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Everything posted by lacednotes

  1. 12:10am BBT Bruno is saying he trusts Brittnee and Bobby. Pili joins them and takes away glasses. Brittnee says she trusts Bobby. Zach and JP she keeps close to her but she doesn’t trust them totally. Godfrey joins them. 12:23am BBT In the BY Brittnee, Godfrey and Bruno are talking movies. Sarah and Willow are throwing the football and also talking movies. 12:33am BBT Pili, Kevin and Ashleigh are in the BR. Zach comes in and announces that closed curtain showers are now not allowed. Kevin leaves. In the BY they are still talking actors and sport players. 12:47am BBT In the BR Zach and Ashleigh are talking about who needs to go. Do they take people they can beat in comps or people that won’t vote them out. 12:58am BBT They need to keep Sindy from making a wild card play. Zach thinks the next HOH will be physical. In the BY someone gets a basket and Pili and Willow run into each other. Willow seems to be injured on her knee. It’s swollen. She thinks she’s okay.
  2. 12:12am BBT Sarah and Johnny by the HT still talking about how they got on the block. Johnny feels he should have not the veto he won. Sarah thinks the showmances have a lot to do with them being on the block. 12:24am BBT Jordan is doing laundry in the BY, Zach and Willow are talking on the Balcony chairs. BB asked Willow to fix her mic. Willow is hard to hear. She feels Kevin may go after him but not right away. Zach wants the HOH next week. So does Willow. Willow keeps asking if he trusts her and Zach keeps responding with another statement. Willow nails him down and he says he trusts her. 12:31am BBT The feeds are down 12:52am BBT The feeds are back up…Ashleigh and Willow are setting off the alarm in the HN room. In the BY Jordan and Zach are talking and folding laundry. 12:59am BBT Johnny joins the boys in the backyard and Sarah, Willow and Ashleigh and playing with the exercise equipment. 1:15am BBT Willow and Zach in the BY throwing the ball into the basket. Willow finally gets one in…the reward….bedtime. 1:21am BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are down, 3 and 4 show the BY. They are still throwing the ball around. 1:34am BBT Willow and Zach are tiring each other out throwing the ball. Johnny and Sarah are watching. Ashleigh went to floss. Willow and Zach head to bed. Johnny and Sarah keep playing. In the BR Jordan gets called to the DR. 1:52am BBT Zach and Ashleigh are in the BR. Nothing happening. Zach and Kevin are in the KT. Kevin is making himself something. Sarah thanks BB for their treat today. 2:04am BBT Sarah is joking that she’s taking her water bottle, the coffee maker, kettle, dishwasher, in fact if they want her to leave they are going to have to come in and get her. 2:08am BBT Most of the HGs are asleep and we’ll be back in the morning.
  3. 11:10pm BBT Ashleigh and Jordan are on the balcony talking about backdooring Bobby next week. They are looking Bruno to come. 11:20pm BBT The houseguests storm out of the bathroom in the HOH as Bruno walks in. They scream Happy Birthday. Bruno is pretty happy. Johnny gets called to the DR. 11:35pm BBT Zach, Jordan and Kevin in the SR. Talking about who to put up, they go through numerous HGs as they decide why or why not. Jordan did some damage control with Johnny earlier for Kevin. 11:45pm BBT Kevin and Jordan are now in the BY talking about what Kevin should say to Johnny so he’s not mad. Now Ash and pili have joined them. Jordan asks if Willow has talked final 2 with either of the girls. They say no. 11:57pm BBT Zach joins them in the BY. They lock in their alliance. The Diaper Alliance. (the young ones)
  4. 11:20pm BBT Feeds are back on. 11:24pm BBT Cheesecake time!! General Chit Chat as they serve it. 11:36pm BBT Willow, Brittnee and Sarah are in the BY. BB tells Willow to fix her mic. Willow is very tired and sore. The feeds go out and come back on. Not much talking. Back in the KT Godfrey is cooking chicken feet. Bobby is making slop cookies. 11:49pm BBT Zach and Johnny in the SR putting some food in the freezer. Jordan joins them. Sounds like Johnny was nominated. His pitch to stay will be he will continue to be the target. Sounds like Sarah is the other nominee. 12:00am BBT The boys in the SR are talking about how bad Graig’s game was. In the BY Jordan, Brittnee, Sarah and Willow they are talking past players and now they are starting to speculate on veto. They go and check the rain outside.
  5. 12:01am BBT Both HGs in the BY and in the Hot tub are talking about Graig and how he’s just curled up in a ball and has been by himself. 12:11am BBT In the BY Willow, Jordan, Bruno, Zach and Bobby are talking about video games they’ve played in the past. Brittnee joins them. 12:19am BBT BB tells the HGs to stop using brand names. The feeds switch to Brittnee and Sarah in the storage room. Willow joins them. They are talking about teasing Zach about his make out session with Ashleigh but Bobby, who was in the room at the time, didn’t know. They pretended Ashleigh was too innocent to do that. 12:27am BBT Back in the BY the boys are still talking games. BB tells them to stop. One day they are going to have a great conversation about things they aren’t allowed to talk about. 12:39am BBT Zach is telling a story about a great dane he dog sat. Ashleigh, Pilar, Willow are dancing in the BY and Sarah is watching. They are now standing upside down on the wall and twerking. Kevin comes over to the girls to say goodnight. 12:55am BBT Kevin and Pilar are kissing and talking in the HN room. No sound. In the WA Willow and Ashleigh are whispering. They are worried and may not be able to sleep. Too hard to hear anything else. The feed switches to the BY. They are talking movies. 1:08am BBT Feed has changed to the WA. Bruno and Jordan are brushing their teeth. Ashleigh is using the WC. Now the feed is in the HOH room. BB asks Brittnee to put her mic on. They are recounting the comps etc in the house. 1:20am BBT Lights are dimming in the HOH room. Brittnee and Sarah are talking about how grateful they are for each other. The feed switches to the HN room. Bobby and Ashleigh are talking about family names. The lights are starting to dim.
