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Posts posted by ILoveKaysar

  1. So was Kaysar...lol

    I still Kay-Kay though.

    Scott must think he's important cuz there's still a link on Mortys for his Playgirl pics...I believe he was called Needle Dick.

    Seriously, he's an egomaniac...I quit reading his posts in week 2.

    But you dont see Kaysar posting threads about how ratings have dropped because he is not in the house!!! Thats exactly what Scott is saying...plus... Kaysar came back in a week 5 and didnt leave again till week 6... so its still better :P

    Scott must think he's important cuz there's still a link on Mortys for his Playgirl pics...I believe he was called Needle Dick.

    Seriously, he's an egomaniac...I quit reading his posts in week 2.

    And Ive heard they did some uh hum.... AIR BRUSHING to Scott's picture!!! Small penis' arent good for play girl!!!

  2. I've been reading his posts from the CBS website, Revenge of the House Guests.

    I've never cared much for the guy, but is there a reason he thinks he is the top dog from BB5?? Didnt he get evicted in like week 4 or 5?? His posts just ramble and ramble and actually hardly ever make any sense. He keeps saying how no one in the house has any character this year. (which i disagree with) I didnt have live feeds last year, but he seems pretty CRAZY and a little in to himself...how is that interesting? He seems to credit himself and Jase for Cowboy and Drew making it to the end. I for one would like to know how he did that when he left so early on in the game? I just want to know your opinions on Scott...

  3. Anyone else's feeds down?? or is it just me???

    I guess it's just me... I closed out Real Player to watch House Calls and havent been able to pull up the live feeds since. Everytime i go to cbs website to pull up the 24/7 feeds it gives me a page "cannot find server" .... oh well... if anyone can help me I will love you forever!!!

  4. 11:24PM BBT

    Ivette, Beau, Rachel, Maggie, & April in bedroom talking.

    Jennifer is in the BY with Howie popping the pimples on his back. (her obsession with popping peoples pimples is starting to get really gross)

    As SOON as Jennifer leaves the BY....

    Janelle : What the hell was she doing?

    Howie: Poping my zits

    J: She's so gross

    H: Grody to the max?

    J: Yes

    J: Eww what kind of girl goes around and pops guys zits and does their fu*king nails

    H: Nice ones Jannie

    J: what is she a wanna be cosmpolitan

    J: Howie, you shouldnt let girls like that pick at you

    H: why

    J: Because its gross

    H: Maybe its a way to get it in for her boobies

    J: ugh, no its not....she just does that cause she wants attention

    H: Like a little puppy?

    J: Yeah

    H: Maybe it'll win a vote

  5. I came in on the end of James in the GR alone and he was ripping something, did anyone else get what he was doing???

    I went back and watched it again, it looked like James was ripping some ones (girls) underwear. Did anyone else see that?

    Okay, now that ive watched it a third time Im starting to think maybe it was his sleeves from his tshirt that he made .... i would hope he wouldnt rip up someones undies. (but ya never know)

  6. 12:36 BBT

    F 1 & 2: Jen & Sarah in BR chit chatting. Sarah seems to be trying to convince J to vote her way.

    F 3 & 4: April and Maggie in the hammock. A is going on and on to Maggie about anything and everything that is poping in to her head. (it seems to me she just likes to hear herself talk) Maggie is just shaking her head and saying "uh huh" "yeah". (its actually very amusing)



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