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Everything posted by JackyStacky

  1. #BB15 8:00pm BBT: Howard talking to Jessie/Judd in bedroom saying it's just a game, someone needs to go every week. Jessie says she's scared. Amanda/McCrae in cockpit #BB15 8:01pm BBT: McCrae: "I'm so pissed off right now. Spencer/Howard are snakes" Howard told Candice that Jessie flipped, and McCrae isn't happy about it #BB15 8:03pm BBT: Andy joins Amanda/McCrae in cockpit. Amanda "No matter what, Jeremy should remain our target". They don't want to put him up initially because he can win veto. Kaitlin/Aaryn at chess table, they're talking about the upcoming have-not comp. Jeremy sitting alone in KT eating. Gina, still crying, joins Aaryn/Kait saying "I didn't cry this much when I broke up with my fiance" #BB15 8:07pm BBT: Howard joins Jeremy. Jeremy to Howard "You're sitting pretty" Howard trying to do damage control #BB15 8:10pm BBT: Andy/Amanda/McCrae talking about how happy they were that Jeremy got out on the first question. Amanda wants to put up Howard/Aaryn. Andy is worried, and wants to keep Howard/Spencer on their side. Amanda: "They're never going to be on our side", they all talk about how Howard is dangerous and he's been throwing comps #BB15 8:13pm BBT: Aaryn: "Never has any other season got this real, this fast.... These people are garbage" #BB15 8:15pm BBT: Andy/McCrae/Amanda want them, Judd/Helen to work together and run with it. They shake on it. Andy just needs to rope in Helen, and keep her from saying bone-headed things #BB15 8:18pm BBT: Aaryn/Kaitlin agree that Jeremy is done with them. He hasn't comforted them and told them to just move on #BB15 8:20pm BBT: Aaryn/Kaitlin/Gina all say they would be fine going home, and don't care. Aaryn: "I WILL get half million dollars in my lifetime" #BB15 8:23pm BBT: Andy says it was tortorous to sit up there (HOH) and listen to them constantly bash her (Elissa) #BB15 8:26pm BBT: McCrae (talking about Jessie): "If she flipped, she's the best player in the game" #BB15 8:28pm BBT: Candice and Jeremy join Amanda/McC/Andy in cockpit. Howard goes up to chess table to give Aaryn/Kait/Gina some tips- tells them to mingle and go downstairs, even if they have to be fake #BB15 8:30pm BBT: Aaryn: "I feel physically ill. She is garbage and I feel bad for the people who have to live with her fulltime" (I assume she's talking about Elissa, again) #BB15 8:32pm BBT: Howard joins Jessie in bedroom. Jessie is a little concerned because Helen keeps saying she'll protect the ones who were with her from day 1, but Jessie just joined them. Howard says not to look at it like that, Helen will protect her #BB15 8:38pm BBT: Kaitlin (about Jeremy): "He's obviously been playing me" #BB15 8:42pm BBT: Helen: "Julie Chen said my name!" #BB15 8:43pm BBT: Elissa says that "they" (production/casting) warned her she wasn't going to be liked. Also, Gina Marie goes up to Nick's picture, and touches it #BB15 8:45pm BBT: Gina Marie, wearing Nick's hat, pulls up a chair and sits in front of Nick's picture. Just staring at it #BB15 8:48pm BBT: Aaryn makes Gina Marie get up and brings her to the bedroom #BB15 8:56pm BBT: Kaitlin/Jeremy playing chess. Kait giving him the cold shoulder, not talking much. Gina Marie crying in the bedroom, Aaryn is with her, Jessie sleeping in another bed
  2. #BB15 2:01am BBT: Feeds back #BB15 2:02am BBT: HGs meeting in small groups relaying/trying to remember facts #BB15 2:03am BBT: a section of the BY is portioned off, seems to be some sort of counter. #BB15 2:04am BBT: HGs on indoor lockdown again #BB15 2:07am BBT: Helen/Elissa in HN room using objects to help them remember facts #BB15 2:15am BBT: Andy joins HN room, they're all comparing mental notes #BB15 2:18am BBT: Judd/Jessie in WA, Judd saying Nick will be really good at this comp, another reason he needs to go #BB15 2:19am BBT: Sounds like they will have continuous wakeups throughout the night, and have a limited time to view objects #BB15 2:24am BBT: Spencer tells Howard "once Amanda is knocked out, I don't care who wins" #BB15 2:31am BBT: HGs seem to be quieting down again. Most are back in bed, for now. Andy/Amanda/McCrae still up in the cockpit, studying #BB15 2:33am BBT: Trivia
