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Status Updates posted by PakrfanTX

  1. @fmikayle did you know about this?? https://t.co/mEMtc5fnI1

  2. RT @Deadspin: Give Tonga all of the medals, now: https://t.co/T8sN74DANr https://t.co/yuCpqnYXEX

  3. RT @YangCLiu: You don't invent Marco Polo, get 80M players to join, then remove the Polo part and expect people to keep playing.

  4. RT @GoPokevision: We would like to give one lucky follower 24,000 #PokemonGO coins on 8/2 for our terrible wait! Retweet and follow to ent…

  5. RT @RaganFox: I keep waiting for Trump to take the stage and tell us to water our lawns with Gatorade because plants crave electrolytes. #R…

  6. @di_atribe I have it dvr'd if ya wanna watch

  7. @NoodleButt @di_atribe it will be gone by then, but I'm sure another wreck will happen. Welcome to my world EVERY FREAKING DAY!

  8. @di_atribe I suggest you leave now.. May be better served taking 2499 to 2181

  9. RT @NoodleButt: Preach. https://t.co/j0k01p1nb2

  10. RT @rachelheldevans: If you only support religious freedom for people of your faith, you don't support religious freedom.

  11. RT @AaronNagler: Can we just play repeats of episodes from the 70's? #SNL40

  12. It was the size of Manhattan. But 75 minutes later, it was gone. Like, gone gone. (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/79nbz3GoMW

  13. Aannnnddd my fitbit has just bit the dust.. *sigh*

  14. RT @doitalone: I think it's funny that everyone is happy about the release of Ray Rice but loved Ray Lewis. #NFL #Ravens #hypocrisy

  15. WTF direct TV.....

  16. Juggling to please everyone all the time.. Eventually something is going to give.. #notimefordisrespect #overit

  17. I have the bestest niece in the world! Thank you @fmikayle fir taking such good care of me and cooking an awesome dinner! I love you

  18. RT @Aaron_Nagler: Rodgers is playing this game as an homage to Favre.

  19. RT @SophiaBush: All the racist commentary following crowning of #MissAmerica

  20. Good news.. all my bills are paid.. Bad news.. I have no money leftover..at all.. even for savings

  21. So my therapist gave me the task of doing something selfish for myself this week.. Yeah.. this tweet was it.

  22. annd the hits just keep on coming. It's a good thing I have a savings account.. but it's a bad thing everyone needs it.

  23. RT @TechAthletics: Texas Tech defeats SMU 41 - 23. RT to congratulate the team. #WreckEm http://t.co/SpE4xvPNAf



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