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Status Updates posted by martie13

  1. @EvelDick any BB fan who needs to recognize good game play should follow you. your comments alone are more valuable than any published book.

  2. @EvelDick I was looking for the white car too! Must've picked that sucker up and tossed it aside! #tornadomayhem

  3. @EvelDick @CBS Drunk people are always a good indicator of how America feels about the debates...right? They should go to a coke den too.

  4. @EvelDick You & your pets stay safe. Praying for you and all in harm's way. #HurricaneMatthew

  5. @EvelDick the dishes are still on the table...they even washed & put the bowls they used back on the table. where's the #commonsense #BBOTT

  6. @EvelDick I admire your high tolerance for assholery & 'tardishness...sad losers too stupid to realize how defective they are #IdiotParade

  7. @EvelDick Sorry, late to this. I add veg.oil to their food, seems to help. I put this together for you. #hairballs https://t.co/nMwygd0IfD

  8. @EvelDick Today's episode, 12, aired at 7:30pm Australian time, which was 5:30am our time, so the episode should already be up...maybe, hope

  9. @VictorArroyoWey what is victor's OFFICIAL twitter? #BBVictor #BB18

  10. @EvelDick Is it possible that james' game is so sneaky & subtle that we're all overlooking his strategy? --wink wink https://t.co/fAYREL0Pu6

  11. @CmnSnsCnsrvtive @CBSBigBrother @Kassting You forgot the Armenian (Western Asia, Eurasia), Paul. Make that 8W, 2B, 3L, 3A (or 2A & 1E)

  12. @EvelDick Happy Birthday, Jäger! Woof Woof!

  13. @EvelDick Despite CBS'stupidmultiplechances 2 ret 2 house,can't u give cred 2 Vic 4 winning 3 battleback comps + jury comp + bawlie evict?

  14. @EvelDick Finally someone has the balls to go after the strong players b4 they clip everyone. Hope Nat succeeds & also sacrifices James

  15. @EvelDick Pauline gives Corie a big ole kiss.... https://t.co/NBcHIQlnyx

  16. @EvelDick @TulaneTerry HAHA you are the Don Rickles of BB... of Twitter... of the 21st Century! #EvilDickRules

  17. @Gamefreak00018 BBDigital#1

  18. seems to be Paulie who won #BB18

  19. @TheView Trump only announced his candidacy for publicity. He never intended to actually be in the running. Now he's looking for a way out.

  20. @ZakiyahBB Let's hope for the Coup d'etat and get it trending too. #CoupdEtatBB18 #BB18

  21. @ZakiyahBB Let's goooo #BB18fans and get #BattleBackBB18 to trend! Add your choice to win #TiffanyBB18 or #BronteBB18

  22. @JasonWhitely 4th officer has died

  23. Donald Trump is facing a child rape lawsuit. Why aren't we talking about it? https://t.co/Nn0AsUPKbN via @DailyLifeAU

  24. [cue music] thank you @jimmyfallon for the awesome audition of @POTUS for the job of substitute host! I haven't enjoyed a sitting Pres more.

  25. @melissagorga don't know if they're all huskies...actually none of the look like huskies...but i think i see 10 dogs



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