  6. 12:04am BBT HGs in LR are talking about past xfactor shows. Nothing else going on. 12:22am BBT The HGs are now discussing BB5. Up in the HOH Godfrey and Zach are talking about how no one can know they are working together. Godfrey says goodnight and heads to bed. 12:32am BBT In the WA is Ashleigh, Pilar, Kevin and Bobby. They are discussing Zach and Ashleigh kissing. They are teasing her that she was having breathing problems. 12:43am BBT Kevin and Pilar are in the backyard kissing and talking about being a life guard. 12:53am BBT Still general talk in the BY and some kissing by Kevin and Pilar. Nothing on the other feeds. They head inside. Jordan says goodnight and then everyone else does. They move up to the WA. Kevin goes to bed in the HN room. 1:00am BBT Jordan get called to the DR. All feeds are down. 1:07am BBT The feeds are back on 3and 4 in the HN room. All 4 HGs are there and are getting ready for bed. Kevin plays with the alarm and BB eventually tells him to stop. 1:21am BBT The feed changes to the HOH room. Brittnee, sarah and Johnny are chatting. They are discussing the next HOH. They aren’t worried if Bruno or Pilar get HOH. 1:35am BBT Still discussing the game in the HOH. Lights are off and HGs are in bed. Lights are also dimming in the HOH. Time to log off and we’ll see you tomorrow.
  7. 12:0Oam BBT Willow says goodnight to Jordan, Sarah and Johnny in the kitchen. On her way to bed Willow falls over and Jordan helps her up. 12:13am BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are down. Kevin is in the hot tub on the fan feed, and in the BR is Graig, Ashleigh, Willow and Godfrey. It’s hard to hear Godfrey, his mic must be off. Now the sound if off completely. The sound comes back on as Jordan comes in. Pilar is also there. Graig is saying that Graig needs to stay. Jordan, Godfrey and Zach agree. 12:26am BBT In the storage room Jordan and Zach are talking about Graig being on the block and it was all them. They are saying his personality is too strong for this house. Everything is magnified in the house. Bruno and Ashleigh join them. They are talking the pros and cons of keeping or not keeping the noms. 12:40am BBT The have nots have set off the alarm sensor in the have not room. They figure out it’s the middle two tiles. All four have nots are getting ready for bed. 12:55am BBT In the HOH room Brittnee and Sarah say goodnight to Johnny. They feel they can win on POV all the way through to the next HOH (Sarah). Lights are starting to dim. 1:00am BBT Feeds are back on the BR but the lights are completely off and the HGs are falling asleep. The lights are also no off in the HOH and in the HN room. 1:03am BBT Ashleigh and Zach are kissing in the HN room. 1:12am BBT Most of the HGs are asleep and we’ll see you tomorrow.
  8. 1:06pm bbt HGs are now talking about Survivor. Recalling past players. 1:21pm BBT Lots of stories about Survivor. Looks like Jordan is a superfan of Survivor as well as BB. 1:32pm BBT Feeds were down for a few minutes. When they come back on some of the HGs have moved upstairs to get ready for bed. Bobby asks if they are going to bed but I hear no answer. Pilar, Willow, Sindy, Ashleigh and Brittnee are just talking general chit chat in the WA. 10:39pm BBT Jordan and Kevin are talking in the LR but, sadly, no sound. Now a few other HGs come downstairs and the feed changes to 3 and we can finally hear them but they head to bed. 1:48pm BBT HGs are starting to go to bed. Bruno is complaining he’s so hungry. BR lights are starting to dim. Conversation going on in the WA but no sound. Back in the BR the feed cuts out. 1:57pm BBT On the Balcony Naeha and Johnny are talking. She wants to know if he wins HOH who he would pick. He says Godfrey and a pawn. He doesn’t know who the pawn would be. 2:09pm BBT In the WA Naeha is putting Zach’s hair into a ponytail on the top of his hair. A man bun Naeha says. Lights are off in the BR but not the have not room. Bobby is sleeping in the BR rather than the HOH room so he doesn’t miss anything 2:32pm BBT Johnny goes into the BR and thanks everyone for making his birthday great. Hugs for everyone! Lights are starting to dim in the Have not room. Pretty much everyone is in bed now. Goodnight, we’ll be back tomorrow.
