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Posts posted by lucigio

  1. What's with James.  Looks like he doesn't even try. Is he trusting and leaving it up to Paul or Nicole to bring him along to the final two, then expect to win $500,000. I'm really disappointed in his methodology in this BB.  Never leave it up to chance, work for it.  If it's Paul and Nicole in the final, I would vote for Nic, as Paul was a real b---buster when things didn't go his way.  But the girls in the Jury house might just be catty enough to hand it to him, in spite of his vocabulary, "you know what I mean", just to stick it to Nicole.  Can't wait for Wednesday. 

  2. I can't believe what happened in the jury house between Day and Paulie.  He really is a piece of work. And Z just put all his crap behind her and doesn't even come to Day's aid.  Both of their families, Z and Paulie, must be embarrassed by what they are seeing and hearing.  Paulie for bring such a make chauvinist pig, and Z for taking that king of treatment from him and then acting like nothing happened between them.  Shame, shame, that's what I say.

  3.  Can't wait for tonight's  eviction . I hope it's Natalie, because of the way she treated and spoke to James. I guess Paulie was right about one thing. That Jersey girls, Natalie, turned out to be a piece of work. In the event that James is saved he needs to do everything he can to win that HOH . Then put up Victor and Paul, hoping that neither one (and I mean Vic) win the veto power. I personally would love to see Paul get the boot. He is so obnoxious.

  4. So glad Paulie is out for good.  He is such a sorry excuse for a man.  The way he acted in the jury house was beyond words.  Trying to look so non chalant about being evicted, but knowing he was busting inside.  That when Z finally let him have it, instead of being quiet, he literally defended his actions.  Cody must be so embarrassed by his behavior and game play.  Didn't Cody and Derrick give him any pointers. As I said, glad he's out, now let's see what logic he employs to cast a vote for the winner.  Sore loser.

  5. I'm not saying that  Paulie could have the return ticket, but please let it not be so. One way please.  Enough of his antics thinking he is running the house and feeling over confident that he will walk away with the prize.  Once he is gone, I really don't care who makes it to the end but at least it will become a more interesting BB.  That is, everyone playing the true BB game.  The king is dead (Paulie, in his head) and please production, do not tamper with the results.  

  6. On July 30, 2016 at 11:09 PM, Somerandomguy said:

    Douche= referring to yourself as "your boy" 

    These girls just amaze me.  Doesn't anyone think for themselves.  I'm not crazy about Davonne, but at least she was willing to fight for her place in the house.  Now the girls are against her.  

  7. I, like many others, do not like Paul.  Last night was an example of how ignorant he is.  Confronting Frank with the crap that flowed out of his mouth, but for no apparent reason.  As Frank said, no matter how much he talked to Michele, he was not the one to name a replacement.  So why was Paul so in his face.  And his antics during the veto comp.. He is a camera hog.  Anything he can do to attract the camera to him, he will do.  I hope he goes soon, as the others are seeing how volatile he can get, and for no reason.  

  8. It's amazing that no one is writing anything about the remaining houseguest. Could it be that we are all bored to tears with this group. It looks like Van will take it all because she has willed it. I am praying and wishing that there is a flip and Van get evicted at the last possible moment. The look on her face will make up for the most predictable BB ever. I really think I am done with Big Brother if it keeps up this way.

  9. I wished that Liz used the veto and put up Vanessa. But that didn't happen because they all want someone else to do the dirty work if Becky or John go, I wouldn't mind either one to come back. I still watch, but not with any anticipation. It's a habit on Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday. There might still be some excitement left when it comes to the twins and Austin. What will they do to each other when the time finally comes. The flock is getting very thin at this point so pickings are slim. That what keeps me interested.

  10. "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we decided to flip the Becky plan. James, Meg & Jackie should have stuck with Becky's plan and evicted Van. Now look what a pickle they are in. Jackie, gone, and with Liz the new HOH, don't you think Van will make the nominations through her. So now James, Meg and Becky are in jeopardy of being on the block and voted out. The thing they feared the most has come to pass. Too late now. We have to see how it plays out. "STICK TO THE PLAN"

  11. Just read Derricks comment at 12:38 Friday, that he and Cody would have "crushed" Caleb in the HOH comp. Doubt that! If they were so confident of winning, why did they evict him. A little fearful then, but now that Caleb is gone, he boasts. Also, why is he trying to talk Vic into throwing the next comp, because the next one will be mental, and he would be better at it. I hope Vic does not consider that option, and she wins. In any event it may be a moot point if she goes all the way, because she will most likely take Derrick over Cody. Dumb move. Now if Cody wins, he may just decide Derrick is too big a risk, and take Vic. Obviously, if Derrick goes to the end, he will take Vic, thinking she has no chance with the jury. Why, after all his strategy, would he jeopardize the prize by taking Cody. Should prove very entertaining.

  12. Derrick is so concerned about Vic knowing he is a cop. What about Cody? Does he allready know. Never mind that, what about Team America and the fact that he has allready won money. Can't Donnie and Frankie divulge that little tidbit to the other jury members, just in case Derrick and Cody are the F2. Will that info sway some votes toward Cody, knowing Derrick has been totally untruthful and played them all. I think Victoria will be the most hurt by this, since Derrick is always telling her he was her protector and most importantly, her friend in the house. Can't wait for the outcome. My brain can't comprehend the total blindside coming. I look forward to the finale. Then it's all finished, and what do we do. "Watch Survivor" and start all over again!!!!!

  13. After reading that Caleb and Cody want to be F2 with the person who played the best game, I can't help but think, they want each other to sit by their side. Not saying Derrick didn't play a very strategic , but he never really won any challenges, and he was never on the block. Derrick has the greatest potential to change Caleb's or Cody's mind if he thinks they want him out at F3. I do like Derrick, but I would have to cheer for Cody or Caleb, leaning a little more toward Caleb. He is very simple minded in his thinking and I believe he takes everything said to him to heart. Can't wait for next week. After a lackluster BB16, this is the most excitement that has occurred, and I am waiting breathlessly for the final. Last thought for AFP, Donny. Loved him.

  14. Suddenly Frankie is winning everything. It is either the previous ousted guest were great competitors, so he didn't win at the beginning, or the current group is so bad that they can't find their way out of a paper bag. Are they all so incompentant, that Frankie wins everything. Or are the competitions geared toward him. ????????? Can't wait for Wednesday when the past become the present and all has to be repeated again. Hopefully the outcome will favor someone other then Frankie. He is unbearable.

  15. I almost thought he would go through with putting Frankie up. I should have known better. I use to enjoy BB, but this season was so forgettable, I really felt played by this BS. Even though I really dislike Christine, not so much Vic, I would hope they would see the light and get these boys out. Especially Frankie and Derrick, so they can't win. But, alas, that will never happen. Let's see what transpires these last few weeks.

  16. Just watched the TMZ clip regarding the nasty and vulgar things Frankie said about Vic. He should apologize as well as all the others who,we're present and thought he was so,funny. How disgusting can one get. Christine was laughing right along with the group. Would she gave minded if the discussion was about her. I think not. They all owe an apology, but especially Frankie. He was the outspoken one.



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