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Everything posted by UgotBronx

  1. RT @hamsterwatch: Paulie went off on Tiffany between Roadkill comp and nominee reveal.. it was blocked from feeds, and omitted from the sho…

  2. @BB11HouseRodent upside free time!

  3. Did you miss this morning's convo's? Catch up here on the flippy floppy chat https://t.co/eB7MZN2Plm #BB18

  4. Frank applauds Bronte for handling the block well even though she had her moments, but Tiffany is perceived as weak #FFS #BB18

  5. time to play Billy the exterminator with bats at the lake house! I might not be myself for days when im done! =O

  6. It's a good bbq when you need a nap after eating.

  7. Michelle likes her new eyebrows #BB18 https://t.co/Dxs38aviN9

  8. Jefferviews 4pm =POV #BB18

  9. Pickles and now cucumbers #BB18 #screamingeagle https://t.co/3RiZx1iJ2e

  10. @CaroleGilman in his bags.. draws..

  11. anyone else with a #BB18 cyber hangover ? or is that overload?

  12. @EmilyRoseMal I started watching it right after I tweeted you

  13. @RochesterGuy thanks for the offer! @hamsterwatch

  14. @RochesterGuy LOL for sure! @NatGeoChannel

  15. time to battle the outdoors!

  16. EXCLUSIVE #castreveal only w/ #ALLACCESS Tues 4pm EST Get your #BB18 Live Feeds & 1 wk FREE trial here: https://t.co/Bl244mhZ2r #BB18

  17. #BBMarathon #BB16 Nicole gets played by Frankie! Don't miss out sign up for #BB18 #allaccess https://t.co/c7Ff7QgM71 https://t.co/qrr91WYUzH

  18. @Mappy52 Mz. Swamp Turtle?? We never gave it a name! #Blanks ? LOL

  19. I'm going to give you some terrible thrills https://t.co/Ori2A2fhOD

  20. @GeoffDash yes you can.

  21. Make sure you're signed up for all the EXCLUSIVE BB Chats to come w/ #allaccess : https://t.co/c7Ff7PZaIr 1 wk free trail! #BB18

  22. #BB18 #allaccess : https://t.co/aDJ1XlwVqB #BBMarathon NOW! 6/13 Cast 6/22 & 23 Premier 6/23 #LiveFeeds Outside usa https://t.co/ShFp6irLt9

  23. @GettaGrip1 nope he survived and ran off. but you never know what else is waiting to eat him around the next bush.

  24. of course the chase took place after I ran out of time https://t.co/hJQIdaN5AT

  25. @mccraechum ha! I wasn't alone in this theory



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