  9. 10:00pm bbt Sindy, Zach and Willow in the kitchen talking about relationships they have had in the past. Sindy is going on about what she did wrong in her first long term relationship. Most of the other HGs are outside talking about the Simpsons. 10:10PM BBT Ashleigh and Brittnee have gone inside. Sarah is telling a story about her past that is more serious and starts to turn political. Feeds come back on in the kitchen where Sindy is still going on about her relationship. Zach now confronting Willow about a past relationship she had when she thought she was dating someone who turned out to be gay. Casual convos going on outside. 10:17pm BBT The outside group is decreasing in numbers. Relationship discussion continues in the kitchen. They still do not believe that she did not realize the guy she was dating for two months was gay. Willow is getting a bit emotional and Zach and Craig go to comfort her. Sindy says she was engaged after three months, but then again she was only 16. More hugs for Willow as she cries again when they keep going on about how she did not know the guy was gay. Outside group now also talking about Willow and how she cut herself cleaning the blender yesterday and how they were talking inside about her Gaydar being off. Zach rubbing Willows back and shoulders as about half of the outside group is now in the kitchen as well. 10:26PM BBT Zach continues to try and console Willow. JP now telling an embarassing story about when he was 6. His mom told him there was going to be a Pokemon movie and he pooped his pants. Pilar drinking from a mug at the kitchen counter as Sindy is telling an embarassing story about spilling on herself. Johnny now telling embarrassing story about when he went to Nerdy club and we are spared by FOTH on all four feeds. 10:33PM BBT All feeds back as JP is just finishing a story. Kevin tells a story about when he worked at a religious. Outside group talking about movies. They are describing movies and the others have to guess the Title. Someone mentions Six Degrees of Separation and Sarah says that is too hard and she cannot even play this game. BB tells the HGs to stop talking about production. Now Willow and Zach in the bathroom talking about how much she cries and how they have to have talks after every time. She is saying that she just got embarassed. He apologizes again for hurting her feelings and says he adores her and thinks she has a good heart. She is proud that she did not have her "break down cry." Now she starts talking game and says she thinks they can go far in the game. Zach is told to fix his microphone. 10:45PM BBT Zach says they need to keep doing their thing. He is scared of one of the girls who he thinks is super smart and so strong so he just keeps pulling her in. Its hard to make out what they are saying as they are being quiet and he keeps dragging the mic on the cushion so we get continual static. They are reviewing who will likely team up with whom and who is a threat and who is not. Zach Willow and Graig have now made their way into the bedroom. Zach in the bathroom again and Sindy has jumped up on him. Now she is talking with JP about who she gave a peck to for the HOH pics earlier. Now they joke about him asking her on a date and he is Willow's back up plan and he is secretly in love with Naeha. He denies all and says Naeha just makes him good food. He takes his glasses off and they continue flirting on the bench. Pilar comes in and comments about their flirting which they both deny. Zach has returned and someone else just entered the shower. Sindy and JP talk about making a Superman shirt tomorrow. 11:00PM BBT Outside group has gotten more animated as they are playing Who Would You Rather Be then naming two celebrities. Ashleigh Pili and Kevin in the bathroom where he is flossing. Outside now Sarah is ranting about the conflicts on The View while most of the others keep playing the game. Kevin and Pili alone in the bathroom as Ashleigh has gone out with the others. Willow and Sindy are out there now too. Pili goes into the bedroom then returns to the bathroom muttering that she is going to put her PJs on. Multiple convos going on outside. kevin remarks that he is like a raisin he is so dry and he asks Pili if she is drinking enough water. Now he is admiring his abs and says he could get them showing if he lost a little. He tells Pili that she looks good. 11:20PM BBT Sarah is called to the DR and she heads in. Kevin and Pili still talking in the bathroom when Zach joins them. As they enter the bedroom Kev says that she may have to cuddle with Johnny tonight since it is his birthday. She remarks that it is freezing in there. He slips under the covers to change and Pili leaves the room. Godfrey and Bruno now on the red couches where Godfrey is complaining about the cameras zooming in and out on him when he was there alone so that he could not sleep and we get FOTH. Godfrey complains about them having lost the ball. Pili joins and starts teasing Bruno's "pet" Rocky. kevin is now changed and heads out of the bedroom. Bruno says what a trip this is and Godfrey agrees saying that you are always stressing in here. Now they talk about the next HOH and how Godfrey has to go for it for safety and to avoid the slop too. He is debating which is worse the slop or the Have Not room. He says it is really hard to bundle up in there as all they are allowed to use is a towel. Blankets will stay on but towels end up across the room. He goes on to complain that this is the first season they gave them just plain slop to eat without another food too. BB tells the HGs to stop talking about production. Godfrey says he would eat anything else besides slop.
  10. 11:34pm bbt In the backyard Godfrey, Graig, Bruno, Kevin and Ashleigh are tossing a ball at the slop bucket. Kevin gets called to the DR. In the living room is Sindy, Sarah and Brittnee. They are discussing the comp and how long they took and the details involved. 11:45pm bbt Willow, Jordan, Zach, Bobby, Johnny and Naeha are in the HT. They are talking about who applied and who was recruited in the past seasons. 11:55pm bbt The girls have moved to the KT and are trying to make the slop more tasty. Nothing sounds good. 12:09pm bbt Brittnee is making condiment soup. The sound is out right now in feeds 1 and 2. In the backyard the game continues, it looks like Kevin just won. He’s given the oxi clean sign as his trophy. 12:15pm bbt Feeds 1 and 3 have changed to the HT but no sound still. 3 and 4 are the KT. Sarah is soooo tired and wants to go to sleep. 12:20pm bbt In the WA Ashleigh, Sindy, Willow and Pilar are getting ready for bed. Not sure if they are going to bed yet. In the BY Bruno and Willow are tossing the ball back and forth even though I think they are aiming for the bucket. 12:26pm bbt In the BR Brittnee and Graig are talking about Sindy. Suddenly there is screaming from downstairs. Willow may have made a bucket. She runs into the bedroom yelling I hit the money shot!!!
  11. 11:41pm bbt Bruno, Graig and Godfrey are shooting a sock? Into a bucket. Bruno and Godfrey miss a lot. Graig is pretty good at it. Most of the other HGs are in the living room. Zach is listening to music in the HOH room. 11:58pm bbt The game is over. Bobby is heading up to the HOH room. In the BR Brittnee and Jordan are changing. Brittnee is getting ready for bed. In the HOH Bobby and Graig are talking about Sindy and she walks in on them. Cindy is trying the ipad. Graig just got called to the DR. 12.19pm bbt Bobby is giving Ashleigh a massage in the WA. Sindy is hanging out and Pilar is brushing her teeth. Bobby and Asleigh have now moved to the kitchen with Kevin. Ashleigh thinks it’s weird to get milk in a bag vs. a jug. The feeds are down 12:28pm bbt The house guests are super happy. The back yard is now open. It looks like they are now getting their pool party. 12:50pm bbt The HGs are playing badminton, volleyball, and floating in the pool. Willow was called to the DR. Feeds 1 and 2 keep losing sound. Now all have no sound. Most of the HGs are playing volleyball in a big circle. 1:08pm bbt Now the HGs are cheering…more beer, more beer… Sound still going in and out but no real conversations are happening. Jordan has gone to bed. Sindy, Brittnee, Ashleigh and Naeha are playing badminton. The HGs are now moving to the Hot Tube. Sarah and Graig stay by the pool. 1:26pm bbt Sindy, Zach, Bobby, Bruno, Kevin, Pilar, Willow, Ashleigh and Johnny are play spin the bottle in the HT. They are asking BB for more beer 1:38pm bbt The feeds are down. We’ll let you know when they are back up. 2:16pm bbt The feeds are still down and we are waiting with you for them to come back up. 2:36pm bbt The feeds are back. Sound is off in the BR but lights are on. In the Kitchen are Kevin, Sarah and Pilar. General chit chat. 2:56pm bbt HGs are getting ready for bed and it’s time to say goodnight. See you tomorrow.
