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Everything posted by bindeho83

  1. You know what I found a little surprising... is how quickly the quack pack took Dan back, especially considering how he threw the alliance under the bus hardcore last week. The QP was virtually unknown until Dan outed them to save his own ass. I totally understand it from Dan's perspective, he had no other choice. But what about from Shane, Danielle, and especially Ian's perspective. Was there really a benefit to having Dan stay rather than Britany? If anything it is worse for Shane and Ian, yet they welcomed him back with open arms. Mike Boogie was right, there are so many weak players this year. Dan has basically been running the whole show without anyone else even taking notice. The only people smart enough to figure out what Dan is doing are gone. Another thing that has hurt Frank... with exception to week 1 (which doesn't really matter), a member of the QP has been HOH every single week except the weeks frank was.
  2. I thought that too... if Frank would have just stuck with voting out Dan, then Britany would have played in the POV and Frank probably would have won again. But you can't really blame Frank. Other than Boogie and one week with Ashley, Frank has been alone the whole time in this game. He has tried to make deals with everyone in the house and they all keep lying to him and backstabbing him. And last week he was really alone, so he had to try to make some kind of deal with people because he knew it was unlikely he would win every competition. So he teamed up with Dan, Jenn and Danielle. And now they are going to lie and stab him in the back. In theory if his new alliance was firm and loyal, this week's scenario is perfect for Frank. 3 of the 4 votes are from his "new" alliance.
  3. What's hilarious is right after I wrote this big long post about Frank going to work, I turn on BBAD and he's sitting in the kitchen playing with f*ing blocks!!! All by himself for at least an hour. I think Frank is screwed... now even Jenn is lying to him.
  4. My man Frank needs to "pack a lunch" and get to work. I'll admit it's not looking good for him but he needs to start working some angles. My biggest fear for Frank is he is going to feel too comfortable and just get completely blindsided. First off Frank has already discussed with Dan... he would throw the pov to Dan... then Dan would pull off Jenn... Joe would be put up as a replacement nom... and Frank would have Jenn, Dan, and Danielle vote to stay. Dan and Frank had this conversation before the Veto comp... so I have a bad feeling Frank is not going to see it coming and is not going to campaign the way he needs to in order to stay. The following plan is based towards the Quack Pack (Dan, Danielle, Shane, and Ian) Even though they don't know it (ALTHOUGH THEY SHOULD) Jenn and Joe are on the outside aka FLOATERS Frank needs to work the angle that he can not play in the next HOH. So if they send Joe home this week, they would have only Jenn, Danielle, Shane, and Dan playing in the HOH comp. That would be Shane/Danielle/Dan vs Jenn, rather than them 3 vs Jenn and Joe. I know Joe is not strong, but what if he wins a crapshoot type game, then they are all at risk of being nominated. Their (Quack Pack) biggest fear is having two of them nominated the same week. Also since Frank can not play in the HOH comp next week it is almost guaranteed that he will be nominated again next week, which for them means that two of them can not be on the block at the same time. If Frank is sent home... and some how Joe or Jenn win HOH... it's almost guarantee that one of the QP goes home. But if they keep Frank this week, they can keep all of them safe for another week... taking all 4 remaining members of the QP to the final 5. Frank needs to get into Shane's ear too. Let him now that he has benefited greatly from Frank staying around. If Frank wasn't here, he would be the big physical threat and would have been going on the block every week instead of Frank. He needs to explain to Shane... I know you have this alliance, but who do you think they are going to cut first? The biggest physical threat. If Frank stays it will at least buy Shane enough time to get to final 5. Frank cause also bust out the wild card to Shane as well... tell him exactly how Dan threw the Quack Pack under the bus. How he swore on the bible, his wedding ring, and his grandfathers necklace to take Frank to the Final 2. And make sure to mention Dan said of his big elaborate plan last week, that if some how Danielle has to be sacrificed, "oh well". that will tick Shane off and possibly he can switch Danielle's vote. For any of this to be a possibility... Ian HAS TO put Joe up as the replacement nominee. If Ian puts up anyone else, Frank is done. Come on FRANK GET TO WORK!!!
  5. I know we can't see the veto competition til they show it on TV, but I remember Frank talking to Dan in the storage room about throwing the POV comp to Dan. I wonder if he did. Could you imagine how much of an idiot he is going to feel like if he did and then Dan votes him out?
  6. Frank is talking about throwing the VETO to Dan... COME ON FRANK DON'T BE STUPID!!!
  7. I think its hilarious that the Frank haters on here are already expecting my man Frank to win the POV. I sure hope he does... but truth is, it is very uinlikely Frank can continously keep winning.
  8. I'm sorry, anyone who says Frank does not have a social game is quite simply a moron. Remind you this is the 1st season I have ever watched BB, but it is just like any other competitive reality show that has a vote process. If you are a big muscular person you are at a huge disadvantage. If Frank was 5'9 125 lbs, he would never have been put on the block this many times. Of all the people remaining, none of them deserve the $500k grand prize as much as Frank... and it's NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!
