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Everything posted by bigguy117

  1. Did anyone happen to get any screen caps/pictures of Jillian in POV hosting outfit. I'm asking for a friend....
  2. I believe the same thing happened with one of JoJo's items as well.
  3. You do know that those are fake bids. Even Dani has mentioned it.
  4. Since I don't see the Shane thread anymore. People have asked Shane who he would have taken to the final 2 and he has said Dani and he also believes that Dani would have taken him. The one thing I haven't read or heard anyone say to him in regards to Dan voting him out is this: If that is true why wouldn't Dan vote you out when he knows you won't take him? Dan knows with you out that both Ian and Dani will take him to final 2. If you have seen an interview were this is asked of him, can you please link it. I would like to know his response.
  5. What they should do is go back to only having the final 2 in the house come finale night. This would give the final jury member a chance to decompress for a couple of days and would also allow them to come up with their own jury question. Also Shane mentioned that he didn't even go to the jury house. He was sequestered in a hotel and was only allowed to see the other jury members for the jury round table. Previous HG's have said that this also happened on their season. So you have a jury of 7 but only 5 of them really get to deliberate on what has happened in the house. I would much rather have that last eviction happen on the Thursday before the finale. Sure this would leave only 2 people in the house for about a week but the live feeds aren't really that exciting with 3 people in the house either. They could do the jury questions on the Saturday to air on the Sunday show. This would allow the jury members to ask as many questions as they want and give the final 2 more time to go over why they did what they did. I think this would be a better Sunday show then the "memory lane" one. They could also do like Survivor and have the jury vote after the deliberations and you would see that on the Sunday show. They would reveal the votes live on finale night. The finale would only be an hour but then they would have time to talk to more of the non jury members and I would also like to see them show the final 2 and jury members some clips of stuff that happened. Ex. They could've showed a clip of when the coaches had the chance to press the reset button and then talk to them about Jani and Brit pushing it and telling everyone they didn't.
  6. Might as well. People had no trouble believing that the people outside of the house who said that they knew Dani were who they said they are.
  7. Dan's Mist has its own Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DansMist
  8. Dani has only been out of the house for about 30 hours. She hasn't even had a chance to decompress yet. Shane said he was in sequester since he was evicted. The only time he was able to talk to the jury was the round table. I'm sure once they get a chance to get away they will be fine. Some of the jury members have been out of the house for a while and they are still bitter. Why can they be bitter and not Shane and Dani. With that being said, when Dani and Shane were being interviewed at the superpass party it did sound like Shane just expected everyone to give him the $500,000.00 just because he really needed the money.
  9. Here is part of an interview Brit did in regards to voting for Ian and how bitter the jury was: TheInsider.com: Were you surprised Ian won by so much? Britney Haynes: I was not surprised. The thing about the jury is it always flips on somebody – this jury was never going to vote for Dan, whether he was up against Danielle or up against Ian. This was the most bitter jury in the history of juries. I am not kidding you, this jury hated Dan so bad. They could have Dan up against a bottle of ketchup and the bottle of ketchup would have won this game. The hatred of Dan was on a whole new level I've never seen. Bitter is an understatement. Insider.com: So why did you vote for Ian? Britney: I voted for Ian because I think he played a very good game. We were close in the house and obviously working together. He's a mega fan of the show, has an amazing attitude and was happy to be here every day. Every day in this house has been like a dream for him and winning BB is just making his whole life right now. Not for nothing, Dan played a great game, but he's won this game before. He's got half a mill in the bank and this was Ian's turn. Dan played a phenomenal game, but Ian played a winning game as well.
  10. Here is an interview that Brit did on voting for Ian: TheInsider.com: Were you surprised Ian won by so much? Britney Haynes: I was not surprised. The thing about the jury is it always flips on somebody – this jury was never going to vote for Dan, whether he was up against Danielle or up against Ian. This was the most bitter jury in the history of juries. I am not kidding you, this jury hated Dan so bad. They could have Dan up against a bottle of ketchup and the bottle of ketchup would have won this game. The hatred of Dan was on a whole new level I've never seen. Bitter is an understatement. Insider.com: So why did you vote for Ian? Britney: I voted for Ian because I think he played a very good game. We were close in the house and obviously working together. He's a mega fan of the show, has an amazing attitude and was happy to be here every day. Every day in this house has been like a dream for him and winning BB is just making his whole life right now. Not for nothing, Dan played a great game, but he's won this game before. He's got half a mill in the bank and this was Ian's turn. Dan played a phenomenal game, but Ian played a winning game as well.
  11. I'm not saying that Janelle can't call Dani out. I'm saying that as a 3 time player Jani knows what it's like when you get out of the house, especially as a female in regards to all the haters. As along time Jani fan I believe she came across as a bitch for calling out Dani on TV. I have no problem if she would have done it in private.
  12. Looks like it wasn't just jury members who were bitter. I didn't agree with Janelle calling out Dani on TV about her lies. Janelle of all people knows what it's like to be in that house. She knows what Dani has waiting for her on the outside. To ambush her on TV when she hasn't even had a chance to decompress yet is totally uncalled for. As a Janelle fan since season 6 and 3 time player, I expect more from her. If you want to call her out, fine, but do it in private.
  13. Where did you read or hear that he went through all his money? He has said that he invested most of his winnings and that they are doing alright. Even if he did spend it on hookers or drugs, who cares? What someone decides to do with the money is irrelevant.
  14. Dan said he made some smart investments with the money. Personally I don't care what the winners do with their money. They can waste it on strippers or get in business with Adam and Matt from BB9 for all I care. I always hate when the final 2 are asked what they plan on doing with the money because that should have no bearing on who should win the game.
  15. I've listened to previous HG's talk about what happens in the DR and what you posted is pretty much what they say happens.
  16. Ian can't be to smart because he admitted to Dan that he threw this HOH comp.
  17. I got what you were saying. The points in the rest of my post weren't directed at you but as a generalized statement to others who complain. I agree it wasn't fair that the coaches entered the game. I don't believe that they should have returning HG's unless it's all stars. With that being said, these were the players we were given this year. I never take what a HG says or does in this game and say they must be the same outside of the game. There have been HG's that I've liked on BB that when I've seen interviews outside of the house I decided that I don't really care for and vice versa. What I don't get is how what a HG says or does in a "game" causes some people watching the game to go completely nuts. Take Dani for example. There are a lot of Dani haters because of all the so-called lies she has said. First of all, we don't know if they are all lies, (I'm sure some are), second, they aren't said with any malice, and third, they don't affect anyone watching the game. The one thing that gets me every year is if a HG that someone likes does something it's okay, but if a HG that that same person doesn't like does the same thing all hell breaks loose.
  18. Then I apologize to you and to not the others that are judging him. I'm not saying anyone has to like how anyone plays the game, just that if people are going to complain about people lying and backstabbing and being deceitful in a game that is about all those things, then why are you watching.
  19. Ian telling Dan I he was trying to not make it look obvious that he was throwing the comp.



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