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  1. Can we just say that Nicolle Wallace is absolutely killing it day after day. Whoever made that hire deserves a bonu… https://t.co/zaUuN7MX78

  2. Since you insist on giving customer dollars to support the corrosive Laura Ingraham whose show is undermining Ameri… https://t.co/8kCtiCIon1

  3. You used to be able to leave comments at AZ Central without being a member of Facebook. Then you made it mandatory!… https://t.co/OLPhBA7NwX

  4. @hulu We are loyal, longtime subscribers of Hulu No Commercials, but we won't be much longer if you continue to sup… https://t.co/YTc56TkhOL

  5. Awesome art work, Jim. The drawing reflects a woman posing as a Christian who ignores, "Thou shalt not bear false w… https://t.co/5aENi8T73V

  6. Re: your torture tweet of McCain--Guess it's the Trump shit-hole we live in that has the spawn of cowards like your… https://t.co/IdwkXfWBP2

  7. How many more yrs before AI correctly ID's "A Song for You" as a Leon Russell composition. It's more Karen Carpente… https://t.co/4NvqRVhQHH

  8. @NBCOlympics Can we just say, Tara and Johnny have saved these Olympics.

  9. @SenQuezada29 The lone vote against increasing animal cruelty laws...and u r a Democrat? Deflecting w/mental health… https://t.co/Cyxioh4dgy

  10. @azhumane What happened to Ashleigh Goebel ? While no one would begrudge her some well-deserved time off, this feel… https://t.co/U7SVuYmpmL

  11. @megynkelly You and your cohorts at Fox News are principally responsible for turning this country into an angry swa… https://t.co/vw6G0a6t8q

  12. @SenTomCotton Dear Gov. Faubus-Since u now represent the morally vacuous wing of the GOP, protecting the racist Res… https://t.co/SwzKQp3aEe

  13. @Jim_Jordan What an embarrassment u are--Bob Mueller is an American hero, unlike u who are nothing more than anothe… https://t.co/DYgwcjnSiI

  14. @GovMikeHuckabee Rather than mock Al Franken, shouldn't you be more worried your "evangelical" daughter who ignore… https://t.co/qEtjbVgzT0

  15. @EW Just got our latest Outlander Weekly. You guys play strictly to the base in the same lazy manner the Resident i… https://t.co/f6PPqtIMmO



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