  3. #BB15 11:00pm BBT: McCrae/Amanda in HOHR talking. All other HGs in Cockpit talking about celebrities #BB15 11:02pm BBT: McCrae/Amanda counting votes making sure they have enough to keep Elissa #BB15 11:06pm BBT: McCrae looks pretty happy with the plan to evict Nick. They are talking about how they can run the game. Amanda is gunning for Spencer. Both are a little worried about Jessie #BB15 11:08pm BBT: Amanda: "There's no way Jessie is gonna flip, she thinks they're racist" #BB15 11:12pm BBT: Amanda: "We need to make them think that even though we're picking Nick off, that we're still on their side" #BB15 11:20pm BBT: Andy joins Amanda/McCrae they are talking about Candice's vote. They need to warn her that Howard isn't to be trusted #BB15 11:22pm BBT: HOH crew are talking about how Gina Marie is going to go crazy #BB15 11:26pm BBT: Andy: "They're not doing any challenges catering to me... Like standing there and punching a button" #BB15 11:33pm BBT: Kaitlin goes to HOH to take a shower. Amanda/McCrae leave, Andy stays to listen to music. Most HGs still in cockpit talking about rock, paper, scissors #BB15 11:41pm BBT: Jessie goes to bed, she's sharing a bed with Elissa. They are whispering about Aaryn/Kaitlin #BB15 11:44pm BBT: Jessie is worried about people coming down on her for voting to evict Nick. She wants some "in-between" votes so she can claim to be with them... (They don't know Howard/Spencer aren't with them) #BB15 11:51pm BBT: Andy/Helen in HN room. Andy making sure Helen talks to Candice, and votes to evict Nick #BB15 11:54pm BBT: Kaitlin/Aaryn in HOH bathtub, talking about Elissa #BB15 11:55pm BBT: Judd/Amanda/McCrae in WA, McCrae says if he was home now he'd be watching the BB live feeds #BB15 11:58pm BBT: Jeremy in HOH shower, saying that Elissa is going home and the only question she should have is when she should back her bag. Aaryn: "if she doesn't go home, we'll look like fools", Jeremy: "If she doesn't go home, I'm dropping these people like flies.. We're the only ones in this house who can win anything". Kaitlin: "Even though Howard/Spencer are in an alliance with us now, they're not going to be able to win anything" #BB15 12:05am BBT: Aaryn/Jeremy/Kaitlin in HOH, still talking about Elissa. Howard/Spencer/Candice in cockpit general chit-chat #BB15 12:12am BBT: Jeremy to Howard: "What prank should we run tonight?" Howard: "Aaryn says she likes to be scared, so I'll come in at 2:30AM and scare her" Jeremy: "You should rape her, that'll scare her" #BB15 12:25am BBT: Gina Marie/Jeremy talking about Elissa's photo on the wall- she's an ugly Rachel- GM thinks her picture is brighter than the others, and she got a special light for her picture #BB15 12:29am BBT: Amanda/McCrae get into bed. Mccrae says he's worried #BB15 12:33am BBT: Amanda/McCrae wonder if there is a possibility for them to be together after the show. Both of them think it's a possibility. McCrae says after the watches the show. Amanda says from the first day, she made it a point to talk to him #BB15 12:28am BBT: McCrae doesn't want to go home next week, because he wants to be in the house on his birthday #BB15 12:48am BBT: Kaitlin/Jeremy playing chess. Amanda/McCrae still talking in bed #BB15 12:50am BBT: McCrae thinks Aaryn is a compulsive liar. She lies about little details that don't need to be lied about #BB15 12:59am BBT: Judd/Nick/Gina/Howard/Candice/Spencer in cockpit talking about dreams. Kaitlin/Jeremy playing chess. All other HGs sleeping #BB15 1:02am BBT: Howard tells a story about his dog, he needed to give him pills, and he would wait until he turned his