  12. 12:10pm BBT The HGs in the LR are talking about Sabrina from last season. Willow is imitating her trying to get into the DR…very dramatic. Donny is showing Willow a line dance. 12:26pm BBT Jordan and Zach are in the SR but Willow comes in before BB zooms in on the conversation. Ashleigh is eating chips in front of Jordan. He says he almost ate one earlier by mistake. Willow wants to go up to bed. The 3 of them are joking about a love triangle. 12:34 pm BBT Naeha, Ashleigh and Johnny are in the WA getting ready for bed. Godfrey comes in to say good night. Naeha lives 20 minutes away from the BB house. Ashleigh can’t believe people will recognize them after they leave. 12:42 pm BBT Bruno, Ashleigh, Bobby and Willow are in the HOH room. Graig joins them. They are talking about their alliance. Bobby and Bruno are throwing a toilet paper roll back and forth like a foot ball. They are discussing how no one can flip, they have to stay strong. 12:54 pm BBT Graig is talking to Zach in the SR about their alliance. They leave. Naeha is talking to Zach in the hallway/balcony and trying to get nomination info from him. He tells her that Bobby will do something easy for the house. He tells her maybe Godfrey and a pawn.
  13. 11:46pm bbt And…the feeds are live. In the storage room Jordan and Craig are talking about evicting Johnny. Godfrey comes in and they change the topic and then leave. Houseguests are hanging out in the kitchen. General chit chat. 11:55pm BBT It looks like most the HGs are in the living room and kitchen. Naeha and Zach are in the BR. They are talking about Godfrey being the target. They are interrupted by Johnny. They are discussing Godfrey going up still. They think tomorrow will be have not and nominations. BB asks they to stop talking about production (they were discussing what to wear in the DR). #BBCAN3 12:13pm bbt The HG conversations are all over the place. Johnny is talking letters from home, Bobby is talking to Willow about the last competition. They break up and walk away. Bobby stops to hug Brittnee. He says he won HOH. Pilar says there isn’t anyone here she wouldn’t cuddle with. 9:19 PMBBT The HGs feel bad Risha was evicted. She didn’t get goodbye messages. From the conversation it sounds like Risha didn’t get along with the HGs. They think she was stressed out. Willow’s message would have been not to count on her chest to get votes. Bobby says she would have hated that. 9:32 PM BBT Johnny and Zach are talking about how bad it will be if they end up on slop. It feels like it’s been a week but they have really only played a half week. Everyone starts clapping not really knowing why. They are congratulating themselves for being on 5 episodes of BB before the next eviction. 12:52 PM BBT Pilar and Zach are discussing how relieved she is to be off the block. Sarah and Willow are doing dishes. Others are helping. Willow can’t wait to get out of the house and smoke pot with Zach. In the washroom is Kevin, Pilar and Johnny. Pilar did well in HOH comp but she ended up slipping. Bobby is also up there as they say congrats. He had a shower. He hopes he gets the room tonight.
  14. 12:04 PM BBT Heather says it’s been a fun run. Jon goes into the BY. He’s walking past the photos while looking at them. Jon comes back into the KT. Heather is emptying the dishwasher. Jon says he forgot the feeling of being hungry all the time. Another love fest as everyone tells each other how much they love each other. 12:18 AM BBT Neda is back from the DR. Neda didn’t like the steak and threw it out. Jon says he’s going to bed and heads upstairs. Neda puts her dishes away. Now all the girls are in the WA. Sabrina is starting to say what they regretted saying in the DR and BB says to stop talking about production calling Sabrina and Neda out on it. Heather is working on her nails and Sabrina is folding laundry. Sabrina is called to the DR. 12:28 AM BBT Heather asks if Neda had won would she have brought her to the end. Neda says she’s not sure what her choice would have been but it would have been an emotionally draining choice. Heather says she didn’t know either. Jon comes up the stairs wearing a tux(or jacket) shirt and bowtie...no pants. Feeds went to Hoth for a moment. Heather is debating what to do with her hair tomorrow. Sabrina asks if she contours too much because of Gary’s comment. Neda says no, not for eviction night. Maybe for everyday but she’s on tv. Neda is talking about her art. Painting and drawing. 12:51 AM BBT BB gives us a very up close view of Heather brushing her teeth. Thanks BB. Heather/Neda/Sabrina are still in the WA. Sabrina is worried once Heather leaves she’ll be by herself as she thinks Neda and Jon will hang out together. 12:57 AM BBT Neda and Heather in the BR. Neda is emotional as they talk. Heather says at least Neda will win 20k. 100k if she is lucky. Heather wasn’t going to play with emotion but once she fell for Ika she knew she was playing with emotions. It’s emotional in here Heather says. They joke once outside the house they will never cry again. 1:03 AM BBT Neda says that Sabrina speech at the end will be about how she played this game alone. She was never alone. Heather is saying to Neda to think about what she’s done in the game and work on her speech. Jon and Sabrina will have a good speech for the end. Audio is gone in feeds one and two. Found audio on feed 3. Heather hopes Will will be there. 1:13 AM BBT Jon comes into the BR. Heather asks him to sit down, she just wants him close. They are talking about missing each other. Heather hopes she gets work after this. Neda gets into bed, Heather goes to pea and thanks to BB we can hear her. Jon is laying in his bed and talking about final 2. 1:25 AM BBT Elsewhere in the house Sabrina is now asleep in the HOH. Lights are out. In the BR Heather has returned. All are in bed but still talking. Heather at least gets to go to jury to experience that. They are trying to figure out. BB asks them to stop talking about production. They continue. Jon thought the whole things happens outside on stage and didn’t realize they don’t leave the house until a winner is declared. 1: 39 AM BBT They are talking about how weird it would be to have a phone. Jon starts talking about iphone and BB tells him to stop. They talk about Jon touching himself. Now they are discussing the letters Ika tore up. They hope they get to see them. Now they’ve moved onto talking about other HGs. They are happy Canada got Andrew out. Good job Canada. (You’re welcome HGs) Neda tells them she set up a communication with her sister. She would say something but it would mean something else. Apparently there was a whole list. They are pretty sure there rules against it. Heather is pissed. So is Jon. They are talking about someone in the UK BB that did that and was kicked out. Audio has been turned off. I guess someone is listening behind those mirrors after all. 1:48 AM BBT Heather wants Neda to have breakfast with her in the morning. Heather asks Jon to carry her bag. They are discussing the comps at the end. The HGs are taking off their mic and settling in for the night. 2:14 AM BBT All the lights are out and the house guests look like they are down for the night. Well see you in the morning
