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Everything posted by BigBrotherBF

  1. @Justin_Occhs watching now and lets see where this goes...I don't think the bros are solid on voting him out yet

  2. @xxannylynn @FCCanada was the plan all along - now it's her reason for not wavering but not her reason for the move-keep joel-split up tass

  3. @MikeyTigerLicks tim or nikki

  4. #bbcan4 this season is such a shit show - trading slop - slop pass that you can't use - fam interference - fake dbl - int goat #overit

  5. #bbcan4 I don't think anyone minds the how bad do you want it comp but the head shaving needs to be eliminated- not fair to the girls!!!

  6. #bbcan4 wtf -now jared is trying to defend someone who is upset and shushing a hostile kelsey and he is still getting slaughtered by twitter

  7. #bbcan4 seems as soon as someone leaves this house (so far) their sins are forgotten - better to leave early so ppl still like you

  8. #bbcan4 I like the hg's-warts and all-admire them for coming on a reality show and bearing all-they will see their errors and grow from this

  9. @MARINARA_bbcan4 since the US started - yes...it has changed so much

  10. @psiico24 @The_Duck_Pond true but would it have changed things - we'll never know

  11. @hamsterwatch Look here it is!! The OFF button!

  12. #bbcan4 everyone is disposable Tim

  13. #bbcan4 I'd rather it be up to the hgs - two ways to go here, bring in the one the maj like or bring in a target - could go either way

  14. #rhboh we all know prod plays a part in coaching the wives into instigating direction - I think LVP is a puppet in a lot of this

  15. #bbcan4 so last night Tim wanted quiet time in HIS HOH and Nikki had a tantrum so he had to let her in

  16. #bbcan4 most of these hg's will be friends outside of the house after - past players have valued them when the game is done #itsjustagame

  17. RT @RaiderPaul70: When you find out you're going to be with your rival for a week #BBCAN4 https://t.co/tuGzdxy395

  18. @Tdanielwright @BayAlden she said that mohamed said only Yolanda had it - and btw not a vanderbot - lol just noticed her wording

  19. #bbcan4 if anyone else having these tantrums twitter would rip them a new one-ikki gets away with too much-give other hgs same consideration

  20. #bbcan4 it's the game-happened in the past-will happen again-lie, get your safety-stab them in the back - gotta getem all out to win

  21. RT @miracles3337: Drita didn't make up anything about Karen's father, she didn't want to be around the daughter trying to make him man of t…

  22. @Clio_the_Leo lol 10 provinces and 3 territories - just in case you really didin't know...but i expect you did

  23. TRUMP RALLY https://t.co/dU8AVYdQ9i

  24. #bbcan4 Mitch: "cheers to new experiences, and to honour them change hands and cheers with the other hand"

  25. @johnoneil1978 hey stranger!! just wanted to let you know ppl are wondering where you are and if all's good. #wheresjohnoneil



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