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Posts posted by Centangeli

  1. Now that it's down to just 3. I want Steve to win the challenges and be the one to evict Vanessa, taking Liz to F2.   :)

    I'd like to see this, as well. Just cannot even imagine the look on V's face if she is evicted. Unfortunately, I don't think this will happen. I fully expect V to win the final HOH. CBS has probably given her all the answer or whatever else she will need in the final comp, already.

  2. I can't be the only one  that noticed that one of the questions in the last veto competition was clearly a set up for Liz and Vampire-nessa to answer in a split second. "That was," What day did Frankie come."

    How blatantly obvious! they might as well have asked", "What day did you two gals get all dolled up to go out of the house (PRISON) for a night on the town as VIPs at a gala Pop concert at the Staples Center!!!. Gee, do you think there might be a chance that the girls might be able to remember that day? About a week ago Huh?

    I CRY FOUL!!!!!!!!!!@

    I thought the same thing...and it came at a time when only JMac and Van were left, so it was clearly meant to give Van an edge in the comp.

    Also, has anyone else had trouble trying to vote for America's favorite? I voted one day and could vote twenty times. Since then each time I try to cast a vote I am told that I have used all my votes for that day...and I hadn't voted once yet! The first day I split my votes for JMac and James because I really can't decide between the two. But apparently that isn't who CBS wants to give the money to!

  3. I think V would rather see Steve go than Austin. Thinking of final two...if she is sitting there next to Austin or Liz, she will win.

    If she is next to JMac, she could loose...I think the jury loves JMac, and would rather see him win than Vanessa...they HAVE to be talking and realizing how she manipulated everyone and is responsible for all for their evictions even though she thinks she 'didn't get any blood on her hands' (Good grief, I hate that phrase!)

  4. James made one big move, nominating Clelli after promising them they were safe, but after that he floated. He might not have said the words but after that he was just as worried as any of the others about getting blood on his hands. Not a great game player- when he was supposed to throw the BOtB comp to keep Liz on the block, he failed. Van made a mistake that time in expecting James to be able to throw that comp. she should have put up JMac with Liz- he certainly knows how to throw a comp!

  5. I was not disappointed to see James and Meg go out the door. (I know I am in the minority with that)


    I did not understand Vanessa's tears and claims of being so alone in the house after James walked out the door. James wasn't her ally...he and Meg were her two targets last week, and tonight they were both evicted. She should be turning hand springs instead of crying.

  6. I am liking Steve a lot more than I did.

    I think Van wants to keep the twins because she wants those votes in the house for awhile longer. I am not sure she has the same feelings for Austin.

    But, I think time is running out for the rest of the HG's to evict any of them. If James is evicted by Van in the first eviction, I am afraid it is all over. But if James stays and wins HOH for the second eviction, it could get interesting.

  7. I was also surprised that it ended so quickly.

    Heard that JMac threw the HOH comp to Van. Stupid. He is good at throwing comps when he really needs to win them. Van told him he would be safe. Like Van always tells the truth. Earlier Van and the twins were saying that whoever comes back from jury should be evicted first. Good strategy, but it might not apply to John, since he was never in the jury house so he had no opportunity to strategize with Becky/Shelli/Jackie.


    But if he keeps throwing comps, he will be in the jury house soon enough.


    The way this season has been going, I think it would be hysterical if Liz and Julia ended up final two. Not gonna happen...I am pretty sure Van will be final two although I don't know who she would take with her. But it would serve these HG's right if the twins made it that far.

  8. I can understand the strategy of wanting to wait another week to evict Vanessa, to be sure that she can't return. But how many weeks can they afford to let her stay in the house? I think it is time to 'strike while the iron is hot' but keep a back door option in case she wins veto.


    Even if she competes to come back in the house, she only has a 25% chance of winning.


    And yes, we need some HOH's who can THINK FOR THEMSELVES! I don't ever remember a season where so many decisions were made by committee.

  9. I know a lot of people like Meg, but what can she do besides look cute, cry, and complain that all her friends are evicted. Has she never watched Big a Brother? Did she not realize that a house guest is evicted every week, and the chances are good that it is going to be someone you like? And doesn't she know that once in awhile, winning a comp is a good thing?

  10. It is going to be on another network here in South Florida...they had a tag-line during the last two shows. I don't remember which one, but I am sure they will run it on tonight's show again.

    Could there be a worse week to prempt BB?


    As far as the house flipping and Vanessa staying, which I hope turns out to be what happens...I was very surprised that James EVER agreed to evict Van before Shelli. He has to know she will target him if she ever gets in power again. Just foolish for him not to try to get her out, and Meg and Jackie can't think for themselves and will do whatever James says.


    I do not like Jackie. She had her chance on one reality show, someone else should have had those two BB slots besides her and Jeff. I don't like it when they bring competitors from one of their games and insert them into another one. I would like to see Steve win HOH, just to see who his target would be. I think that there is a possibility that Steve has been not so much a floater as a sleeper in the game...trying to stay under the radar so he wouldn't get any 'blood on his hands'. He said that Becky blew up his game by saying just that...and then he turned around and won POV. Maybe he is a better game player than what he has been given credit for.



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