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Everything posted by ILoveKaysar

  1. Feeds back Apparently, James and Sarah were put on the block.
  2. 11:03 BBT F1: Empty LR F2: Ivette, Jennifer and Beau looking at Picture Wall. F3: Maggie and Howie in HOH BR F4: Maggie and Howie in HOH BR
  3. (Note: I just subscribed to the live feeds tonight, so I haven't quite grapsed dictating very fast...all i can do is summarize what I'm hearing...sorry, i will learn!!) F3: H, Janelle, James, S & Rachel ** SOV6; minus kaysar ** James came in the room while Ivette and Beau were leaving, as soon as they walked out he was "What did they say". Howie told James that I & B told him that James was still on I & B's side. James replies "If I'm on their side why did they get me off first thing in the HOH competition, why did they throw balls at Sarah's TV". Basically Howie is showering James and Sarah a bunch of BS.
  4. F1: Empty LR F2: Empty Dining Room Table F3: Ivette, Beau, Howie and Janelle in HOH room F4: Another view of I,B, H, and Janelle All that really is going on in the HOH room is they are talking about who Howie should put up tomorrow. Ivette is offering herself up as a pawn to back door James. Howie doesn't want to "back door" James because there might not be a winner in the veto comp. Everyone is being really civil. Janelle and Ivette are actually getting along. Howie keeps saying that America wants James and CBS wants James, so if he tries to back door him, then there is some way the "pawns" wont be able to get off the block.



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