back, spit out the pill, and put his paw over it #BB15 1:10am BBT: Kaitlin/Jeremy talking about the possibility of Elissa staying. Jeremy says he'd cry, but he's pretty sure he has the numbers, and would be genuinely surprised #BB15 1:16am BBT: Howard is telling Judd/Nick/Spencer all about dog fighting #BB15 1:18am BBT: Feeds went to FOTH and Nick/Howard are no longer in the cockpit. Feeds have Spencer/Judd in cockpit talking about the potential comp and Jeremy/Aaryn/Kait in HOH bed #BB15 1:20am BBT: Nick/Howard in WA- Howard telling Nick that they have the votes to keep him safe #BB15 1:23am BBT: HOH talk about Elissa going home. Jeremy is PROMISING them that Elissa is going home.. "If you ever have any doubts about me, after tomorrow you won't. I got these people so wrapped around my finger, it's sick" #BB15 1:16am BBT: Nick/Judd in WA do a fist bump, and nod their head's "yes", and Nick tells him "I got you" #BB15 1:23am BBT: All HGs in bed. Aaryn/Kaitlin/Jeremy still awake and talking.. general trash-talking of the other HGs (we're on Jessie now) #BB15 1:41am BBT: The Triangle of Thrust decide to do a "group thrust" for the live feeders #BB15 1:46am BBT: Some alarm is going off in the house.. HGs don't know what's happening #BB15 1:47am BBT: The BY is opening, alarms are still going off, all HGs are up and counting the number of times it goes off #BB15 1:48am BBT: "HGs the lockdown is now over", they go outside a lot of "OMG what is this", the cameras don't show anything and FOTH #BB15 1:53am BBT: Feeds cut from FOTH to trivia
  4. #BB15 7:00pm BBT: Amanda/McCrae in cockpit, most other HGs in bedroom chatting. McCrae won't makeout with Amanda #BB15 7:09pm BBT: Aaryn joins Amanda/McCrae telling them that all the HGs are in the bedroom talking, and they're playing "would you rather". Aaryn doesn't want to hear/know about the other people's stuff. #BB15 7:11pm BBT: Aaryn is mad that Kaitlin stained her bathing suit #BB15 7:16pm BBT: HGs in bedroom are trying to get GinaMarie and Nick to go on a date tonight #BB15 7:24pm BBT: Helen joins "Would you Rather: Sex Edition". Nick/McCrae in KT #BB15 7:32pm BBT: Gina/Aaryn in HOHR. Aaryn complaining about the game #BB15 7:40pm BBT: Nick asks a question- would you rather move to a tropical place, or the dessert. Jeremy "we're asking sex questions, and you ask where you'd rather live?" Nick: "Sorry, bro, I'm not 23 anymore" #BB15 7:44pm BBT: Howard goes to HOHR w/ Aaryn. She is complaining to Howard about the game #BB15 7:46pm BBT: Aaryn doesn't want to talk in front of Candice/Elissa bc it will give them ammo against her. She doesn't think the girls like her in the house. Howard tells her the women are catty because they're jealous of her because she's smart/beautiful/athletic #BB15 7:51pm BBT: Howard saying that Amanda is dangerous and using McCrae and hanging on him and hasn't left his side since he won HOH, he can't even think for himself #BB15 7:54pm BBT: Aaryn doesn't feel comfortable with Kaitlin because all she thinks about is her showmance #BB15 7:58pm BBT: Aaryn: "Once Elissa leaves there won't be another alliance, because no one is trying to run stuff. They're all going to come over here" #BB15 8:01pm BBT: Amanda to McCrae "I don't think there's anyway, after veto, we would be on the block together" McCrae "Famous last words..." Howard comes in, they're complaining that they're already on indoor LD and hope it's not another physical comp #BB15 8:04pm BBT: Howard making the rounds, now talking to Kaitin in HN room. Kaitlin complaining about Aaryn, Howard trying to make her feel better #BB15 8:07pm BBT: Howard tells Kaitlin that Jeremy/Aaryn/Kaitlin have a great chance of getting MVP with Elissa out (HAHA!) #BB15 8:17pm BBT: Judd talking to McCrae/Amanda about Jessie's vote, Judd is trying to get Jessie to evict Nick. Judd says Howard/Spencer are 100% with Jeremy/Nick. McCrae says he'll vote Nick out if Jessie's vote is 