  9. I hate to sound like a crybaby... but this game is bullshit!!! They put Frank up again... 6 out of 6 possible weeks! Once again Frank tries to make deals with people and they lie straight to his face. That Dan really is a piece of trash, Britany was right. Dan swore on the bible, his wedding ring and his grandfather's necklace... he has no morals! Depending on what happens with VETO, Frank could use the same card Dan used... tell them how he threw the entire "quack pack" under the bus. Maybe it will piss them off and they will backdoor the great Dan.
  10. Someone called Shane a tool... that is pretty much hitting the nail on the head! Shane is such a tool that he is hard to root for, however I think his is geniuenely a nice guy (plus he is a dog lover - they say you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals). Also, you have to give Shane some credit... he, like Frank, has been a huge physical target since the beginning, yet no one ever seems to go after him. Apparenlty he has at least alligned himself with the right people. Don't be shocked if Shane wins this thing. Ian has already said he is safe this week and if Shane could get down to final 5 or so I think he could easily pop off a few wins in a row to get to the end.
  11. People like to talk about who deserves to win... im bias towards Frank but regardless he deserves to win the most, right now anyway. After him I say Ian deserves it the most and I hate Ian. But of all the people left, he is the only one who has won some comps and made some big moves. If Frank doesn' win I'm going to root for Dan, who cares if he is a former coach. Just means he has had a large target on him as well. I like the underdog.
  12. Favorite: Frank Least: Danielle I really dislike everyone except Frank, but I have to respect Dan for that move he pulled.
  13. I think a lot of them are wanting to drag the floaters along with them in hopes to sitting next to them during the final 2. Things don't look good for my man Frank... he really messed up taking that bench punishment. I thought it was kind of BS that they either had to take the punishment or eliminate themself. If they didn't want to take the punishment they should have just forfitted the points, not eliminate the player entirely. Frank is going to have to win the next 2 POV's. He's basically going to have to win out. It's really crap cause Frank has had this huge target on him since day 1 and he really hasn't done anything (other than win 50% of the comps) to deserve it. No one will give him a chance and eventually his luck is going to run out.
  14. Poor Frank... he can't catch a break. Ian won HOH, his worst case scenario, although I don't thinkl it would have made much difference. And now, about an hour into BBAD, Danielle, Jenn, and Dan have already said he has got to go. So much for his new alliance... lol.
  15. I don't like Britany, but you all do make a good point. She is a lot more entertaining than most others in the house. I personally like it when they talk game on BBAD... ever since Boogie left BBAD has been really lame, except for of course the night Dan drop the bomb with his master plan. that was highly entertaining, but every other night has been pointless chit chat.
  16. That look on Ian's face was PRICELESS... LMAO. Then he try to get tough in the DR, Frank thought I was coming at him before, now I'm really coming after him... LMAO even harder. I hope he goes next week!
  17. Britany showing her true colors tonight on after dark. She is a class A bitch, I wish she would say that stuff to Jenn to her face and Jenn would kick her teeth down her throat.
  18. I think Dan's big production was to try to save Danielle as well. I really believe him when he told her that. It's the only logical reason, otherwise like you said he would have just went up to Frank and ratted Ian out.
  19. Im glad Frank has made a deal with some people... but I have a feeling it's going to work out like all his other deals. BACKSTABBED I think Jenn might hold up her end if she wins HOH this week. But if anyone else gets it, they are putting Frank on the block or they will try to backdoor him. Frank made a HUGE MISTAKE taking that bench punishment. Kind of like when Boogie went for the $10k rather than the HOH. Another general BB question (1st season watching): In all of the POV so far there has always been 6 players. So I was thinking after this week, no matter if Frank is nominated or not, he gets to play in the POV. Is that true or do they have less than 6 players play in the POV when it gets down this low? Cause I still here people talk about backdooring Frank???
  20. I can't believe anyone buys a word that she says.
  21. I think Britany is going to stay and they will send home Danielle. When Dan's move first went down, she was really angry. But now that more time has passed I think she has slowed down and thought it out. She already knows Frank, Dan and Jenn made a deal and are working together. I think she is on the brink of figuring out Danielle is in on it too. Once that happens she will have no problem campagining against Danielle. It makes no sense, why would Dan make this big ordeal that Danielle is dead to him and then vote to keep her. Britany only needs to get Shane's vote, and they have been tight all year. Plus judging by their conversation in the Kitchen last night, Shane is waying his options and leaning towards Brotany staying.
  22. I think that would have been one of the more easy things to rig. Plus they made the players shut the door when they were playing. Why would they do that?
  23. Shane is a little annoying with the way he agrees with everyone when they are talking with him "Oh yeah", or my favorite, "I was just about to say that". But what I'm wondering is where is this guy at? Is he better than we are giving him credit for? Think about it... he should have been just a big of a target as Frank with the way he was winning competitions. Yet Shane has been on the block once, I think. Frank has been on there 5 times. Shane has put Frank on the block both times he was HOH. Yet Frank has never even THOUGHT about putting Shane up during his 3 HOHs. Most everyone else I can get a since of who they are working with and what they are thinking. But I think I have read that Shane has F2 with Frank, Joe, Danielle, possibly Brit if she survives. Yet when I watch After Dark he just seems to be there hanging out. Never talking any serious game with anyone. It sounds like he is covered from almost every angle for the next couple of weeks and he must be doing everything stealth mode. I don't know, any opinons?



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