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Everything posted by justcurious

  1. Agree! He really will need to consider kissing her if he does not win POV!
  2. Post your Final Three picks out of the 5 remaining HGs here! I'll start a new topic called "Final Three Picks (with 4 HGs remaining)" after the next elimination so you can post your picks again if they are still feasible, or pick new ones then if the are not. To get started my Final 3 picks are Shane, Ian, and Jen! Ian to win and Shane in 2d! Poll just added to tally picks! Please come back and add your choices to the poll!
  3. Exactly why Ian must know he has to win POV and why he is happy to have made it to the Final Four! He really knows how hard it will be for everyone now. It (as they keep saying) is all about POV!
  4. See above. There is nothing for Ian to figure out. He has to win POV next time (not this time) no matter what really. He has to know that!
  5. 4:36 am BBT Cameras 1 and 2 Ian lying in bed (moving around a lot like he's awake); camera 3 Shane, Dan, and Joe sleeping, camera 4 Shane and Dan sleeping
  6. 3:55 am BBT Ian awake and uses bathroom. Washes his hands and drys them on towel in HOH bathroom. Turns on light in HOH room. Pacing. Puts key around his neck, leaves HOH room, goes downstairs, goes to storage room, gets toothbrush and looks like toothpaste, stops and looks at photo wall, looks at something on counter, goes upstairs, pauses half way up to look outside, goes into HOH room, into HOH bathroom, puts down toothbrush and toothpaste, takes of microphone, Frank moment, back in bed.
  7. Why does Ian keep reading his letter? Could his family be communicating with him in code to tell him what the other HGs are doing?
  8. BTW, could someone please post the information on what agencies to contact for casting? Thanks!
  9. I just started watching this show this season because a friend of mine recommended it. I am surprised that I still find it entertaining even after I realized it is fixed. It is just more like a drama now than a reality show. And, I have to respect the producers/creators as at least they are up front about it (they did not have to name it Big Brother referencing the Orwell novel and cluing us in that the people are being controlled). And. I am not just saying that because they are likely reading daily analytic reports with all of our chat room comments and discussion forum posts. I would not be surprised if one of the producers started this thread. Of course they also log into the forums. Wouldn't you?
  10. Quick joke: I thought something was up between Dan and Frank when I saw them spooning last week! Does anyone know what agency Ian and Dani were talking about that called Dani to audition for BB?
  11. Don't Shane and Joe have to keep Britney? If Dani stays and Dan or Jen wins POV next week who would Dan or Jen put up? Let's consider their options. First, they would not likely put Frank up as they just formed the new alliance with them. They would likely give it at least a week. They could put up each other, but also not likely for the same reason they would not likely put up Frank, new alliance. They would likely put Ian up, but he could win POV and they would still need to put up two other people. So who is left? That leaves Dani. So unlikely that Jen would put up the only girl remaining as she is so into girl power. And, Dan is not going to put Dani up when he knows she'll vote for him if he is ever up. And, he can be sure of that as she keeps announcing to everyone that she could still "never go against Dan!" That leaves Shane and Joe to either both be nominated or one be nominated with Ian and the other Possibly nominated as a replacement nominee if Ian wins the POV. If they keep Dani and form an alliance with Frank and Ian wins HOH, they would be in a bad position as well. But, if they keep Britney and form an alliance with her and Ian they would likely be safe if Ian wins HOH. Also, they would likely be safe if Britney wins HOH. If they keep Britney and Dan or Jen wins HOH, they would also likely be safe as Britney is likely to go up with one of them as a replacement nominee for Ian if Ian wins the POV, and they will just be a pawn against Britney. So, they have to keep Britney, right? What am I missing? The game is about positioning yourself to be safe for the next week no matter who wins HOH, right? You cannot plan several weeks in advance without being able to predict the future, but you can position yourself for all contingencies for the upcoming week? Right? I just started watching this show and that is how it seems to me, am I missing something? Thoughts?
  12. Does anyone know if Ian still has the Golden Power of Veto or did it expire. People keep talking about Ian being voted out next week, but wouldn't he just use his veto, or has it expired?



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