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Status Updates posted by Lelesim

  1. RT @FoxNews: Altar of Viking saint-king discovered in Norway https://t.co/hBie4aw4Ul via @fxnscitech https://t.co/5M2v1EPqcG

  2. @NBCThisisUs You believe this as a kid. Oh, how the tables turn when you grow up. #IfOnly

  3. RT @TheodoreBobcats: Let's play a game. It's called: How far can you run with a tiger on your back? @Perine_era_26 wins! @FloridaGators @MC…

  4. RT @Pontifex: We don’t have to go far or come up with grand projects to be charitable. Often the people closest to us could use our help.

  5. @hannah_james_44 @Outlander_STARZ My family loved you in Mercy Street. Thrilled that we will get to see you in Outlander!!

  6. @Julephenia @Writer_DG @SamHeughan I am sorry. I wish I had something to say that would make all feel better. My Faith is what gets me thru.

  7. RT @ALcomMobile: Alabama overshadows LSU again in the Valley of Death https://t.co/xoJ5fvUS3O https://t.co/Hwbz1OVGxm

  8. @chrisodonnell What an AWESOME game!! #CubsWin

  9. RT @Pontifex: Let us abbandon a language of condemnation and embrace one of mercy.

  10. RT @fatherjonathan: For those terrified by pending election, focus on this: what more can I do myself, to increase faith, unity, prosperity…

  11. RT @Cubs: The Chicago Cubs are going to the World Series! #FlyTheW https://t.co/Yj36tJCTCn

  12. RT @Pontifex: Let us try always to be united with Jesus, following him especially on the way of the cross.

  13. RT @SamHeughan: ALWAYS take a Murtagh.... https://t.co/2TLOSVbtRY

  14. RT @BBTooms: Justin wakes up startled and almost attacks Kryssie as she's going to bed #BBOTT https://t.co/trht39ZXcx

  15. @thehistoryguy Thanks for sharing this with us. It was so interesting. Hard to imagine having to stay down there!

  16. @EmilyWickersham So very sorry for your loss. Praying for all of you and his family.

  17. RT @Pontifex: Dialogue is born when I am capable of recognizing others as a gift of God and accept they have something to tell me.

  18. Loved the premier of #Bull! Can't wait to see more! @BullCBS @M_Weatherly

  19. RT @TreyDeuce32RTR: Lord thank you it's over! Great team win and great heart from both teams! #BAMAvsMISS #RollTide #defense

  20. RT @DioStPete: #OurLadyofSorrows, pray for us! https://t.co/aum9rTUhMp

  21. @SamHeughan @Outlander_STARZ @caitrionambalfe Congrats to all of you!!

  22. RT @romereports: Pope at the Angelus: God waits for us, embraces us, forgive us. This is God! https://t.co/FRauBq3x2r https://t.co/1BoidEix…

  23. RT @TheodoreBobcats: Great job by our Theodore Bobcats tonight! 35-10 over Fairhope #alpreps

  24. RT @Outlander_STARZ: #Outlander Season 3 is officially in the making! Get a first glance at @SamHeughan on set. https://t.co/duPpXmHew0

  25. @SamHeughan That says it all!



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