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Posts posted by machvail

  1. Julia and Jmac  by hammock bonding. Jmac fills Julia in on stuff that happened when she wasnt here. Julia asks Jmac if he is voting out Clay, He said that is what Clay wants but the house is going for Shelli, (no definite answer) They start talking about the Jeff backdoor week.  He said in all of Clellis arguments yesterday, they never once brought up jmacs name, so that is why he is sad. Julia opens her mouth againtalking about votes and Jmac

    questions her and asks "Am I wrong, will Shelli stay?" she answers that she will vote with the house. Jmac tells her to just be honest about it so she doesnt look shady. she agrees.

  2. 6:59pm BBT Meg and Jackie in storeroom they are talking Austin/Judas - how weird he is and the act when he wears the top hat. Jackie wants to steal and hide it. they believe austin voted for Jase and he wore the hat. But Meg says he didnt wear the hat this week with Jason. They talk to the camera and tell Jason, "You were so right"  They start picking out veg and stuff to make a salad with

  3. 6:40pm BBT Jackie, James, Meg, on BY couch talking about getting Vanessa out next. They all completely believe that Van is shady and manipulative .

    Becky comes over and talk turns to Clelli again. James is talking about getting them to name names again and they didnt start spilling the beans until 6am and it was too late and not enough. Becky starts talking about how scared she was to win veto... Becky is taking credit for Steve talking to James. She said she told him he needs a team to back him up and keep him safe. Jmac comes over and they start talking about the outdoor lights that just came on.

    6:49pm BBT Vanessa has donned the big yellow gloves and is attempting to find the kitchen sink (i.e. doing dishes)

    Liz and Austin are on the hammock austin is pissed at shellitold James about Judas but after talking toJames, Austin is glad that James didnt buy into her selling him out. He also said that shelli told James that the twins dont even like Austin and would be glad to see him gone. Liz "thats dirty" 

    Austin told James that Clelli is dead to him, whoever stays is going out the following week when Austin is HOH....

    6:57pm BBTLiz calls Shelli a f!@# bitch to Austin. This talk is recinding the talk they had earlier when they all agreed to keep Shelli, Now, they are saying they want to stay with James and keep Clay.

    (at this rate the decision will change 3-5times a day until Thursday)

  4. 5:52pm BBT Austin and James in BY hanging by the hammock. Austin lets James know that he wants to trust James more than he trusts Clelli. A thanks him for believing him and tells him he appreciates it. James says they are on the same team, so James will show his loyalty. Austin brings up the point that true characters show in bad times times more than good times. Lets see how Clay and Shelli act this week.

    Both are in thier 30's and say they couldnt do this game when they were in thier 20's . They werent mature enough like now.

  5. Austin called to DR

    10:16am BBT James dressed and ready outside in BY with Jmac. James talking about his dilemma - should he drop a hammer on a floater or let things stay the same. Jmac just says all decisions will have a certain amount of backlash. Austin comes outside.

    10:20am BBT BB" Please raise the awnings. Grass is already hot they comment

    Austin raises one side of the BY awnings in half the time Jmac and James take on the other side.

  6. 9:56am BBT Liz brushing teeth and back to HNR. Austin awake. As soon as she gets back in the dentist chair, hewraps himself around her. (I think she is only putting up with it because he is starting to rehash last nights convo with James) BB buts in (thank goodness) and tells Austin to put his mic on. It breaks the tension. Liz asks when he thinks veto will be, its 9:46 , he doesnt know and they go back to sleep.

    10:05am bbt Shelli, James, and Clay are told to put fresh batteries in .

  7. 11:05pm NNT Clay and Shelli have exhausted thier efforts and leave with thier cotten mouths. Meg giggles and James said well they wouldnt crack and give me any info. 

    James said if he found out who talked about putting him up he would put that person up - The only person I think it can be is Jackie or Becky and they wont give becky up

    Meg doesnt think its Becky James said Clay said its some one close to him

  8. 10:14 pm BBT Austin is learking pathetically at the edge of the pool while the twins are in the pool. He tells them Jonmac is worried too he said stuff about going after them too but he did promse me that if any of us went up we would have his vot. Julia says I love jonnymac i would never put him up babbling fromAustin and BB tells him to put his mic on, Vanessa comes in and says whats this twins in a bubble bath and breaks up the wierd game talk  from Liz saying James won the HOH for the twins and he would never put them up, Oh god, my stomach hurts says Julia. Liz complains about slop and Van inspires her and motivates her and reminds her where she is like Steve loves this experience, van says we signed up for this craziness, but its a once in a lifetime experience. Becky is washing shoes in the washer.

    Becky starts talking........................................ 

