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Everything posted by Ami

  1. 12:38PM BBT- Sarah, Sabrina, Rachelle, and Kenny at hammock. The rest of the group is by the pool. Segregation is evident. General chit-chat. 12:46PM BBT- Sabrina says that she has a house in Mexico with a trampoline and an in-ground pool. When she lived there for three years she used to go to to the hotels and ask the maids to come clean her house. Wants everyone to come to Mexico, no one seems to be jumping on the invitation. 12:50PM BBT- Arlie and Allison are deep in conversation by the pool. Arlie feels like he can trust Allison more because he knows she is a bad position. Arlie admits that he has done something "big" in the game and thinks it would be hard for people to want to take him to the end due to his flipping alliance. Arlie want to make a final two with Allison also because she is a "strong competitor." Only person Arlie has trusted in the game was Sarah but she plays too emotionally, which he doesn't see in Allison. Allison hasn't responded with anything other than "mm hmm" throughout his proposal.
  2. 9:30PM BBT- Houseguests are in kitchen preparing spaghetti dinner. Despite the emotional day, spirits seem high. 9:33PM BBT- Arlie has a ridiculously large amount of pasta in his bowl. 9:37PM BBT- The have-nots are sitting around kitchen island eating slop cookies, while the rest of the house sits at table eating their dinner. General chit-chat. 9:40PM BBT- Kenny is relaying the story of how he got his tattoos to Rachelle and Sarah. Sabrina leaves the table and joins the have nots in the kitchen. The mood is melancholy in the kitchen. 9:45PM BBT- At the table the new alliance of Heather, Allison, Arlie, Adel, Jon, and Nada seem relaxed and jovial. Discussing who they would choose to marry out of all the housemates. 9:56PM BBT- Dinner clean up has begun and Kenny, Sarah, and Sabrina head out to the backyard. They comment on the stressful day and Sabrina thinks something fun is coming up. Rachelle joins them.



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