100% solid #BB15 8:21pm BBT: Howard talking to Helen/Elissa in HN. Says he's 100% for voting off Nick. Saying he's concerned about Amanda #BB15 8:26pm BBT: Helen telling Elissa/Candice that Jessie will vote to evict Nick. He knows she's low on the list on the other side, also that Spencer is definitely with the other side. The girls, again, agree that Howard isn't with the other side, at all. Candice "knows for sure", and said they are both so angry with Aaryn for the racial stuff, and that their families would never forgive them for not standing up for their race. Elissa says she's made homophobic remarks and says she can't even repeat some of the things Aaryn has said. Candice said Andy had his feelings hurt #BB15 8:30pm BBT: Helen has given nicknames to Jeremy (George), Aaryn (Dolly), Kaitlin (Martha). #BB15 8:32pm BBT: Howard rehashing his convos to Spencer in the WA #BB15 8:34pm BBT: Spencer/Howard in WA: Spencer "Amanda is talking __ about me and you, she's flipping and trying to pin it on me and you.. What she doesn't realize is we're voting that way too, so it's going to be a landslide and she's going to look like a B__" #BB15 8:42pm BBT: Elissa/Candice/Helen in HN room: Candice talking about nominating Aaryn. "All I know is I want to reality TV gold. I'm gonna give a snap, and twirl, and smack my butt. I nominiate YOU- Aaryn Shaniqua and all the black fish that are at the bottom of the tank- you are now on the block" #BB15 8:55pm BBT: Elissa/Helen/Andy talking about beds for the night- Elissa asks if Andy would be ok sleeping in the same bed with another guy. Andy "I'm ok. but the other guys wouldn't want to sleep with me". Elissa: "That makes me sad"
  5. #BB15 6:00pm BBT: Elissa and Candice in cockpit talking about who to put up as replacement nom. Nick/Amanda/Kaitlin all possibilities #BB15 6:08pm BBT: Kaitlin telling Aaryn in HOH that she saw Elissa/Candice alone talking. #BB15 6:11pm BBT: Amanda and McCrae get into bed together for a nap. Amanda tells McCrae about her convo with Aaryn. Saying how they have to all keep each other safe (Jeremy/Aaryn and them) #BB15 6:13pm BBT: Aaryn/Kait in HOHR, they think Elissa may nominiate Gina Marie. Candice comes up to join them #BB15 6:17pm BBT: Aaryn telling Candice that a lot of ppl came up and threw her under the bus #BB15 6:19pm BBT: Candice telling Aaryn/Kait that she doesn't think Elissa has MVP. They say she already told people she has it #BB15 6:23pm BBT: Kait telling Candice she doesn't trust her bc they don't hang out anymore. Candice says it's bc she's always with Jeremy. Candice says she's not going to be mean to Elissa/Helen even if it means her leaving early. #BB15 6:29pm BBT: Candice crying, saying it's hurtful and lonely when people won't even sit down next to her on the sofa. She says outsiders talk together bc no one else will talk to them- she's not just going to sit there and talk to a tree #BB15 6:31pm BBT: Aaryn/Kait told Candice that people told them that she was the one campaigning against David and tried to get him evicted #BB15 6:34pm BBT: Aaryn says after Elissa goes it resets the game, new alliances will need to be made. They don't even have a new target #BB15 6:37pm BBT: Aaryn: "In my real life I'm the nicest person out of my group of friends, here I'm the biggest B****" #BB15 6:44pm BBT: Candice tried to figure out why Amanda doesn't like her, but she didn't tell her #BB15 6:45pm BBT: The Elissa bashing has begun in the HOHR #BB15 6:50pm BBT: The HOH girls break-up. Most HGs are in KT or BY. General activities #BB15 6:51pm BBT: Candice talking to Howard- saying she thinks it's confirmed Jeremy is working with Nick. Andy walks in and interupts as Candice was telling him that she wants Nick out over Elissa #BB15 6:55pm BBT: Aaryn/Kaitlin wondering if Jeremy actually voted David out and is working against them. Kaitin confides to Aaryn that Jeremy told Kait David may be going home #BB15 6:57pm