  15. 11:08 PM BBT Jon/Neda/Sabrina are still in the WA. Sabrina says it ‘s so cool to be final 3. Neda says we wouldn’t know. We’re not final 3 yet. Jon is cracking Neda and Sabrina’s back. 11:18 PM BBT Sabrina keeps biting her nails. Heather is back and they head downstairs. They all are in the SR choosing food. Looks like it’ll be eggs in a hole and steak skewers. Heather goes to fix her nails I think. She keeps asking for 5 minutes. Neda starts preparing dinner. Sabrina gets called to the DR. 11:35 PM BBT Neda and Jon are whispering on and off in the KT – hard to hear. Jon says he hasn’t been this happy in a long time. It’s not me, it’s us he says. Heather is back down in the KT. Jon is asking questions about dry shampoo. Neda pulls out the empty water jug and asks if Jon did that. He did. Jon asks how the eviction ceremony goes? Neda thinks you go in the room and say your vote. 11:49 PM BBT Jon/Sabrina/Heather are in the KT. The feeds had gone down and when they came back on Neda wasn’t there. Sabrina says because she moved out at 18 and has an uncle that won’t speak to her because of it. Heather left home at 16.
  16. 10:38 PM BBT Sabrina leave the BR to go outside. Neda and Jon stay as the mosquitos are too much right now. Neda says she’s going to take Jon to F2. They are reviewing the Jury to see who’s votes Neda would have. In the HT area Sabrina is sitting by herself. She gets up and leaves. 10:45 PM BBT The mosquitos were too much, Sabrina came back to the BR. Jon and Neda are still there. Jon asks if Sabrina will cut his hair tomorrow. Neda says she’ll do it while Sabrina is watching. Jon says 0% chance. They are saying it’ll be weird to go home and not have the HGs around them. 6 days until Jon sees his girlfriend. 10: 55 PM BBT Sabrina is unpacking. Neda isn’t going to unpack when she gets her stuff back. They are talking about Allison. Sabrina thinks she was canada’s player but isn’t sure of it. They all feel there had to be something going on with her coming in 2 weeks late.
  17. 11:09 PM BBT Heather and Neda in the WA. They feel like Sabrina knows the dates really well. They are debating who to go to final 3 with. As they work through the senarios, Heather thinks they should take the opportunity to get rid of Adel. Taking out the stronger player has worked for them this far. 11:19 PM BBT Neda joins Jon in the HOH. Neda tells Jon she told Heather she came in to applogize to you. Jon says if they keep Adel he will take Jon and Neda to final 3, he wants nothing to do with Heather. Neda doesn’t agree. She’d feel better if she won next week. Jon says Adel feels he’d have a better chance against Neda than Heather in final 3. Jon keeps saying go with your gut and I hope that it works for you. What else is there to say. 11:31 PM BBT Jon says goodnight, he’s going to bed. He asks BB if he can do that and to say ‘Stop that’ if he can’t. He gets no response and goes to the BR. Adel is in there trying to sleep. Heather and Neda leave the WA and go to the BR. Lights are still on. Adel gets up and goes to the bathroom. He returns to the BR. All the HGs are laying down waiting for the lights to go out. 11:48 PM BBT The lights are out in the BR and all the HGs look like they are sleeping. Early night in the BB House. Goodnight Canada!
  18. 10:05 AM BBT Neda/Heather/Sabrina/Adel are in the KT. Neda is saying she is allowed to use a brush but not blow dry her hair. She must air dry it. Neda is in a baaaddd mood! Sabrina is called to the DR. Adel is making….potato chips maybe? Heather just looks bored. 10:16 PM BBT Sabrina says she’s laughing at the situation with Adel rather than cry. Adel was called to the DR. Neda can’t have any beauty products. Jon is in the HOH pretty much staring at the walls. He looks very bored in his baby suit. Back in the KT Adel is back from the DR. Adel asks when the episode airs that we are doing our punishments? Heather says the next one. So no one knows? Adel asks. Just the live feeders Neda says. Heather says there are a ton of live feeders. There are aps and everything. Adel laughs….we’re on an app. Sabrina comes around the corner and the HUSH screen goes up. 10:27 PM BBT All screens went to HotH and when they came up the HGs were in the BR. Neda is trying to figure out how to take off her eye makeup without any beauty products. BB announces that the HGs may roam freely. In the HOH Jon is pacing the bathroom. He asks is it night time right now. And…he goes back to the couch. Heather and Neda stayed in the BR. They are discussing who to send to Jury. Heather would rather compete against Sabrina than Adel. Neda says they need to sit down and go over the dates. Heather says when Sabrina is not around. 10:38 PM BBT Heather and Neda are talking about how mean and rude Adel is becoming. Yesterday was a big deal and today he’s mad at his friend for making him go through with the punishment. Heather says the house is a lot more quiet without Jon. It sounds like the reason for the Hoth was to let Jon go to the DR and back. Heather thinks the aftershow is on a different stage because she thought the audience was different. Sabrina joins them. Neda comments that the girls didn’t fight over sharing any of their stuff. 10:52 PM BBT At the BY door Adel is talking to himself. Wake up Deli he says, don’t let them send you home. Now he’s carving out a face in an orange. Oh, make that a person. In the HOH Jon is wondering around and the Hoth is on feeds one and two. 10:59 PM BBT Adel’s potato chips are ready as he scrapes them off the baking pan with a fork. (poor pan). The feeds are back in the BR with Neda, Heather and Sabrina. They are going to be so sad when they finally leave the house and it’ll be so empty.