  9. 9:40pm BBT Clay asks meg to get James and meet them in the HOH room. She does it, says she feels weird. Shelli "I dont want to make this awk, but we would be foolish not talking to you, When you told us your reasons, your were straightforward and I respect that, the only thing we want to put out there and offer you ahead in your game, one thing you said is about if you were to end up to final2 with one of us, the other would be in jury and you wouldnt win. But if we split up right now and one was out of the game, the other in the house wouldnt vote for you anyway, so we are just asking for one more week and you will gain 2 votes, we are not dumb and we are a target, we were waiting for this to happen, someone else will do this, we just want the opportunity to make money in jury, our chances are not good since we are a target, we just want to get to jury for both personal and the money. You can do this again to us next week, you wont put anymore blood on your hands, we would be fine with that. We will not put you up, the thing is last week with Jason hurt your trust with us, but we have been well together in the past and you guys told us you feel alone in the game, its kinda of like thats all we have to offer, we get it thats a game move" Clay" I understand you dont want any blood on your hands but as far as a replacement there are people in this house that others want out just as much" Shelli " that means you would lose one vote and we would be two, why cant we go back its not too late to mend this, we can be a team, leaving one of us in the game will be an animosity line" James" everything you say is true, but this decision is a big wave that I didnt like doing, but I felt that there wasnt must trust on your side and if its going like this this week, whats it going to be like next week, I didnt do it intentionally but I felt like meg and I were left in the dark and a line was drawn , if austin and others were like lets throw out someone else, but it would send the votes to your side next week, so that was a big decision, I felt like we were not a part of your decisions, so this is on me , my ? is I sat out a vaca and 5k and struggled to keep the veto the same, I put alot of effort into this and I would have to see some really really strong evid by tomorrow to save one of you and that is something that I would have to feel safe enough because I would have to battle both of you beasts next week. Clay" I can tell youall keeping us in the game will get you both closer to 500K, if you need to put us both up for double evict next week, saving us, we are basically indebted to you, we are alone, yes, we are close with van, but we are alone, and I guarantee you , thats all Ican say that you can trust me, we made a mistake with jason, but we are sorry and hope it doesnt define our game. I dont think thats enough to throw it all away yet, we are 100% sincere, keeping us is keeping 2 targets that you can put us up no hard feelings anytime I think what we have to offer istrue."

    Shelli" the best thing you could have done was so much more valuable because now you can save us and use us next week for double evict. Its our word we will upload" Clay"we are definite 2 people that will be playing for you next week for HOH."

    Shelli"we have never voted against you, we did hurt you last week, but we want to restart"

    Meg" When van said she had the majority of the house I knew it was you two and that is scary, Shelli, yo are a beast in this game" Shelli "HOW?" than why dont you want to work with us! we have never drawn a line and said we want you out, we have had a great relationship, but we havent ever played game before, " Meg Yeah, I dont know but I dont see that happening, I am not naive." Shelli" Idont thinkanyone is talking good game" Meg" I felt good last week when we were playing game like you were suppossed to play BB but in a second that went whoosh and it was gone"

    James" If your group didnt get out Jason and I didnt get HOH and your side did, you would be after us anyway"

    Shelli" staying true to Becky was the goal last week, I wish you could see my DR's I didnt want Jason gone"

    Meg" if Jason stayed it would be a different game right now"

    10:05pm BBT Shelli and Clay begging and begging with all they have. Meg and James are not buying it, but they wont stop.

  10. 5:49pm BBT Shelli has 10 more to go.

    5:50pm BBT Fish

    6:02pm BBT Shelli is done with her punishment and is getting ready for a shower. Liz, Austin, James, Steve in LR talking about Cholesterol.

    Liz is wearing sunglasses and trying to catch some daytime zzzz's.  Austin is sitting on her legs while eating cereal. BB says "Shine that armour squire"

    James said he wore HOH headphones last night and didnt hear Shelli's bell or Vanessa's punishment.

  11. 12:33pm BBT Shelli still at it with Clay out there watching. Shelli talks about wanting Raisin bran with bananas. Clay had fruit loops. She tells him to take a nap. He says "I will take a nap if I want to " 

    Clay starts talking about veto "another reason they wont use veto is that they could argue that there wont be another option to take one us out. BB says "Shine that armour squire!"

  12. 11:53am BBT BB says "Shine that armour squire!" waking up Jackie and Vanessa....no movement..BB again SHINE THAT ARMOUR...Vanessa's hands starts moving...

    Meg wakes up

    BB says" Good job squire!" Vanessa drops buff in a flash.

    Meg goes to storeroom gets a banana and goes to BY leaving Jackie and Vanessa in BR sleeping.

    11:58am BBT Meg and Clay lounging in chairs together watching Shelli walk the triangle at #1735

  13. 7:36pm BBT most houseguests sleeping off whatever they drank during POV. Becky talking in bathroom with Jackie, James, Vanessa rehashing past comps from last year. James does a really good imitation of Donny. They all liked Donny and find it odd that there isnt anyone from "that" generation in the house this year. James says he saw an older lady at one of his interviews. Becky remembers Vanessa from an interview. She saw her in a baseball cap and thought she was punk. Van said she was aways behind Becky.7:41pm BB calls Vanessa and Jackie to DR. Vanessa tells her to pee now or forever hold it. James "I wanna see this... " and belches. Vanessa laughs "I am sure this will be ridiculous. 24 hours... this will be interesting.

    Vanessa thinks she sees a cockroach James says its just a leaf.

    7:43pm BBT You can hear Jackie happily shreek from the DR while she and Vanessa get their costume and shackles.



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