BBT: Aaryn "If Jeremy is playing us, we can't tell him that we know". Kaitlin doesn't think he did, but think for sure Nick betrayed them. Aaryn says her gut was telling her that Jeremy was lying after David got evicted #BB15 7:02pm BBT: Kaitlin tells Aaryn thinks Candice/Elissa concoted a plot to get them to turn on him. Kaitlin is going to sit down and talk to Jeremy calmly and ask him what's going on. Aaryn is concerned with how much he wanted to move past David's eviction #BB15 7:06pm BBT: Spencer/Candice in bedroom. Spencer telling her that he was told Elissa was getting evicted. Candice now feels Amanda is out to get her #BB15 7:11pm BBT: Jeremy joins Aaryn/Kaitlin in HOH. Kaitlin says she'll talk to him later #BB15 7:12pm BBT: Howard/Jeremy playing chess. Howard tells Jer that the plan is to put Nick up. Jer tells Howard that if The Moving Company votes against him, he's out of it #BB15 7:15pm BBT: Howard goes into HOH and makes sure everything is still good. Howard is throwing Candice under the bus #BB15 7:17pm BBT: Howard leaves and Aaryn/Kait think Jeremy told him to say that #BB15 7:18pm BBT: Jeremy/Spencer in SR. Jeremy tells him that if The Moving Co. goes against him, they're in trouble. Spencer reassures them that they're all together. Jeremy says Amanda is next on his list #BB15 7:20pm BBT: Jer/Spence going over the votes, they seem to think they're ok. They are questioning Nick a little bit. Spencer says for his personal game, Helen leaving is best, but for TMC it's best for Elissa to go. Spencer says he sees a lot of himself in Jeremy, says he wants to see him win it all. A lot of reassuring that TMC is solid #BB15 7:24pm BBT: Jeremy takes Nick into SR. Tells Nick, again, that TMC better vote the way he wants. Nick says 100% he's with TMC, and he wanted to win today. Elissa told him to throw it, but he didn't #BB15 7:29pm BBT: Kaitlin/Howard in hammock, Kaitlin tells him that she's scared Jeremy is playing her #BB15 7:31pm BBT: Nick is VERY happy that Jeremy's next target is Amanda. Nick says Amanda is "scheming with their B**ches" #BB15 7:33pm BBT: Jeremy beckons McCrae next to have a talk. They got into the cockpit. Giving same talk #BB15 7:38pm BBT: Jeremy goes to sit with Kaitlin in the hammock. Jeremy tells Kaitlin that they're all fine, and that there is lots of scheming out there. He reassures her that they have the votes. He refuses to tell her about all the deals he made, but that she's safe #BB15 7:42pm BBT: Amanda is grilling McCrae about his conversation with Jeremy #BB15 7:44pm BBT: Aaryn joins Jeremy/Kaitlin in the hammock. They all tell each other they're not going to turn against each other #BB15 7:46pm BBT: Jeremy tells the girls that Amanda was trying to keep Elissa, and that Andy is for sure in the alliance with Elissa/Helen/Candice #BB15 7:48pm BBT: Aaryn "If you [Jeremy] ever leave, what are we going to do without you?" #BB15 7:51pm BBT: Kaitlin "Elissa cries every morning in the have-not room". Jeremy "Good" #BB15 7:57pm BBT: Jeremy: "Once Elissa goes, we'll win MVP every week. It's in the bag" #BB15 8:00pm BBT: Elissa talking to McCrae/Amanda in bedroom. She's saying she's going to put up Kaitlin. She isn't trusting Candice, Amanda says if she puts up Candice she will go home #BB15 8:03pm BBT: Aaryn has left, now Jeremy and Kaitlin are kissing in the hammock. Elissa/McCrae/Amanda in bedroom talking about Aaryn #BB15 8:11pm BBT: Elissa/McCrae talking in bedroom. She wonders what would happen if she couldn't be eliminated, who would everyone talk about. Helen/Howard play chess #BB15 8:15pm BBT: Howard telling Helen to stay true to Spencer #BB15 8:19pm BBT: Aaryn/Kaitlin in HOH bathroom. They're saying Andy floats to whoever is in power #BB15 8:23pm BBT: FOTH #BB15 8:27pm BBT: Feeds back, Andy in HOH with Kaitlin. Howard at chess table. Kaitlin says "Since you came and told me that- I'll tell you that someone threw your name under the