  19. 2:06 AM BBT Sabrina must have got up because she is in the WA with Heather and Neda. Sabrina is making a pitch again for keeping her. She’s trustworthy, Arlie told her a bunch of things about how he’s going to vote before he left. Adel will go to final 2 with Jon. Adel has a good story that could swing jurers. 2:12 AM BBT Heather finds it funny that their families got to feel what it’s like for us to put on mics. BB says don’t talk about production. Their families got to experience the house. It makes them happy. They head off to the BR and say goodnight. 2:30 AM BBT All the HGs are asleep in the BR. Time to say goodnight Canada.
  20. 11:12 PM BBT All the HGs are in the KT. They are trying to figure out how they compare in the timeline to last year’s season. 11:22 PM BBT Heather says this is the best day ever. They talk about hearing from their loved ones. BB tells Jon to fix his mic. He says if he didn’t have to wear this bib he wouldn’t have problems with his mic. BB tells him to stop talking about production. 11:34 PM BBT Jon and Neda in the BR. They are talking about how popular everyone will be after. Neda thinks she’ll be recognized once every few days but for Jon it will be constant. They are talking about what their family said to them. It was very similar. 11:43 PM BBT Sabrina and Heather are in the HT area. Sabrina says she saw Heather listening to Jon and Neda’s convo the other day at the SR and a 2nd time also. Heather nods. Jon and Neda joins them. Jon is saying 24 hours confinement is a long time in the BB house. You can miss a lot and a lot can change in that time. Adel tells them the fries are ready and Jon leaves. 11:51 PM BBT Sabrina, Heather and Neda are talking about what comps might still be coming up. They think Adel knows the non jury HGs better than them. Jon and Adel are back. They are still trying to figure out if there will be an instant eviction or not. 12:00 PM BBT They are going around and around trying to figure out what happened last year at this time. Adel left and came back to check on the lasagna. The group doesn’t think a HG will come back at this late date. (It’s funny listening to hear them figure out the date. They never seem to get it right!!!) Jon, Adel and Sabrina go to eat lasagna. 12:10 AM BBT Jon sings – I’m going to bed soon baby! – They are digging into the food while Heather does the dishes. Now Heather has joined them but she isn’t eating. Adel starts singing and BB says stop that. Adel is asking when their things start tomorrow. After POV. 12:20 AM BBT Neda and Jon are now at the washer. Sabrina comments on all the black and white pictures. Upstairs in the HOH Jon is brushing his teeth. Heather was also up there but leaves. Jon gives Sabrina a hug. In the BR is everyone but Adel was there. (can I say I’ve never see the BR so tidy) 12:25 AM BBT Adel, Jon, Sabrina and Heather in the BR. They are talking about their loved ones again. It sounds like they got to see them live though glass. BB must have flew them out. Heather leaves. Sabrina leaves. Jon and Adel are talking about Jon starting his solitary confinement after the POV. BB tells them not to talk about production. 12:36 AM BBT Sabrina, Heather and Neda are in the WA taking off their makeup. Sabrina leaves to get Benadryl. In the BR the lights are diming. Adel and Jon are still talking about the game. Adel is saying he’ll pretty much do anything to go final 2 with Jon including keeping the girls up until Jon gets back. Adel is saying he just wants the 20K. Adel says Neda won 3K in the comp. He feels Neda feels very confident in the game. He is saying he’s been much more honest in what he’s told Jon than Neda has. 12:46 AM BBT Adel says goodnight, takes off his mic and then says something to Jon. BB asks him to put his mic on. Jon tells him good night. He looks like he’s going to sleep in the BR rather than the HOH. Back in the WA is Neda, Sabrina and Heather. Sabrina is the only one that you can hear properly. The Hush screen came on for a bit. In the BR Jon gets up and leaves. In the HOH Jon asks Neda if she has any final 3s with anyone. Neda says no except what they are doing with Sabrina. She asks if Adel is saying that. Jon says yes. He is going to bring it up tomorrow in front of both of them and ask. 1:02 AM BBT Heather comes into the HOH and Neda leaves. Jon asks her if she has any other final 3s with anyone. She says no. (I think BB put in a commercial) Jon tells her about Adel saying Neda and herself taking to Adel about final 3 10-15 times. She’s surprised for a second that Adel said that. They continue to debate if Sabrina or Adel should go up. In the WA Neda and Sabrina are discussing who would win against who. BB asks Neda to check her mic. The sound goes off in feed two and one. 1:12 AM BBT BB must be getting ready to make Feeds 1 and 2 the BR with sound off as they’ve moved the WA to 3 and 4. Jon and Heather have joined them. Neda is putting tanner on Heather in the shower. Jon keeps whispering in Sabrina’s ear things for her to yell out to the others. BB asks them to watch their language. 1:31 AM BBT Sabrina pitches for their votes. She will be loyal to the females. She wants adel out before her. She hasn’t won anything but have nots. She get Jon out for them. They both clap and say good pitch. Feed one is the BR and Jon is in there. Feed 2-4 are the WA but 2 has no audio. The girls are just chatting about general HG stuff. Heather says she doesn’t want to watch the first 2 weeks. Heather and Neda go downstairs for water. They whisper to each other about Adel saying they have a final 3 with them. They go into the BY so they can’t be heard. If Adel goes this week he’ll hate in the Jury House. 1:43 AM BBT Neda and Heather are still in the BY talking and whispering game. They are discussing if Sabrina wins next week vs Adel. Heather is worried about Sabrina being in the final 3. If Adel makes I to final 3 we’d have a better chance beating him in final 3. They discuss who can beat who in different comps. 1:52 AM BBT In the BR Sabrina has gone to bed. Jon is still there, he seems to be staying there tonight. In the BY. They are pretty much covering all the scenarios. Neda think Adel would take Jon to the final 2 not them.
