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Everything posted by dallasO

  1. @KailLowry nnn

  2. @TeenMomGossip OMG-------------------he's a negro

  3. #JamesTNorman love the show, the family, saw every one - Please stop your mom from singing - the 60s are over - you don't listen 2 ur mom,

  4. Duck lipped spoiled brat #farrahabraham

  5. @Kaepernick7 Not too good to stand up and get the white mans paycheck though.

  6. @ShanieceH You aren't known until this show that I pay extra to get. What have you been doing since high school, start working, for a store

  7. I'm watching #BB17 Live Feeds #BBLF http://t.co/GlTtKLxeWV

  8. #BB15 They are all sheep except for Amanda and Helen - it's a shame that Julie didn't tell them it was America that voted to get out Amanda
  9. #BB15AfterDark - What do they mean never a boring moment - It's all boring, Candice a downer, GIVE THEM SOME alcohol, PLEASE IT's so boring
  10. #sweetiepies It's just the black thing to have a baby, get a house then back out of marriage because U are a terrible rapper Tim - BAD
  11. #ABC2020 I have watched this trial since jury selection It is my belief that George Zimmerman is proved self defence, Travon a fighter-drug
  12. I voted in the #BB15 Connect poll! Cast your vote now! http://t.co/skn54CBh92

  13. #hlnzimmermantrial This trial is so long, Can't believe the stupid questions that goes back and forth, back and forth, I do believe GZ
  14. NO ONE WANTS ALLISA IN EXCEPT FOR ALLISON GRODNER THE PRODUCER OF BB - it's a shame the game is rigged straight from the start, no one like Rachel Reily and no one likes her sister except for Allison Grodner because of Drama - high school DRAMA and boring, no more BB for me - watched every BB since the beginning but all stupid not fair game isn't worth watching.
  15. I think this show is rigged just like it was last last Rachel was on - They love the drama, that's why Elissa is on and supposedly won MVP two weeks in a row, I don't believe it. CBS should be ashamed of rigging the show. To give one person the power, and no where is it shown that she actually won the votes for that isn't fair. Why is no one over 30 years old and why does everyone act like high school. Give them alcohol every night to make at least BB after dark more interesting instead of just gossip 24 hrs a day, so BORING CBS. Allison GRODNER shame on you for rigging the game with Rachel sister ALLISA, Everyone has figured it out YOU HAVE RIGGED THE GAME AGAIN AND SHAME ON CBS.
  16. I watch most reality shows but I can't stand Kenya Moore who is "crazy" and not worth her actress ... http://t.co/PgIHGP2IiL @RHOGossip



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