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Everything posted by stephjean

  1. I don't have to be okay with this.. #DerekMorgan #CriminalMinds

  2. I never thought I would actually agree with something he said. https://t.co/OECnM8vFUW

  3. Rooting for the Broncos today #SB50

  4. Donny's killing me in this episode

  5. Did Nicki's dress pop a button before she came back out..? #VMAs

  6. Just watched an actual chicken cross the road

  7. I've come to adore Zach.. And that's not something that I thought was going to happen. #BB16

  8. I'm SO happy that Donny won that BotB by himself and is safe this week

  9. So happy that Donny is save this week

  10. I'm over this season. The fact that they had to draw skittles to pick nominees is ridiculous. #BB16

  11. Can't sleep. I'm going to be so tired tomorrow.

  12. SO excited to say that I will be teaching 6th grade Language Arts in three short weeks. This year is going to be incredible!!

  13. LiveFeeds won't let me rewind!

  14. I'm dyingggg watching Caleb & Zach calling Cody out

  15. I have the sudden urge to play Monopoly..

  16. Putting my name in all of my classroom library books. All 200+

  17. The weather is much more bearable today! ⛅️

  18. RT @Best_of_Buffalo: @BBFeedster Don't worry Christine, America hates you too.

  19. 2:00 AM BBT Christine and Victoria talking about how Nicole will have so much fun in the jury house, because she will have Hayden. They decided that her leaving this week is "good for her" because she isn't working with anyone in the house. 2:15 AM BBT General chat in the kitchen with Zach, Victoria, and Christine. They begin talking about HGs from last season. Christine says that McCrae was embarrassing to watch, because he was with Amanda. Zach says he talks crap about everyone during his DR sessions. Cody and Frankie playing pool in the BY. 2:26 AM BBT Zach says live feeders on East Coast get jipped. Frankie and Cody sitting on pool table with Derrick across from them, talking about what they are going to do when they get to final 6. Apparently, they're all going to sit in the HOH room and talk it out. Frankie says when the faces appear on the screen next week, no one should be blindsided. Cody says it's crazy that of the 8 people that are left (after Thursday) 6 of them have been working together since the beginning. Talk turns to how Hayden and Nicole thought they were masterminds and had no idea what was coming to them. 2:31 AM BBT Frankie says that he has no idea what he will be doing after the show. Cody says he would like to fast forward three months and see where he lands. In the KT, Frankie is telling Victoria that she is Elissa [although I didn't catch why he said it]. It's all random chit chat. Christine says that if Devin tries to hug her at the after party, she won't touch him. 2:35 AM BBT Cody joins KT group. Talk turns to Joey and the faces she used to make. They say she was really funny until Alex came along. Frankie and Derrick still in BY talking about how they completely gained Christine's trust back. They also think that once they get down to final 6, no one should be blindsided. Frankie says he's already prepping for the moment when he chooses Derrick. Derrick starts talking about DR sessions and we get WBRB. 2:40 AM BBT Derrick and Frankie say they trust each other 100%. Derrick is building up Frankie's ego by telling him that he's made some huge moves in the game and telling him that if they make it to final two Frankie will no doubt win the whole thing. KT crew (Zach, Christine, Victoria, Cody) still talking about HGs that have already been evicted. 2:44 AM BBT Frankie says he feels like he's a target for most people in the group. Derrick reassures him that there are other people. KT crew talking crap about Amber. 2:47 AM BBT Victoria says goodnight and gives hugs to Derrick and Frankie. She goes back inside and Frankie says he always wonders what Victoria is doing. They start talking about how they need to get the next TA mission done. They have 15k now and are hoping to get 20k + stipend at the end. WBRB. 2:50 AM BBT KT group talking about Donny have a break down today. Zach said he felt bad, because Donny was crying and saying that he misses his family and has no chance of winning the game. Cody said it makes him sick to his stomach that Nicole is so upset and crying. Christine asks if she should cry for them. [i keep typing this and then deleting it, but I'm over Christine. She's mean. - stephjean] 2:53 AM BBT No game talk. Cody talking about cutting his hair. Frankie and Derrick talking about Derrick hosting the BotB competition. WBRB. 2:55 AM BBT Derrick wants to keep up on his Twitter page when he gets out. Frankie says he can help him and teach him how to do it. Cody and Christine tell Zach to buzz his facial hair. Zach says Cody should let him cut his hair, but Cody says no.
  20. Good way to end the day



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