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Everything posted by Abster2001

  1. @ABC Is this real? He's worried about Russia's happiness? Russia is perfectly capable of taking care of itself. They don't need our help.

  2. @realDonaldTrump What's sad is that you spent time to go back and find that tweet when there's a whole country needing leadership.

  3. Go #Gunnevera !! Win #kentuckyderby !!!

  4. RT @my2k: @jedrek @SteveRattner being female is a pre-existing condition, now, I suppose

  5. @AnimalTweeps I have one like that. Cody talks for little brother Bobba. https://t.co/NYgyyEYJfH

  6. OMG in automatic car wash. So scary! #carwash #scarystuff . https://t.co/vuEgswa6L0

  7. RT @ConanOBrien: Trump’s biggest accomplishment in his first 100 days has been making it seem like much longer.

  8. @Daily_Express @rickygervais What became of the squirrel?

  9. Fettuccini says, Happy Easter. #kittenseason2017 #fosterkittens #cutekittens https://t.co/Fhg3s36zxj

  10. @katehewlett I have five newborn foster kittens. https://t.co/mwwNNhmRYH

  11. RT @PalmerReport: Syria gas attack and Donald Trump’s military response don’t add up – unless Putin orchestrated it https://t.co/VfC4E7oNoz…

  12. @NPR What is the point of having any rules at all if one party or the other just changes them at will when votes don't go their way?

  13. Still waiting on babies. Pretty sure they will be baking for another week. She shows no signs of… https://t.co/nio0RfSGt4

  14. @jeffbeamish but the thermometer in my car always says five degrees. More than the weather report and I always believe my car first.

  15. I'm obsessed with playing with other people's pets via petcube app. Had to breakdown and order one for my cats. #petcube #cats @Petcube

  16. Bet McDonalds will actually get a big boost in sales today. They should hire that Hacker. #McDonaldsgate #mcdonalds

  17. RT @fritolaysia: New ACA replacement looks promising. https://t.co/rpRDH1Cy0Y

  18. Yuri getting some rest on Caturday. https://t.co/65oqFLRap5

  19. @alleycatallies My feral boy. I call him Seeley. Feed him every night. Sweet guy, with a kitten meow. Won't let me… https://t.co/U8ZjluWpbo

  20. RT @kalpenn: White House schedule says his Daily Intelligence Briefing was at 10:30am. This was the tweet he sent at 10:51am.

  21. RT @TheOnion: White House Staff Reminded To Place Lids Firmly On Trash Cans After Steve Bannon Gets Into Garbage Again https://t.co/HAlKFHL…

  22. @kittenxlady Humane Society in the US recently changed to 12 weeks 3 pounds. I was used to return at 8 wks, took awhile to get used to 12.

  23. Water shut off for whole apartmnt with no warning. Wish I hadn't waited 3 days b4 deciding to take shower. Kinda need water. #tucsonsucks

  24. Worst time of year to actually live in Winterhaven neighborhood.

  25. RT @vandalvt33: My cat is still in disbelief #ElectionHangover #Election2016 https://t.co/Qr9zD3rXG1



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