bus" (FOTH was on when Andy told whatever he did to Kaitlin) #BB15 8:31pm BBT: Back from more fish. Andy/Kaitlin break up their convo, she listens to music. Helen/Howard still playing chess #BB15 8:33pm BBT: Jeremy/Aaryn/Jessie/Andy/Spencer in HT talking about POV comp #BB15 8:36pm BBT: Aaryn talking about Frank from BB14. She liked him and thought he was good but he doesn't like his girlfriend's pics that he puts on Instagram #BB15 8:41pm BBT: Howard talking to Spencer at chess table. Telling him that some girls think they know about a boy alliance. Howard says they need to make sure Elissa goes home tonight. Filling Spencer in on Candice telling him what happened, and how he threw her under the bus with Aaryn and Kaitlin #BB15 8:45pm BBT: Lots of whispering between Spencer/Howard, but there is a lot of background noise in the KT so it's hard to hear. Basically Howard is relaying his actions today #BB15 8:47pm BBT: Gina Marie/Jessie/Amanda/Aaryn/Jeremy at hot tub talk about them all sticking together etc #BB15 8:50pm BBT: It's worth noting, that while sitting in the hot tub, Jeremy is still wearing his POV necklace
  6. #BB15 8:49am BBT: HGs getting ready for veto comp today. Elissa has the MVP and told Judd that she nominated Jeremy #BB15 Earlier this morning: Most HGs been getting ready. Elissa had a long convo with Spencer about who to put up with her MVP. Spencer was trying to get her to put up Gina Marie. HOH Crew- Aaryn, Jessie, Jeremy, Kaitlin watched the conversation happen on the HOH cam and are now doubting if they can trust Spencer since he had a secret convo with her, although he was doing his best NOT to get Jeremy nominated #BB15 8:57am BBT: Aaryn/Kait wondering if Candice is MVP (she got called to DR). They talk that they didn't even think that it could be her "We get so wrapped up in our own world, we forget than anybody else is even in it"- Aaryn #BB15 9:01am BBT: Aaryn telling Kaitlyn that she can't wait for her to go home and watch Rachel's wedding. She says they're so trashy. #BB15 9:02am BBT: Amanda and Elissa in WA discuss how weird it was that Spencer wanted Gina Marie nominated instead of Jeremy. Amanda says it makes her think that he's working with everyone. Elissa doen't want to play with Jeremy bc he's so arrogant and obnoxious. #BB15 9:09am BBT: HGs talking about past seasons, sabateur, x-factor, life long friends etc.. #BB15 9:13am BBT: Amanda telling McCrae about Elissa's MVP. Amanda doesn't trust Spencer, McCrae trying to convince her to trust him.
  7. #BB15 12:57pm BBT: No game talk, all clothes/hair talk #BB5 12:59pm BBT: Jeremy says "they" told him [Nick, I believe] to shave his mustache. David wants to play the HOH. Kaitlin wants "her" to go first. David is annoyed with hearing her laugh #BB15 1:02pm BBT: Jessie is teaching Andy to iron. He says his mom irons his clothes for him #BB15 CORRECTION- Candice is teaching Andy, not Jessie #BB15 1:10pm BBT: Helen, Howard and Andy in KT talking about who knew they were coming into the BB house #BB15 1:19pm BBT: Spencer and Jeremy go into cockpit. Jeremy is nervous. He is nervous about voting for Elissa, and thinks there may be a secret plan against him. Spencer is telling him it's just for the numbers #BB15 1:22pm BBT: Jeremy wants to know if Spencer is solid with CrayCray. He is hesitant, but says yes. They say that "the bear" needs to go (Amanda). Jeremy says if he wins HOH he'll put her up and maybe Elissa/a floater. #BB15 1:23pm BBT: Jeremy wants Kaitlin to go to the sequester bc she won't "do him" here, but will in the other house. Spencer says fine, but he has to be able to control her #BB15 1:25pm BBT: Spencer and Jeremy say that both sides of the house are sketched about Nick. Spencer is whispering, hard to hear. Says Judd just follows everyone. Jer says Jessie needs to go, Sp says she's a throw-away week. Doesn't matter when she goes. Mentions GM wants to go home, but Jer talked her