  21. 1:24 AM BBT Sabrina and Heather go to take their make up off. Sabrina goes to the BR first. The lights are starting to dim. She gets into bed. Jon and Neda are in the HOH. Neda shows Jon where she hid her glass holding a shot of booze. Jon drinks it. Jon says he wasn’t in the room for the conversation that he says he was. He knew Adel would argue it, it would make Neda mad and Heather things they are fighting. Jon keeps telling Neda to shut up (so he can talk) Neda tells him to stop and if he does that one more time she’ll punch him. Jon says she’ll break her hand. Neda laughs. 1:40 AM BBT Heather joins them. Jon thinks next week will be endurance. Neda doesn’t think so. Heather is worried about the twist as it could be almost anything. There are only 6 episodes left so she thinks everything will happen fast. Heather says she’s going to bed. Jon tells her to stay here while he gets water and Neda asks for some. Heather wonders what Adel’s game plan is. They think he probably made final 2 with Jon. Jon is back with the water. He’s making up the couch since Neda doesn’t seem to be moving. Heather says goodnight. The glass Neda is drinking from says Hot Chili Peppers. Neda tells Jon Heather wanted to know where Adel’s head is at. Jon is hard to hear. Jon says he’s not going to make a decision that isn’t the best for the two of them. 1:52 AM BBT In the BR the lights are off. In the HOH Jon and Neda are still hashing out their plan. Jon is still hard to hear. Jon doesn’t think Adel would pick Sabrina over Neda because he hates her. Neda thinks he would. Neda is over thinking things, Jon is under thinking things. 2: 13 AM BBT Neda likes to talk out every scenario and it drives Jon nuts. They go back and forth with different senarios. If veto is for prizes Neda thinks Sabrina would go for veto, Heather prizes, Neda thinks Jon and her should go for prizes as it doesn’t matter who goes home this week. Jon says give me a hug and get out of my room. 2:25 AM BBT Jon goes down to get more water and goes back up to the HOH. In the WA Neda is brushing her teeth and washing her face. In the HOH Jon reads his letter, takes off his mic and listens to music. The lights are starting to dim. Neda finishes up in the WA and goes to the BR. 2:28 AM BBT All HGs are in bed and it’s time for me to sign off. Night!
  22. 11:53 PM BBT Feeds went to HotH for a few minutes. Once back Jon/Neda/Adel left the HOH. Heather remains to listen to the song she’s on and Sabrina waits to listen after she’s done. Jon and Neda go to the HT area and leave Heather and Adel in the KT. Adel joins Neda and Jon. They were a little thrown by how well Heather was doing in the comp today. Heather joins them. 12:10 AM BBT Neda/Jon/Heather/Adel in the HT area. Jon is drunk and talking non stop. Jon and Neda are sharing Jon’s last cigar. They are talking about past strategies and evicted HGs. 12:20 AM BBT The 4 HGs are rehashing a conversation from after the potato comp and Jon and Adel don’t agree with what happened. Jon has one version, Adel has another and Neda says she brought up the convo last week and was told something different. Neda is getting peeved. 12:29 AM BBT Sabrina joins them while Jon and Adel are arguing and asks if she should leave. Jon says no, Heather goes to make Hot chocolate. Jon asks Sabrina to give them a minute. Jon and Adel say they are good. Neda still seems a little pissed. Jon goes to bring Sabrina back. 12:52 AM BBT All the HGs are out in the HT area. (I’ve never seen Sabrina so quiet!) The HGs go back inside except for Sabrina who stays. She’s upset. In the HOH Jon and Neda are arguing. Sabrina pops her head in to say goodnight. Jon asks what’s wrong and she starts crying. Jon gives her a hug. He goes down stairs and Sabrina stays to talk to Neda. Neda explains she’s mad at Jon. Heather joins them. Neda thinks there are two weeks left (she’s right) Sabrina thinks three weeks. They work out it’s 2 weeks. Then there must be a double eviction they think or an instant. 1:02 AM BBT Jon is eating downstairs. Adel joins the girls in the HOH. Sabrina explains why they thing there are two weeks left. Adel asks if anyone is ready for bed. Heather and Sabrina are. Jon joins them and Sabrina explains again the 2 weeks left. Adel says good night to everyone. 1:12 AM BBT Sabrina is asking questions about Jon and Janelle. When they are moving in together. Jon says if he wins money right away otherwise he is in a lease until august and they will move in together then. Sabrina asked if they’ll marry in a year. He says yes. Sabrina asks if he’s going to propose. Jon says no. He’s on national tv. He can’t say. He never new how much he appreciates Janelle until he was away from her for big brother. Sabrina can’t believe he’s 23 years old. Janelle is 3 years older.
