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Posts posted by Centangeli

  1. Vanessa has always been so worried about getting blood on her hands. This is an opportunity for her to stay out of the scheming and let someone else take the blame for breaking up a power couple and making a big move to get a dangerous player out of the game. She needs to just keep her mouth shut and stop trying to throw Becky under the bus. I thought she was a pretty smart player, but this attempt to save Clelli at Becky's expense is really a dumb move.

  2. If Clay and Shelli are on the block and the veto isn't used, the house should evict Shelli. I think she is the mastermind behind the two of them. But she is such a manipulator, she will probably try to convince them that she was just following Clay's orders. I would hope that the HG' s are smarter than that, but who knows who will believe what! It sounds like Austin is trying make a deal with James to work with him and the twins. That could be interesting. As far as James being a target, he could try to spin it to the rest of the house that the idea to nominate Shelli and Clay was Jackie's doing...and so try to shift the target to Jackie. I'd much rather see Jackie go next than James. I have no doubt that Jackie would throw James under the bus without giving it a second thought, if she thought it would help her game. She told Jason she was solidly behind him, but then voted to evict him.

  3. That would certainly make for great television- and the best week of BB we have seen so far this season.

    But I'm afraid that neither James nor John would have the guts to do it. If the back door worked and Vanessa were evicted, all four of those nominees would come after James and John. And we all know how afraid everyone in the house is of " getting blood on their hands."

    ETA- I was replying to Wingfan's post. The next couple were simu-posts. I should have quoted.

    My wish list is 

                 Jackie & Meg win HOH, they put up Austin/Shelli and Vanessa/Clay.   That way Shelli and Clay battle the block in opposition and one remains up and the other may not get to play for veto. Same for Austin and Vanessa, of course, but Shelli & Clay against each other in BOB? Too fun.

     It also might be fun if Julia  gets one of the HOH.  She might be rogue enough to put Austin up and that would be lots of fun and fireworks. :)    I can't guess who her other nominee would be though...James or Steve probably? 

    John and James are the only other acceptable outcomes for HOH!


    I don't mind Vanessa making it to the end at all; she's certainly "most deserving" in a kind of Derek kind of way, but I don't want her doing it with Shelli, Clay and Austin. Barf. What a nauseating  last couple weeks that would be.  Maybe it's just me but Shelli and Clay become more impossible to bear with every passing second. Shelli especially.

    Oh wow, Clay and Shelli against one another in BOtB would be awesome!

  4. It seems to me that none of the HG's are playing the game the way they did in the first few seasons. Too many of them come on the show not playing to win, but hoping to find a career post-BB. Too many are playing just to make it to the jury house.

    And what is up with some of the HG's being so upset because someone lied to them? This is Big Brother not a Sunday School picnic- lying is part of the game. When you are playing against each other for half a million bucks, everyone else stands between you and that money. You don't have any friends in the house, only competitors.

    In the inimitable words of Nicole from last season, "Stop playing Big Baby and start playing Big Brother!"

  5. I would like to see Vanessa and Shelli as the final two...seems like they are the only two who are really playing the game.

    Do not like Jackie...I think she is this year's Victoria. Except I liked Victoria better, if that is even possible.

    Austin started out strong but is losing it.

    I want to see the twins make it until they are both in the house. But after that, I think they will be picked off rather quickly.

    Everybody seems to like John, but I don't see his appeal. I mean, he's a dentist...


    It is time for double HOH to fade away. It totally changes the tenor of the game. I don't like it. The twin twist is old and tired. CBS needs to come up with some new, really unexpected twists, and not just keep recycling the old, tired ones.

  6. In case there was ever any doubt that Fakie has gotten preferential treatment from CBS, on their website there are two entries- "A Walk Down Frankie Lane" which is his blog from day one until his eviction, and "Revelations from Frankie's post eviction chat- check out what Frankie said about his time in the Big Brother house."


    In the voting for America's favorite, probably none of the votes are going to count except the ones for Fakie.


    Ugh, make me feel like puking.

  7. Derrick will take Cody. The jury will respect him more if he takes the guy he has had an alliance with since the first weeks. I can't say for sure, but I don't think the people in the jury liked Victoria but I know they don't respect her as a BB player.

    But this is exactly the reason that Derrick will take Vic to the final 2...he knows there is zero chance that the jury would vote her the winner over him. Cody should realize the same thing, but I think he doesn't, so he will take Derrick.

  8. Frankie...and Caleb, too, are looking at BB as their ticket to startdom. Aren't they going to be surprised when they learn that, before the game was even over, Donny was offered a guest appearance on Bold and the Beautiful! There is a definite sweetness to that!


    I always thought that Survivor's Johnny Fairplay was the biggest jerk ever on any reality show, but Frankie makes him look like an angel.



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