out of it. Made her promise when she goes to mess up Jessie so she can't compete #BB15 1:31pm BBT: Nick and Andy join cockpit, talk changes to movies/music. Aaryn/GM/Amanda/McCrae in WA getting ready #BB15 1:34pm BBT: Andy/Spence discuss Helen. Say her target is getting bigger and bigger. She needs to keep quiet around Candice. Andy says Nick finally talked game with him and told him he'd be safe if he wins HOH and vice versa #BB15 1:38pm BBT: Amanda harping on McCrae for his hair, telling him not to puff it out. She wants to put oil in his hair, but he wants to read the package first. Aaryn/GM/Candice talk about how hard the girls are on all the guys "Don't do this, don't do that". Aaryn gets the idea to straighten McCrae's hair. The girls all want to, he says no. #BB15 1:49pm BBT: Spencer/Jer in cockpit, lots of whispering. David joins and talks about what they think HOH comp will be
  8. #BB15 9:00pm BBT: McCrae/Amanda/Spencer/Andy/Candice playing naughty alphabet game in HOHR. Other HGs in BY playing/dancing #BB15 9:05pm BBT: Andy leaves, Judd/Jessie join HOH crew. Chatter about the deal with GM and Nick #BB15 9:11pm BBT: Difference between spiritual and religion from Spencer: religion makes you pick a side, spiritual causes you to be ok with everything #BB15 9:26pm BBT: HGs are either upstairs in HOHR or in KT. General chit chat #BB15 9:33pm BBT: Kait/Jeremy/Aaryn/David on BY couches. They know they're big targets #BB15 9:35pm BBT: Aaryn says that the other half of the house could win a comp. David/Jeremy nod their heads no, Jeremy says "Half this house better keep their bags packed bc they're going down" #BB15 9:53pm BBT: Kaitlyn is upset and can't concentrate. She wants to go out and socialize with other people #BB15 9:57pm BBT: Andy/Spencer/Amanda/McCrae/Judd talking about Elissa trying to talk to Spencer earlier. They don't want to tell Candice the plan yet. GM is outside HOH playing chess, they think she may be listening. Talking about "Beiber fever" alliance #BB15 10:00pm BBT: Andy is upset that Elissa came up to him in front of Beiber Fever and was talking about a secret convo #BB15 10:03pm BBT: Andy feels bad for lying to David earlier. He hates lying to him, he has to go- but he likes him. #BB15 10:06pm BBT: HOH crew talking about Kait/Aaryn/GM being mean girls to Jessie and Elissa #BB15 10:08pm BBT: Andy feels they've lost GM and think she's gonna blow up on Wed after the eviction #BB15 10:10pm BBT: Candice, Elissa, Jessie, Kait talking about when Candice's father died #BB15 10:12pm BBT: McCrae is telling Amanda not to say homophobic stuff. He says even he's offended by it. Amanda says she's not homophobic, she's a big gay activist and she's just kidding around
  9. Sorry! Forgot this earlier!! #BB15 4:00pm BBT: Kaitlyn/Aaryn/David in WA chatting. Andy/Amanda/Judd/Jeremy/Nick(?) in BY. Jeremy says he's gonna be in so much trouble when he gets out bc of things said in DR #BB15 4:03pm BBT: Aaryn asking David when he showered last. He said "a few days ago". He is wondering why he needs to shower every day if he goes in the pool. Aaryn telling him to shower every day and complaining about how he never cooks/cleans #BB15 4:05pm BBT: David says sheets aren't all dirty bc of him says "Candice was in there", then says it was racist (didn't catch the whole sentence). Aaryn says "well it wasn't as bad as saying 'Asian eyes'" #BB15 4:10pm BBT: Helen leading a workout in the BY with GM and Spencer #BB15 4:17pm BBT: David/Jeremy lining up things to jump over (trash cans and lawn chairs). Aaryn is NOT happy #BB15 4:21pm BBT: Kaitlyn/Aaryn in HOHR. Kait saying Amanda is getting overprotective of McCrae #BB15 4:23pm BBT: Kaitlyn and Aaryn wondering why Elissa isn't crying. Saying they're getting a weird vibe from DR. They say she doesn't want to play, just wants TV and image #BB15 4:27pm BBT: Kait/Aaryn are sure that Elissa will come back after being evicted. Pretty sure