  23. 10:37 PM BBT The feeds just came back up. The 3 girls are in the HOH and Sabrina is listening to music. Adel joins them. Heather wonders what the onesies are for. Neda thinks they are selling them online. 10:45 PM BBT Adel can’t get over they are in the final 5. The next HOH is the most important as it ensures your spot in the final 3. It’s also the last HOH where you get your stuff. They are discussing what they think the next twist will be. Sabrina thinks the theme is Canada and Vetos and maybe a diamond veto. They start to talk about a show and BB tells them to stop talking brand names. Heather thinks BB will wake them up in the middle of the night. 10:55 PM BBT Jon just returned to the HOH. He’s trying to get Neda to take another shot and she’s saying she needs to wait. Adel says he feels this will be the week of fun. In high school, when Neda was in High School she’d try to get someone to give her a black eye – no one would. They are discussing how privileged to be in the final 5 and have this experience. 11:03 PM BBT Jon and Neda are in the HT area. Neda thinks if Jon hadn’t won HOH Heather would have sent Jon home. They are saying final 3 with either Adel or Sabrina. Sabrina they could win endurance and physical against. Adel comes out to change batteries. 11:11 PM BBT In the HOH Sabrina says to Heather if Heather wins she thinks Heather would put up Jon. Heather says she doesn’t know what she’d do. Jon/Neda/Adel join them back in the HOH. Jon is still trying to get Neda to take another shot. 11:21 PM BBT Heather takes a shot with Jon. They are discussing the other HGs that are gone. Mostly Paul, Kyle and Arlie. Jon thinks Sabrina is a one line wonder in the DR. They are comparing Tom from last year and Andrew. Andrew said things he shouldn’t have daily where Tom did a few things but they weren’t daily things. 11:37 PM BBT Jon is drunk and gets louder and louder. Jon and Sabrina are talking about Sabrina and Adel’s relationship. If Adel or Sabrina are jerks to each other they will get called out.
  24. 10:00 PM BBT Feeds are just coming up. Jon is in the HOH room with Neda jumping up and down saying he is so happy as he listens to music. 10:13 PM BBT Adel is praying and once done he heads downstairs. The HGs are wearing BB onsies. In the HOH Jon is reading a letter… his letter perhaps? 10:17 PM BBT Jon has won HOH. 10:23 PM BBT All HGs are in the HOH. Heather was just called to the DR. Heather and Neda are wearing pink onesies and the Jon, Adel and Sabrina are wearing white. Neda and Jon are doing shots. Jon is very pumped up about winning HOH and getting a letter from Janelle. 10:28 PM BBT Feeds are HotH.
  25. 12:09 AM BBT Jon and Neda are in the WA. Neda is brushing out her hair and Jon is hanging out keeping her company. Jon asks if she wonders who’s hair her extensions belong to. Neda doesn’t care. LOL. Jon asks what the s**t she’s doing now. Leave in conditioner. Jon says girls are crazy. 12:19 AM BBT Sabrina and Rachelle go out to the HT area and sit down. Sabrina looks at Rachelle and asks if her head is cold. She nods. They decide to go in. They go hang out in the BR. Jon is there. They are talking about the numbers counting and what the twist will be. Sabrina thinks it’ll be something that effects the block before they are evicted. The 2 girls head to the WA. 12:27 AM BBT In the WA Heather is plucking her brows, Neda is straightning her hair, Sabrina is rinsing Rachelle’s colour out of her hair – Rachelle is on her hands and knees with her head in the shower and Sabrina is straddling her rinsing. It’s quite the sight. Neda moves to the BR where Jon is. She hopes the twist doesn’t save Rachelle. Neda says goodnight to Jon. 12:44 AM BBT Heather is getting ready for bed in the WA. Sabrina is also doing her night time stuff. Heather says goodnight. Rachelle is finally out of the shower. In the BR lights are off. 1:07 AM BBT BB asks Rachelle to put her mic on. She is now blow drying her hair while Sabrina lays on the counter. Rachelle hopes it’s not Canada picks. Sabrina is hard to hear. 1:18 AM BBT In the HOH Adel is asleep. Rachelle is putting nail polish on in the WA. She says she wants to hear Sabrina’s story. She’s tired but doesn’t want to go to bed yet. Rachelle comments that she still doesn’t know what Neda’s thing was. Sabrina is still hard to hear, BB must have her mic off while she is going to the bathroom. Now Sabrina is finally out and they head downstairs. 1:38 AM BBT Sabrina’s story…. BB asks Sabrina to fix her mic. One weekend in college she went to mexico with a friend. Gets to the hotel and was the worst one ever. A few days later she returns from the beach and there are a bunch of boys at the pool. Rachelle keeps interrupting her story. One of the boys climb the tree that’s outside the balcony. He tries to ask her to dinner. They go. He tells her she is the woman he’ll marry. After they go on the beach. They go to the club. She asked why he was at the hotel and he booked the wrong hotel. At the club he saw him dancing with a girl and then her friend etc. The girls finally leave and go to the beach the next day. Mid-day he shows up and shows him her hickey. (place commercial here) 1: AM BBT I think they went to dinner and he stayed with her all night. He says he’ll show her a sign. She finds his rosary and goes to the beach. He comes to see her and go for a walk on the beach. They are talking broken English and they fell in love. He picks up two grains of sand and asks do you see these grains of sand, look at all the millions of sands, this sand to get to this sand had to go through all those millions of sand to get back here and what do you think we can get back to each other. He is leaving the next day. He asks her to the club. They danced all night and not even a kiss. Walks her to her door and says goodnight. She wakes up for breakfast in the morning and he’s at the door with breakfast and they spend the morning together and she helps him pack. She goes back to get ready for supper. She had 3 messages and they were all for them. She hands up and he calls. He has to see her again. She gets home and calls her there and tells her he needs to see her again. Sabrina got a job in Mexico that was near him. He freaked out at her dog and she beat it and she kicked him out. 1:51 AM BBT The Hush/Keep a secret screen is on the two cams. The other two cams are sleeping HGs. Lately he found her on a couple of social media sites and added her. (Can you say stalker?) She was in Mexico from 18 to 21. Her exboyfriend now she always goes back to him. Please don’t Rachelle says. 2:06 AM BBT Sabrina and Rachelle are now inside at the WA. Rachelle takes her contacts out and then they head to the BR. They are whispering in bed. Rachelle gets up to go to the bathroom and returns to the BR. Mics are off. We’ll see if the stay down. 2:14 AM BBT All HGs seem settled for the night. We’ll see you tomorrow.



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