw the comp, Kevin wins HOH.....he puts us up. We tried so hard. We gave him the best deal, but he didn't want it because he knew he was going to put us up the moment he won. So Demetres does what he does as superman, and wins the POV. And I'm up there, and he's not going to save his queen. (Ika laughs, Demetres says "nope" jokingly) I didn't want him to use it on me anyway. So I went to tormenting the house...."

    Karen walks into the bedroom to grab some makeup. Karen is complaining about her hair being so discusting, and how it's so grown out. Ika tells Karen that her and Demetres have been talking about the houseguests. Karen says that's what they are doing downstairs on the couches.

    Karen says that Kevin is disgusted about some of the houseguests. And the whole "Kevin, Karen" thing is so bad, and how it's coming off like I (karen) have beat up Kevin and Jackie. Kevin told Karen that it looked bad when she had the meltdown at the hottub. Kevin started it when he took his clothes off to start sun tanning."

    Karen goes on to say that she wouldn't like herself if she was watching this season. Her vision is for her, Ika and Demetres in the final three. Ika hopes that it's herself and Karen. They both agree that after all their trials and tribulations, they deserve it. 


  20. Rewound a bit to see what was going on.....

    Started watching at around 9:30 bb time.....all my own recaps:

    Not much happening. Kevin, William, Dre, Jackie and Bruno hung out in the blue bedroom for a while, talking about past seasons of BBCA and Sindy's departure on them compared to this season. Sindy got JP out on her past season (thru a backdoor move, I think) and immediately was evicted at the next eviction. So basically, Sindy is having to deal with the same setup this season, with entering the jury house right after backdooring Neda. Jackie makes the comment that even though Sindy went out upset and didn't hug anyone on her departure, Sindy told her (Jackie) that it's only fair to vote as far as how people really played in the game, that voting for your best friend isn't fair. (Although, I feel like that was a talk Sindy had with Jackie to get Jackie's vote for the jury house because I think Sindy really believed that Jackie was getting evicted over herself). Talk resumes to how dramatic this season has been, and how most people are afraid to go home and watch the episodes. Bruno is excited, and wants to get smashed to watch them back....party on!

    Kevin and William have some alone time cuddling/kissing in the bed in the blue bedroom once everyone steps out. 

    Around 10:30 BBT: House-guests are all in the kitchen, snacking on some fries that Demetres had fried up to share. 

    10:56pm BBT: Dre and William are in the pantry looking inside the refridgerator, and they are speaking quietly to each other in french. We hear BB say "Dre.....William" and William answers with "Oh, Sorry....."

    William tells Dre about a conversation he had with Kevin, where Kevin said that after the POV, he started to not trust Jackie because she was going back and forth between the two sides of the house, and specifically talking to Ika about the things Sindy was telling her. Dre seems confused, and chuckles in disbelief questioning William about the situation. 

    William is saying he is having a problem speaking English fluently tonight, and his head is only speaking in French. 

    Anyway, Kevin doesn't trust Jackie. Jackie was making deals with Bruno and Kevin to go thru the rest of the game with them, and Kevin wanted her to be on his side. But, he doesn't trust her now because she was talking a lot to Sindy, and going to go speak with Ika, which alarmed Kevin, and now he's questioning what Jackie will do. 

    Dre says that she cannot be "friends with Jackie," but she does want Jackie on "their side" meaning with her and William. Dre is concerned with Jackie flip-flopping around the house, so she is going to be careful and not give much information to Jackie yet. She goes on to reinforce how Kevin cannot be trusted. That he (William) needs to trust Dre, and not let Kevin take him down with his sinking ship. Dre says that it's getting hard for her to protect William when he's always hanging out with "them" meaning Kevin, Bruno and Jackie. Dre says she'll try her best to protect him, and do what she can do to make sure that they aren't targets to anyone. She will keep an open mind with William, and wants him to be honest with her, and she'll keep an open mind.....but right now she just cannot trust Kevin. If Kevin came to her with strong arguments, and true definite information, that may sway her to feel differently.

    11:15pm BBT: Dillon and Dre are hanging out in a corner outside the kitchen area. Dillon asks Dre if she got any information. Dre says that yes, she thinks they are sitting pretty comfortable this week. They are whispering, so it's hard to hear and see everything being said....

    Dre goes on to tell Dillon that Jackie went to talk to Ika, and they made a "truse" (sp?) and they are good now. But, Dre doesn't know how to feel, or what really is going on between Jackie and Ika now, so she feels like she needs to watch Jackie.

    Dillon says something about backdooring "her" and that they need to take advantage of the situation to get "them" broken up because they are both strong players, and are together. (I'm only assuming they are talking about Ika and Demetres) Dre is so happy that Demetres won Hoh, but she's very conflicted. She's loyal to Ika, and loves her....Ika knows that Dre is 100% loyal to her....but Ika used that to her advantage in the beginning to play both sides of the house. Dre says, when it came time for Ika to pick a "side," she chose to stick with her and William. But....when they were talking about possibly backdooring Bruno during William's hoh, Ika ran off to the other side of the house to warn Kevin. Dre says she can't trust Ika anymore, but Ika thinks she can trust Dre 100%. Dre is worried about everyone in the house making "final four" deals, and says if they don't approach her to mention a "final four" with her, then Dre will feel betrayed, and feel like they are going to screw her over. 

    They continue to discuss strategy about getting the vets out moving forward. There's not much wiggle room in Dre's mind on how they are going to separate Ika and Demetres, and be able to get Kevin or Bruno out because they are all so tight. Dre then starts going over all the things that were planned in the house, Ika only told her about those situations after the fact....she's worried that Ika would tell people that "they" together planned moves, when in actuality, Dre wasn't really involved. Ika would tell Dre that the reason why she waited to tell Dre anything until after moves happened was because Ika said she was trying to protect Dre. Dre is really starting to have a realization on how much Ika has been using her. Dre really wants to be able to take her out, but she needs it to happen soon, and it has to happen before the other side of the house has a chance to take a shot first. Dre then goes on to tell Dillon about all the times that Bruno and Kevin were trying to plot getting Dillon out....that every time Dillon's name came up, Bruno and Kevin were the first on board to support the idea. 

    Dre: "The reason why she stuck with me (Ika) was because she knows that I'll never do that to her (go after Ika). She KNOWS I'd NEVER do that to her. That is why she kept playing me, because she knows that. She'll come to me and say she's sorry, call "truse" and I'll be like, "It's okay, it's fine." Not this time, it's not fine."

    Dillon: "That's why we gotta pull the trigger, the next chance we get."

    Dre: "I just don't want people to think we are bad people if we do that."

    Dillon: "They won't. They'll look at us like we are good game players. They are strong people....they are beasts."

    Dre: "I'd love for Jackie to win next week and put up Ika and Demetres. Ika wasn't that far behind Jackie, Jackie could do it."

    THey then discuss how if they are ever able to get Ika and Demetres up on the block, and one of them comes down, they need to be sure that whoever comes off the block feels alone. That they don't have anyone to go to....







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