she's going to come back via Pandora's Box #BB15 4:31pm BBT: Aaryn is worried that Jeremy will sway Kait against her. Kait says she's not easily manipulated #BB15 4:35pm BBT: Jessie/Spencer in Hammock talking about fave part of BB. Kait/Aaryn still in HOHR, talking about Elissa Aaryn: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, you're going home" #BB15 4:37pm BBT: McCrae/Howard in BY. Howard wants to play up the girls not trusting each other. Wants the alliance to make F5 to make BB history. And on BB20 bring them back with the brigade and Will/Boogie #BB15 4:39pm BBT: Aaryn: I know how to manipulate Judd. Kait: Me too, it'll only take 1 "flash". Aaryn: We just need to keep giving him attention and he'll vote how we want. #BB15 4:43pm BBT: Aaryn wants to target Candice. Kaitlyn wants to target Helen because "Reptar" (Andy) will go where the numbers are with Helen gone. Aaryn thinks they're overlooking Amanda/McCrae. They decide to keep McCrae bc he's loyal to Jeremy and keep Am/Mc until final 6. They also mention keeping Spencer bc they can give him attention like Judd #BB15 4:48pm BBT: Aaryn/Kait decide to leave HOHR. They think showmances are a good idea bc the guys will there to protect them. They think they are sitting amazingly. #BB15 4:53pm BBT: Most HGs in BY. Amanda is in DR, Elissa is in KT.
  10. 4:30PM BBT: McCrae and Amanda are in the the HoH room. Amanda is upset that Kaitlin wants to put her on the block. The other HGs are in the backyard. 4:33PM BBT: McCrae and Amanda go under the covers and whisper. Hard to hear what they're saying. 4:40PM BBT: McCrae and Amanda are discussing potential nominations. Amanda wants Jeremy/Kaitlin on block together bc of their showmance 4:46PM BBT: Nick and Jeremy are talking in the kitchen about David going home. Jeremy likes him, "but it is what it is" he says "he's just going to win, win, win." 4:50PM BBT: Andy is up in the the HoH room, saying GinaMarie wants Candice and Jess to be nominated 4:55PM BBT: Andy and McCrae are talking in the the HoH room about David. They think he knows the show better than he is playing off. David made comments about the live feeds, but acts like he doesn't know how veto works. 4:57PM BBT: Kaitlin and Amanda in the bathroom area talking about Jessie, flirting with all of the guys. (I believe Aaryn is there too- but off the cameras) **Note the last 4 updates were not posted to FB/Twitter, due to tech problems**
  11. #BB15 12:00pm BBT: Candice still making breakfast. Amanda and Helen outside talking about high school #BB15 12:05pm BBT: Most HGs eating breakfast in the KT. Others general chit-chat outside #BB15 12:11pm BBT: Aaryn recalling her convo with Elissa to David. Says she'll still never trust her again, but no reason for hgs to be uncomfortable #BB15 12:16pm BBT: GM and Spencer alone in bedroom wondering when the POV ceremony will be and whether McCrae will definitely use the Veto. Not sure whether to trust him, cut to FOTH #BB15 12:20pm BBT: Feeds return GM and Spencer still talking. Saying Elissa keeps to herself doesn't bother anyone. Candice comes in, GM flipped her off when she left. More talking, feeds cut to HOHR w/ McCrae and David #BB15 12:24pm BBT: Andy joins GM/Spencer. Complaining about Amanda running McCrae, can't talk to him w/out her. McCrae reassuring David in HOHR saying he's not the target #BB15 12:33pm BBT: McCrae/David finish convo. Mc keeps telling him that Elissa is going up as replacement. Other HGs in KT, general chit-chat/joking #BB15 12:41pm BBT: Jeremy tells Judd he doesn't care who the other bandana guy was, he's the new one (sorry Dan fans!) #BB15 12:46pm BBT: GM, Nick, Andy, Helen in KT talking about Hurricane Sandy. Nick got last plane out of NY before. #BB15 12:56pm BBT: Kait/Jeremy in Hammock talking about how they're both artists. Aaryin/Elissa doing yoga. Others in KT talking/cooking



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