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Posts posted by Cellardoor

  1. I would like to believe that there is a method to the madness. Some sort of personality formula that they hope will set one another up to feed off of each other, and trigger each other.

    Probably it's more like, who knows who and who can do what for someone else. AKA--real life.

  2. I too miss the Big personalities. I like people who are there to make a show of it--a "game" of it, if you will. I just figure that with 50,000 people trying out for it, surely they could have picked someone better than say, Vicotoria?

    Maybe after last season, with all the madness of the racial slurs, homophobic comments and bed flipping, they decided to tone it down. waaaaaaaaaaaay down. down down. Falling. . .asleep. . . .do..wn. ..

  3. I think I am frustrated by the inherent plot that always seems to leave females on the sidelines. I believe this is in part that generally speaking, men are more physically capable at winning those types of comps, and it seems we always lead off with physical comps. From there, a certain group of males align, and some take women along to a point, and some dont. I wish the women could align themselves and stay strong, but it seems ot me that in the game of BB--men stay more loyal to one another, and chicks stay more loyal to men than each other.

    Its sad to me that the women often just hope to get to jury, while the men push to win the thing. Then I ask myself, okay smartie pants--what would you do? Because it seems that anytime a woman doesnt find shelter under the protection of a male, she is immediatly called out as a witch and is dealt with accordingly.

    Its like time immortal playing out in front of us weekly.

    **eh, I'm going to go ahead and call myself out for being wrong in the case of Rachel Riley. But damn, she was annnnnoying.

  4. I want to see psycho Caleb's face when Derrick is devulged as a cop..

    You know, you just made me stop and think--why on earth isnt Derrick acting alarmed at all about Calebs behaviour. I realize he is playing a game, and its better for him to stay out of it, but you would think something in him would want to sit on Caleb and tell him to knock it off. But I dont see that happening at all. Guess thats what made him good at being undercover.

  5. We all have our opinions on how everyone plays the game. I believe the concensus is that we all dislike the floaters as viewers. However, I think if I were in the game, I would probably be targeting other strong players as well and keeping the floaters close as both votes and as contenders to go against in the finals.

    Point being, its almost as if the formula is there, and as much as we wish it would change up--the smart players are going to play it that way. Unless BB went to the wall with it and created a cast of all competitors.

    In the case of BB strategy, what would you do?

  6. No jumping all over your post from me. I dont see Amber as totally helpless, nor do I see her as a strong BB game player. I dont think Caleb is the reason she wont win, I just think he is a shadow on her game play that she cant shake no matter what she does. But off she goes and I'm not particulary sad to see her go.

    Frankly, I have a soft spot for boys like Caleb. I always loved breaking their hearts.

  7. Agreed--maybe then it would get interesting. Doing the math, if Donny, Jocasta, Victoria, Christine, Nicole, Hayden and Amber (minus either Amber or Jocasta after Thurs) got it together and rallied against Caleb, Frankie, Derrick, Zach and Cody then we might finally get a little game play happening and it might finally get interesting. Esp if the "whatever clever masculine nickname they came up with today" alliance doesnt figure it out and keeps spilling the plan to Hayden and Christine.

  8. I dont necessarily feel the need to label either, so I'm in agreement with you on that. I'm just someone who is fascinated by the human experience and all that it entails. (Hence, being a BB fan--the great social experiment) These two, perhaps from lack of anything else interesting going on, have intruigued me.

  9. I am actually frustrated that she really can't stand him but what does she say to him??? She tells him that he's "perfect and genuine" and that her guard is merely up because of getting burned by guys like him in the past. Furthering his belief that if he just continues showing her his affections, she will eventually lower her guard and let him into her heart.

    Why Amber?!?! For a vote????

    I think it's because she is smart enough to know that to get firm with him will be a hard day in hell for her. I've read enough on here to know that you know him personally, and I can say that my heart goes out to you. Seems to me that you genuinly liked this guy and you only want to see him be okay. I think that makes you a good friend who realizes that this will follow you beyond this game and you are doing the right thing by standing by, as best you can, the person you know in real life.

    But if she were your friend, and not him--how much would your perception of her behaviour change?

  10. I'm not sure if its taboo to discuss this on here, but I'm going to put it out there for the ball of it anyway. I've become truly intruigued by their relationship. I can see how Zach has maybe gone through life with his "I dont care about anyone but my lil brother" attitude--and maybe it's because he has never fallen in love. Possibly, because he had never found the right woman. I dont know that I would say he was gay in his mind, but I am really starting to believe that he has fallen in love with Frankie, and has finally found someone he connects with. It may not be what he envisioned for himself, and I anticipate a bit of a life crisis when he leaves the house, but I find it almost endearing to see him find a soulmate, and be so open to it.

  11. Cellerdoor - Welcome to Morty's

    Good post and I love your rational opinion. :daisy:

    Thank you! I've watched BB since Evel Dicks season (had been a poster on a board with him which is how I gateway'd to BB) but just finaly got the itch to start interacting. But I've read Mortys page since I started BB and I have always appreciated all of the updates.

  12. In their rush to pack up I'm sure the last thing they are all thinking about is packing a religious book, except of course, for those who practice their religion as a part of their daily habits. If these people had any idea the amount of boredom they were facing, I'm sure everyone would be developing some type of religious fervor for something.

  13. Add one more person to agree with the above. Its one thing to enjoy not liking one of them (Personally I'm an Evel Dick fan all the way, so I like those kinds of people) but she isnt even worth not liking. I feel nothing for her except gratitude that I wasnt exposed to Sorrority Girls in my life, but if she was voted out I likely wouldnt remember who she was by next week.

  14. No matter what Amber did or did not do in the first several days (which we are mostly not privvy to), Caleb said he saw her at the airport and just knew they were destined to be together and had been put into the BB House for said same reason, and we are now Day 35+ in the BB House and he is still not getting the message!

    I remember Amber in the early days (lo a month ago+) say that she only dated "black guys" and she was flirting with Devin at the time. She's made it clear to Caleb and DR (aka America) that she is not interested in Caleb and never will be.

    Thats how I see it too--I think everyone flirted with everyone and it was fun for each of them at first to be playful and get to know one another. She couldnt have known that Caleb would be a preditor. At this point, I dont know what she could have done to get him off of her--if she had been too forceful with rejection, he would have made her life hell until she bent to his will.

    I hate seeing this happen to any woman. It happens in the work place, relationships, and any scenario where the male has any perception of power.(Not every time, just saying that if a guy like him thinks he has power, he will use it in a similiar fashion) The woman is in a lose-lose situation and sadly its something many have come to accept as part of life.

  15. Long time fan, first time poster on these boards. . .

    Honestly, it was Caleb that made me decide to set up an account and throw in my .02

    What I think is really bothersome is that he seems to try to keep himself under control while Amber keeps her distance. It worries me to think that if she atually was into him, that he would want full control of her comings and goings, etc. He doesnt strike me as the type to just say "hey babe, have a great day whatever your going to do today, talk to you tonight!". Its like he is trying to not let loose bc he knows he doesnt have her yet. If he did, I think he would be terrifying. He doesnt want an independant woman like her. He wants her, and he wants to bend her to his will. That is the kind of man that raises the red flags for me.

    In addition to that, even though I dont particulary care for Amber--I cant help but feel like she got a pretty raw deal from Day 1, and it was all because of him. She never had a chance to play her own game, because fromt he moment he saw her, he decided that he was playing her game for her. If she rises up at any point and tells him to back off--he would make sure to get her out. But she is clearly uncomfortable around him. Basically I see it as ROCK--amber--HARD PLACE

    I just feel like eveyrone else in the house got a fair shot to play their game any way they chose, and she has had an extra obstical to contend with. Sadly for her, I hope she gets out before Jury, because even though she would get more money for Jury, I think he would follow her straight in and bully her there as well.



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